716 resultados para City, Bogotá, Territory, Public Policy
This dissertation explores three aspects of the economics and policy issues surrounding retail payments (low-value frequent payments): the microeconomic aspect, by measuring costs associated with retail payment instruments; the macroeconomic aspect, by quantifying the impact of the use of electronic rather than paper-based payment instruments on consumption and GDP; and the policy aspect, by identifying barriers that keep countries stuck with outdated payment systems, and recommending policy interventions to move forward with payments modernization. Payment system modernization has become a prominent part of the financial sector reform agenda in many advanced and developing countries. Greater use of electronic payments rather than cash and other paper-based instruments would have important economic and social benefits, including lower costs and thereby increased economic efficiency and higher incomes, while broadening access to the financial system, notably for people with moderate and low incomes. The dissertation starts with a general introduction on retail payments. Chapter 1 develops a theoretical model for measuring payments costs, and applies the model to Guyana—an emerging market in the midst of the transition from paper to electronic payments. Using primary survey data from Guyanese consumers, the results of the analysis indicate that annual costs related to the use of cash by consumers reach 2.5 percent of the country’s GDP. Switching to electronic payment instruments would provide savings amounting to 1 percent of GDP per year. Chapter 2 broadens the analysis to calculate the macroeconomic impacts of a move to electronic payments. Using a unique panel dataset of 76 countries across the 17-year span from 1998 to 2014 and a pooled OLS country fixed effects model, Chapter 2 finds that on average, use of debit and credit cards contribute USD 16.2 billion to annual global consumption, and USD 160 billion to overall annual global GDP. Chapter 3 provides an in-depth assessment of the Albanian payment cards and remittances market and recommends a set of incentives and regulations (both carrots and sticks) that would allow the country to modernize its payment system. Finally, the conclusion summarizes the lessons of the dissertation’s research and brings forward issues to be explored by future research in the retail payments area.
The recent staging of Glasgow 2014 drew universal praise as the ‘Best Games Ever’. Yet the substantial undertaking of hosting the Commonwealth Games (CWG) was sold to the nation as more than just eleven days of sporting spectacle and cultural entertainment. Indeed, the primary strategic justification offered by policymakers and city leaders was the delivery of a bundle of positive and enduring benefits, so-called ‘legacy’. This ubiquitous and amorphous concept has evolved over time to become the central focus of contemporary hosting bids, reflecting a general public policy shift towards using major sporting mega events as a catalyst to generate benefits across economic, environmental and social dimensions, on a scale intended to be truly transformative. At the same time, the academy has drawn attention to the absence of evidence in support of the prevailing legacy rhetoric and raised a number of sociological concerns, not least the socially unequitable distribution of purported benefits. This study investigated how young people living in the core hosting zone related to, and were impacted upon, by the CWG and its associated developments and activities with reference to their socio-spatial horizons, the primary outcome of interest. An ‘ideal world’ Logic Model hypothesised that four mechanisms, identified from official legacy documents and social theories, would alter young people’s subjective readings of the world by virtue of broadening their social networks, extending their spatial boundaries and altering their mind sets. A qualitative methodology facilitated the gathering of situated and contextualised accounts of young people’s attitudes, perceptions, beliefs and behaviours relating to Glasgow 2014. In-depth interviews and focus groups were conducted before and after the Games with 26 young people, aged 14-16 years, at two schools in the East End. This approach was instrumental in privileging the interests of people ‘on the ground’ over those of city-wide and national stakeholders. The findings showed that young people perceived the dominant legacy benefit to be an improved reputation and image for Glasgow and the East End. Primary beneficiaries were identified by them as those with vested business interests e.g. retailers, restaurateurs, and hoteliers, as well as national and local government, with low expectations of personal dividends or ‘trickle down’ benefits. Support for Glasgow 2014 did not necessarily translate into individual engagement with the various cultural and sporting activities leading up to the CWG, including the event itself. The study found that young people who engaged most were those who had the ability to ‘read’ the opportunities available to them and who had the social, cultural and economic capital necessary to grasp them, with the corollary that those who might have gained most were the least likely to have engaged with the CWG. Doubts articulated by research participants about the social sustainability of Glasgow 2014 underscored inherent tensions between the short-lived thrill of the spectacle and the anticipated longevity of its impacts. The headline message is that hosting sporting mega events might not be an effective means of delivering social change. Aspirant host cities should consider more socially equitable alternatives to sporting mega events prior to bidding; and future host cities should endeavour to engage more purposefully with more young people over longer time frames.
Background: Community participation has become an integral part of many areas of public policy over the last two decades. For a variety of reasons, ranging from concerns about social cohesion and unrest to perceived failings in public services, governments in the UK and elsewhere have turned to communities as both a site of intervention and a potential solution. In contemporary policy, the shift to community is exemplified by the UK Government’s Big Society/Localism agenda and the Scottish Government’s emphasis on Community Empowerment. Through such policies, communities have been increasingly encouraged to help themselves in various ways, to work with public agencies in reshaping services, and to become more engaged in the democratic process. These developments have led some theorists to argue that responsibilities are being shifted from the state onto communities, representing a new form of 'government through community' (Rose, 1996; Imrie and Raco, 2003). Despite this policy development, there is surprisingly little evidence which demonstrates the outcomes of the different forms of community participation. This study attempts to address this gap in two ways. Firstly, it explores the ways in which community participation policy in Scotland and England are playing out in practice. And secondly, it assesses the outcomes of different forms of community participation taking place within these broad policy contexts. Methodology: The study employs an innovative combination of the two main theory-based evaluation methodologies, Theories of Change (ToC) and Realist Evaluation (RE), building on ideas generated by earlier applications of each approach (Blamey and Mackenzie, 2007). ToC methodology is used to analyse the national policy frameworks and the general approach of community organisations in six case studies, three in Scotland and three in England. The local evidence from the community organisations’ theories of change is then used to analyse and critique the assumptions which underlie the Localism and Community Empowerment policies. Alongside this, across the six case studies, a RE approach is utilised to examine the specific mechanisms which operate to deliver outcomes from community participation processes, and to explore the contextual factors which influence their operation. Given the innovative methodological approach, the study also engages in some focused reflection on the practicality and usefulness of combining ToC and RE approaches. Findings: The case studies provide significant evidence of the outcomes that community organisations can deliver through directly providing services or facilities, and through influencing public services. Important contextual factors in both countries include particular strengths within communities and positive relationships with at least part of the local state, although this often exists in parallel with elements of conflict. Notably this evidence suggests that the idea of responsibilisation needs to be examined in a more nuanced fashion, incorporating issues of risk and power, as well the active agency of communities and the local state. Thus communities may sometimes willingly take on responsibility in return for power, although this may also engender significant risk, with the balance between these three elements being significantly mediated by local government. The evidence also highlights the impacts of austerity on community participation, with cuts to local government budgets in particular increasing the degree of risk and responsibility for communities and reducing opportunities for power. Furthermore, the case studies demonstrate the importance of inequalities within and between communities, operating through a socio-economic gradient in community capacity. This has the potential to make community participation policy regressive as more affluent communities are more able to take advantage of additional powers and local authorities have less resource to support the capacity of more disadvantaged communities. For Localism in particular, the findings suggest that some of the ‘new community rights’ may provide opportunities for communities to gain power and generate positive social outcomes. However, the English case studies also highlight the substantial risks involved and the extent to which such opportunities are being undermined by austerity. The case studies suggest that cuts to local government budgets have the potential to undermine some aspects of Localism almost entirely, and that the very limited interest in inequalities means that Localism may be both ‘empowering the powerful’ (Hastings and Matthews, 2014) and further disempowering the powerless. For Community Empowerment, the study demonstrates the ways in which community organisations can gain power and deliver positive social outcomes within the broad policy framework. However, whilst Community Empowerment is ostensibly less regressive, there are still significant challenges to be addressed. In particular, the case studies highlight significant constraints on the notion that communities can ‘choose their own level of empowerment’, and the assumption of partnership working between communities and the local state needs to take into account the evidence of very mixed relationships in practice. Most importantly, whilst austerity has had more limited impacts on local government in Scotland so far, the projected cuts in this area may leave Community Empowerment vulnerable to the dangers of regressive impact highlighted for Localism. Methodologically, the study shows that ToC and RE can be practically applied together and that there may be significant benefits of the combination. ToC offers a productive framework for policy analysis and combining this with data derived from local ToCs provides a powerful lens through which to examine and critique the aims and assumptions of national policy. ToC models also provide a useful framework within which to identify specific causal mechanisms, using RE methodology and, again, the data from local ToC work can enable significant learning about ‘what works for whom in what circumstances’ (Pawson and Tilley, 1997).
The text came from the UNESP-Project in Partnership with the Public Administration: City of Echaporã ‖, a multidisciplinary project, interdepartmental and that results from a term partnership signed between the State University / Campus Marilia, the Regional Office of Articulation Planning and the Municipality of Echaporã.Given the serious social problems diagnosed in this county Administrative Region of Marilia, somaramse forces and, since April 2002, Echaporã account with the performance of a design matrix that involves the community in six (6) subprojects, among which a which emphasizes the dissemination of information (the public library as a center of information and knowledge irradiator for urban and rural areas, seeking to enter the Society daInformação). By their nature, the project-matrix is considered open and can accommodate new subprojects, where they concern the problems identified in the initial diagnosis. For its validity, each subproject has its own methodology, some innovative and will be subject to further systematization and dissemination, however, after a few months of deployment, the results show the correctness of community involvement (being representative) in all discussions and steps of research, and activities developed, widely disseminated to the target audience. The membership of the community, the leaders and the authorities can be considered a good barometer of the actions carried out in Echaporã and evidence of change in information culture that is already noticeable in the city, setting the socio-cultural dynamics of the same, in terms a new public policy to be strengthened with the participation of specialists in this specific area, in direct work with local managers, in this case, specific examples relating to the strength of information in the process of change in small municipalities.
Enquadramento teórico: A realização deste trabalho surgiu da própria vivência profissional enquanto professor de Educação Física, lidando com alunos sem perspectivas de futuro, desmotivados, de comportamento agressivo, e com alto grau de indisciplina, caracterizando um perfil violento. A escola atualmente aparece como palco de tensões e a preocupação é evidente já que a escola deve ser um local onde as relações do dia-a-dia traduzem respeito, harmonia, socialização e aquisição de normas e valores, onde os alunos constroem a sua personalidade e uma identidade. Objetivos: Analisar os tipos e frequência da violência no contexto escolar de escolas da rede pública e particular de ensino na cidade de Maceió; Analizar os factores geradores da violência e projetos minimizadores da mesma. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo, exploratório de natureza quantitativa, com 200 professores e 800 alunos de 6 escolas da Rede Pública e Particular de Ensino de Maceió-AL. Resultados: Predomínio de estudantes do sexo feminino, sendo 71,2% na escola pública e 58,% na escola particular, na faixa etária entre os 15-18 anos (65.5%) . Os professores foram de 65% do sexo feminino e 35% do sexo masculino na rede Publica e 45% e 55% na rede Particular, com idades entre os 20 e 60 anos, tendo sido 78% admitidos através de concurso público, com estabilidade vínculo efetivo nesta rede de ensino. Todos os professores da Rede Particular de Ensino atuam sob o regime de contrato com carteira assinada, seguindo a CLT (Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho). Forte predominância da violência verbal em ambos os tipos de instituições e em ambos os sexos e que se somadas perfazem um total superior a 75%. O sumatório de estudantes que em algum momento sofreu violência, nas duas escolas é de 11.4%. De realçar que 39,2% e 28% dos estudantes da escola pública e particular respectivamente informarem que ninguém o ajudou nestas situações. Na escola Publica os fatores mais relatados como geradores de violência foram: Uso de drogas com 14%, as famílias desestruturadas com 14% e a falta de educação doméstica com 13%. Na rede particular 45 % dos professores referem a desestruturação familiar e 35% a práticas de Bullying. Quando questionados sobre o sentimento de segurança na rede publica apenas 8% se sente seguro. Na rede particular, 65% afirmaram sentir-se seguros. Conclusões: A violência ocorre em ambas as escolas da rede pública ou particular, com menor proporção nas escolas da rede particular, tendo em vista que os projetos desenvolvidos, a estrutura física, e recursos humanos, estão presentes a contento. Ambos os públicos estudantis, convivem e se relacionam nesse mesmo cenário social extraescolar, e que carece ser ocupado em termos de políticas públicas que agreguem valor na formação desse jovem. Palavras-chave: violência, escola, juventude, família, políticas públicas.
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo encontrar y analizar los efectos causales de diversos factores socioeconómicos y demográficos en la satisfacción con la vida de los hogares de Medellín. Para ello, se estima un modelo logístico, categorizando en dos grupos las variables explicativas: los aspectos inherentes al ser y las características relacionadas al tener. Los principales resultados sugieren que estar soltero en relación con otro estado civil tiene un efecto negativo en el bienestar subjetivo, así como el hecho de ser afrodescendiente con respecto a otro grupo étnico. Por el lado del tener, cabe resaltar que mayores niveles de educación y estratos socioeconómicos más altos incrementan el bienestar subjetivo. Se concluye que tanto las características del ser como las del tener son fundamentales para explicar la satisfacción con la vida, y por tanto, para la toma de decisiones de política pública.
Los factores que inciden en el proceso de desarrollo de los territorios rurales y que explican el éxito o el fracaso de las estrategias impulsadas desde abajo (bottom-up) o inducidas desde arriba (top-down), han preocupado desde hace varias décadas a los analistas, que observan las limitaciones de los enfoques del “desarrollo territorial rural” para aprehender la complejidad de dicho proceso. Habiéndose centrado, sobre todo, en el ámbito de las políticas públicas y sus efectos en el desarrollo de los territorios rurales, los analistas del desarrollo han visto la necesidad de apoyarse en otras perspectivas que capten las dinámicas que acontecen en el ámbito de la sociedad civil local, tanto en lo que se refiere a las relaciones entre los diversos actores socioeconómicos e institucionales presentes en el territorio, como a su interacción con los organismos públicos encargados de implementar dichas políticas. El objetivo general de esta tesis doctoral ha sido analizar las dinámicas sociales que surgen en espacios naturales sometidos a políticas de gestión y regulación, mostrando el grado de influencia que tienen en la aplicación de esas políticas las diversas redes en que se organizan las poblaciones locales. De la investigación empírica realizada y de su integración en el marco teórico utilizado, hemos podido extraer resultados referidos a la realidad concreta y localizada de la REBISE que muestran cómo es que conciliar los objetivos de la “conservación” y el “desarrollo” en territorios poblados por comunidades locales estrechamente vinculadas a espacios naturales, exige abordar de forma integral los problemas ambientales, sociales y económicos. Tratar de alcanzar esos objetivos con políticas sectoriales conduce al fracaso de los programas de protección, ya que sólo se logran objetivos parciales y limitados. Por muy elevado que sea el valor ecológico de este tipo de espacios naturales y por muy alta que sea la protección que reciban por parte de los organismos internacionales (como ocurre con las “reservas de la biosfera” del programa MaB de la UNESCO), “conservar” estas áreas naturales no puede lograrse sin contar con la colaboración de las poblaciones locales. Esto exige combinar estrategias top-down y bottom-up buscando establecer sinergias entre los responsables públicos y los grupos sociales presentes en el territorio. De nuestra investigación se deduce la necesidad de empoderar a las comunidades locales para inducir en ellos un capital social tipo bridging dirigido a la construcción de un gran pacto territorial que trascienda los intereses particulares de cada grupo y que persiga el interés general del territorio en pro de la conservación de los recursos naturales y de la mejora del bienestar y calidad de vida de las familias que residen allí. Si no se hace así, continuarán promoviéndose proyectos “balsámicos” que paliarán a corto plazo algunos de los problemas de las poblaciones locales, pero que las mantendrán en el estancamiento y la pobreza.
The search for a sustainable urban mobility, has recast the public policy of transport and movement for all, in order to contribute to the welfare economic, social and environmental. Within this context, has as its main objective review here in the city of Natal in the state of Rio Grande Norte, the deployment of the new road infrastructure of the transport corridor of Bernardo Vieira Avenue and checking at least with regard to urban areas and environmental chosen here, as will indicators to assess sustainable urban mobility, that the theory has been well constructed, but in practice little way to apply the proposed guidelines for sustainability. To achieve this result, is initially a literature review with the principal investigators of the matter, since the concepts of indicators of sustainable urban mobility. And a second time, participating in to the case study, using the methodology of environmental awareness, through analysis photographs, notes and testimony in the study area ace to reach conclusions
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo geral apresentar uma proposta de um modelo de observatório municipal do desporto na administração local, nomeadamente no concelho de Setúbal. Podem ser verificados alguns estudos sobre a temática dos observatórios no sector do desporto (Leite, 2013; Gaspar 2014). Em plena sociedade de informação, as organizações têm de gerir grandes fluxos de dados. Têm de ter capacidade de adaptação à realidade, mas acima de tudo, uma atitude pró-ativa no sentido de anteciparem novos cenários. Segundo Albornoz e Herschmann (2006), os observatórios costumam recolher, registar, acompanhar, interpretar dados, produzir indicadores estatísticos, criar metodologias para codificar, classificar e categorizar informações, estabelecendo conexões entre pessoas que trabalham em áreas similares, bem como monitorizar e analisar tendências. É exigido à administração local, serviços de qualidade e de transparência na adoção das suas politicas desportivas e a existência de um instrumento de recolha de informação, estruturado com base num modelo de análise que permita conhecer, analisar e compreender o estado de um dado contexto desportivo em tempo real, irá permitir a criação de uma base de dados contendo informação atualizada e confiável. Neste contexto, os sistemas de informação, quando desenvolvidos e aplicados, vão permitir a recolha de informação fundamental sobre o comportamento interno da organização (Claudino, 2005). A presente pesquisa representa uma investigação descritiva, tratando-se de um estudo de caso a aplicar na Câmara Municipal de Setúbal. Em termos da recolha de dados, foram utilizadas fontes primárias, com base numa análise documental. Os resultados deste estudo, permitem apresentar uma primeira abordagem de estrutura e processos de funcionamento de um modelo de observatório municipal do desporto com aplicação prática, tendo sido estabelecidos sete categorias de análise fundamentais: i) Atividades Desportivas; ii) Instalações Desportivas, iii) Associativismo; iv) Recursos Humanos; v) Sector Privado; vi) Consumo Desportivo; vii) Divisão Desporto. As estratégias das políticas públicas desportivas adotadas, o planeamento desportivo ou o acesso ao apoio financeiro, exigem que estejam disponíveis um conjunto de informações rigorosas e fidedignas sobre o desempenho, a evolução e as tendências do sector a nível local pelo que a estrutura de um observatório do desporto, irá permitir de uma forma eficiente, eficaz e participativa que se desenvolvam e projetem as políticas desportivas locais que melhor se ajustem à sua realidade. Acreditamos que a existência de um observatório municipal do desporto acrescenta benefícios para os municípios. As mudanças e os desafios económicos colocados hoje, obrigam a novas dinâmicas competitivas.
The career of civil engineer Henrique de Novaes, a remarkable figure in the academic, technical and political fields, demonstrates its extensive and relevant work across Brazil in the first half of the twentieth century. It covered from the design of water supply and sewage works, road and rail transport networks, works against drought in the Northeast, hydroelectric and harbor facilities to the urbanization planning and architectural projects, which displays a systematic and multiple production. City and territory conformed to his fields of verification, practical and above all, transformation. The search for understanding of the inclusion of a social actor in this process thus contributes to the specific analysis of the doings of Henrique de Novaes, who graduated at Polytechnic School of Rio de Janeiro in 1906. From a polymorphic activity in different scales, one tries to figure how, through academic education or professional practice, urban history in Brazil can be told or built. The introduction of technological innovations matched the purposes of planning and urban sprawl, as well as met the specifications of regulation and institutionalization of public infrastructure services at the time. The overall plans proposed by the engineer thought of the city as a whole, interconnected to the structural networks. At the same time, the knowledge of a larger physical scale the territory bounces back in the urban in a relationship of reciprocity and completeness. The objective research, therefore, tries to understand the roles played by Henrique de Novaes s works and academic education in the accomplishment of systematic modernization of Brazilian urban space and territory, recovering a little known historical figure by current historiography. It is proposed, as methodological axis, that the study of this professional career configures itself as an essential element for understanding the idea of progress embodied in the technical studies and proposals for improvements and sanitation nationwide in the first half of the twentieth century . The primary sources for the construction of this analysis were technical articles in journals of the period ( Clube de Engenharia , Viação e Revista Brasileira de Engenharia ), and technical reports, government messages, newspaper articles published at the time, autobiographical reports and the engineer s verbal communications with relatives. The work is structured in three chapters: "Biographical traces, academic education and 'technical and political' activities" illustrates the initiation into the technical, public and political environment; Chapter 2, "Technique and territory" outlines his network understanding through sanitation and transport services; Chapter 3 "Technique and City" describes the influence of polytechnics knowledge on the propositions of modernization of cities; Finally, "Final Thoughts: An Evaluation," presents an overview of the affiliations and practice of an engineer in the different scales, and its contribution to the modernization of Brazilian urban and territorial space
O descompasso de uma experiência: avaliação do Programa Habitar Brasil na Comunidade África-Natal/RN
This research deals with the evaluation of the Programa do Governo Federal para Urbanização de Favelas Habitar Brasil(1993) carried out in the Africa slum - Redinha neighbourhood in Natal-Rn. This study carried out in period from 2005 to 2006 searches to identify the effects of the actions proposed by Program in 1993-1994 about the current urbanistic configuration of the Africa community. It analyzes the effectiveness in the process of achievement of the considered objectives to habitation, communitity equipments, infrastructure and agrarian regularization. On the evaluation process, it has been as reference the works developed by Adauto Cardoso (2004), Blaine Worthen (2004), Ronaldo Garcia (2001) and Rosângela Paz (2006). About the Habitational Policy with approach to the Urbanistic Right and the right to the housing, the reflections by Raquel Rolnik, Nabil Bonduki, Ermínia Maricato, Saule Júnior, Betânia de Moraes Alfonsin and Edésio Fernandes are main references. To gauge the execution of the objectives proposed by Habitar Brasil in 1993, it has searched in the documentary data of the time and in information gotten in interviews with technicians that had participated of the program, consistent references on what was considered, what was executed and the process of the intervention of Habitar Brasil in the Africa community. The area analysis in 2005-2006 has developed on the base of the urbanistic survey of the current situation from the four performance lines of the Program: habitation, infrastructure, community equipments and agrarian regularization, with a current urbanistic evaluation of Africa considering the intervention carried out in 1993 and 1994. The study points out the context of Brazilian Habitational Policy where the Programa Habitar Brasil was launched, explaining the main principles of the Program. In terms of local, it empahsizes the administrative-political factors that had contributed so that Natal-Rn city has been pioneering in the resources captation of Habitar Brazil (1993). Considering Habitar Brazil in Africa, the work argues and presents the intervention diagnosis and the proposal, developed by Program in 1993 evidencing the local problem of the time. After that, it makes a current reading of the area, identifying in 2006 representative elements of Habitar Brasil (1993-1994) for the Africa community. It identifies significant advances in the constitution of the institucional apparatus of the plaining system of Habitation of Social Interest for the city of Natal and points the fragilities in the implementation of the urban infrastructure actions and above all in the achievement of the objectives of the agrarian regularization
Les connaissances scientifiques sur le changement climatique (CC) évoluent rapidement. Toutefois, des incertitudes persistent sur l’étendue de ses conséquences, particulièrement dans les milieux urbains, qui subiront des impacts différents de ceux vécus par les milieux ruraux. Les autorités publiques ont récemment commencé à élaborer des politiques publiques d’adaptation au changement climatique (ACC) qui visent à en limiter les conséquences indésirables. En milieu urbain, la littérature suggère qu’un des outils que devraient privilégier ces politiques est le verdissement. Des auteurs signalent que les actions visant l’ACC peuvent se greffer dans des politiques existantes. L’ACC, comme enjeu public, peut donc être réalisée par l’entremise de sa prise en compte dans les politiques publiques de verdissement. Cette prise en compte devrait affecter le contenu (quoi?) et le pilotage (comment?) des différentes étapes des politiques. Le cas de la politique publique de verdissement de la Ville de Montréal, au Québec, nous a permis d’étudier cette prise en compte. En utilisant un cadre d’analyse des politiques publiques développé par Knoepfel et al. (2015), qui porte entre autres sur la mobilisation des ressources par différents acteurs concernés par ces politiques, nous montrons que cette dernière s’est opérée de quelques façons. Premièrement, il y a eu un changement dans l’argumentaire pour le verdissement, outil qui vise à lutter contre les îlots de chaleur urbains et assurer une meilleure gestion des eaux pluviales. Ensuite, le choix de l’échelle d’agglomération pour la prise en compte de l’ACC a entraîné un changement d’échelle dans la gestion du verdissement. La publication d’un plan d’action majeur de verdissement urbain pour l’agglomération, et dont le leitmotiv est l’ACC, le démontre. Quelques modifications réglementaires et l’inclusion de nouveaux acteurs dans la politique témoignent aussi que la prise en compte a eu lieu. Finalement, le plan d’action fournit un cadre pour la mise en œuvre du verdissement dans les zones les plus vulnérables au CC en plus d’une structure de partage des coûts. Cependant, la mise en oeuvre du verdissement dans une visée d’ACC n'a pas été évaluée dans la présente étude. Nous avons aussi noté que la biodiversité est un enjeu d’importance qui va de pair avec l’ACC dans la politique de verdissement. Il y a donc une prise en compte, partielle, de l’ACC dans la politique publique de verdissement à Montréal (avec certains écueils). Nous arguons que l’enjeu de l’ACC sert peut-être d’argument supplémentaire pour verdir la ville plutôt que d’être un véritable moteur de transformation de la politique de verdissement.
In Michigan, environmental issues, such as invasive species, are not geographically constrained, affecting citizens throughout the state. Regulations and management plans organized by scientists and officials are intended to address issues statewide, but these policies may not adequately tackle the threat from invasive species as it impacts different parts of the state at different times. Participation and contributions from citizens can offer insight into the impacts and changes non-native species have on the local ecosystem. However, chances to participate and contribute may be influenced by geographic location in the state. To understand if this was the case, this research studied publicly available documents and completed participant observations and semistructured interviews with participants, leaders, and officials included in invasive species management. Between the two study locations, Metro Detroit and the Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan, locational differences had some impact on opportunities to contribute to invasive species management. Population and the differences in the type of advertising used to alert citizens about events influenced access to participation opportunities. This research also revealed that this public policy issue lacks public involvement and contributions. Between the two locations, more involvement opportunities and organizations were present in Metro Detroit. However, it was the organizations themselves and their limited political involvement, and not geographic location, which had a greater impact on citizens' lack of participation in invasive species management.
Patient and public involvement has become an integral aspect of many developed health systems and is judged to be an essential driver for reform. However, little attention has been paid to the distinctions between patients and the public, and the views of patients are often seen to encompass those of the general public. Using an ideal-type approach, we analyse crucial distinctions between patient involvement and public involvement using examples from Sweden and England. We highlight that patients have sectional interests as health service users in contrast to citizens who engage as a public policy agent reflecting societal interests. Patients draw on experiential knowledge and focus on output legitimacy and performance accountability, aim at typical representativeness, and a direct responsiveness to individual needs and preferences. In contrast, the public contributes with collective perspectives generated from diversity, centres on input legitimacy achieved through statistical representativeness, democratic accountability and indirect responsiveness to general citizen preferences. Thus, using patients as proxies for the public fails to achieve intended goals and benefits of involvement. We conclude that understanding and measuring the impact of patient and public involvement can only develop with the application of a clearer comprehension of the differences.
Les connaissances scientifiques sur le changement climatique (CC) évoluent rapidement. Toutefois, des incertitudes persistent sur l’étendue de ses conséquences, particulièrement dans les milieux urbains, qui subiront des impacts différents de ceux vécus par les milieux ruraux. Les autorités publiques ont récemment commencé à élaborer des politiques publiques d’adaptation au changement climatique (ACC) qui visent à en limiter les conséquences indésirables. En milieu urbain, la littérature suggère qu’un des outils que devraient privilégier ces politiques est le verdissement. Des auteurs signalent que les actions visant l’ACC peuvent se greffer dans des politiques existantes. L’ACC, comme enjeu public, peut donc être réalisée par l’entremise de sa prise en compte dans les politiques publiques de verdissement. Cette prise en compte devrait affecter le contenu (quoi?) et le pilotage (comment?) des différentes étapes des politiques. Le cas de la politique publique de verdissement de la Ville de Montréal, au Québec, nous a permis d’étudier cette prise en compte. En utilisant un cadre d’analyse des politiques publiques développé par Knoepfel et al. (2015), qui porte entre autres sur la mobilisation des ressources par différents acteurs concernés par ces politiques, nous montrons que cette dernière s’est opérée de quelques façons. Premièrement, il y a eu un changement dans l’argumentaire pour le verdissement, outil qui vise à lutter contre les îlots de chaleur urbains et assurer une meilleure gestion des eaux pluviales. Ensuite, le choix de l’échelle d’agglomération pour la prise en compte de l’ACC a entraîné un changement d’échelle dans la gestion du verdissement. La publication d’un plan d’action majeur de verdissement urbain pour l’agglomération, et dont le leitmotiv est l’ACC, le démontre. Quelques modifications réglementaires et l’inclusion de nouveaux acteurs dans la politique témoignent aussi que la prise en compte a eu lieu. Finalement, le plan d’action fournit un cadre pour la mise en œuvre du verdissement dans les zones les plus vulnérables au CC en plus d’une structure de partage des coûts. Cependant, la mise en oeuvre du verdissement dans une visée d’ACC n'a pas été évaluée dans la présente étude. Nous avons aussi noté que la biodiversité est un enjeu d’importance qui va de pair avec l’ACC dans la politique de verdissement. Il y a donc une prise en compte, partielle, de l’ACC dans la politique publique de verdissement à Montréal (avec certains écueils). Nous arguons que l’enjeu de l’ACC sert peut-être d’argument supplémentaire pour verdir la ville plutôt que d’être un véritable moteur de transformation de la politique de verdissement.