947 resultados para Associações sem fins lucrativos - Planejamento


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The usual programs for load flow calculation were in general developped aiming the simulation of electric energy transmission, subtransmission and distribution systems. However, the mathematical methods and algorithms used by the formulations were based, in majority, just on the characteristics of the transmittion systems, which were the main concern focus of engineers and researchers. Though, the physical characteristics of these systems are quite different from the distribution ones. In the transmission systems, the voltage levels are high and the lines are generally very long. These aspects contribute the capacitive and inductive effects that appear in the system to have a considerable influence in the values of the interest quantities, reason why they should be taken into consideration. Still in the transmission systems, the loads have a macro nature, as for example, cities, neiborhoods, or big industries. These loads are, generally, practically balanced, what reduces the necessity of utilization of three-phase methodology for the load flow calculation. Distribution systems, on the other hand, present different characteristics: the voltage levels are small in comparison to the transmission ones. This almost annul the capacitive effects of the lines. The loads are, in this case, transformers, in whose secondaries are connected small consumers, in a sort of times, mono-phase ones, so that the probability of finding an unbalanced circuit is high. This way, the utilization of three-phase methodologies assumes an important dimension. Besides, equipments like voltage regulators, that use simultaneously the concepts of phase and line voltage in their functioning, need a three-phase methodology, in order to allow the simulation of their real behavior. For the exposed reasons, initially was developped, in the scope of this work, a method for three-phase load flow calculation in order to simulate the steady-state behaviour of distribution systems. Aiming to achieve this goal, the Power Summation Algorithm was used, as a base for developping the three phase method. This algorithm was already widely tested and approved by researchers and engineers in the simulation of radial electric energy distribution systems, mainly for single-phase representation. By our formulation, lines are modeled in three-phase circuits, considering the magnetic coupling between the phases; but the earth effect is considered through the Carson reduction. Its important to point out that, in spite of the loads being normally connected to the transformers secondaries, was considered the hypothesis of existence of star or delta loads connected to the primary circuit. To perform the simulation of voltage regulators, a new model was utilized, allowing the simulation of various types of configurations, according to their real functioning. Finally, was considered the possibility of representation of switches with current measuring in various points of the feeder. The loads are adjusted during the iteractive process, in order to match the current in each switch, converging to the measured value specified by the input data. In a second stage of the work, sensibility parameters were derived taking as base the described load flow, with the objective of suporting further optimization processes. This parameters are found by calculating of the partial derivatives of a variable in respect to another, in general, voltages, losses and reactive powers. After describing the calculation of the sensibility parameters, the Gradient Method was presented, using these parameters to optimize an objective function, that will be defined for each type of study. The first one refers to the reduction of technical losses in a medium voltage feeder, through the installation of capacitor banks; the second one refers to the problem of correction of voltage profile, through the instalation of capacitor banks or voltage regulators. In case of the losses reduction will be considered, as objective function, the sum of the losses in all the parts of the system. To the correction of the voltage profile, the objective function will be the sum of the square voltage deviations in each node, in respect to the rated voltage. In the end of the work, results of application of the described methods in some feeders are presented, aiming to give insight about their performance and acuity


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This work presents the localization and path planning systems for two robots: a non-instrumented humanoid and a slave wheeled robot. The localization of wheeled robot is made using odometry information and landmark detection. These informations are fused using a Extended Kalman Filter. The relative position of humanoid is acquired fusing (using another Kalman Filter) the wheeled robot pose with the characteristics of the landmark on the back of humanoid. Knowing the wheeled robot position and the humanoid relative position in relation to it, we acquired the absolute position of humanoid. The path planning system was developed to provide the cooperative movement of the two robots,incorporating the visibility restrictions of the robotic system


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Dados de 14.918 animais da raça Nelore nascidos entre 1991 e 2000, provenientes de rebanhos localizados nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do País, foram utilizados para estimar componentes de co-variância, herdabilidade e correlações genéticas de peso ao desmame (PD), peso a 1 ano de idade (PA), peso ao sobreano (PS), peso ao primeiro parto (PPP), idade ao primeiro parto (IPP) e dias para o primeiro parto (DP). As estimativas dos componentes de co-variância e dos parâmetros genéticos foram obtidas pelo método de máxima verossimilhança restrita, em análises multivariadas. As herdabilidades estimadas para PD, PA, PS, PPP, IPP e DP foram de 0,26; 0,30; 0,34; 0,35; 0,14 e 0,07, respectivamente. Correlações genéticas negativas foram estimadas entre pesos medidos em diferentes idades e IPP, as quais variaram de -0,31 a -0,16. do mesmo modo, as estimativas de correlação genética entre PD × DP (-0,09); PA × DP (-0,13); PS × DP (-0,17) e PPP × DP (-0,16) foram negativas, embora de menor magnitude. As correlações genéticas estimadas entre as características de crescimento e a IPP foram favoráveis. Assim, a seleção para aumento de peso deve promover redução da IPP. A alta correlação genética estimada entre IPP e DP (0,73) indica que o uso de DP na seleção de bovinos de corte pode promover resposta correlacionada favorável na idade ao primeiro parto.


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Foram avaliados 27.523 e 21.746 registros das características conformação, precocidade e musculatura à desmana e ao sobreano, respectivamente, para estimar os componentes de covariância entre estas características e entre estas e os pesos corporais medidos nas mesmas idades. Para as análises dos dados, foram empregados modelos animais com efeitos genéticos direto e materno e efeito de ambiente permanente materno. Máxima verossimilhança restrita foi empregada para estimar os parâmetros genéticos. As estimativas de herdabilidade dos escores à desmama foram 0,13; 0,25 e 0,23 para conformação, precocidade e musculatura, respectivamente. As estimativas de herdabilidade dos escores visuais avaliados ao sobreano foram de maiores magnitudes (0,24; 0,32 e 0,27 para conformação, precocidade e musculatura, respectivamente). As estimativas das correlações genéticas entre escores medidos às mesmas idades, considerando desmana e sobreano, foram 0,67 e 0,75 entre conformação e precocidade; 0,61 e 0,71 entre conformação e musculatura; 0,95 e 0,95 entre precocidade e musculatura. As correlações genéticas estimadas entre o peso corporal à desmama e conformação, precocidade e musculatura, respectivamente, foram 0,97; 0,67 e 0, 62. As estimativas entre conformação, precocidade, musculatura ao sobreano e o peso corporal foram 0,83; 0,59 e 0,58, respectivamente. Os resultados indicam que os escores visuais podem ser utilizados como critérios de seleção. Aumento nos pesos corporais deve ser esperado como resposta correlacionada à seleção para essas características.


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Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um método de coordenação e cooperação para uma frota de mini-robôs móveis. O escopo do desenvolvimento é o futebol de robôs. Trata-se de uma plataforma bem estruturada, dinâmica e desenvolvida no mundo inteiro. O futebol de robôs envolve diversos campos do conhecimento incluindo: visão computacional, teoria de controle, desenvolvimento de circuitos microcontrolados, planejamento cooperativo, entre outros. A título de organização os sistema foi dividido em cinco módulos: robô, visão, localização, planejamento e controle. O foco do trabalho se limita ao módulo de planejamento. Para auxiliar seu desenvolvimento um simulador do sistema foi implementado. O simulador funciona em tempo real e substitui os robôs reais. Dessa forma os outros módulos permanecem praticamente inalterados durante uma simulação ou execução com robôs reais. Para organizar o comportamento dos robôs e produzir a cooperação entre eles foi adotada uma arquitetura hierarquizada: no mais alto nível está a escolha do estilo de jogo do time; logo abaixo decide-se o papel que cada jogador deve assumir; associado ao papel temos uma ação específica e finalmente calcula-se a referência de movimento do robô. O papel de um robô dita o comportamento do robô na dada ocasião. Os papéis são alocados dinamicamente durante o jogo de forma que um mesmo robô pode assumir diferentes papéis no decorrer da partida


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A disponibilidade de informações relativas à oferta, preços e sazonalidade do abacaxi é um fator de interesse tanto para produtores quanto para atacadistas, pois podem contribuir para melhor planejamento da época de colheita e comercialização. Dessa maneira, o presente trabalho buscou conhecer a sazonalidade do preço e da quantidade do abacaxi comercializado na CEAGESP - SP, no período de setembro de 2005 a março de 2006. Foram obtidos através de entrevistas aos atacadistas, dados referentes à origem de cada cultivar em estudo, o preço pago ao produtor, o preço de venda praticado pelos atacadistas e a quantidade de frutos recebida no dia. Com o objetivo de compreender o processo de comercialização das cultivares de abacaxi 'Smooth Cayenne' e 'Pérola', foram aplicados questionários aos vendedores de três empresas atacadistas. Através das informações obtidas, sugere-se aos produtores de abacaxi 'Smooth Cayenne' o escalonamento da produção no período de novembro a fevereiro, preferencialmente de maneira associativista. Os três atacadistas de abacaxi entrevistados vislumbram uma estabilidade na quantidade comercializada de abacaxi na CEAGESP, com previsão de crescimento para a cultivar 'Pérola' e redução para a cultivar 'Smooth Cayenne'. No período de 12 de setembro de 2005 a 20 de março de 2006, observou-se uma estabilidade de preços pagos ao produtor para ambas as cultivares, com elevação de preços entre os dias 23 de janeiro a 06 de março de 2006 para a cultivar 'Pérola' e entre os dias 06 de fevereiro a 06 de março de 2006 para a cultivar 'Smooth Cayenne'. Os atacadistas consideram a cultivar 'Smooth Cayenne' mais valorizada nos meses de novembro a janeiro e a cultivar 'Pérola' de março a junho e de novembro a dezembro. Pelo cenário de estabilização do mercado de abacaxi, torna-se fundamental a garantia de sabor monitorada pelas associações de produtores em parceria com o Centro de Qualidade em Horticultura (CQH - CEAGESP) e atacadistas, com destaque para a cultivar 'Smooth Cayenne'.


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An solar alternative system for water heating is presented. Is composed for one low cost alternative collector and alternative thermal reservoir for hot water storing. The collector of the system has box confectioned in composite material and use absorption coils formed for PVC tubes. The box of hot water storage was confectioned from a plastic polyethylene drum used for storage of water and garbage, coated for a cylinder confectioned in fiber glass. The principle of functioning of the system is the same of the conventionally. Its regimen of work is the thermosiphon for a volume of 250 liters water. The main characteristic of the system in considered study is its low cost, allowing a bigger socialization of the use of solar energy. It will be demonstrated the viabilities thermal, economic and of materials of the system of considered heating, and its competitiveness in relation to the available collectors commercially. Relative aspects will be boarded also the susceptibility the thermal degradation and for UV for the PVC tubes. It will be shown that such system of alternative heating, that has as main characteristic its low cost, presents viabilities thermal, economic and of materials


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This work deals with the kinetics assay of Cajá (Spondias mombin L.) bagasse drying by an experimental design using a tray dryer. In order to add-value to this product a kinetic study has been carried out. A central composite experimental design has been carried out to evaluate the influence of the operational variables: input air temperature (55; 65 e 75ºC); the drying air velocity (3.2; 4.6 e 6.0 m/s) and the fixed bed thickness (0.8; 1.2 e 1.6 cm) and as response variable the the moisture content (dry basis). The results showed that the diffusional Fick model fitted quite well the experimental data. The best condition found has been input air temperature of 75ºC, drying air velocity of 6.0 m/s as well as fixed bed thickness of 0.8 cm. The experimental design assay showed that the main effects as well as the second ones were significant at 95% confindance level. The best operational condition according to statistical planning was 75 oC input air temperature, 6.0 m.s-1 drying air velocity and 0.8 cm fixed bed thickness. In this case, the equilibrium moisture content (1.3% dry basis) occured at 220 minutes


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The petroleum industry, in consequence of an intense activity of exploration and production, is responsible by great part of the generation of residues, which are considered toxic and pollutants to the environment. Among these, the oil sludge is found produced during the production, transportation and refine phases. This work had the purpose to develop a process to recovery the oil present in oil sludge, in order to use the recovered oil as fuel or return it to the refining plant. From the preliminary tests, were identified the most important independent variables, like: temperature, contact time, solvents and acid volumes. Initially, a series of parameters to characterize the oil sludge was determined to characterize its. A special extractor was projected to work with oily waste. Two experimental designs were applied: fractional factorial and Doehlert. The tests were carried out in batch process to the conditions of the experimental designs applied. The efficiency obtained in the oil extraction process was 70%, in average. Oil sludge is composed of 36,2% of oil, 16,8% of ash, 40% of water and 7% of volatile constituents. However, the statistical analysis showed that the quadratic model was not well fitted to the process with a relative low determination coefficient (60,6%). This occurred due to the complexity of the oil sludge. To obtain a model able to represent the experiments, the mathematical model was used, the so called artificial neural networks (RNA), which was generated, initially, with 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 neurons in the hidden layer, 64 experimental results and 10000 presentations (interactions). Lesser dispersions were verified between the experimental and calculated values using 4 neurons, regarding the proportion of experimental points and estimated parameters. The analysis of the average deviations of the test divided by the respective training showed up that 2150 presentations resulted in the best value parameters. For the new model, the determination coefficient was 87,5%, which is quite satisfactory for the studied system


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Embora existam indicações de que a pá de corte proporcione melhor qualidade de amostragem de terra para fins de análise de fertilidade, seu manuseio demanda muito tempo. No presente trabalho foram comparados os resultados da análise química de terra proveniente de 15 áreas distintas, cujas amostras foram obtidas com cinco tipos de trado e com pá de corte. Também foram comparados o tempo demandado para a realização do trabalho e o volume de terra coletado com as diferentes ferramentas, em dois solos de texturas distintas. O tempo médio de amostragem foi estimado, avaliando-se o tempo gasto por seis pessoas para tomar dez amostras. Para o estudo de qualidade de resultados foram amostradas 15 áreas, com solos, manejos e níveis de fertilidade distintos, de modo a se obter grande variação entre os valores das características avaliadas. As amostragens constaram da estratificação por profundidades e amostras de 0 a 20 cm de profundidade no teste de tempo. A amostragem com a pá de corte demora de 1,3 a 2,3 vezes mais do que com os trados. Para os valores de pH, matéria orgânica, acidez do solo, Al trocável e P disponível, os resultados foram equivalentes para todas as ferramentas empregadas. Entretanto, para as bases do solo (Ca, Mg e K), as ferramentas empregadas resultaram, na maioria das vezes, em resultados diferentes dos obtidos pela pá de corte.


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The increasing demand for energy and the environment consequences derived from the use of fossil energy, beyond the future scarcity of the oil that currently is the main power plant of the world, it stimulated the research around the production of biodiesel. In this work the synthesis of biodiesel of cotton in the methyl route was carried through, for had been in such a way used catalyst commercial homogeneous, Na-Methylat and the K-Methylat, aiming to the evaluation of the efficiency of them. An experimental planning 23 was elaborated aiming to evaluate the influence of the variable (molar reason oil/alcohol, % of catalyst and temperature) in the process as well as indicating the excellent point of operation in each case. The biodiesel was analyzed by gaseous chromatography, indicating a conversion of 96,79% when used Na-Methylat® as catalytic, and 95,65% when the K-Methylat® was used. Optimum result found with regard to the conversion was obtained at the following conditions: molar reason oil/alcohol (1:8), temperature of 40°C and 1% of catalyst Na-Methylat, reaching a 96,79% conversion, being, therefore, above of the established for the European norm (96.5%). The analysis of regression showed that the only significant effect for a confidence level of 95%, was of the changeable temperature. The variance analysis evidenced that the considered model is fitted quite to the experimental response, being statistically significant; however it does not serve inside for make forecasts of the intervals established for each variable. The best samples were analyzed by infra-red (IR) that identified the strong bands of axial deformation C=O of methylic ester, characterized through analyses physicochemical that had indicated conformity with the norms of the ANP, that with the thermal and rheological analyses had together evidenced that biodiesel can be used as combustible alternative in substitution to diesel


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The nanostructures materials are characterized to have particle size smaller than 100 nm and could reach 1 nm. Due to the extremely reduced dimensions of the grains, the properties of these materials are significantly modified relatively when compared with the conventional materials. In the present work was accomplished a study and characterization of the molybdenum carbide, seeking obtain it with particles size in the nanometers order and evaluate its potential as catalyst in the reaction of partial methane oxidation. The method used for obtaining the molybdenum carbide was starting from the precursor ammonium heptamolybdate of that was developed in split into two oven, in reactor of fixed bed, with at a heating rate of 5ºC/min, in a flow of methane and hydrogen whose flow was of 15L/h with 5% of methane for all of the samples. The studied temperatures were 350, 500, 600, 650, 660, 675 and 700ºC and were conducted for 0, 60, 120 and 180 minutes, and the percent amount and the crystallite size of the intermediate phases were determined by the Rietveld refinement method. The carbide obtained at 660ºC for 3 hours of reaction showed the best results, 24 nm. Certain the best synthesis condition, a passivating study was accomplished, in these conditions, to verify the stability of the carbide when exposed to the air. The molybdenum carbide was characterized by SEM, TEM, elemental analysis, ICP-AES, TG in atmosphere of hydrogen and TPR. Through the elemental analysis and ICP-AES the presence carbon load was verified. TG in atmosphere of hydrogen proved that is necessary the passivating of the molybdenum carbide, because occur oxidation in room temperature. The catalytic test was accomplished in the plant of Fischer-Tropsch of CTGAS, that is composed of a reactor of fixed bed. Already the catalytic test showed that the carbide presents activity for partial oxidation, but the operational conditions should be adjusted to improve the conversion


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The oil industry has several segments that can impact the environment. Among these, produced water which has been highlight in the environmental problem because of the great volume generated and its toxic composition. Those waters are the major source of waste in the oil industry. The composition of the produced water is strongly dependent on the production field. A good example is the wastewater produced on a Petrobras operating unit of Rio Grande do Norte and Ceará (UO-RNCE). A single effluent treatment station (ETS) of this unit receives effluent from 48 wells (onshore and offshore), which leads a large fluctuations in the water quality that can become a complicating factor for future treatment processes. The present work aims to realize a diagnosis of a sample of produced water from the OU - RNCE in compliance to certain physical and physico-chemical parameters (chloride concentration, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH, TOG (oil & grease), nitrate concentration, turbidity, salinity and temperature). The analysis of the effluent is accomplished by means of a MP TROLL 9500 Multiparameter probe, a TOG/TPH Infracal from Wilks Enterprise Corp. - Model HATR - T (TOG) and a MD-31 condutivimeter of Digimed. Results were analyzed by univariated and multivariated analysis (principal component analysis) associated statistical control charts. The multivariate analysis showed a negative correlation between dissolved oxygen and turbidity (-0.55) and positive correlations between salinity and chloride (1), conductivity, chloride and salinity (0.70). Multivariated analysis showed there are seven principal components which can explain the variability of the parameters. The variables, salinity, conductivity and chloride were the most important variables, with, higher sampling variance. Statistical control charts have helped to establish a general trend between the physical and chemical evaluated parameters


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The main goal of this work was to produce nanosized ceramic materials of the family of the tungstates (tungstates of cerium and strontium), and test them for their catalytic activity in processes involving the transformation of methane (CH4). The methodology used for the synthesis of the ceramic powders involved the complexation combining EDTA-citrate. The materials characterization was performed using simple and differential thermogravimetry, x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The microstructure analysis was performed using the refinement by the Rietveld method, and the crystallite size and distribution of the materials was elucidate by the Scherrer and Williamson-Hall methods. The conditions of the synthesis process for the three envisaged materials (SrWO4, SrWO4 using tungsten oxide concentrate as raw material, and Ce2(WO4)3) were adjusted to obtain a single phase crystalline material. The catalytic tests were carried out in the presence of methane and synthetic air, which is composed of 21% O2 and 79% N2. The analysis of the conversion of the reaction was done with the aid of an fourier transform infrared device (FTIR). The analysis showed that, structurally, the SrWO4 produced using raw materials of high and poor purity (99% and 92%, respectively) are similar. The ideal parameters of calcination, in the tested range, are temperature of 1000 °C and time of calcination 5 hours. For the Ce2(WO4)3, the ideal calcination time and are temperature 15 hours and 1000°C, respectively. The Williamson-Hall method provided two different distributions for the crystallite size of each material, whose values ranged between the nanometer and micrometer scales. According to method of Scherrer, all materials produced were composed of nanometric crystallites. The analyses of transmission electron microscopy confirmed the results obtained from the Williamson- Hall method for the crystallite size. The EDS showed an atomic composition for the metals in the SrWO4 that was different of the theoretical composition. With respect to the catalytic tests, all materials were found to be catalytically active, but the reaction process should be further studied and optimized.


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This work aims to determine a better methodology to help predicting some operational parameters to a new design of mixer-settler on treating wastewater produced by petroleum industry, called MDIF (Misturador-Decantador à Inversão de Fases/ Mixer-Settler based on Phase Inversion MSPI). The data from this research were obtained from the wastewater treatment unit, called MSPI-TU, installed on a wastewater treatment plant (WTP) of PETROBRAS/UO-RNCE. The importance in determining the better methodology to predict the results of separation and extraction efficiency of the equipment, contributes significantly to determine the optimum operating variables for the control of the unit. The study was based on a comparison among the experimental efficiency (E) obtained by operating MSPI-TU, the efficiency obtained by experimental design equation (Eplan) from the software Statistica Experimental Design® (version 7.0), and the other obtained from a modeling equation based on a dimensional analysis (Ecalc). The results shows that the experimental design equation gives a good prediction of the unit efficiencies with better data reliability, regarding to the condition before a run operation. The average deviation between the proposed by statistic planning model equation and experimental data was 0.13%. On the other hand, the efficiency calculated by the equation which represents the dimensional analysis, may result on important relative deviations (up 70%). Thus, the experimental design is confirmed as a reliable tool, with regard the experimental data processing of the MSPI-TU