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The TNF family ligands BAFF (also called BLyS) and APRIL regulate lymphocyte survival and activation. BAFF binds to three receptors, BAFF-R, TACI and BCMA, whereas APRIL interacts with TACI, BCMA and proteoglycans. The contribution of BAFF and APRIL to B-cell and plasma-cell survival, CD154 (CD40L)-independent antibody isotype switching, germinal center maintenance, T-dependent and T-independent antibody responses, and T cell co-stimulation are relatively well understood. Constitutive BAFF produced by stromal cells determines the size of the peripheral B cell pool, whereas inducible BAFF produced by myeloid and other cells supports local survival of B lymphocytes and can be associated with development of autoimmunity when deregulated.
Purpose: We investigate a new heat delivery technique for the local treatment of solid tumors. The technique involves injecting a formulation that solidifies to form an implant in situ. This implant entraps superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) embedded in silica microbeads for magnetically induced moderate hyperthermia. Particle entrapment prevents phagocytosis and distant migration of SPIONs. The implant can be repeatedly heated by magnetic induction. Methods: We evaluated heating and treatment efficacies by means of thermometry and survival studies in nude mice carrying subcutaneous human colocarcinomas. At day 1, we injected the formulation into the tumor. At day 2, a single 20-min hyperthermia treatment was delivered by 141-kHz magnetic induction using field strengths of 9 to 12 mT under thermometry. Results: SPIONs embedded in silica microbeads were effectively confined within the implant at the injection site. Heat-induced necro-apoptosis was assessed by histology on day 3. On average, 12 mT resulted in tumor temperature of 47.8 degrees C, and over 70% tumor necrosis that correlated to the heat dose (AUC = 282 degrees C.min). In contrast, a 9-mT field strength induced tumoral temperature of 40 degrees C (AUC = 131 degrees C.min) without morphologically identifiable necrosis. Survival after treatment with 10.5 or 12 mT fields was significantly improved compared to non-implanted and implanted controls. Median survival times were 27 and 37 days versus 12 and 21 days respectively. Conclusion: Five of eleven mice (45%) of the 12 mT group survived one year without any tumor recurrence, holding promise for tumor therapy using magnetically induced moderate hyperthermia through injectable implants.
An investigation related to the frequency and pathology of Heterakis gallinarum and pathology of Heterakis isolonche in pheasants from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil was conducted by means of clinical examinations, necropsies, and histopathological analysis in 50 ring-necked pheasants from backyard flocks of 11 localities; also, histological sections of caeca of golden pheasants deposited in the Helminthological Collection of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (CHIOC) have been considered in the present study. During necropsies, only specimens of H. gallinarum were recovered with a prevalence of 90%, mean intensity of 81.9 and range of infection of 1-413. Gross lesions were characterized by congestion, thickening, petechial haemorrhages of the mucosa, intussusception, and nodules in the cecal wall. Under microscopy, chronic difuse typhlitis, haemosiderosis, granulomas with necrotic center in the submucosa and leiomyomas in the submucosa, muscular and serosa associated with immature H. gallinarum worms were observed. The examination of histological sections previously deposited in the CHIOC, revealed more severe alterations associated with concomitant infections with H. gallinarum and H. isolonche in golden pheasants, and were characterized by several necrotic areas with cholesterol clefts in the submucosa, giant cell granulomas in the submucosa, and serosa centralized by necrosis and worm sections and neoplastic nodules in the muscular and submucosa.
Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) specific T cell responses and KSHV viremia were analyzed in seven HIV-infected patients with active Kaposi's sarcoma lesions who initiated highly active antiretroviral therapy, and were compared between patients with improved Kaposi's sarcoma and those with progressive Kaposi's sarcoma requiring further systemic chemotherapy. Patients with controlled Kaposi's sarcoma disease demonstrated undetectable Kaposi's sarcoma viremia together with KSHV-specific CD8 T cells secreting interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, whereas progressors showed increasing viremia with weak or no T-cell responses. These data point toward a potential role of KSHV-specific immunity in the control of AIDS-associated Kaposi's sarcoma.
A coimmunosuppression with azathioprine or methotrexate in addition to infliximab does not improve the therapeutic efficacy in Crohn's disease but increase the risks of infectious complications and neoplasia.
Rotaviruses have been implicated as the major causal agents of acute diarrhoea in mammals and fowls. Experimental rotavirus infection have been associated to a series of sub-cellular pathologic alterations leading to cell lysis which may represent key functions in the pathogenesis of the diarrhoeic disease. The current work describes the cytopathic changes in cultured MA-104 cells infected by a simian (SA-11) and a porcine (1154) rotavirus strains. Trypan blue exclusion staining showed increased cell permeability after infection by both strains, as demonstrated by cell viability. This effect was confirmed by the leakage of infected cells evaluated by chromium release. Nuclear fragmentation was observed by acridine orange and Wright staining but specific DNA cleavage was not detected. Ultrastructural changes, such as chromatin condensation, cytoplasm vacuolisation, and loss of intercellular contact were shown in infected cells for both strains. In situ terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (Tunel) assay did not show positive result. In conclusion, we demonstrated that both strains of rotavirus induced necrosis as the major degenerative effect.
Tissue damage resulting from chemical, mechanical, and biological injury, or from interrupted blood flow and reperfusion, is often life threatening. The subsequent tissue response involves an intricate series of events including inflammation, oxidative stress, immune cell recruitment, and cell survival, proliferation, migration, and differentiation. In addition, fibrotic repair characterized by myofibroblast transdifferentiation and the deposition of ECM proteins is activated. Failure to initiate, maintain, or stop this repair program has dramatic consequences, such as cell death and associated tissue necrosis or carcinogenesis. In this sense, inflammation and oxidative stress, which are beneficial defense processes, can become harmful if they do not resolve in time. This repair program is largely based on rapid and specific changes in gene expression controlled by transcription factors that sense injury. PPARs are such factors and are activated by lipid mediators produced after wounding. Here we highlight advances in our understanding of PPAR action during tissue repair and discuss the potential for these nuclear receptors as therapeutic targets for tissue injury.
Cells die through a programmed process or accidental death, know as apoptosis or necrosis, respectively. Bothrops jararaca is a snake whose venom inhibits the growth of Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigote forms causing mitochondrion swelling and cell death. The aim of the present work was to determine the type of death induced in epimastigotes of T. cruzi by this venom. Parasite growth was inhibited after venom treatment, and 50% growth inhibition was obtained with 10 µg/ml. Ultrastructural observations confirmed mitochondrion swelling and kinetoplast disorganization. Furthermore, cytoplasmic condensation, loss of mitochondrion membrane potential, time-dependent increase in phosphatidylserine exposure at the outer leaflet plasma membrane followed by permeabilization, activation of caspase like protein and DNA fragmentation were observed in epimastigotes throughout a 24 h period of venom treatment. Taken together, these results indicate that the stress induced in epimastigote by this venom, triggers a programmed cell death process, similar to metazoan apoptosis, which leads to parasite death.
Paradoxically, morbid obesity was suggested to protect from cardiovascular co-morbidities as compared to overweight/obese patients. We hypothesise that this paradox could be inferred to modulation of the "endocannabinoid" system on systemic and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) inflammation. We designed a translational project including clinical and in vitro studies at Geneva University Hospital. Morbid obese subjects (n=11) were submitted to gastric bypass surgery (GBS) and followed up for one year (post-GBS). Insulin resistance and circulating and SAT levels of endocannabinoids, adipocytokines and CC chemokines were assessed pre- and post-GBS and compared to a control group of normal and overweight subjects (CTL) (n=20). In vitro cultures with 3T3-L1 adipocytes were used to validate findings from clinical results. Morbid obese subjects had baseline lower insulin sensitivity and higher hs-CRP, leptin, CCL5 and anandamide (AEA) levels as compared to CTL. GBS induced a massive weight and fat mass loss, improved insulin sensitivity and lipid profile, decreased C-reactive protein, leptin, and CCL2 levels. In SAT, increased expression of resistin, CCL2, CCL5 and tumour necrosis factor and reduced MGLL were shown in morbid obese patients pre-GBS when compared to CTL. GBS increased all endocannabinoids and reduced adipocytokines and CC chemokines. In morbid obese SAT, inverse correlations independent of body mass index were shown between palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) and N-oleoylethanolamide (OEA) levels and inflammatory molecules. In vitro, OEA inhibited CCL2 secretion from adipocytes via ERK1/2 activation. In conclusion, GBS was associated with relevant clinical, metabolic and inflammatory improvements, increasing endocannabinoid levels in SAT. OEA directly reduced CCL2 secretion via ERK1/2 activation in adipocytes.
Calomys callosus, a sylvatic reservoir of Trypanosoma cruzi, when infected with the Colombian strain (Biodeme Type III, T. cruzi I ) develops necrotic-inflammatory lesions and intense early fibrogenesis in the heart and skeletal muscles, that spontaneously regress. Participation of pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrogenic cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) , and tumor growth factor-beta (TGF-beta), in the pathogenesis of the lesions is herein studied. Eighty C. callosus weighing 20 to 30 g were used. Seventy of them were inoculated with the Colombian strain (10(5) blood forms) and 10 were maintained as intact non-infected controls. After infection, C. callosus were sacrificed at different time-points from 15 to 70 days. The heart and skeletal muscle were processed for histopathology and cryopreserved for immunohistochemistry. Early necrotic lesions of parasitized skeletal muscle and myocardium with intense inflammatory lesions were present. Search for the in situ presence of TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma, was performed using rat-IgG anti-mouse antibodies against these cytokines. For the in situ search of TGF-beta, rabbit IgG anti-mouse antibodies were used. Immunolabeling of the cytokines in tissues of infected C. callosus was successful. The cytokines TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma , and TGF-beta were detected in the cytoplasm of macrophages and in the necrotic material from 15 to 45 days post-infection, decreasing their intensity until complete disappearance by the 65th day, which correlated with subsiding histopathological lesions. These findings suggest the participation of these cytokines in the control of parasite multiplication, in the development of an early fibrogenesis and in the regression of fibrotic-inflammatory lesions observed in C. callosus.
A major goal in the treatment of acute ischemia of a vascular territory is to restore blood flow to normal values, i.e. to "reperfuse" the ischemic vascular bed. However, reperfusion of ischemic tissues is associated with local and systemic leukocyte activation and trafficking, endothelial barrier dysfunction in postcapillary venules, enhanced production of inflammatory mediators and great lethality. This phenomenon has been referred to as "reperfusion injury" and several studies demonstrated that injury is dependent on neutrophil recruitment. Furthermore, ischemia and reperfusion injury is associated with the coordinated activation of a series of cytokines and adhesion molecules. Among the mediators of the inflammatory cascade released, TNF-alpha appears to play an essential role for the reperfusion-associated injury. On the other hand, the release of IL-10 modulates pro-inflammatory cytokine production and reperfusion-associated tissue injury. IL-1beta, PAF and bradykinin are mediators involved in ischemia and reperfusion injury by regulating the balance between TNF-alpha and IL-10 production. Strategies that enhance IL-10 and/or prevent TNF-alpha concentration may be useful as therapeutic adjuvants in the treatment of the tissue injury that follows ischemia and reperfusion.
BACKGROUND: Activation of innate pattern-recognition receptors promotes CD4+ T-cell-mediated autoimmune myocarditis and subsequent inflammatory cardiomyopathy. Mechanisms that counterregulate exaggerated heart-specific autoimmunity are poorly understood. METHODS AND RESULTS: Experimental autoimmune myocarditis was induced in BALB/c mice by immunization with α-myosin heavy chain peptide and complete Freund's adjuvant. Together with interferon-γ, heat-killed Mycobacterium tuberculosis, an essential component of complete Freund's adjuvant, converted CD11b(hi)CD11c(-) monocytes into tumor necrosis factor-α- and nitric oxide synthase 2-producing dendritic cells (TipDCs). Heat-killed M. tuberculosis stimulated production of nitric oxide synthase 2 via Toll-like receptor 2-mediated nuclear factor-κB activation. TipDCs limited antigen-specific T-cell expansion through nitric oxide synthase 2-dependent nitric oxide production. Moreover, they promoted nitric oxide synthase 2 production in hematopoietic and stromal cells in a paracrine manner. Consequently, nitric oxide synthase 2 production by both radiosensitive hematopoietic and radioresistant stromal cells prevented exacerbation of autoimmune myocarditis in vivo. CONCLUSIONS: Innate Toll-like receptor 2 stimulation promotes formation of regulatory TipDCs, which confine autoreactive T-cell responses in experimental autoimmune myocarditis via nitric oxide. Therefore, activation of innate pattern-recognition receptors is critical not only for disease induction but also for counterregulatory mechanisms, protecting the heart from exaggerated autoimmunity.
Abatacept (CTLA-Ig), a modulator of T-lymphocyte activation, has been approved by the Swiss health regulatory agency Swissmedic for the treatment of active rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This article summarises the key trial findings for this biologic agent in RA in different situations such as early erosive rheumatoid arthritis (RA), biologic-naïve RA, RA before and after the use of methotrexate or TNF-inhibitors and includes safety information from these trials. Based on these data, recommendations for clinical practice in Switzerland are made by a panel of experts.
The critical role of interferon-gamma (IFN-g) in the resistance of C57Bl/6 mice to Leishmania major is widely established but its role in the relative resistance of these animals to L. amazonensis infection is still not clear. In this work we use C57Bl/6 mice congenitally deficient in the IFN-g gene (IFN-g KO) to address this issue. We found that IFN-g KO mice were as resistant as their wild-type (WT) counterparts at least during the first two months of infection. Afterwards, whereas WT mice maintained lesion growth under control, IFN-g KO mice developed devastating lesions. At day 97 of infection, their lesions were 9-fold larger than WT controls, concomitant with an increased parasite burden. At this stage, lesion-draining cells from IFN-g KO mice had impaired capacity to produce interleukin-12 (IL-12) and tumour necrosis factor-a in response to parasite antigens whereas IL-4 was slightly increased in comparison to infected WT mice. Together, these results show that IFN-g is not critical for the initial control of L. amazonensis infection in C57Bl/6 mice, but is essencial for the developmente of a protective Th1 type immune response in the later stages.
BACKGROUND: Tumor necrosis factor/tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily members conform a group of molecular interaction pathways of essential relevance during the process of T-cell activation and differentiation toward effector cells and particularly for the maintenance phase of the immune response. Specific blockade of these interacting pathways, such as CD40-CD40L, contributes to modulate the deleterious outcome of allogeneic immune responses. We postulated that antagonizing the interaction of LIGHT expression on activated T cells with its receptors, herpesvirus entry mediator and lymphotoxin β receptor, may decrease T cell-mediated allogeneic responses. METHODS: A flow cytometry competition assay was designed to identify anti-LIGHT monoclonal antibodies capable to prevent the interaction of mouse LIGHT with its receptors expressed on transfected cells. An antibody with the desired specificity was evaluated in a short-term in vivo allogeneic cytotoxic assay and tested for its ability to detect endogenous mouse LIGHT. RESULTS: We provide evidence for the first time that in mice, as previously described in humans, LIGHT protein is rapidly and transiently expressed after T-cell activation, and this expression was stronger on CD8 T cells than on CD4 T cells. Two anti-LIGHT antibodies prevented interactions of mouse LIGHT with its two known receptors, herpesvirus entry mediator and lymphotoxin β receptor. In vivo administration of anti-LIGHT antibody (clone 10F12) ameliorated host antidonor short-term cytotoxic response in wild type B6 mice, although to a lesser extent than that observed in LIGHT-deficient mice. CONCLUSION: The therapeutic targeting of LIGHT may contribute to achieve a better control of cytotoxic responses refractory to current immunosuppressive drugs in transplantation.