998 resultados para independent travel


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Control of protein synthesis is a key step in the regulation of gene expression during apoptosis and the heat shock response. Under such conditions, cap-dependent translation is impaired and Internal Ribosome Entry Site (IRES)-dependent translation plays a major role in mammalian cells. Although the role of IRES-dependent translation during apoptosis has been mainly studied in mammals, its role in the translation of Drosophila apoptotic genes has not been yet studied. The observation that the Drosophila mutant embryos for the cap-binding protein, the eukaryotic initiation factor eIF4E, exhibits increased apoptosis in correlation with up-regulated proapoptotic gene reaper (rpr) transcription constitutes the first evidence for the existence of a cap-independent mechanism for the translation of Drosophila proapoptotic genes. The mechanism of translation of rpr and other proapoptotic genes was investigated in this work. We found that the 5 UTR of rpr mRNA drives translation in an IRES-dependent manner. It promotes the translation of reporter RNAs in vitro either in the absence of cap, in the presence of cap competitors, or in extracts derived from heat shocked and eIF4E mutant embryos and in vivo in cells transfected with reporters bearing a non functional cap structure, indicating that cap recognition is not required in rpr mRNA for translation. We also show that rpr mRNA 5 UTR exhibits a high degree of similarity with that of Drosophila heat shock protein 70 mRNA (hsp70), an antagonist of apoptosis, and that both are able to conduct IRES-mediated translation. The proapoptotic genes head involution defective (hid) and grim, but not sickle, also display IRES activity. Studies of mRNA association to polysomes in embryos indicate that both rpr, hsp70, hid and grim endogenous mRNAs are recruited to polysomes in embryos in which apoptosis or thermal stress was induced. We conclude that hsp70 and, on the other hand, rpr, hid and grim which are antagonizing factors during apoptosis, use a similar mechanism for protein synthesis. The outcome for the cell would thus depend on which protein is translated under a given stress condition. Factors involved in the differential translation driven by these IRES could play an important role. For this purpose, we undertook the identification of the ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes assembled onto the 5 UTR of rpr mRNA. We established a tobramycin-affinity-selection protocol that allows the purification of specific RNP that can be further analyzed by mass spectrometry. Several RNA binding proteins were identified as part of the rpr 5 UTR RNP complex, some of which have been related to IRES activity. The involvement of one of them, the La antigen, in the translation of rpr mRNA, was established by RNA-crosslinking experiments using recombinant protein and rpr 5 UTR and by the analysis of the translation efficiency of reporter mRNAs in Drosophila cells after knock down of the endogenous La by RNAi experiments. Several uncharacterized proteins were also identified, suggesting that they might play a role during translation, during the assembly of the translational machinery or in the priming of the mRNA before ribosome recognition. Our data provide evidence for the involvement of La antigen in the translation of rpr mRNA and set a protocol for purification of tagged-RNA-protein complexes from cytoplasmic extracts. To further understand the mechanisms of translation initiation in Drosophila, we analyzed the role of eIF4B on cap-dependent and cap-independent translation. We showed that eIF4B is mostly involved in cap-, but not IRES-dependent translation as it happens in mammals.


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It is well known that regression analyses involving compositional data need special attention because the data are not of full rank. For a regression analysis where both the dependent and independent variable are components we propose a transformation of the components emphasizing their role as dependent and independent variables. A simple linear regression can be performed on the transformed components. The regression line can be depicted in a ternary diagram facilitating the interpretation of the analysis in terms of components. An exemple with time-budgets illustrates the method and the graphical features


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An introduction to learning at University


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The study examines how, from the traditional work of the independent artisan, we have moved to autonomous work integrated within networks of specialized businesses. This modality is owed not only to the manner in which labor is organized today, to government stimuli, to actions of multilaterals, but also to unemployment. With the purpose of humanizing independent work and rationalizing business costs, an intermediate category of autonomous worker has been created; the semi-dependent who moves between legal freedom and economic independence. The administration, for its part, focuses on broadening social coverage, not always developed for bureaucratic reasons, which is connected to the low density of contributions from the autonomous workers. The challenge put forth is that of provisional coverage for the independents, which is possible whenever citizens participate to resolve social inequality, resulting from the lack of job opportunities, low purchasing power and educational level. 


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Este título pertenece a una serie que examina el calentamiento global y sus posibles consecuencias para la vida en la Tierra. Contiene la estructura y características adecuadas para que los estudiantes aprendan a desarrollar habilidades en la lectura de textos no ficción enseñándoles cómo utilizar la tabla de contenidos, índices, epígrafes, glosario gráficos, mapas y diagramas a fin de garantizar, en el aprendizaje futuro, un uso adecuado de materiales de referencia. Aquí se explica la manera en que los ingenieros están inventando nuevos combustibles para sustituir el petróleo, y el diseño de nuevos coches, autobuses y otros vehículos para ayudar a combatir el calentamiento global. Se muestra lo que todo el mundo puede hacer ahora para cambiar y producir menos emisiones de dióxido de carbono. Incluye estudios de casos que permite a los estudiantes aplicar sus conocimientos a situaciones de la vida real y sugerir cambios en su propia vida para aumentar su comprensión de la responsabilidad personal. Tiene glosario, índice y sitios web.


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El aprendizaje independiente y las actividades promovidas por los niños son los principios de la estimulación temprana. Por ello, se aportan muchas ideas que ayudan a desarrollar un entorno donde se celebre este aprendizaje independiente y donde los niños asuman la responsabilidad de planificar y organizar sus propias actividades.


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El nivel 2 del programa de estudios BTEC First de viajes y turismo ofrece una cualificación profesional o laboral. Contiene trece unidades que proporcionan conocimientos específicos y habilidades para desarrollar este trabajo. Incluye actividades de evaluación en cada unidad que cubren todos los criterios de ésta para ofrecer a los estudiantes la oportunidad de practicar sus tareas y profundizar en el conocimiento y la comprensión de la materia.


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El nivel 3 del programa de estudios BTEC National de viajes y turismo ofrece una cualificación profesional o laboral. Contiene trece unidades que proporcionan conocimientos específicos y habilidades para desarrollar este trabajo. Incluye actividades de evaluación en cada unidad que cubren todos los criterios de ésta para ofrecer a los estudiantes la oportunidad de practicar sus tareas y profundizar en el conocimiento y la comprensión de la materia.


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El nivel 3 del programa de estudios BTEC National de viajes y turismo ofrece una cualificación profesional o laboral y proporciona conocimientos específicos y habilidades para desarrollar este trabajo. Incluye actividades de evaluación en cada unidad que cubren todos los criterios de ésta, para ofrecer a los estudiantes la oportunidad de practicar sus tareas y profundizar en el conocimiento y la comprensión de la materia.


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