876 resultados para heart right ventricle failure
Levosimendan is a drug developed for the treatment of heart failure. Its mechanism of action includes calcium sensitization of contractile proteins and the opening of ATP-sensitive potassium channels. The combination of positive inotropy with possible anti-ischaemic effects via potassium channel opening may offer benefits in comparison with currently available intravenous inotropes, which are contraindicated in patients with ongoing myocardial ischaemia. The active levosimendan metabolite OR-1896 significantly prolongs the duration of the haemodynamic effects of levosimendan. The aims of the present study were to investigate: 1) the clinical effects and safety of intravenous and oral levosimendan and 2) the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of intravenous and oral levosimendan and its metabolites in patients with ischaemic heart disease. Levosimendan was administered intravenously or orally in four studies to 557 patients with ischaemic heart disease with or without concomitant heart failure. One study included patients with acute myocardial infarction, while the other three studies included stable ischaemic patients. Non-invasive haemodynamic measurements were used in all studies, and blood samples for pharmacokinetics were drawn in three studies. Safety was followed by ECG recordings, adverse event inquiries and laboratory assessments. Intravenous levosimendan, administered as a 6-hour infusion did not cause clinically significant hypotension or ischaemia in comparison with placebo and reduced worsening heart failure and short- and long-term mortality. Increase in incidence of hypotension and ischaemia was seen only with the highest dose (0.4 µg/kg/min). Both intravenous and oral levosimendan possessed a moderate positive inotropic effect. Vasodilatory effect was more pronounced with intravenous levosimendan. A chronotropic effect was seen in all studies; however, it was not accompanied by any increase in arrhythmic events. The formation of levosimendan metabolites after oral dosing increased linearly with the daily dose of the parent drug, leading to increased inotropic and chronotropic response. Levosimendan was well tolerated in all studies. In conclusion, levosimendan was safe and effective in the treatment of patients with acute or chronic ischaemia. The risk-benefit ratio of intravenous levosimendan is favourable up to the dose of 0.2 µg/kg/min. The daily dose of oral levosimendan in patients with ischaemic heart failure should not exceed 4 mg due to an increase in chronotropic response.
The New Zealand White rabbit has been widely used as a model of limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD). Current techniques for experimental induction of LSCD utilize caustic chemicals, or organic solvents applied in conjunction with a surgical limbectomy. While generally successful in depleting epithelial progenitors, the depth and severity of injury is difficult to control using chemical-based methods. Moreover, the anterior chamber can be easily perforated while surgically excising the corneal limbus. In the interest of creating a safer and more defined LSCD model, we have therefore evaluated a mechanical debridement technique based upon use of the AlgerBrush II rotating burr. An initial comparison of debridement techniques was conducted in situ using 24 eyes in freshly acquired New Zealand White rabbit cadavers. Techniques for comparison (4 eyes each) included: (1) non-wounded control, (2) surgical limbectomy followed by treatment with 100% (v/v) n-heptanol to remove the corneal epithelium (1-2 minutes), (3) treatment of both limbus and cornea with n-heptanol alone, (4) treatment of both limbus and cornea with 20% (v/v) ethanol (2-3 minutes), (5) a 2.5-mm rounded burr applied to both the limbus and cornea, and (6) a 1-mm pointed burr applied to the limbus, followed by the 2.5-mm rounded burr applied to the cornea. All corneas were excised and processed for histology immediately following debridement. A panel of four assessors subsequently scored the degree of epithelial debridement within the cornea and limbus using masked slides. The 2.5-mm burr most consistently removed the corneal and limbal epithelia. Islands of limbal epithelial cells were occasionally retained following surgical limbectomy/heptanol treatment, or use of the 1-mm burr. Limbal epithelial cells were consistently retained following treatment with either ethanol or n-heptanol alone, with ethanol being the least effective treatment overall. The 2.5-mm burr method was subsequently evaluated in the right eye of 3 live rabbits by weekly clinical assessments (photography and slit lamp examination) for up to 5 weeks, followed by histological analyses (hematoxylin & eosin stain, periodic acid-Schiff stain and immunohistochemistry for keratin 3 and 13). All 3 eyes that had been completely debrided using the 2.5-mm burr displayed symptoms of ocular surface failure as defined by retention of a prominent epithelial defect (~40% of corneal surface at 5 weeks), corneal neovascularization (2 to 3 quadrants), reduced corneal transparency and conjunctivalization of the corneal surface (demonstrated by the presence of goblet cells and/or staining for keratin 13). In conclusion, our findings indicate that the AlgerBrush II rotating burr is an effective method for the establishment of ocular surface failure in New Zealand White rabbits. In particular, we recommend use of the 2.5-mm rotating burr for improved efficiency of epithelial debridement and safety compared to surgical limbectomy.
Heart failure is a common and highly challenging medical disorder. The progressive increase of elderly population is expected to further reflect in heart failure incidence. Recent progress in cell transplantation therapy has provided a conceptual alternative for treatment of heart failure. Despite improved medical treatment and operative possibilities, end-stage coronary artery disease present a great medical challenge. It has been estimated that therapeutic angiogenesis would be the next major advance in the treatment of ischaemic heart disease. Gene transfer to augment neovascularization could be beneficial for such patients. We employed a porcine model to evaluate the angiogenic effect of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-C gene transfer. Ameroid-generated myocardial ischemia was produced and adenovirus encoding (ad)VEGF-C or β-galactosidase (LacZ) gene therapy was given intramyocardially during progressive coronary stenosis. Angiography, positron emission tomography (PET), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and histology evidenced beneficial affects of the adVEGF-C gene transfer compared to adLacZ. The myocardial deterioration during progressive coronary stenosis seen in the control group was restrained in the treatment group. We observed an uneven occlusion rate of the coronary vessels with Ameroid constrictor. We developed a simple methodological improvement of Ameroid model by ligating of the Ameroid–stenosed coronary vessel. Improvement of the model was seen by a more reliable occlusion rate of the vessel concerned and a formation of a rather constant myocardial infarction. We assessed the spontaneous healing of the left ventricle (LV) in this new model by SPECT, PET, MRI, and angiography. Significant spontaneous improvement of myocardial perfusion and function was seen as well as diminishment of scar volume. Histologically more microvessels were seen in the border area of the lesion. Double staining of the myocytes in mitosis indicated more cardiomyocyte regeneration at the remote area of the lesion. The potential of autologous myoblast transplantation after ischaemia and infarction of porcine heart was evaluated. After ligation of stenosed coronary artery, autologous myoblast transplantation or control medium was directly injected into the myocardium at the lesion area. Assessed by MRI, improvement of diastolic function was seen in the myoblast-transplanted animals, but not in the control animals. Systolic function remained unchanged in both groups.
Sydämen vajaatoiminta on erilaisista sydän- ja verisuonisairauksista aiheutuva monimuotoinen oireyhtymä, johon sairastuneiden ja kuolleiden potilaiden määrä on yhä suuri. Sen patofysiologiaan voi kuulua muun muassa sympaattisen hermoston ja reniini-angiotensiini-aldosteroni–järjestelmän aktiivisuutta, huonosti supistuva vasen kammio, sydämen uudelleenmuokkautumista, muutoksia [Ca2+]i:n säätelyssä, kardiomyosyyttien apoptoosia sekä systeeminen tulehdustila. Johonkin osaan sairauden patofysiologiasta eivät nykyiset lääkehoidot riittävästi vaikuta. Klassiset inotroopit lisäävät sydämen supistusvireyttä kasvattamalla solunsisäistä Ca2+-pitoisuutta, mutta ne lisäävät rytmihäiriöriskiä, sydämen hapenkulutusta sekä heikentävät ennustetta. Levosimendaani, kalsiumherkistäjä, lisää sydämen supistusvoimaa [Ca2+]i:ta kohottamatta herkistämällä sydänlihaksen kalsiumin vaikutuksille. Lisäksi levosimendaani avaa sarkolemmaalisia ja mitokondriaalisia K+-kanavia, jotka välittävät vasodilataatiota ja kardioprotektiota. Suurilla annoksilla levosimendaani on selektiivinen PDE3-estäjä. Levosimendaania suositellaan äkillisesti pahentuneen sydämen vajaatoiminnan hoitoon, mutta muitakin lupaavia indikaatioita sille on keksitty. Esimerkiksi kroonisesti annosteltu oraalinen levosimendaani on suojannut kardiovaskulaarijärjestelmää ja parantanut selviytymistä in vivo. Erikoistyössä selvitettiin kroonisesti annostellun oraalisen levosimendaanin, valsartaanin ja näiden kombinaatioterapian vaikutuksia selviytymiseen, verenpaineeseen sekä sydämen hypertrofioitumiseen Dahlin suolaherkillä (Dahl/Rapp) rotilla. Levosimendaanin suojavaikutus ilmeni vähäisempänä kuolleisuutena, mutta ero ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevä kontrolliryhmään nähden. Kombinaatioterapia suojasi rottia kardiovaskulaarikuolleisuudelta ja vähensi todennäköisesti verenpaineesta riippuvaisesti sydämen hypertofioitumista niin sydän/kehonpaino–suhteen kuin ultraäänitutkimuksenkin perusteella arvioituna paremmin kuin kumpikaan lääke monoterapiana. Lääkekombinaatio alensi additiivisesti hypertensiota kaikissa mittauspisteissä. Sydämen systolista toimintaa levosimendaani kohensi vain vähäisesti. Dahl/Rapp-rotille kehittyikin pääosin hypertension indusoimaa diastolista sydämen vajaatoimintaa kohonneen IVRT-arvon perusteella. Levosimendaani sekä monoterapiana että kombinaatioterapiana valsartaanin kanssa vähensi sydämen diastolista vajaatoimintaa.
One of the existing issues in implant failure of orthopedic biomaterials is the toxicity induced by the fine particles released during long term use in vivo, leading to acute inflammatory response. In developing a new class of piezobiocomposite to mimic the integrated electrical and mechanical properties of bone, bone-mimicking physical properties as well as in vitro cytocompatibility properties have been achieved with spark plasma sintered hydroxyapatite (HA)-barium titanate (BaTiO3) composites. However, the presence of BaTiO3 remains a concern towards the potential toxicity effect. To address this issue, present work reports the first result to conclusively confirm the non-toxic effect of HA-BaTiO3 piezobiocomposite nanoparticulates, in vivo. Twenty BALB/c mice were intraarticularly injected at their right knee joints with different concentrations of HA-BaTiO3 composite of up to 25 mg/ml. The histopathological examination confirmed the absence of any trace of injected particles or any sign of inflammatory reaction in the vital organs, such as heart, spleen, kidney and liver at 7 days post-exposure period. Rather, the injected nanoparticulates were found to be agglomerated in the vicinity of the knee joint, surrounded by macrophages. Importantly, the absence of any systemic toxicity response in any of the vital organs in the treated mouse model, other than a mild local response at the site of delivery, was recorded. The serum biochemical analyses using proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-alpha and IL-1 beta) also complimented to the non-immunogenic response to injected particulates. Altogether, the absence of any inflammatory/ adverse reaction will open up myriad of opportunities for BaTiO3 based piezoelectric implantable devices in biomedical applications.
Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, retrospectivo, com abordagem quantitativa cujo objetivo geral foi descrever e analisar o perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes com Insuficiência Cardíaca atendidos pela Clinica de IC de um Hospital Universitário. Os objetivos específicos orientam-se para:(a)Caracterizar os casos de Insuficiência Cardíaca segundo variáveis demográficas, variáveis clínicas, de diagnóstico e co morbidades;(b)Comparar as características clínicas e demográficas dos pacientes conforme grupos etiológicos identificados e fração de ejeção;(c)Determinar a taxa de mortalidade e hospitalização dos pacientes acompanhados pela clínica. Os dados analisados neste estudo são oriundos de um banco de dados onde são alocadas informações dos pacientes em atendimento ambulatorial da referida clinica.Para a análise dos dados foi utilizada a estatística descritiva, freqüências e porcentagens assim como tabelas e gráficos para a demonstração dos dados levantados.Os mesmos foram analisados através do software SPSS v.18.0, no qual se utilizou a estatística multivariada e curvas de sobrevida de Kaplan-Meyer.Os resultados apontam para uma predominância masculina de 60,1%, com idade de 63,5 anos. Na caracterização quanto à classe funcional observa-se que a predominante é a classe funcional I e II com 73,6% do total. Os pacientes assistidos apresentam uma média de 42% da fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo e 61,7% possuem etiologia não isquêmica. Em nosso estudo, descrevemos 71,8% de portadores de disfunção sistólica. Os pacientes com etiologia isquêmica tinham predomínio do sexo masculino(70,7%), e a etiologia não isquêmica com uma prevalência maior do sexo feminino(45,5%vs 29,3%;p<0,001). Além disso, os pacientes isquêmicos eram mais idosos (p<0,001), com historia familiar de DAC(p<0,041), presença de diabetes (p<0,001). A disfunção sistólica(FE<50%) era predominante no grupo de pacientes isquêmicos(77%vs 69%; p=0,048).As classes funcionais mais avançadas(III e IV) foram menos predominantes nos indivíduos isquêmicos(32,5%) em relação aos não isquêmicos(41,3%;p=0,041).O paciente de etiologia isquêmica recebeu tratamento farmacológico semelhante ao não isquêmico com exceção do uso de AAS(p<0,001).Esses indivíduos cursaram com maior numero de internações por outras causas exceto IC(p<0,001) e maior numero de óbitos(p=0,007).Em relação à fração de ejeção, observou-se que indivíduos com FE>50% tinham predomínio do sexo feminino(p=0,006),mais idosos(p<0,001),de etiologia não isquêmica(p=0,048) e classes funcionais I e II(p=0,025).Indivíduos com FE<50% eram mais graves, apresentando maior número de internações por IC(37,8%vs20%;p<0,001), e internações por outras causas(27,2%vs17,5%;p=0,018) e maior número de óbitos (18%vs8,4%;p=0,005) do que os com fração de ejeção preservada. O resultado desse estudo teve como finalidade o conhecimento do perfil de uma população própria, com o objetivo de aprimorar a assistência prestada a ela. Os enfermeiros de Clínicas de IC, juntos com os profissionais da equipe multidisciplinar, desempenham papel fundamental no acompanhamento, orientação e educação desses pacientes.
A presença de ventilação periódica durante o exercício confere pior prognóstico a pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca. Existem divergências quanto aos critérios para identificação deste fenômeno. Além disso, a interpretação dicotômica (presença ou ausência) quanto a este fenômeno dificulta a estratificação de risco mais detalhada dos pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca. Desta forma, esta tese avalia a utilização de técnicas estabelecidas para análise de variabilidade de sinais para quantificar as oscilações ventilatórias que ocorrem durante o teste cardiopulmonar de exercício, em indivíduos saudáveis, atletas e com insuficiência cardíaca. Um protocolo mais curto para realização de teste cardiopulmonar de exercício em cicloergômetro de braço foi proposto e validado. Tal protocolo foi utilizado em estudo posterior, onde se comprovou que, apesar dos tempos respiratórios não serem influenciados pelo tipo de exercício realizado, a variabilidade ventilatória é maior durante a realização de exercício dinâmico com membros superiores do que com membros inferiores. A capacidade aeróbica de indivíduos sadios também influencia a variabilidade ventilatória durante o teste cardiopulmonar de exercício. Isto foi comprovado pela menor variabilidade ventilatória no domínio do tempo em atletas do que sedentários durante exercício. A análise destes voluntários com o método da análise dos componentes principais revelou que em atletas a variabilidade do volume corrente é a principal responsável pela variabilidade da ventilação-minuto durante o exercício, ao passo que em sedentários a variabilidade da freqüência respiratória apresenta-se como principal responsável por tais variações. Em estudo randomizado e controlado comprovamos que, mesmo indivíduos sadios apresentam redução da variabilidade ventilatória ao exercício após 12 semanas de treinamento físico. Comprovamos que a reabilitação cardíaca reverteu a ocorrência de ventilação periódica em um paciente com insuficiência cardíaca e, finalmente, encontramos que a variabilidade ventilatória correlaciona-se inversamente com a fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca. Estudos futuros deverão analisar o poder prognóstico da variabilidade ventilatória nestes pacientes.
O Câncer de mama (CM) é hoje o tipo de câncer mais incidente entre as mulheres, com a estimativa de 53 mil novos casos para o ano de 2013, segundo o Instituto Nacional do Câncer (INCA). É considerada uma doença de bom prognóstico, principalmente quando diagnosticada na sua fase mais precoce. A evolução no diagnóstico, e nas técnicas de tratamento para o CM, que incluem a quimioterapia e/ou radioterapia, aumentaram a expectativa de sobrevida para este tipo de câncer. Uma das complicações tardias induzidas pelo tratamento desta doença é a cardiotoxicidade. O termo cardiotoxicidade abrange uma série de efeitos colaterais, que incluem arritmias, alterações na pressão arterial, isquemia do miocárdio, trombose ou insuficiência cardíaca. É, por isso, fundamental entender os mecanismos envolvidos no desenvolvimento da toxicidade cardíaca para o sucesso do tratamento dos pacientes com CM. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos cardíacos tardios induzidos pela irradiação e quimioterapia, simulando um tratamento para o CM, em ratas Wistar. Ratas Wistar, com aproximadamente 3 meses de idade, foram divididas em: grupo controle, grupo que recebeu quimioterapia + irradiação (TC+IR), e grupo que recebeu apenas irradiação (IR). A quimioterapia foi administrada em 4 ciclos, com intervalo de 1 semana entre eles. A irradiação na região do coração foi realizada em dose única, de 20Gy, em um campo de 2x2 cm2. Os ratos foram submetidos à eutanásia 5 meses após o término dos tratamentos, para que os efeitos tardios pudessem ser avaliados. Vários estudos foram conduzidos: ecocardiografia para observar as alterações funcionais do coração; PCR em tempo real para detectar alterações no nível mRNA de procolágeno tipo I, TGF-β1, angiotensinogênio, renina, ECA, AT1, VEGF e razão Bax/;bcl2, no tecido do ventrículo esquerdo (VE); Além de ensaios histológicos para avaliar o aspecto do tecido cardíaco do VE. Resultados e discussão Os resultados obtidos indicam um processo de remodelamento cardíaco após os tratamentos para o CM. Sugere-se que este remodelamento inicie-se com a diminuição de vasos no VE, causada pelos tratamentos, conforme os resultados da estereologia e do PCR para VEGF. Em seguida mostrou-se hipertrofia dos cardiomiócitos, o aumento da expressão de procolágeno e TGF-β1 e de tecido conjuntivo neste tecido. E associado a estes resultados, mostrou-se a participação dos sistema renina angiotensina cardíaco neste processo de remodelamento. Porém, apesar de todas estas alterações terem ocorrido em ambos os grupos tratados, apenas o grupo que recebeu irradiação e quimioterapia concomitantemente apresentou alteração da função cardíaca, na ecocardiografia. Sugere-se, desta forma, que a associação destas terapias seja mais lesiva ao coração, do que a irradiação aplicada exclusivamente. Conclusão Os objetivos do trabalho foram alcançados, e pode-se entender melhor as vias envolvidas na cardiotoxicidade. Este é um estudo inédito, o assunto abordado é recente, e de sumo importância para o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias de tratamento para o CM, onde sejam consideradas as complicações cardíacas tardias envolvidas.
An extended computational model of the circulatory system has been developed to predict blood flow in the presence of ventricular assist devices (VADs). A novel VAD, placed in the descending aorta, intended to offload the left ventricle (LV) and augment renal perfusion is being studied. For this application, a better understanding of the global hemodynamic response of the VAD, in essence an electrically driven pump, and the cardiovascular system is necessary. To meet this need, a model has been established as a nonlinear, lumped-parameter electrical analog, and simulated results under different states [healthy, congestive heart failure (CHF), and postinsertion of VAD] are presented. The systemic circulation is separated into five compartments and the descending aorta is composed of three components to accurately yield the system response of each section before and after the insertion of the VAD. Delays in valve closing time and blood inertia in the aorta were introduced to deliver a more realistic model. Pump governing equations and optimization are based on fundamental theories of turbomachines and can serve as a practical initial design point for rotary blood pumps. The model's results closely mimic established parameters for the circulatory system and confirm the feasibility of the intra-aortic VAD concept. This computational model can be linked with models of the pump motor to provide a valuable tool for innovative VAD design.
The localization of the stretch sensitivity and myogenic automatism in the systemic heart of Octopus vulgaris has been studied on an isolated preparation in which the ventricle was zoned by ligatures. Each region has been submitted to two different levels of internal hydrostatic pressure (1 and 2 kPa). Only the two atrio-ventricular regions were able to contract regularly when submitted to internal pressure, with a frequency dependent from the pressure value, while the ventricle-aortic region was insensitive to the stretching by internal pressure. This result supports the hypothesis that the automatism in this heart is localized. Electrocardiogram recordings from different areas of an isolated and perfused preparation of the systemic heart ventricle are also reported, which suggest that the electrical activity of the ventricle originates in two narrow areas near the atrio-ventricular valves.
Two control algorithms have been developed for a minimally invasive axial-flow ventricular assist device (VAD) for placement in the descending aorta. The purpose of the device is to offload the left ventricle and to augment lower body perfusion in patients with moderate congestive heart failure. The VAD consists of an intra-aortic impeller with a built-in permanent magnet rotor and an extra-aortic stator. The control algorithms, which use pressure readings upstream and downstream of the VAD to determine the pump status, have been tested in a mock circulatory system under two conditions, namely with or without afterload sensitivity. The results give an insight into controller design for an intra-aortic blood pump working in series with the heart.
A permanent-magnet motor has been designed for an innovative axial-flow ventricular assist device (VAD), to be placed in the descending aorta, intended to offload the left ventricle and augment renal perfusion in patients with congestive heart failure (CHF). For this application, an intra-aortic impeller with a built-in permanent magnet rotor is driven by an extraaortic stator working in synchronism with the natural heart. To meet this need, a two-dimensional analytical model has been developed in the MATLAB environment to estimate machine parameters; finite element analysis (FEA) has been used to refine the results. A prototype blood pump equipped with an innovative motor designed from the procedure above has been tested in a mock loop representing the human circulatory system. The performance of VAD incorporating the motor is presented. © 2009 IEEE.
Gene duplication is thought to provide raw material for functional divergence and innovation. Fish-specific dmrt2b has been identified as a duplicated gene of the dmrt2a/terra in fish genomes, but its function has remained unclear. Here we reveal that Dmrt2b knockdown zebrafish embryos display a downward tail curvature and have U-shaped somites. Then, we demonstrate that Dmrt2b contributes to a divergent function in somitogenesis through Hedgehog pathway, because Dmrt2b knockdown reduces target gene expression of Hedgehog signaling, and also impairs slow muscle development and neural tube patterning through Hedgehog signaling. Moreover, the Dmrt2b morphants display defects in heart and visceral organ asymmetry, and, some lateral-plate mesoderm (LPM) markers expressed in left side are randomized. Together, these data indicate that fish-specific duplicated dmrt2b contributes to a divergent function in somitogenesis through Hedgehog pathway and maintains the common function for left-right asymmetry establishment.
The interest in the study of ventricular function has grown considerably in the last decades. In this review, we analyse the extreme values of ventricular function as obtained with Doppler echocardiography. We mainly focus on the parameters that have been used throughout the history of Doppler echocardiography to assess left ventricular (LV) systolic and diastolic function. The ‘athlete's heart’ would be the highest expression of ventricular function whereas its lowest expression is represented by the failing heart, independently from the original aetiology leading to this condition. There are, however, morphological similarities (dilation and hypertrophy) between the athlete's and the failing heart, which emerge as physiological and pathophysiological adaptations, respectively. The introduction of new assessment techniques, specifically speckle tracking, may provide new insight into the properties that determine ventricular filling, specifically left ventricular twisting. The concept of ventricular function must be always considered, although it may not be always possible to distinguish the normal heart of sedentary individuals from that of highly trained hearts based solely on echocardiographic or basic studies.
BACKGROUND:Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and its most common manifestations - including coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, heart failure (HF), and atrial fibrillation (AF) - are major causes of morbidity and mortality. In many industrialized countries, cardiovascular disease (CVD) claims more lives each year than any other disease. Heart disease and stroke are the first and third leading causes of death in the United States. Prior investigations have reported several single gene variants associated with CHD, stroke, HF, and AF. We report a community-based genome-wide association study of major CVD outcomes.METHODS:In 1345 Framingham Heart Study participants from the largest 310 pedigrees (54% women, mean age 33 years at entry), we analyzed associations of 70,987 qualifying SNPs (Affymetrix 100K GeneChip) to four major CVD outcomes: major atherosclerotic CVD (n = 142; myocardial infarction, stroke, CHD death), major CHD (n = 118; myocardial infarction, CHD death), AF (n = 151), and HF (n = 73). Participants free of the condition at entry were included in proportional hazards models. We analyzed model-based deviance residuals using generalized estimating equations to test associations between SNP genotypes and traits in additive genetic models restricted to autosomal SNPs with minor allele frequency [greater than or equal to]0.10, genotype call rate [greater than or equal to]0.80, and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium p-value [greater than or equal to] 0.001.RESULTS:Six associations yielded p <10-5. The lowest p-values for each CVD trait were as follows: major CVD, rs499818, p = 6.6 x 10-6; major CHD, rs2549513, p = 9.7 x 10-6; AF, rs958546, p = 4.8 x 10-6; HF: rs740363, p = 8.8 x 10-6. Of note, we found associations of a 13 Kb region on chromosome 9p21 with major CVD (p 1.7 - 1.9 x 10-5) and major CHD (p 2.5 - 3.5 x 10-4) that confirm associations with CHD in two recently reported genome-wide association studies. Also, rs10501920 in CNTN5 was associated with AF (p = 9.4 x 10-6) and HF (p = 1.2 x 10-4). Complete results for these phenotypes can be found at the dbgap website http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/gap/cgi-bin/study.cgi?id=phs000007.CONCLUSION:No association attained genome-wide significance, but several intriguing findings emerged. Notably, we replicated associations of chromosome 9p21 with major CVD. Additional studies are needed to validate these results. Finding genetic variants associated with CVD may point to novel disease pathways and identify potential targeted preventive therapies.