959 resultados para chaotic vibrations
The effects of iron ions on dielectric properties of lithium sodium phosphate glasses were studied by non-usual, fast and non-destructive microwave techniques. The dielectric constant (epsilon`). insertion loss (L) and microwave absorption spectra (microwave response) of the selected glass system xFe(2)O(3)center dot(1 - x)(50P(2)O5 center dot 25Li(2)O center dot 25Na(2)O), being x = 0, 3, 6, ....,15 expressed in mol.%, were investigated. The dielectric constant of the samples was investigated at 9.00 GHz using the shorted-line method (SLM) giving the minimum value of epsilon` = 2.10 +/- 0.02 at room temperature, and increasing further with x, following a given law. It was observed a gradual increasing slope Of E in the temperature range of 25 <= t <= 330 degrees C, at the frequency of 9.00 GHz. Insertion loss (measured at 9.00 GHz) and measurements of microwave energy attenuation, at frequencies ranging from 8.00 to 12.00 GHz were also studied as a function of iron content in the glass samples. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We analyse the global structure of the phase space of the planar planetary 2/1 mean-motion resonance in cases where the outer planet is more massive than its inner companion. Inside the resonant domain, we show the existence of two families of periodic orbits, one associated to the librational motion of resonant angle (sigma-family) and the other related to the circulatory motion of the difference in longitudes of pericentre (Delta pi-family). The well-known apsidal corotation resonances (ACR) appear as intersections between both families. A complex web of secondary resonances is also detected for low eccentricities, whose strengths and positions are dependent on the individual masses and spatial scale of the system. The construction of dynamical maps for various values of the total angular momentum shows the evolution of the families of stable motion with the eccentricities, identifying possible configurations suitable for exoplanetary systems. For low-moderate eccentricities, several different stable modes exist outside the ACR. For larger eccentricities, however, all stable solutions are associated to oscillations around the stationary solutions. Finally, we present a possible link between these stable families and the process of resonance capture, identifying the most probable routes from the secular region to the resonant domain, and discussing how the final resonant configuration may be affected by the extension of the chaotic layer around the resonance region.
We study the stability regions and families of periodic orbits of two planets locked in a co-orbital configuration. We consider different ratios of planetary masses and orbital eccentricities; we also assume that both planets share the same orbital plane. Initially, we perform numerical simulations over a grid of osculating initial conditions to map the regions of stable/chaotic motion and identify equilibrium solutions. These results are later analysed in more detail using a semi-analytical model. Apart from the well-known quasi-satellite orbits and the classical equilibrium Lagrangian points L(4) and L(5), we also find a new regime of asymmetric periodic solutions. For low eccentricities these are located at (delta lambda, delta pi) = (+/- 60 degrees, -/+ 120 degrees), where delta lambda is the difference in mean longitudes and delta pi is the difference in longitudes of pericentre. The position of these anti-Lagrangian solutions changes with the mass ratio and the orbital eccentricities and are found for eccentricities as high as similar to 0.7. Finally, we also applied a slow mass variation to one of the planets and analysed its effect on an initially asymmetric periodic orbit. We found that the resonant solution is preserved as long as the mass variation is adiabatic, with practically no change in the equilibrium values of the angles.
The theory of diffusion in many-dimensional Hamiltonian system is applied to asteroidal dynamics. The general formulation developed by Chirikov is applied to the NesvornA1/2-Morbidelli analytic model of three-body (three-orbit) mean-motion resonances (Jupiter-Saturn-asteroid). In particular, we investigate the diffusion along and across the separatrices of the (5, -2, -2) resonance of the (490) Veritas asteroidal family and their relationship to diffusion in semi-major axis and eccentricity. The estimations of diffusion were obtained using the Melnikov integral, a Hadjidemetriou-type sympletic map and numerical integrations for times up to 10(8) years.
This paper presents the second part in our study of the global structure of the planar phase space of the planetary three-body problem, when both planets lie in the vicinity of a 2/1 mean-motion resonance. While Paper I was devoted to cases where the outer planet is the more massive body, the present work is devoted to the cases where the more massive body is the inner planet. As before, outside the well-known Apsidal Corotation Resonances (ACR), the phase space shows a complex picture marked by the presence of several distinct regimes of resonant and non-resonant motion, crossed by families of periodic orbits and separated by chaotic zones. When the chosen values of the integrals of motion lead to symmetric ACR, the global dynamics are generally similar to the structure presented in Paper I. However, for asymmetric ACR the resonant phase space is strikingly different and shows a galore of distinct dynamical states. This structure is shown with the help of dynamical maps constructed on two different representative planes, one centred on the unstable symmetric ACR and the other on the stable asymmetric equilibrium solution. Although the study described in the work may be applied to any mass ratio, we present a detailed analysis for mass values similar to the Jupiter-Saturn case. Results give a global view of the different dynamical states available to resonant planets with these characteristics. Some of these dynamical paths could have marked the evolution of the giant planets of our Solar system, assuming they suffered a temporary capture in the 2/1 resonance during the latest stages of the formation of our Solar system.
The evolution of commodity computing lead to the possibility of efficient usage of interconnected machines to solve computationally-intensive tasks, which were previously solvable only by using expensive supercomputers. This, however, required new methods for process scheduling and distribution, considering the network latency, communication cost, heterogeneous environments and distributed computing constraints. An efficient distribution of processes over such environments requires an adequate scheduling strategy, as the cost of inefficient process allocation is unacceptably high. Therefore, a knowledge and prediction of application behavior is essential to perform effective scheduling. In this paper, we overview the evolution of scheduling approaches, focusing on distributed environments. We also evaluate the current approaches for process behavior extraction and prediction, aiming at selecting an adequate technique for online prediction of application execution. Based on this evaluation, we propose a novel model for application behavior prediction, considering chaotic properties of such behavior and the automatic detection of critical execution points. The proposed model is applied and evaluated for process scheduling in cluster and grid computing environments. The obtained results demonstrate that prediction of the process behavior is essential for efficient scheduling in large-scale and heterogeneous distributed environments, outperforming conventional scheduling policies by a factor of 10, and even more in some cases. Furthermore, the proposed approach proves to be efficient for online predictions due to its low computational cost and good precision. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper is concerned with the existence of a global attractor for the nonlinear beam equation, with nonlinear damping and source terms, u(tt) + Delta(2)u -M (integral(Omega)vertical bar del u vertical bar(2)dx) Delta u + f(u) + g(u(t)) = h in Omega x R(+), where Omega is a bounded domain of R(N), M is a nonnegative real function and h is an element of L(2)(Omega). The nonlinearities f(u) and g(u(t)) are essentially vertical bar u vertical bar(rho) u - vertical bar u vertical bar(sigma) u and vertical bar u(t)vertical bar(r) u(t) respectively, with rho, sigma, r > 0 and sigma < rho. This kind of problem models vibrations of extensible beams and plates. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we consider a hyperbolic thermoelastic system of memory type in domains with moving boundary. The problem models vibrations of an elastic bar under thermal effects according to the heat conduction law of Gurtin and Pipkin. Global existence is proved by using the penalty method of Lions. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this series of papers, we study issues related to the synchronization of two coupled chaotic discrete systems arising from secured communication. The first part deals with uniform dissipativeness with respect to parameter variation via the Liapunov direct method. We obtain uniform estimates of the global attractor for a general discrete nonautonomous system, that yields a uniform invariance principle in the autonomous case. The Liapunov function is allowed to have positive derivative along solutions of the system inside a bounded set, and this reduces substantially the difficulty of constructing a Liapunov function for a given system. In particular, we develop an approach that incorporates the classical Lagrange multiplier into the Liapunov function method to naturally extend those Liapunov functions from continuous dynamical system to their discretizations, so that the corresponding uniform dispativeness results are valid when the step size of the discretization is small. Applications to the discretized Lorenz system and the discretization of a time-periodic chaotic system are given to illustrate the general results. We also show how to obtain uniform estimation of attractors for parametrized linear stable systems with nonlinear perturbation.
Fractal structures appear in many situations related to the dynamics of conservative as well as dissipative dynamical systems, being a manifestation of chaotic behaviour. In open area-preserving discrete dynamical systems we can find fractal structures in the form of fractal boundaries, associated to escape basins, and even possessing the more general property of Wada. Such systems appear in certain applications in plasma physics, like the magnetic field line behaviour in tokamaks with ergodic limiters. The main purpose of this paper is to show how such fractal structures have observable consequences in terms of the transport properties in the plasma edge of tokamaks, some of which have been experimentally verified. We emphasize the role of the fractal structures in the understanding of mesoscale phenomena in plasmas, such as electromagnetic turbulence.
The transition to turbulence (spatio-temporal chaos) in a wide class of spatially extended dynamical system is due to the loss of transversal stability of a chaotic attractor lying on a homogeneous manifold (in the Fourier phase space of the system) causing spatial mode excitation Since the latter manifests as intermittent spikes this has been called a bubbling transition We present numerical evidences that this transition occurs due to the so called blowout bifurcation whereby the attractor as a whole loses transversal stability and becomes a chaotic saddle We used a nonlinear three-wave interacting model with spatial diffusion as an example of this transition (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved
A Hamiltonian system perturbed by two waves with particular wave numbers can present robust tori, which are barriers created by the vanishing of the perturbed Hamiltonian at some defined positions. When robust tori exist, any trajectory in phase space passing close to them is blocked by emergent invariant curves that prevent the chaotic transport. Our results indicate that the considered particular solution for the two waves Hamiltonian model shows plenty of robust tori blocking radial transport. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In the bi-dimensional parameter space of an impact-pair system, shrimp-shaped periodic windows are embedded in chaotic regions. We show that a weak periodic forcing generates new periodic windows near the unperturbed one with its shape and periodicity. Thus, the new periodic windows are parameter range extensions for which the controlled periodic oscillations substitute the chaotic oscillations. We identify periodic and chaotic attractors by their largest Lyapunov exponents. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We study a symplectic chain with a non-local form of coupling by means of a standard map lattice where the interaction strength decreases with the lattice distance as a power-law, in Such a way that one can pass continuously from a local (nearest-neighbor) to a global (mean-field) type of coupling. We investigate the formation of map clusters, or spatially coherent structures generated by the system dynamics. Such clusters are found to be related to stickiness of chaotic phase-space trajectories near periodic island remnants, and also to the behavior of the diffusion coefficient. An approximate two-dimensional map is derived to explain some of the features of this connection. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
For magnetically confined plasmas in tokamaks, we have numerically investigated how Lagrangian chaos at the plasma edge affects the plasma confinement. Initially, we have considered the chaotic motion of particles in an equilibrium electric field with a monotonic radial profile perturbed by drift waves. We have showed that an effective transport barrier may be created at the plasma edge by modifying the electric field radial profile. In the second place, we have obtained escape patterns and magnetic footprints of chaotic magnetic field lines in the region near a tokamak wall with resonant modes due to the action of an ergodic magnetic limiter. For monotonic plasma current density profiles we have obtained distributions of field line connections to the wall and line escape channels with the same spatial pattern as the magnetic footprints on the tokamak walls. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.