834 resultados para Worshipful Company of Pattenmakers.
This vessel was built at Wyandotte, Michigan by the Detroit Dry Dock Company in 1890. She was 2338 gross ton. Until 1916, when she foundered about 8 miles north of Eagle Harbor, Michigan in Lake Superior May 8, 1916 with a cargo of iron ore, she was owned by the North Western Transportation Company of Detroit, Michigan. Two of the twenty-two crew members were lost.
OBJETIVO: El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar las conductas de riesgo de los adolescentes escolarizados que frecuentan los bares y discotecas de la “Calle Larga” de la ciudad de Cuenca (Calle del Centro Histórico, donde se sitúa la mayor cantidad de centros de diversión nocturna). MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, de tipo cuantitativo, transversal. Incluye un universo de 307 adolescentes, del Cantón Cuenca en el año 2014. (1) Los datos fueron recolectados mediante un formulario validado, que fue aplicado previo asentimiento y/o consentimiento informado de los adolescentes entre 10 y 19 años que acuden a “La Calle Larga” los días viernes y sábados durante el mes de Mayo del año 2014. RESULTADOS: En el estudio encontramos que el 67,75% de adolescentes ingiere alcohol, el 28,66% fuma cigarrillo y el 8.79% fuma marihuana, siendo ésta la sustancia ilícita de elección. CONCLUSIONES: La prevalencia de consumo para alcohol, cigarrillo y otras drogas en los adolescentes que asisten a sitios de diversión nocturna en la “Calle Larga”, Cuenca mayo 2014, fue mayor en la adolescencia tardía y constituyen conductas de riesgo la compañía de los amigos. PALABRAS CLAVE: ADOLESCENCIA, ALCOHOL, CIGARRILLO, OTRAS DROGAS.
The function of fish sounds in territorial defence, in particular its influence on the intruder's behaviour during territorial invasions, is poorly known. Breeding Lusitanian toadfish males (Halobatrachus didactylus) use sounds (boatwhistles) to defend nests from intruders. Results from a previous study suggest that boatwhistles function as a 'keep-out signal' during territorial defence. To test this hypothesis we performed territorial intrusion experiments with muted Lusitanian toadfish. Males were muted by making a cut and deflating the swimbladder (the sound-producing apparatus) under anaesthesia. Toadfish nest-holder males reacted to intruders mainly by emitting sounds (sham-operated and control groups) and less frequently with escalated bouts of fighting. When the nest-holder produced a boatwhistle, the intruder fled more frequently than expected by chance alone. Muted males experienced a higher number of intrusions than the other groups, probably because of their inability to vocalise. Together, our results show that fish acoustic signals are effective deterrents in nest/territorial intrusions, similar to bird song.
Portugal é um país dependente da energia do exterior, devido à elevada percentagem de consumo de energia a partir de fontes primárias, como por exemplo o gasóleo. Para colmatar este cenário, têm vindo a criar-se incentivos para o uso de energias renováveis e para intensificação de medidas de eficiência energética, como os sistemas de cogeração, de forma a tornar os processos industriais nacionais mais autónomos e mais competitivos. O presente trabalho, centra-se na avaliação do chiller de absorção na central de trigeração da empresa Monteiro, Ribas-Indústria, SA, com a finalidade de identificar algum problema no funcionamento do chiller. Após efetuado o estudo do chiller, verificou-se que o coeficiente de performance do chiller apresenta valores que variam entre 0,75 e 0,81, que comparado com o valor especificado, não apresenta grande diferença. No que toca à potência do chiller, esta apresentou valores entre 948 e 1045 kW. Estes valores estavam bem abaixo da potência especificada pelos fornecedores. Assim, pretendeu-se propor medidas para melhor a potência obtida. Para o efeito foi sugerido o aquecimento da corrente que atua como fonte de calor para o chiller, a corrente de água quente. Embora a empresa apresente a solução para o problema, um permutador de vapor para o aquecimento da corrente de água quente, este não se encontra em funcionamento contínuo, levando a uma potência mais baixa.
O crescente interesse na compreensão e na gestão da interface trabalho-família provém das já demonstradas consequências do conflito trabalho-família no bem estar profissional e pessoal e no desempenho dos papéis de trabalho e de família. A participação das mulheres na força de trabalho levou a que combinem as responsabilidades familiares e profissionais. A combinação do papel de trabalho e do papel de família poderá levar ao conflito trabalho-família. A investigação realizada centra-se na forma como os indivíduos manipulam as exigências do trabalho e da família na tentativa de criar modelos de relacionamento e de actividades que sejam gerí- veis. Actualmente, as preocupações dos investigadores vão mais longe e procuram, também, encontrar soluções no local de trabalho que facilitem a conciliação entre o trabalho e a família. O objectivo deste estudo é o de verificar a existência e as diferenças na percepção do conflito trabalho- família entre homens e mulheres. Os dados foram obtidos através de entrevistas a 33 trabalhadores de uma empresa de produtos lácteos.
This text presents and explicits the story of a marine drone: the Wave Glider, designed and developed by Liquid Robotics, an American company of the Silicon Valley. The text specifies its functioning, directly dependent on energies that are the swell and the sun and its technical characteristics authorizing a set of measures of in situ parameters (sea temperature, salinity, currents, marine acoustics, video but also meteorological data acquisitions). A set of scientific or operational applications is also introduced. A detail is supplied on the first experience led in New Caledonia: inaugural mission of the drone Wave Glider, property of the Company Assystem, for a route between Nouméa and Lifou and return. Several perspectives of use of such a tool in New Caledonia and in the Pacific are proposed.
O projeto realizou-se num contexto onde as organizações mantêm os funcionários conectados, motivados, e satisfeitos pessoal e profissionalmente, onde em companhia dos seus líderes, marcham em busca da tão desejada progressão organizacional, maximizando o lucro e minimizando os custos continuamente. Por este motivo, decidiu-se elaborar o projeto, cujo objetivo é avaliar/examinar duas variáveis, a Satisfação Laboral e o Compromisso Organizacional, destacando uma possível associação entre ambas. O universo em análise é a população da empresa angolana no sector da informação, empresa integrada no mercado angolano, cujo objeto de trabalho passa por recolher, tratar e distribuir a informação, nacional e internacionalmente. A mesma teve a amabilidade que disponibilizar os seus 172 colaboradores como amostra para fazer parte deste projeto. Para o estudo foram utilizadas metodologias quantitativas, aplicando-se dois questionários. O primeiro, de Warr, Cook e Wall referente a Satisfação Laboral, e o segundo, de Allen Meyer, refere-se ao Compromisso Organizacional, ambos previamente aprovados/certificados, e utilizados anteriormente com as referidas variáveis. Relativamente aos resultados, observou-se a existência de um impacto significativo entre a variável Satisfação Laboral e a variável Compromisso Organizacional; tento a primeira uma influência positiva sobre a segunda. Os resultados do estudo concluíram que os valores provenientes da correlação de Pearson (Tabela) demonstram o esperado, isto é, existe uma associação positiva com intensidade moderada, fortes e muito fortes (0.60 a 0.97) entre a variável Satisfação laboral Compromisso laboral.
Mestrado em Gestão de Recursos Humanos
Broad nosed caiman are ectotherm sauropsids that naturally experience long fasting intervals. We have studied the postprandial responses by measuring oxygen consumption using respirometry, the size changes of the duodenum, the distal small intestine, and the liver, using repeated non-invasive ultrasonography, and by investigating structural changes on the level of tissues and cells by using light- and electron microscopy. The caimans showed the same rapid and reversible changes of organ size and identical histological features, down to the ultrastructure level, as previously described for other ectothermic sauropsids. We found a configuration change of the mucosa epithelium from pseudostratified during fasting to single layered during digestion, in association with hypertrophy of enterocytes by loading them with lipid droplets. Similar patterns were also found for the hepatocytes of the liver. By placing the results of our study in comparative relationship and by utilizing the phylogenetic bracket of crocodiles, birds and squamates, we suggest that the observed features are plesiomorphic characters of sauropsids. By extending the comparison to anurans, we suggest that morphological and physiological adjustments to feeding and fasting described here may have been a character of early tetrapods. In conclusion, we suggest that the ability to tolerate long fasting intervals and then swallow a single large meal as described for many sit-an-wait foraging sauropsids is a functional feature that was already present in ancestral tetrapods.
On the 15th of April, 1897, a 19 year-old European resident of Baghdad, named Alexander Richard Svoboda, set out on a long journey to Europe by caravan, boat and train. From a large and influential family of merchants, artists, and explorers settled in Ottoman Iraq since the end of the 18th century, Alexander traveled in the company of his parents and a departing British diplomat accompanied by his retinue. They followed a circuitous route through the Middle East to Cairo and thence to Europe on a three and a half month journey which Alexander described day-by-day in a journal written in the Iraqi Arabic of his time.
On the 15th of April, 1897, a 19 year-old European resident of Baghdad, named Alexander Richard Svoboda, set out on a long journey to Europe by caravan, boat and train. From a large and influential family of merchants, artists, and explorers settled in Ottoman Iraq since the end of the 18th century, Alexander traveled in the company of his parents and a departing British diplomat accompanied by his retinue. They followed a circuitous route through the Middle East to Cairo and thence to Europe on a three and a half month journey which Alexander described day-by-day in a journal written in the Iraqi Arabic of his time.
On the 15th of April, 1897, a 19 year-old European resident of Baghdad, named Alexander Richard Svoboda, set out on a long journey to Europe by caravan, boat and train. From a large and influential family of merchants, artists, and explorers settled in Ottoman Iraq since the end of the 18th century, Alexander traveled in the company of his parents and a departing British diplomat accompanied by his retinue. They followed a circuitous route through the Middle East to Cairo and thence to Europe on a three and a half month journey which Alexander described day-by-day in a journal written in the Iraqi Arabic of his time.
On the 15th of April, 1897, a 19 year-old European resident of Baghdad, named Alexander Richard Svoboda, set out on a long journey to Europe by caravan, boat and train. From a large and influential family of merchants, artists, and explorers settled in Ottoman Iraq since the end of the 18th century, Alexander traveled in the company of his parents and a departing British diplomat accompanied by his retinue. They followed a circuitous route through the Middle East to Cairo and thence to Europe on a three and a half month journey which Alexander described day-by-day in a journal written in the Iraqi Arabic of his time.
On the 15th of April, 1897, a 19 year-old European resident of Baghdad, named Alexander Richard Svoboda, set out on a long journey to Europe by caravan, boat and train. From a large and influential family of merchants, artists, and explorers settled in Ottoman Iraq since the end of the 18th century, Alexander traveled in the company of his parents and a departing British diplomat accompanied by his retinue. They followed a circuitous route through the Middle East to Cairo and thence to Europe on a three and a half month journey which Alexander described day-by-day in a journal written in the Iraqi Arabic of his time.
On the 15th of April, 1897, a 19 year-old European resident of Baghdad, named Alexander Richard Svoboda, set out on a long journey to Europe by caravan, boat and train. From a large and influential family of merchants, artists, and explorers settled in Ottoman Iraq since the end of the 18th century, Alexander traveled in the company of his parents and a departing British diplomat accompanied by his retinue. They followed a circuitous route through the Middle East to Cairo and thence to Europe on a three and a half month journey which Alexander described day-by-day in a journal written in the Iraqi Arabic of his time.