912 resultados para Vocational education for commercial occupations
People with mental health problems, learning difficulties and poor literacy and numeracy are at risk of social exclusion including homelessness. They are often disconnected from the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system, with few opportunities for education and employment. Academic research has demonstrated a link between literacy and numeracy and social inclusion, however, the pathways to enact this are not well understood. This report presents insights into how a community based adult literacy program in West End, Brisbane, was first established and has since evolved into a successful model of what we are calling ‘socially inclusive learning’. The research informing the report was conducted as a twelve-month study from April 2013 to April 2014 funded through a partnership involving Anglicare Southern Queensland, A Place to Belong and the School of Public Health and Social Work, Queensland University of Technology. The research was conducted by Greg Marston and Jeffrey Johnson- Abdelmalik. The aim of the study was to clarify the principles, practice and methodology of the Reading and Writing group (hereafter RAW) and identify the characteristics of RAW that support the social inclusion of the individual being provided literacy learning. The questions guiding the research included: • What are the key principles and practices of the RAW model? • How does the acquisition of literacy and numeracy skills contribute to the recovery of people with mental health and other issues? • How can the acquisition of literacy and numeracy skills support people’s social inclusion, including achieving employment and further education outcomes? A related aim of the project was to document how this community based literacy and numeracy program operates so that other organisations with an interest in addressing similar needs can learn from the model, particularly organisations that co-locate support and education and organisations that adopt a recovery approach when working with people with mental health challenges and intellectual and psychiatric disabilities. The report highlights the background to RAW, the learning philosophy of RAW, the profile of the participants in the program and the various roles and responsibilities and structure that supports the work of RAW. The report presents perspectives from the teachers, student participants and tutors on how the group is designed and the principles implemented.
The OECD’s 2009 Jobs for Youth report, released on the heels of the global financial crisis, made a number of policy recommendations to the Australian government to prevent a rise in youth unemployment. Five years on, youth unemployment has risen from around 8% to 14.8%, and around one in five children do not complete year 12, according to data from the National Centre for Vocational Education Research...
In order to support innovation and productivity to ensure ongoing national economic development and growth, the current policy environment of the Australian Federal Government seeks to enhance the quality of education, encourage widened access to education opportunities, and stimulate integration between vocational education and training and higher education. There is increasing evidence of the multiple avenues of transition within and between vocational education and training and higher education. ePortfolios offer the potential to be a meaningful medium for convergence and integration of education and training.
Global shifts in design practice, design education and in higher education in general have radically changed teaching practices over the past decade. In a time of tightening budgets and other factors, various paradigm shifts and challenges are continually evolving and rapidly changing the higher education landscape. Rising to these challenges and responding to them is a complex task, requiring creative approaches applied to traditional methods and tools in interior architecture and interior design courses. The focus of this paper is a discussion of the adaptation of an ‘old school’ traditional tutorial approach within the context of online interior design education, which was applied in an endeavour to increase student engagement with current relevant literature pertinent to interior design theory and practice. The adaptation and application of this tutorial approach, the O-tutorial, creates a necessary link to critical thinking and meta-cognition connecting theoretical concepts to interior design process and practice. Initial data reveals that the O-tutorial allows students to engage and critically analyse issues surrounding theory and practice, thus equipping them with the skills as future design professionals. The paper concludes with reflections and recommendations for interior design education and future potential use and application of the O-tutorial.
The provision of effective training of supervisors and operators is essential if sugar factories are to operate profitably and in an environmentally sustainable and safe manner. The benefits of having supervisor and operator staff with a high level of operational skills are reduced stoppages, increased recovery, improved sugar quality, reduced damage to equipment, and reduced OH&S and environmental impacts. Training of new operators and supervisors in factories has traditionally relied on on-the-job training of the new or inexperienced staff by experienced supervisors and operators, supplemented by courses conducted by contractors such as Sugar Research Institute (SRI). However there is clearly a need for staff to be able to undertake training at any time, drawing on the content of online courses as required. An improved methodology for the training of factory supervisors and operators has been developed by QUT on behalf of a syndicate of mills. The new methodology provides ‘at factory’ learning via self-paced modules. Importantly, the training resources for each module are designed to support the training programs within sugar factories, thereby establishing a benchmark for training across the sugar industry. The modules include notes, training guides and session plans, guidelines for walkthrough tours of the stations, learning activities, resources such as videos, animations, job aids and competency assessments. The materials are available on the web for registered users in Australian Mills and many activities are best undertaken online. Apart from a few interactive online resources, the materials for each module can also be downloaded. The acronym SOTrain (Supervisor and Operator Training) has been applied to the new training program.
This project aimed to identify current Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) and Inclusive Teaching and Learning Practices in a TAFE Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 Nursing). The key purpose of the study was to make recommendations for improving inclusive teaching practice and learning outcomes of students and for reducing student attrition, thereby increasing the employability of graduates in the health industry subsequent to course completion.
Although there is a plethora of definitions of blended learning, the underlying distinguishing feature is the combination of traditional content delivery and the utilisation of technology. Within Medical Imaging undergraduate education there is evidence of advantages and increased student engagement when utilising a blended learning approach. Although the embedding of technology has been proven to be a useful teaching tool, “Educators should tailor their teaching media to learner’s needs rather than assume that web based learning is intrinsically superior”. This study aims to determine which clinical learning tools are perceived to be the most useful to the student in preparing them for placements.
Regional and remote Indigenous students are underrepresented in both higher education and vocational education and training. Enabling education courses are important in lifting participation rates and potentially in encouraging mobility between the sectors, yet there is a clear lack of evidence underpinning their development. This report provides an overview of the data collection and analysis activities undertaken via a research project funded by the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education. The project purpose was to explore current practices dealing with Indigenous enabling courses, particularly in the context of regional, dual-sector universities. In particular, the project examined how these programs vary by institution (and region) in terms of structure, mode and ethos of offering; and direct and indirect impacts of these initiatives on Indigenous student participation and attainment; with a view to designing a best practice framework and implementation statement. Through its focus on students accessing Indigenous and mainstream enabling education, the project focussed on range of equity groups including those of low socio-economic status (both school leaver and mature-age categories), regional and/or remote students, Indigenous students and students with disability.
Undergraduate Medical Imaging (MI)students at QUT attend their first clinical placement towards the end of semester two. Students undertake two (pre)clinical skills development units – one theory and one practical. Students gain good contextual and theoretical knowledge during these units via a blended learning model with multiple learning methods employed. Students attend theory lectures, practical sessions, tutorial sessions in both a simulated and virtual environment and also attend pre-clinical scenario based tutorial sessions. The aim of this project is to evaluate the use of blended learning in the context of 1st year Medical Imaging Radiographic Technique and its effectiveness in preparing students for their first clinical experience. It is hoped that the multiple teaching methods employed within the pre-clinical training unit at QUT builds students clinical skills prior to the real situation. A quantitative approach will be taken, evaluating via pre and post clinical placement surveys. This data will be correlated with data gained in the previous year on the effectiveness of this training approach prior to clinical placement. In 2014 59 students were surveyed prior to their clinical placement demonstrated positive benefits of using a variety of learning tools to enhance their learning. 98.31%(n=58)of students agreed or strongly agreed that the theory lectures were a useful tool to enhance their learning. This was followed closely by 97% (n=57) of the students realising the value of performing role-play simulation prior to clinical placement. Tutorial engagement was considered useful for 93.22% (n=55) whilst 88.14% (n=52) reasoned that the x-raying of phantoms in the simulated radiographic laboratory was beneficial. Self-directed learning yielded 86.44% (n=51). The virtual reality simulation software was valuable for 72.41% (n=42) of the students. Of the 4 students that disagreed or strongly disagreed with the usefulness of any tool they strongly agreed to the usefulness of a minimum of one other learning tool. The impact of the blended learning model to meet diverse student needs continues to be positive with students engaging in most offerings. Students largely prefer pre -clinical scenario based practical and tutorial sessions where 'real-world’ situations are discussed.
Economic success, and a commitment to the social benefits of inclusive training opportunities are important goals for public vocational education and training (VET). Currently, in Australia, VET policy is a shared responsibility between the Commonwealth and the States and Territories. Priorities for investment are juggled between: a) improving efficiency and responsiveness; and b) providing societal prosperity. Amid recent VET educational reforms and policy directives the authors of this paper undertook a pilot study examining language, literacy and numeracy support and inclusive teaching and learning practices in a Diploma of Nursing course. The data highlighted implications arising from new market driven education reforms. This article reports on identified factors that influenced inclusive learning opportunities, noticeably associated with two recent policy developments: the release of the FSK Foundation Skills Training Package (IBSA 2014); and the Queensland's Higher Skills Program Policy 2014-15.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar alguns dos ideários sócio moralizantes que foram repercutidos na construção do pensamento social brasileiro, através das políticas pró-educação implementadas na década de 1940. O processo histórico que culminou com a edificação da Cidade dos Meninos, em Duque de Caxias no Rio Janeiro, surge, portanto, como um locus privilegiado para a investigação deste modelo educacional. Nesse contexto, as reflexões da intelectualidade à época, eram revestidas de uma expectativa moralizadora: "salvação pelo trabalho". Desta forma, surgiram espaços escolares que funcionavam em regime de internato e semi-internato, como a Cidade dos Meninos. Tratava-se de uma instituição destinada para essas populações "desvalidas", que seriam alvo de uma política educacional direcionada para a oferta do ensino "das letras" e do ensino profissionalizante de caráter elementar. Contudo, em 1950, ao ter uma fábrica de pesticidas instalada em seu interior, e com o posterior abandono desta, em virtude da mesma ter se tornado inviável economicamente em 1960, esse espaço foi alvo de uma contaminação ambiental e humana. Somente cerca de 30 anos depois, a referida contaminação foi trazida a público a partir de denúncias jornalísticas. A principal conseqüência foi o fechamento das escolas e a interrupção dos projetos de assistência social prejudicando muitos dos assistidos e antigos funcionários que assentaram residência na localidade, fazendo com que o problema social e de saúde pública se desdobrasse também numa questão fundiária. Todo esse movimento parece ter levado os atores sociais envolvidos no processo à uma elaboração pragmática sobre o papel da educação, do Estado, da pesquisa científica e do tipo de política que se destina a populações em situação de "periculosidade". A análise das memórias e das "trajetórias exemplares" de alguns moradores contribuíram para a compreensão da relação entre as políticas sociais e a perspectiva dos assistidos. Esse fato denota a possibilidade, na atualidade, de que os pressupostos que idealizaram tais políticas "sócio moralizantes" ainda apresentem vestígios no discurso e na ação tanto das autoridades, quanto dos próprios pesquisadores, desqualificando seus interlocutores e obscurecendo a solução do problema no referido local
Este estudo teve como objetivo a análise de um curso de capacitação profissional para alunos com deficiência intelectual numa escola especial. Os objetivos específicos foram: a) analisar o desenvolvimento social e o desempenho dos alunos nas atividades do curso; b) investigar as expectativas dos alunos e seus familiares em relação ao papel da escola especial no contexto da capacitação profissional; c) compartilhar o conhecimento produzido na escola especial e na universidade sobre alternativas pedagógicas para o ensino de alunos com deficiência intelectual. Para atender aos objetivos foi realizado um estudo de caso por meio da metodologia da pesquisa-ação, a qual consistiu de um trabalho colaborativo entre a pesquisadora e a professora da turma. Entre os procedimentos incluem-se observações das atividades do curso; entrevistas com a professora, funcionário da escola, alunos do curso e seus familiares. A análise dos dados destacou como aspectos relevantes: o desenvolvimento de uma proposta diferenciada de formação profissional para este alunado, a investimento pessoal da professora em uma capacitação para aprender a ensinar em um novo contexto, e a inciativa da escola de buscar parcerias para implementação de mudanças no seu escopo de atuação enquanto instituição especializada. A escuta dos alunos, seus familiares e uma profissional da escola colaborou para a proposição de novas ações dentro do contexto investigado. Nos dados obtidos também se evidenciou que as atividades de aula planejadas pela professora do curso foram determinantes para o bom desempenho dos alunos, sobretudo por serem realizadas no contexto real onde tais ações se executam. O trabalho colaborativo da pesquisadora e da professora viabilizando a elaboração de um plano individual de acompanhamento para os alunos no treinamento pode ser apontado como uma alternativa para o planejamento do processo de transição para a vida pós-escola. Entre outros aspectos, as entrevistas com os responsáveis indicaram a necessidade de um trabalho mais pontual da equipe da escola com as famílias sobre a perspectiva de vida pós-escolar dos alunos. De forma mais geral, o estudo de caso demonstrou que a escola especial, tem procurado encontrar caminhos para sua ressignificação por meio da aproximação e parceria com a universidade. Os dados obtidos permitem concluir que a formação continuada dos professores para atuar na capacitação profissional de alunos com deficiência intelectual é um processo que necessita do trabalho colaborativo de diferentes atores, conforme apontado pela própria professora do curso analisado.
Com base nos rebatimentos da Lei n 8.213/1991, que prevê a obrigatoriedade legal de empresas privadas brasileiras contratarem de 2% a 5% de beneficiários da Previdência Social reabilitados ou de pessoas com deficiência (PcDs) habilitadas em seus quadros funcionais, o objetivo da presente pesquisa foi avaliar as repercussões da Lei de Cotas, tendo como referência as concepções de deficiência preponderantes dentro de uma organização privada de ensino profissionalizante por meio do seu Projeto de Sensibilização Gerencial. O projeto de sensibilização gerencial objetivou consolidar as etapas iniciais, na implementação de um programa institucional de valorização da diversidade. A hipótese principal formulada para a pesquisa, dentre outras relativas às concepções de deficiência, por parte de gestores, é que as reverberações positivas produzidas pela Lei de Cotas atingem, inclusive, as organizações empresariais supostamente distanciadas do movimento inclusionista. Para fins de avaliação das concepções de deficiência foram utilizados delineamentos de pesquisa estatística, compreendendo o teste de Shapiro-Wilk para determinar se as respostas às perguntas configuravam ou não uma distribuição normal, além do Coeficiente de Correlação de Pearson para medir a intensidade da relação linear entre as variáveis estudadas. Serviram como instrumentos da pesquisa um questionário sociodemográfico e um inventário de concepções de deficiência (ICD), sendo este direcionado para o objeto atitudinal, considerando-se as percepções sociais favoráveis e desfavoráveis no grupo pesquisado. Esse inventário de concepções de deficiência é composto de sete blocos de asserções e de uma escala do tipo Likert de seis pontos, que foi aplicada em um universo que contempla estrategicamente 60 participantes selecionados em três (3) grupos (Grupo piloto 1 envolvendo 30 participantes das áreas do Comitê Gestor do projeto na empresa; Grupo piloto 2 envolvendo 12 trainees; e Grupo Gerencial envolvendo 18 participantes, incluindo Gerentes de Área e Gerentes de Equipe da Superintendência de Produtos Educacionais). De posse dos resultados da avaliação das concepções de deficiência pelo ICD, foram realizados workshops de sensibilização com os participantes com o objetivo de sensibilizá-los e disseminar o conhecimento sobre inclusão social e laboral de PcDs, as ações de políticas públicas na atualidade, a natureza das deficiências, considerando-se os aspectos sociais da profissionalização, empregabilidade de pessoas com deficiência na empresa. Para tanto, foram empregadas técnicas e procedimentos lúdicos, além de debates para fins de reflexão crítica por parte dos participantes. A avaliação de reação foi conduzida ao término desses workshops. O conjunto dos dados levantados até então possibilitou proceder-se a um diagnóstico das concepções que prevalecem sobre PcDs na organização alvo da pesquisa. Os resultados evidenciaram a coexistência de concepções distintas da deficiência, indicando que, embora concepções negativas se perpetuem, as reverberações da Lei de Cotas têm apresentado também repercussões visivelmente positivas valorizando, assim, as ações corporativas apontadas para a diversidade humana, no contexto do trabalho. Em termos conclusivos, considera-se, no entanto, que o processo de inclusão laboral deva ser percebido por parte dos gestores como contínuo e em direção à mudança do comportamento humano nas organizações frente à profissionalização de PcDs. Posteriormente, tendo-se como suporte os resultados da presente pesquisa, um plano de ação institucional será implementado, como proposta de um programa balizado em 10 projetos sintéticos que servirão de modelo para empresas brasileiras interessadas em incluir a diversidade e reter talentos com deficiência em seus postos de trabalho, de modo a garantir-lhes o direito de exercício pleno da cidadania.
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar a organização curricular do PROEJA na Escola Técnica Estadual Ferreira Viana, uma das unidades da rede de ensino FAETEC, suas implicações no processo da formação humana e nos processos de subjetivação balizados em Foucault. Desta forma, buscouse descrever o desenvolvimento das políticas públicas implementadas pelo governo federal no período de 2009 a 2014, para a Educação Profissional de Jovens e Adultos, bem como discutir os efeitos desta implementação nesta rede de ensino. Adotouse a utilização de procedimentos metodológicos inicialmente através de uma análise documental e levantamento de dados estatísticos sobre entrada, retenção e saída de alunos. Após esta identificação foi realizado um registro de campo e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os agentes envolvidos neste processo, no sentido de maior aproximação com o cotidiano de ensino desta unidade escolar. Por último e como foco principal, foi desenvolvido uma análise sobre a organização curricular do PROEJA na Escola Técnica Estadual Ferreira Viana da Rede de Ensino FAETEC, com o intuito de melhor compreender como se estabelecem as relações neste processo de sistematização curricular, tendo em vista a análise de sua estrutura, as ações estabelecidas pelos docentes na aplicação do ensino, a realidade vivida no processo de aprendizagem dos alunos, e os desafios da integração curricular e suas possíveis reformulações, frente às exigências da educação profissional no contexto atual da educação brasileira
Achievement motive is human’s social motive. In some sense, one’s all-life achievements are decided by his/her achievement motive. By which we can conclude that achievement motive has close connection with individual emotional experience. People pursuing success experience more positive emotion and less negative one, and have good behavioral adaptability. This study aims at explore the relation between achievement motive and behavior problems in the secondary vocational education schools through questionaries (the achievement motivation scale, UCLA Loneliness Scale,State-Trait Anxiety Inventory,Center for Epidemiologic Studies depression Scale and middle school students'behavior questionnaire). There were 1005 students whose age ranged from 14to21 years completed the questionnaires. The main conclusions of this thesis are as follows: (1) Achievement motive of student in the secondary vocational education schools is significantly lower than that of students in the senior high school. (2) Students in the secondary vocational education schools show more obvious emotion and Externalizing behavior problems than those of the senior high schools. (3) Students’ motivation for pursuing success in the secondary vocational education schools has negative correlation with emotion and Externalizing behavior problem, while the motivation for avoiding failure has positive correlation with the emotion and Externalizing behavior problem. Achievement motivation has negative correlation with emotion and Externalizing behavior problem. (4) Students’ achievement motivation shows obvious gender difference in the secondary vocational education schools. The avoiding failure element shows upward trend with the grades increasing and the difference is obvious. While the students’ achievement motive in the secondary vocational education schools shows significantly downward trend with the grades increasing. Whether holding a post at school has influence on the students’ achievement motivation, and the difference is significant. (5) Students’ Externalizing behavior problem in the secondary vocational education schools shows obvious gender difference. Whether holding a post at school has influence on the students’ Externalizing behavior problem, and depression and loneliness, and the difference is significant. Key words: Students in the Secondary Vocational Education Schools, Achievement Motivation, Behavior Problem, Emotion Problem, Externalizing Behavior Problem (Note: In this study, the behavior problems include not only the externalizing behavior problems, but also emotion problems.)