999 resultados para Universidade Estadual Paulista – Cursos de Matemática


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The context political, social and economical determines the material conditions of the individual's cultural formation and it influences in the constitution of the critical conscience and social responsibility. The aim of this paper is to describe the didactic experiences from discussions in classroom with students in disciplines dedicated to information access in the Brazilian librarianship courses from São Paulo State University (Unesp), state of São Paulo, and Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL), state of Alagoas, precisely: Information Dissemination, supplied in 2007 and 2010, and Information Dissemination and Sources, supplied in 2008 and 2009, besides Library and Cultural Action, accomplished of 2008 to 2009. It was noticed, starting from the experience in classroom, that the Librarianship students have low knowledge of the institutions librarians and their services; they told that not to know the main library services before they study them referred disciplines.


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The present study is the result of joint actions between education, research and outreach that is focused on the training of educators and its implications for the renovation of teaching Mathematics. Its objective is to analyze the attempts to reorganize in mathematics curriculum implemented in the state of São Paulo in the post-64. It makes use of documentary analysis and interviews of teachers for reasons of discussion and conclusions. Situated in the theoretical and methodological context of collaborative research and historical-cultural theory. The research results which shows that mathematical activity is the centrality of the discussion about learning mathematics, which has consequences for the organization, of teaching programs. This is a genesis school thinking that motivates the students to the reconstruction of ideas and thinking a production process in the classroom that considers the conditions of the school, other than the conditions that governs the production of knowledge of mathematical science, which requires thinking about the formation of a teacher epistemologically curious.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The paper's aim is to justify the creation of the line of research Mathematics Education and Society in the Graduate Program of Mathematics Education (PPGEM), UNESP (Rio Claro, SP). In a brief history of the constitution of the mathematics education community, the categories culture and society were emphasized. A brief summary of sociology is presented, drawing on classical sociologists and contemporary authors. The group EMsociedade is presented, and its purpose, which is to be part of the PPGEM to establish a space for discussions between students and supervisors from the Graduate Program, elementary and middle school teachers, and others who have interest in the subject. One of the arguments defended by the group is presented: institutionalized mathematical knowledge in the Twentieth Century is a commodity. Finally, some future considerations are outlined, including the expectation that the line of research Mathematics Education and Society will be included in the PPGEM.


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Over the years, society changes, renews and creates conditions for the use of new technological devices. The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to expand in our society and are used also in teaching and learning, making it necessary that the teacher knows them. This study was first to analyze the curriculum of teacher training at the campus of UNESP, specifically in relation to courses Full Degree in Education in order to understand how these courses are structured in relation to the subjects they deal with ICT. For this, we searched the literature on the main issues involving technology and teacher education, curriculum and document analysis of Pedagogy of UNESP. It was noted that only the Faculty of Education offers the campus of Bauru disciplines working technology issues centrally. From this result, the second objective of this research was to understand, through a questionnaire, the views of students of Bauru, enrolled in these disciplines, on the Distance Education. With the results of the questionnaires it was concluded that students rated as important the knowledge of technological tools, made possible by specific disciplines during their training was noted the positive contribution of a comprehensive curriculum with respect to knowledge of ICT for reflection and formation of critical thinking in teachers training


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Working with adult students who attend literacy rooms has been set a challenge for educators, especially with regard to issues of learning mathematics. This work of course completion intention was to investigate the process of construction of arithmetic operations in mathematics from the perspective of the students themselves. Thus specific objectives were to investigate how these students face simple operations that can do this automatically on a daily basis, but not always systematized in the classroom; how these students think and communicate their ideas to the mental operation of the paper record. To this end we chose a qualitative research approach with characteristics of case study, conducted in a room of Youth and Adult participants with three ladies. The data collection occurred through the application of a semi-structured, audio recorded and later transcribed, which issues the verbalization sought and a description of how to give students the learning process of some mathematical content. The results showed that students bring with them skills, cultures and values to the classroom and that these are the basis for understanding the content. The teacher of adult education must take into consideration everything that the student brings to the classroom, their experiences, their history and culture, thus questioning the real world, so they can understand math in a way closer to their daily lives


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Atualmente as iniciativas em educação a distância vêm crescendo significativamente, contudo, acreditamos que esse crescimento não veio acompanhado de igual reflexão sobre as práticas dessa modalidade educacional, por isso, esse estudo busca ser uma iniciativa nesse sentido, pretende buscar quais as características necessárias (de interação, da atividade, da tecnologia, visuais etc.) para promover e manter uma comunidade online de aprendizagem. O foco nas comunidades online se deve ao fato de que elas possibilitam elevado grau de interação entre seus participantes, o que as torna desejáveis em cursos de educação a distância, uma vez que acreditamos que a aprendizagem ocorre na interação entre os sujeitos, alunos e professores, as mídias e o objeto de conhecimento. Baseamo-nos em princípios da metodologia qualitativa de pesquisa e nos utilizamos de procedimentos como a observação participante de um curso a distância, intitulado Tendências em Educação Matemática que foi oferecido no primeiro semestre desse ano pelo Grupo de Pesquisa em Informática, outras Mídias e Educação Matemática (GPIMEM), do departamento de Matemática da UNESP de Rio Claro. Realizamos também entrevista com alguns alunos do curso, como forma de tentar melhor compreender algumas questões, além de análise de alguns documentos gerados pelo mesmo, tais como o programa e a avaliação final proposta pela administração e respondida pelos alunos. Para este trabalho definimos algumas características necessárias para obter e manter uma comunidade online de aprendizagem de acordo com a bibliografia específica e buscamos verificar sua ocorrência no curso observado, como forma de buscar elaborar reflexões sobre elas e de contribuir para futuras iniciativas nesse sentido. Concluímos que grande parte dessas características foi encontrada no curso estudado e que os problemas tecnológicos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This research aimed do verify the contribution of the games of rules to the development and learning of the mathematics of a philantropic institution for preschool children Centro de Educação Infantil Santo Antônio (CEISA) - from March to September 2010. The overall universe comprehends one teacher, one class auxiliary, one trainee, the organization teaching coordinator and twenty six students. The main objective was to explore games as a strategic resource for the development and learning, by searching auxiliary contributions for teaching the mathematics, and ways to wake and keep the interest of the students for the games as tools of development and learning; to identify important points for such development and learning by using games; to detect the difficulties of the students in the process of teaching-learning mathematics; to use games as a moment for fun; to show the teachers the possibilities of using ludic materials as methodic resources and to make interventions, by means of the games, to enhance the process of teaching-learning the matematics, through a qualitative approach, using the interview as instrument by means of an observation and study of case


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Cancer biology is a complex and expanding field of science study. Due its complexity, there is a strong motivation to integrate many fields of knowledge to study cancer biology, and biological stoichiometry can make this. Biological stoichiometry is the study of the balance of multiple chemical elements in biological systems. A key idea in biological stoichiometry is the growth rate hypothesis, which states that variation in the carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus stoichiometry of living things is associated with growth rate because of the elevated demands for phosphorusrich ribosomal RNA and other elements necessary to protein synthesis. As tumor cells has high rate proliferation, the growth rate hypothesis can be used in cancer study. In this work the dynamic of two tumors (primary and secondary) and the chemical elements carbon and nitrogen are simulate and analyzed through mathematical models that utilize as central idea biological stoichiometry. Differential equations from mathematical model are solved by numerical method Runge-Kutta fourth order


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The objective of this research is to understand whether the mathematics lessons teachers use ICT and how they see their use. For this, we prepared a questionnaire with four questions for the subjects of our research, which are ex - students of Bachelor in Mathematics FEG / UNESP, in exercise of the profession. The questionnaire data were analyzed following the procedures of phenomenological research. This approach enabled us to draw up three open categories. The first Recourse to boost student learning and school, leads us to interpret that for the interviewees, ICT resources are leading students to do research making them responsible for their learning and providing them with conditions respond the issues raised by the teacher, which generates greater interactivity. The second, Possibility to use software related to mathematical content shows that the subject sees ICT as resources that allow the study of mathematical content, especially geometry and functions, so that student learning is leverage. The third, Obstacles to the use of technology in the classroom shows that even if the subjects recognize the importance of ICT use, they do not use it as often as they would like because of the difficulties that are related to infrastructure and didactic and pedagogical conditions


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Brazil is a major world producer and exporter of agricultural products like soybeans, sugar, coffee, orange and tobacoo. However, the action of phytopathogenic fungi has been one of the largest challenges encountered in the field as they are responsible for approximately 25 to 50 per cent of losses in crops of fruits and vegetables. The presence of these pathogens is always a problem, because the damage on the tissues and organs promote lesions which decreses growth vegetation and often leads the individual (host) to death. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the process of spreading of these pathogens in the field to develop strategies which prevent the epidemics caused by them. In this study, the dispersal of fungi phytopathogenic in the field was modeled using the automata cellular formalism. The growth rate of infected plants population was measured by the radius of gyration and the influence of host different susceptibility degrees into the disease spread was assessed. The spatial anisotropy related to the plant-to-plant space and the system’s response to distinct seasonal patterns were also evaluated. The results obtained by a mean field model (spatially implicit models) emphasized the importance of the spatial structure on the spreading process, and dispersal patterns obtained by simulation (using a cellular automata) were in agreement with thse observed in data. All computational implementation was held in language Cl


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The objective of this study is to perform a theoretical study of the possible relationship between mathematics and art. For some people, the association between these fields of knowledge may simply seem absurd, possibly because they do not know what is in common between an area considered rigorous, rational, objective, and a more emotional, intuitive, subjective. In this context, interdisciplinarity has an important role, in proposing the contextual integration between the subject content, such as projective geometry and the renaissance. Are also presented as examples of this union, the technique of Moses and the geometric patterns of indigenous crafts, as well as the work of artist Maurits Cornelis Escher, a legitimate representative of the relationship between art and mathematics


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Como os professores do município focalizado vêem a formação continuada? E ainda: como lidam com essa questão dos cursos para progressão na carreira? Com quais objetivos fazem os cursos? Se é que fazem? Como ficam sabendo? Em que condições eles são oferecidos? O que esses professores acham da qualidade dos cursos? Da duração? O que efetivamente esses cursos mudam em suas práticas? Acham importante fazê-los, não acham? É possível afirmar que para os docentes, a progressão continuada não existe para suprir falhas da formação inicial conforme o discurso político atual, mas ela existe, para acrescentar e atualizar o conhecimento do professor perante as inovações tecnológicas. Por meio da análise do estatuto, verifica-se que ao olhar do município é condição sine qua non a realização dos cursos de progressão continuada na progressão da carreira para atender ao discurso vigente (má formação inicial do professor). Neste sentido, o objetivo desta pesquisa é verificar qual a importância da progressão continuada para os docentes, além disso, analisar, identificar e entender os mecanismos que levaram um município do interior paulista a elaborar um novo Estatuto do Magistério com Plano de Carreira. Para a constatação dos objetivos citados acima foram realizadas entrevistas com profissionais envolvidos na elaboração do Estatuto, bem como com aqueles profissionais que são regidos pelo mesmo, ou seja, os professores do Ensino Fundamental I.