970 resultados para Tetraammine- and pentaammine ruthenium complexes


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordination compounds of trivalent lanthanides cations with diphenylphosphinate are originated from direct reaction between a lanthanide salt and diphenylphosphinic acid. These complexes have peculiar and intriguing features, as (i) quickly obtainment through wet process precipitation, (ii) appreciable thermal stability, similar to inorganic phosphates, (iii) polymeric structure, and consequently, (iv) low solubility in both polar and non-polar solvents. Nowadays, coordination polymers are classified as coordination networks or, in case of porous materials, as metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). By this study, we aim to determine some optical properties of rare-earth diphenylphosphinate (RE = La3+, Eu3+, Gd3+, Lu3+) and conduct an updated classification of these compounds, bringing more details of its structure and the possible proposal of new materials with applications in lighting, detection of ionizing radiation and magnetism. The complexes of trivalent rare-earth cation with diphenylphosphinate were prepared by direct mixture of diphenylphosphinic acid with rare-earth metal chloride, both in ethanolic solution. The solution of diphenylphosphinic acid was kept in a beaker under constant stirring with pH measurements of the solution and gadolinium chloride solution was then dripped slowly with the aid of a burette until its complete addition; the following metal:ligand molar ratios were tested: 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1 e 3:1. The compounds were characterized by spectroscopic and structural techniques. By Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR), it was possible to check the total ionization of diphenylphosphinic acid in synthesized complexes, confirmed by the absence of the band type A, B, C related to ѵ(O-H) of the acid (2663 cm-1, 2168 cm-1, 1684 cm-1), as well as the disappearance of ѵ(P-OH)=961 cm-1. Furthermore, the occurrence of bands shifts of ѵ(POO-) [symmetrical and asymmetrical] of...


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The Jimmie E. Nunnery Papers contains records relating to Jimmie Nunnery’s career as a professor at USC-Lancaster. Included are correspondence, information about the scholarship program, fund raising, and the Lancaster County Educational Foundation, USC-Lancaster publications, promotion and tenure, indoor and outdoor recreation complexes, salary, building plans, committees, Medford Library, public relations, news releases, reports, conferences, expense reimbursement, teaching awards, faculty, newspaper clippings related to USC-Lancaster, and papers relating to teaching. The collection also contains personal papers, papers relating to early education, higher education, the S.C. National Guard, and the S.C House of Representatives, legal documents, various family papers, certificates, photographs, publications, general newspaper clippings, memorabilia, calendars, and various other materials.


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Coordination compounds of trivalent lanthanides cations with diphenylphosphinate are originated from direct reaction between a lanthanide salt and diphenylphosphinic acid. These complexes have peculiar and intriguing features, as (i) quickly obtainment through wet process precipitation, (ii) appreciable thermal stability, similar to inorganic phosphates, (iii) polymeric structure, and consequently, (iv) low solubility in both polar and non-polar solvents. Nowadays, coordination polymers are classified as coordination networks or, in case of porous materials, as metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). By this study, we aim to determine some optical properties of rare-earth diphenylphosphinate (RE = La3+, Eu3+, Gd3+, Lu3+) and conduct an updated classification of these compounds, bringing more details of its structure and the possible proposal of new materials with applications in lighting, detection of ionizing radiation and magnetism. The complexes of trivalent rare-earth cation with diphenylphosphinate were prepared by direct mixture of diphenylphosphinic acid with rare-earth metal chloride, both in ethanolic solution. The solution of diphenylphosphinic acid was kept in a beaker under constant stirring with pH measurements of the solution and gadolinium chloride solution was then dripped slowly with the aid of a burette until its complete addition; the following metal:ligand molar ratios were tested: 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1 e 3:1. The compounds were characterized by spectroscopic and structural techniques. By Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR), it was possible to check the total ionization of diphenylphosphinic acid in synthesized complexes, confirmed by the absence of the band type A, B, C related to ѵ(O-H) of the acid (2663 cm-1, 2168 cm-1, 1684 cm-1), as well as the disappearance of ѵ(P-OH)=961 cm-1. Furthermore, the occurrence of bands shifts of ѵ(POO-) [symmetrical and asymmetrical] of...


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This study reports an uncommon epizootic outbreak of Bacillus cereus that caused the sudden death of 12 psittacines belonging to the species Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus (1 individual), Diopsittaca nobilis (1 individual), Ara severe (1 individual) and Ara ararauna (9 individuals) in a Brazilian zoo. Post-mortem examination of the animals reveled extensive areas of lung hemorrhage, hepatic congestion, hemorrhagic enteritis and cardiac congestion. Histopathological examination of the organs showed the presence of multiple foci of vegetative cells of Gram-positive bacilli associated with discrete and moderate mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltrate. Seventeen B. cereus strains isolated from blood and sterile organs of nine A. ararauna were analyzed in order to investigate the genetic diversity (assessed by Rep-PCR) and toxigenic profiles (presence of hblA, hblC and hblD; nheA, nheB and nheC as well as cytK, ces and entFM genes) of such strains. Amplification of genomic DNA by Rep-PCR of B. cereus strains generated two closely related profiles (Rep-PCR types A and B) with three bands of difference. All strains were classified as belonging to the toxigenic profile I which contained HBL and NHE gene complexes, entFM and cytK genes. Altogether, microbiological and histopathological findings and the evidence provided by the success of the antibiotic prophylaxis, corroborate that B. cereus was the causative agent of the infection that killed the birds. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present in this work the influence of temperature on the dynamics of homogeneous chemical systems containing bromate and 1,4-cyclohexanedione (1,4-CHD) in acidic media. In particular, the following systems were studied: bromate/1,4-CHD/acid, bromate/1,4-CHD/ferroin/acid and bromate/1,4-CHD/trisbipyridine ruthenium/acid. Investigations were carried out by means of an electrochemical probe, at five temperatures between 5 and 45 °C. Activation energies (Ea) were estimated in different ways for the pre-oscillatory and oscillatory regimes. In any case, the Ea was found to depend on the catalyst, composition and initial concentrations. In addition, it was observed that ferroin and trisbipyridine ruthenium act as catalysts only during the transition between the induction period and oscillatory regime.


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The study of electrochemiluminescence (ECL) involves photophysical and electrochemical aspects. Excited states are populated by an electrical stimulus. The most important applications are in the diagnostic field where a number of different biologically-relevant molecules (e.g. proteins and nucleic acids) can be recognized and quantified with a sensitivity and specificity previously not reachable. As a matter of fact the electrochemistry, differently to the classic techniques as fluorescence and chemiluminescence, allows to control the excited state generation spatially and temporally. The two research visits into A. J. Bard electrochemistry laboratories were priceless. Dr. Bard has been one of ECL pioneers, the first to introduce the technique and the one who discovered in 1972 the surprising emission of Ru(bpy)3 2+. I consider necessary to thank by now my supervisors Massimo and Francesco for their help and for giving me the great opportunity to know this unique science man that made me feel enthusiastic. I will never be grateful enough… Considering that the experimental techniques of ECL did not changed significantly in these last years the most convenient research direction has been the developing of materials with new or improved properties. In Chapter I the basics concepts and mechanisms of ECL are introduced so that the successive experiments can be easily understood. In the final paragraph the scopes of the thesis are briefly described. In Chapter II by starting from ECL experimental apparatus of Dr. Bard’s laboratories the design, assembly and preliminary tests of the new Bologna instrument are carefully described. The instrument assembly required to work hard but resulted in the introduction of the new technique in our labs by allowing the continuation of the ECL studies began in Texas. In Chapter III are described the results of electrochemical and ECL studies performed on new synthesized Ru(II) complexes containing tetrazolate based ligands. ECL emission has been investigated in solution and in solid thin films. The effect of the chemical protonation of the tetrazolate ring on ECL emission has been also investigated evidencing the possibility of a catalytic effect (generation of molecular hydrogen) of one of the complexes in organic media. Finally, after a series of preliminary studies on ECL emission in acqueous buffers, the direct interaction with calf thymus DNA of some complexes has been tested by ECL and photoluminescence (PL) titration. In Chapter IV different Ir(III) complexes have been characterized electrochemically and photophysically (ECL and PL). Some complexes were already well-known in literature for their high quantum efficiency whereas the remaining were new synthesized compounds containing tetrazolate based ligands analogous to those investigated in Chapt. III. During the tests on a halogenated complex was unexpectedly evidenced the possibility to follow the kinetics of an electro-induced chemical reaction by using ECL signal. In the last chapter (V) the possibility to use mono-use silicon chips electrodes as ECL analitycal devices is under investigation. The chapter begins by describing the chip structure and materials then a signal reproducibility study and geometry optimization is carried on by using two different complexes. In the following paragraphs is reported in detail the synthesis of an ECL label based on Ru(bpy)3 2+ and the chip functionalization by using a lipoic acid SAM and the same label. After some preliminary characterizations (mass spectroscopy TOF) has been demonstrated that by mean of a simple and fast ECL measurement it’s possible to confirm the presence of the coupling product SAM-label into the chip with a very high sensitivity. No signal was detected from the same system by using photoluminescence.


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Low-pressure/high-temperature (LP/HT) metamorphic belts are characterised by rocks that experienced abnormal heat flow in shallow crustal levels (T > 600 °C; P < 4 kbar) resulting in anomalous geothermal gradients (60-150 °C/km). The abnormal amount of heat has been related to crustal underplating of mantle-derived basic magmas or to thermal perturbation linked to intrusion of large volumes of granitoids in the intermediate crust. In particular, in this latter context, magmatic or aqueous fluids are able to transport relevant amounts of heat by advection, thus favouring regional LP/HT metamorphism. However, the thermal perturbation consequent to heat released by cooling magmas is responsible also for contact metamorphic effects. A first problem is that time and space relationships between regional LP/HT metamorphism and contact metamorphism are usually unclear. A second problem is related to the high temperature conditions reached at different crustal levels. These, in some cases, can completely erase the previous metamorphic history. Notwithstanding this problem is very marked in lower crustal levels, petrologic and geochronologic studies usually concentrate in these attractive portions of the crust. However, only in the intermediate/upper-crustal levels of a LP/HT metamorphic belt the tectono-metamorphic events preceding the temperature peak, usually not preserved in the lower crustal portions, can be readily unravelled. The Hercynian Orogen of Western Europe is a well-documented example of a continental collision zone with widespread LP/HT metamorphism, intense crustal anatexis and granite magmatism. Owing to the exposure of a nearly continuous cross-section of the Hercynian continental crust, the Sila massif (northern Calabria) represents a favourable area to understand large-scale relationships between granitoids and LP/HT metamorphic rocks, and to discriminate regional LP/HT metamorphic events from contact metamorphic effects. Granulite-facies rocks of the lower crust and greenschist- to amphibolite-facies rocks of the intermediate-upper crust are separated by granitoids emplaced into the intermediate level during the late stages of the Hercynian orogeny. Up to now, advanced petrologic studies have been focused mostly in understanding P-T evolution of deeper crustal levels and magmatic bodies, whereas the metamorphic history of the shallower crustal levels is poorly constrained. The Hercynian upper crust exposed in Sila has been subdivided in two different metamorphic complexes by previous authors: the low- to very low-grade Bocchigliero complex and the greenschist- to amphibolite-facies Mandatoriccio complex. The latter contains favourable mineral assemblages in order to unravel the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Hercynian upper crust. The Mandatoriccio complex consists mainly of metapelites, meta-arenites, acid metavolcanites and metabasites with rare intercalations of marbles and orthogneisses. Siliciclastic metasediments show a static porphyroblastic growth mainly of biotite, garnet, andalusite, staurolite and muscovite, whereas cordierite and fibrolite are less common. U-Pb ages and internal features of zircons suggest that the protoliths of the Mandatoriccio complex formed in a sedimentary basin filled by Cambrian to Silurian magmatic products as well as by siliciclastic sediments derived from older igneous and metamorphic rocks. In some localities, metamorphic rocks are injected by numerous aplite/pegmatite veins. Small granite bodies are also present and are always associated to spotted schists with large porphyroblasts. They occur along a NW-SE trending transcurrent cataclastic fault zone, which represents the tectonic contact between the Bocchigliero and the Mandatoriccio complexes. This cataclastic fault zone shows evidence of activity at least from middle-Miocene to Recent, indicating that brittle deformation post-dated the Hercynian orogeny. P-T pseudosections show that micaschists and paragneisses of the Mandatoriccio complex followed a clockwise P-T path characterised by four main prograde phases: thickening, peak-pressure condition, decompression and peak-temperature condition. During the thickening phase, garnet blastesis started up with spessartine-rich syntectonic core developed within micaschists and paragneisses. Coevally (340 ± 9.6 Ma), mafic sills and dykes injected the upper crustal volcaniclastic sedimentary sequence of the Mandatoriccio complex. After reaching the peak-pressure condition (≈4 kbar), the upper crust experienced a period of deformation quiescence marked by the static overgrowths of S2 by Almandine-rich-garnet rims and by porphyroblasts of biotite and staurolite. Probably, this metamorphic phase is related to isotherms relaxation after the thickening episode recorder by the Rb/Sr isotopic system (326 ± 6 Ma isochron age). The post-collisional period was mainly characterised by decompression with increasing temperature. This stage is documented by the andalusite+biotite coronas overgrown on staurolite porphyroblasts and represents a critical point of the metamorphic history, since metamorphic rocks begin to record a significant thermal perturbation. Peak-temperature conditions (≈620 °C) were reached at the end of this stage. They are well constrained by some reaction textures and mineral assemblages observed almost exclusively within paragneisses. The later appearance of fibrolitic sillimanite documents a small excursion of the P-T path across the And-Sil boundary due to the heating. Stephanian U-Pb ages of monazite crystals from the paragneiss, can be related to this heating phase. Similar monazite U-Pb ages from the micaschist combined with the lack of fibrolitic sillimanite suggest that, during the same thermal perturbation, micaschists recorded temperatures slightly lower than those reached by paragneisses. The metamorphic history ended with the crystallisation of cordierite mainly at the expense of andalusite. Consequently, the Ms+Bt+St+And+Sill+Crd mineral assemblage observed in the paragneisses is the result of a polyphasic evolution and is characterised by the metastable persistence of the staurolite in the stability fields of the cordierite. Geologic, geochronologic and petrographic data suggest that the thermal peak recorded by the intermediate/upper crust could be strictly connected with the emplacement of large amounts of granitoid magmas in the middle crust. Probably, the lithospheric extension in the relatively heated crust favoured ascent and emplacement of granitoids and further exhumation of metamorphic rocks. After a comparison among the tectono-metamorphic evolutions of the different Hercynian crustal levels exposed in Sila, it is concluded that the intermediate/upper crustal level offers the possibility to reconstruct a more detailed tectono-metamorphic history. The P-T paths proposed for the lower crustal levels probably underestimate the amount of the decompression. Apart from these considerations, the comparative analysis indicates that P-T paths at various crustal levels in the Sila cross section are well compatible with a unique geologic scenario, characterized by post-collisional extensional tectonics and magmas ascent.


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Sowohl die Komplexierung von Polyelektrolyten mit anorganischen Salzen, als auch die mit entgegengesetzt geladenen Polymeren wurde von vielen Autoren bereits intensiv untersucht. Doch gerade mit Molekülen die zwischen diesen beiden Extremen liegen, sollte es möglich sein, durch elektrostatische Wechselwirkungen gezielt nanometergroße Teilchen definierter Struktur herzustellen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es deshalb, die Strukturbildung doppelthydrophiler Blockcopolymere mit mehrwertigen organischen Gegenionen zu untersuchen und insbesondere Parameter für die Bildung supramolekularer Strukturen in wässriger Lösung zu finden. Als Blockcopolymer wurde dabei Polyethylenoxid-b-methacrylsäure mittels anionischer Polymerisation hergestellt und mittels Gelpermeationschromatographie (GPC) und Kernresonanzspektroskopie (NMR)charakterisiert. Die Strukturbildung des Polyelektrolyten mit mehrwertigen organischen Gegenionen wurde in pH = 6- und pH = 7-Pufferlösung mit dynamischer und statischer Lichtstreuung, Kleinwinkelneutronenstreuung und Ultrazentrifugation untersucht. Mit Diaminobenzidin als Gegenion wurden dabei sphärische Komplexe mit einem hydrodynamischen Radius um 100 nm erhalten und mit Ultrazentrifugation der Anteil des Gegenions im Komplex quantifiziert. Die schlechte Löslichkeit des Diaminobenzidins in wässrigem Medium erschwerte allerdings die Interpretation der Ergebnisse. Trotzdem deuten diese darauf hin, dass keine Kolloidbildung des Diaminobenzidins, sondern eine Komplexierung der Einzelmoleküle mit dem Copolymer vorliegt. Um Probleme mit der Löslichkeit zu vermeiden, wurden schliesslich Polyamidoamin-Dendrimere als Gegenionen verwendet. Dabei wurde in pH = 6- und pH = 7-Pufferlösung für Dendrimere der Generation 4 mit steigender Gegenionenkonzentration ein kontinuierlicher Anstieg des hydrodynamischen Radius bis zu einer Größe von 70 nm gefunden. Mit Kleinwinkelneutronenstreuung konnte eine ellipsoidale Struktur dieser Komplexe beobachtet werden. Auch die Größe der Gegenionen spielt für die Bildung supramolekularer Aggregate eine Rolle. So zeigte sich, dass für Polyamidoamin-Dendrimere der Generation 2, analog zu denen der Generation 4, ein Anstieg des hydrodynamischen Radius mit steigender Gegenionenkonzentration zu beobachten ist. Für Generation 0-Dendrimere hingegen wurde ein umgekehrter Verlauf beobachtet, welcher dem für Diaminobenzidin gleicht. Somit kann man annehmen, dass die Aggregation mit kleinen Molekülen zu einer anderen Struktur der Komplexe führt, als die mit größeren Molekülen.


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Studies of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons have shown that the overall size, periphery, and functionalization of PAHs are crucial parameters which significantly alter their electronic structure and chemical reactivity. Therefore, the major direction of this thesis is the synthesis and characterization of extended PAHs: (i) with different functional groups improving their processability, (ii) with different periphery changing their chemical reactivity, (iii) with inclusions of different metal ions, which influence their physical properties. • The cyclodehydrogenation reaction has been proposed for to synthesise polyphenylene ribbons with preplanarized (dibenzo[e,l]pyrene) moieties in the aromatic core with up to 10 nm linear size. The synthetic strategy employed is discussed in Chapter 2 and is based on stoichiometrically controlled DIELS-ALDER cycloaddition. All molecules possessed very good solubility in common organic solvents allowing their characterization by standard analytical techniques. • A new concept was developed to extend PAH’s core. Here the introduction of “zigzag” sites, discussed in Chpater 3 was shown to lower the HOMO-LUMO gap and to result in higher chemical reactivities. This allowed, in Chapters 3, 4 and 5, further functionalization of PAH and enlargement of their aromatic cores up to 224 atoms. Despite the size of these novel molecules, extraordinary solubilities in common organic solvents were obtained due to distortions from planarity of the aromatic cores by bulky tert-butyl groups, which hampered the usually very pronounced aggregation tendency of extended π-systems. All extended PAHs posses the small HOMO-LUMO gap together with good electron affinities making them potential candidates for application in organic FETs. • Another alternative synthetic route has been proposed to obtain extended the metal-PAH complexes. Using the quinoxaline methodology in Chapter 5 three new phenanthroline ligands (up to 60 skeletal atoms) have been synthesized and characterized. Four different (Ru(II), Cu(II) and Pt(II)) complexes were synthesized, allowing to construct a range of large metal complexes by varying the metal as well as the number and nature of ligands.


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Die neuronale Signalübertragung beruht auf dem synaptischen Vesikelzyklus, der durch das koordinierte Zusammenspiel von circa 400 verschiedenen Proteinen reguliert wird. Eines der Hauptproteine des synaptischen Vesikels ist Synaptophysin (SYP), das zu den tetraspan vesicle membrane proteins (TVPs) gehört. Es wird vermutet, dass es zahlreiche Funktionen der Exo- und Endozytose moduliert, wenngleich die zugrunde liegenden molekularen Mechanismen bisher größtenteils unverstanden sind. Ziel der Arbeit war daher die Identifizierung von Interaktionspartnern von SYP, um zum Verständnis der vielen ungeklärten Prozesse im synaptischen Vesikelzyklus beizutragen. Mit dem Split-Ubiquitin Yeast Two-Hybrid System, das eine direkte in vivo Interaktion von Membranproteinen erlaubt, konnten in der vorliegenden Arbeit bekannte, aber auch neue SYP-Bindungspartner identifiziert werden. Ein bekannter Interaktionspartner war Synaptobrevin2 (SYB2), das zu den stärksten im Split-Ubiquitin Y2H System identifizierten Bindeproteinen zählt. Zu den neuen starken SYP-Interaktionspartnern gehören die TVPs Synaptogyrin3 (SYNGR3) und SCAMP1. Somit konnten erstmals heterophile Interaktionen zwischen den verschiedenen TVP-Genfamilien nachgewiesen werden, die für eine universelle Funktion der TVPs sprechen. Die Validierung der im Split-Ubiquitin Y2H System ermittelten Interaktionspartner wurde auf eine Auswahl von Proteinen beschränkt, die vermutlich am synaptischen Vesikelzyklus beteiligt sind. Dabei konnte eine immunhistologische Kolokalisierung von SYP mit SYB2, SYNGR3, SCAMP1, Stathmin-like3 (STMN3), Rho family GTPase2 (RND2), Phospholipid transfer protein, Vesicle transport through interaction with t-SNAREs 1B homolog, Arfaptin2 und Profilin1 in den Synapsen-reichen Schichten der Retina beobachtet werden. Die SYP/SYB2- und SYP/SYNGR3-Komplexe konnten zudem sowohl aus Synaptosomen-Lysat als auch aus cDNA-transfizierten Epithelzellen koimmunpräzipitiert werden, wohingegen dies für die anderen Interaktionspartner nicht gelang. Da Koimmunpräzipitation die Struktur der Proteine durch Solubilisierung mit Detergenzien beeinflusst, wurden die in der Hefe beobachteten Interaktionen noch mittels Fluoreszenz-Resonanz-Energie-Transfer überprüft, mit dem Proteinwechselwirkungen in der nativen Umgebung nachgewiesen werden können. Ein positives FRET-Signal konnte für SYP mit SYB2, SYP, SYNGR3, SCAMP1, STMN3, RND2 und Arfaptin2 detektiert werden, lediglich für SYP mit Phospholipase D4 (PLD4) gelang dieser Nachweis nicht. Ferner zeigten FRET-Analysen von Synaptophysin-Mutanten, dass der zytoplasmatische C-Terminus für die Interaktion mit zytoplasmatischen und membranassoziierten Proteinen benötigt wird. Durch in vivo FRET-Studien mit der SH2-Domäne der Src-Kinase, die an phosphorylierte Tyrosine bindet, konnte eine Tyrosin-Phosphorylierung des zytoplasmatischen C-Terminus von Synaptophysin und von Synaptogyrin3 detektiert werden. Viele der neu identifizierten Synaptophysin-Interaktionspartner sind im Lipid-Metabolismus involviert. Vermutlich rekrutiert der zytoplasmatische und durch Phosphorylierung modifizierbare C-Terminus diese Partner in spezifische Lipoproteindomänen, die an der Feinabstimmung der synaptischen Vesikelendo- und -exozytose beteiligt sind.


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Die Diagnose und Therapie von neurodegenerativen Krankheiten, wie beispielsweise Morbus Parkinson besitzt in der heutigen Gesellschaft eine immer größere Bedeutung. Über moderne, bild¬gebende nuklear¬medizinische Verfahren wie SPECT und PET ist es mit geeigneten Radioliganden möglich, Morbus Parkinson vor dem Auftreten von Symptomen zu diagnostizieren. Ein wichtiger Ansatzpunkt zur Diagnose von Morbus Parkinson ist die Visualisierung der postsynaptischen Dopamin-Rezeptoren über radioaktiv (11C, 18F, 123I) markierte Benz¬amid-Derivate. Auf Grundlage der (S)-Pyrolidin-2,3-dimethoxy-Benzamid-Struktur des 18F-Liganden Fallypride wurden verschiedene 99mTc-markierte Benzamid-Derivate als potentielle Radio¬liganden zur Parkinson-Diagnostik entwickelt. Um das Potential von Metall-konjugierten Benzamiden abschätzen zu können, wurden zunächst einfache Vergleichssubstanzen entwickelt. Diese sollten die Einführung eines Chelators simulieren und wurden hierfür hinsichtlich ihrer in vitro-Bindungsaffinitäten zu den Dopamin-, Serotonin- und adrenergen Rezeptoren evaluiert. Die zunächst entwickelten Derivate mit unterschiedlichen Kettenlängen zur Kopplung des Chelators zeigten für die Propylkette Affinitäten im nanomolaren Bereich. Im Anschluss sollten basierend auf diesen Ergebnissen vier verschiedene Chelatoren (Carbony-Cyclopentadienyl, Amido-Cyclopentadienyl, 2-Pyridyl-Imin und N2S2) über eine Propylkette an die 5-Position der Benzamidgrundstruktur gekoppelt werden. Die geplante Synthese des Carbonyl-Cyclopentadienyl-Derivates gelang jedoch nicht. Für die weiteren Chelatoren (Amido-Cyclopentadieny, 2-Pyridyl-Imin und N2S2) konnten die jeweiligen Markierungs¬vorläufer und Rhenium-Komplexe dargestellt werden, die ebenfalls hinsichtlich ihrer Bindungs¬affinitäten evaluiert wurden. Die erzielten Affinitäten zeigten, dass eine Über¬tragung der Affinitäten der einfachen Vergleichssubstanzen auf die komplexeren Metall-Benzamide nicht möglich war. Insbesondere der N2S2-Rhenium-Komplex besitzt nur noch geringe Affinität (490 - 900 nM) zu den D2- und D3-Rezeptoren. Die mittel-affinen 2-Pyridyl-Imin- und Amdio¬cyclopentadien-Komplexe wurden mit 99mTc markiert und die Markierungsausbeute hinsichtlich Reaktionstemperatur, Markierungs-vorläuferkonzentration und Heizmethoden optimiert. Dabei konnte der Imin-Komplex quantitativ mittels fac-[99mTc(CO)3(H2O)3]+ in 30 Minuten bei 45°C markiert werden. Der Amido-Cyclopentadien-Komplex konnte über die Umsetzung des Ferrocen-Markierungsvorläufer mit Mn(CO)5Br und [99mTcO4]- in Ausbeuten von bis zu 60 % markiert werden. Im Anschluss an die Markierungen wurden die 99mTc-Komplexe über HPLC isoliert und in in vitro-Auto¬radiographien von Rattenhirnschnitten weiter evaluiert. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse bestätigten die für die Rhenium-Komplexe erzielten Affinitäten und zeigten keine spezifische Anreicherung in bestimmten Hirnarealen. Aus diesen Ergebnissen kann ge¬schlossen werden, dass die dargestellten 99mTc-Benzamide aufgrund mangelnder Affinitäten und einer hohen unspezifischen Bindung keine geeigneten Liganden zur Darstellung der D2- und D3- Rezeptoren sind. Um die dargestellten 99mTc-Benzamide mit [18F]Fallypride vergleichen zu können, wurde zusätzlich [3H]Fallypride dargestellt. Hierfür wurde zunächst der Nor-Markierungsvor¬läufer synthetisiert und die Markierungsausbeute optimiert. Die finale Umsetzung mit [3H]Methylnosylat ergab nach HPLC-Aufreinigung 15 mCi [3H]Fallypride mit einer radio¬chemischen Reinheit von >99,5 %. Erste Autoradiographien zeigten eine hohe Anreicherung des Liganden im Striatum, verbunden mit einer sehr niedrigen unspezifischen Bindung.


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La poliradicoloneurite acuta idiopatica (ACIP) è una patologia infiammatoria che interessa le radici di più nervi spinali, descritta soprattutto nel cane, più raramente nel gatto, caratterizzata da insorgenza acuta di paresi/paralisi flaccida. L’ACIP mostra notevoli similitudini con la sindrome di Guillan-Barrè dell’uomo (GBS), in cui la patogenesi è su base autoimmunitaria ed è stata correlata con la presenza di alcuni fattori scatenanti (trigger). Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di caratterizzare l’ACIP in 26 cani, descrivendone la sintomatologia, l’evoluzione clinica, i risultati degli esami diagnostici. La diagnosi si è basata sui riscontri dell’anamnesi, della visita neurologica e del decorso confermata, quando possibile, dai rilievi elettrodiagnostici. Su tutti i cani è stata valutata l’esposizione a specifici agenti infettivi (Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora canunim, Ehrlichia canis, Leishmania infantum), o altri fattori (come vaccinazioni) che potrebbero aver agito da “trigger” per l’instaurarsi della patologia; sull’intera popolazione e su 19 cani non neurologici (gruppo di controllo), si è proceduto alla ricerca degli anticorpi anti-gangliosidi. La sintomatologia di più frequente riscontro (25/26) ha coinvolto la funzione motoria (paresi/plegia) con prevalente interessamento dei 4 arti (24/25) . Sei cani hanno ricevuto una terapia farmacologica, che non ne ha influenzato il decorso, favorevole in 24/26 casi. In 9 pazienti è stata rilevata una precedente esposizione a potenziali trigger; in 10 casi si è riscontrato un titolo anticorpale positivo ad almeno un agente infettivo testato. In 17/26 cani si è ottenuto un titolo anticorpale anti-GM2 e anti-GA1; nella popolazione di controllo solo un caso è risultato positivo. Questi risultati hanno contribuito a consolidare le conoscenze di questa patologia, validando l’utilità della ricerca anticorpale anti-gangliosidica per la diagnosi di ACIP e facendo intravedere la possibilità che l’ACIP possa essere assimilate alla GBS anche dal punto di vista patogenetico, per la quale potrebbe essere considerata come modello animale spontaneo.


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In this experimental thesis, two luminescent Ir(III) and Re(I) complexes which have a terminal alkynyl group on the tetrazole ligand were prepared. The aim was to use them as building blocks, in order to synthesize more complex structures. We explored two simple reactions: the first one was a coupling, for the formation of Ir(III)/Au(III) and Re(I)/Au(III) hetero binuclear complexes, and the second was a 1,3-dipolar Cu(I)-catalyzed “Click” cycloaddition, between the terminal alkyne and azide. The synthesized products were characterized through photophysical analysis, evaluating how the photoemissive properties of these substrates were affected by the formation of more complex structures. In questo lavoro di tesi sperimentale sono stati preparati due complessi luminescenti di Ir(III) e Re(I) che presentano un alchino terminale sul legante tetrazolico. Lo scopo è stato quello di utilizzarli come building blocks per la sintesi di strutture più complesse. Sono state esplorate due semplici reazioni: la prima di coupling, per la formazione di complessi etero binucleari Ir(III)/Au(III) e Re(I)/Au(III), e la seconda di “click”, ossia una cicloaddizione 1,3-dipolare Cu(I) catalizzata tra l’alchino terminale e un’azide. I prodotti sintetizzati sono stati caratterizzati attraverso analisi fotofisiche, valutando come le proprietà fotoemissive di questi substrati siano influenzate in seguito alla formazione di strutture più complesse.