688 resultados para Sint Maarten
Este artículo investiga algunos de los valores plásticos y estéticos que presidieron la selección y la preparación de las materias colorantes empleadas para iluminar los códices creados por los nahuas del México Central durante el Posclásico Tardío. Estos códices son interesantes porque análisis arqueométricos y exámenes codicológicos recientes han permitido conocer la materialidad de su capa pictórica, así como las características formales y el comportamiento de los colores en estas obras. Uno de los aportes trascendentales de estos estudios ha sido averiguar que la paleta cromática que sirvió para pintar los códices del México Central era principalmente de origen orgánico, lo que contrasta con la naturaleza de los pigmentos detectados en restos de pintura mural y en esculturas creadas por los nahuas que son sobre todo minerales. El objetivo de este artículo es reflexionar sobre las razones de esas diferencias y demostrar que el uso de los colorantes orgánicos en los códices respondía a un fin plástico específico que concordaba con el canon estético imperante en la sociedad náhuatl.
El objetivo de este artículo es presentar las observaciones realizadas durante la consulta de los originales de los códices Borgia (Borg. Mess. 1) y Vaticano B (Vat. Lat. 3773) en la Biblioteca Apostólica Vaticana en 2014. Este estudio codicológico, aunque a la fuerza parcial, dado que fue realizado solamente por medio de una observación directa, revela nuevos datos acerca de la elaboración de los manuscritos prehispánicos, tanto en la preparación de la piel como soporte como en los procedimientos aplicados a la hora de trazar las imágenes y corregir las equivocaciones.
This paper presents an extension to the energy vector, well known in the Ambisonics literature, to improve its predictions of localisation at off-centre listening positions. In determining the source direction, a perceptual weight is assigned to each loudspeaker gain, taking into account the relative arrival times, levels, and directions of the loudspeaker signals. The proposed model is evaluated alongside the original energy vector and two binaural models through comparison with the results of recent perceptual studies. The extended version was found to provide results that were at least 50% more accurate than the second best predictor for two experiments involving off-centre listeners with first- and third-order Ambisonics systems.
The branched vs. isoprenoid tetraether (BIT) index is based on the relative abundance of branched tetraether lipids (brGDGTs) and the isoprenoidal GDGT crenarchaeol. In Lake Challa sediments the BIT index has been applied as a proxy for local monsoon precipitation on the assumption that the primary source of brGDGTs is soil washed in from the lake's catchment. Since then, microbial production within the water column has been identified as the primary source of brGDGTs in Lake Challa sediments, meaning that either an alternative mechanism links BIT index variation with rainfall or that the proxy's application must be reconsidered. We investigated GDGT concentrations and BIT index variation in Lake Challa sediments at a decadal resolution over the past 2200 years, in combination with GDGT time-series data from 45 monthly sediment-trap samples and a chronosequence of profundal surface sediments.
Our 2200-year geochemical record reveals high-frequency variability in GDGT concentrations, and therefore in the BIT index, superimposed on distinct lower-frequency fluctuations at multi-decadal to century timescales. These changes in BIT index are correlated with changes in the concentration of crenarchaeol but not with those of the brGDGTs. A clue for understanding the indirect link between rainfall and crenarchaeol concentration (and thus thaumarchaeotal abundance) was provided by the observation that surface sediments collected in January 2010 show a distinct shift in GDGT composition relative to sediments collected in August 2007. This shift is associated with increased bulk flux of settling mineral particles with high Ti / Al ratios during March–April 2008, reflecting an event of unusually high detrital input to Lake Challa concurrent with intense precipitation at the onset of the principal rain season that year. Although brGDGT distributions in the settling material are initially unaffected, this soil-erosion event is succeeded by a massive dry-season diatom bloom in July–September 2008 and a concurrent increase in the flux of GDGT-0. Complete absence of crenarchaeol in settling particles during the austral summer following this bloom indicates that no Thaumarchaeota bloom developed at that time. We suggest that increased nutrient availability, derived from the eroded soil washed into the lake, caused the massive bloom of diatoms and that the higher concentrations of ammonium (formed from breakdown of this algal matter) resulted in a replacement of nitrifying Thaumarchaeota, which in typical years prosper during the austral summer, by nitrifying bacteria. The decomposing dead diatoms passing through the suboxic zone of the water column probably also formed a substrate for GDGT-0-producing archaea. Hence, through a cascade of events, intensive rainfall affects thaumarchaeotal abundance, resulting in high BIT index values.
Decade-scale BIT index fluctuations in Lake Challa sediments exactly match the timing of three known episodes of prolonged regional drought within the past 250 years. Additionally, the principal trends of inferred rainfall variability over the past two millennia are consistent with the hydroclimatic history of equatorial East Africa, as has been documented from other (but less well dated) regional lake records. We therefore propose that variation in GDGT production originating from the episodic recurrence of strong soil-erosion events, when integrated over (multi-)decadal and longer timescales, generates a stable positive relationship between the sedimentary BIT index and monsoon rainfall at Lake Challa. Application of this paleoprecipitation proxy at other sites requires ascertaining the local processes which affect the productivity of crenarchaeol by Thaumarchaeota and brGDGTs.
Impactive contact between a vibrating string and a barrier is a strongly nonlinear phenomenon that presents several challenges in the design of numerical models for simulation and sound synthesis of musical string instruments. These are addressed here by applying Hamiltonian methods to incorporate distributed contact forces into a modal framework for discrete-time simulation of the dynamics of a stiff, damped string. The resulting algorithms have spectral accuracy, are unconditionally stable, and require solving a multivariate nonlinear equation that is guaranteed to have a unique solution. Exemplifying results are presented and discussed in terms of accuracy, convergence, and spurious high-frequency oscillations.
Physics-based synthesis of tanpura drones requires accurate simulation of stiff, lossy string vibrations while incorporating sustained contact with the bridge and a cotton thread. Several challenges arise from this when seeking efficient and stable algorithms for real-time sound synthesis. The approach proposed here to address these combines modal expansion of the string dynamics with strategic simplifications regarding the string-bridge and string-thread contact, resulting in an efficient and provably stable time-stepping scheme with exact modal parameters. Attention is given also to the physical characterisation of the system, including string damping behaviour, body radiation characteristics, and determination of appropriate contact parameters. Simulation results are presented exemplifying the key features of the model.
In this work we explore optimising parameters of a physical circuit model relative to input/output measurements, using the Dallas Rangemaster Treble Booster as a case study. A hybrid metaheuristic/gradient descent algorithm is implemented, where the initial parameter sets for the optimisation are informed by nominal values from schematics and datasheets. Sensitivity analysis is used to screen parameters, which informs a study of the optimisation algorithm against model complexity by fixing parameters. The results of the optimisation show a significant increase in the accuracy of model behaviour, but also highlight several key issues regarding the recovery of parameters.
In acoustic instruments, the controller and the sound producing system often are one and the same object. If virtualacoustic instruments are to be designed to not only simulate the vibrational behaviour of a real-world counterpart but also to inherit much of its interface dynamics, it would make sense that the physical form of the controller is similar to that of the emulated instrument. The specific physical model configuration discussed here reconnects a (silent) string controller with a modal synthesis string resonator across the real and virtual domains by direct routing of excitation signals and model parameters. The excitation signals are estimated in their original force-like form via careful calibration of the sensor, making use of adaptive filtering techniques to design an appropriate inverse filter. In addition, the excitation position is estimated from sensors mounted under the legs of the bridges on either end of the prototype string controller. The proposed methodology is explained and exemplified with preliminary results obtained with a number of off-line experiments.
RESUMEN: El presente documento describe y analiza los mecanismos morfol?gicos para la construcci?n de los adjetivos de la lengua pisamira, con el fin de caracterizar la clase de palabra a la que estos pertenecen. El pisamira es una lengua que se encuentra en grave peligro de extinci?n, ubicada en la comunidad de Yacayac?, departamento del Vaup?s, en la Amazon?a colombiana. Debido a la compleja naturaleza de esta clase de palabra y a la poca cantidad de antecedentes, con esta investigaci?n me propongo la tarea de iniciar una descripci?n de los adjetivos en esta lengua, tomando como punto de partida los pertenecientes a los cuatro n?cleos sem?nticos propuestos por Dixon: edad, dimensi?n, valor y color. Siguiendo uno de los universales que este autor propone, la presencia de adjetivos en estos cuatro n?cleos sem?nticos nos permitir?a establecer que el pisamira cuenta al menos con una clase cerrada de adjetivos. Otras investigaciones ser?an necesarias para lograr establecer la existencia de adjetivos pertenecientes a otras clasificaciones sem?nticas, lo que expandir?a el conocimiento de esta clase de palabra en la lengua pisamira. En este trabajo se presentar? adem?s un panorama sobre los or?genes, la ubicaci?n y la situaci?n actual del pueblo pisamira y su lengua. En estos apartados se tendr?n en cuenta aspectos como la familia ling??stica a la que pertenece, el n?mero de pisamiras que existen en la actualidad y el multiling?ismo de la zona. Tambi?n se presentar?n los antecedentes sobre el estudio de la lengua pisamira; cimientos de gran importancia para la elaboraci?n de este trabajo. El reducido n?mero de estos antecedentes revela la necesidad de ampliar la documentaci?n de una lengua amerindia cr?ticamente amenazada. El an?lisis del adjetivo en esta investigaci?n incluye principalmente las modificaciones morfol?gicas, sin embargo, tambi?n se indaga en el nivel sint?ctico y sem?ntico. Tambi?n se exploran otros elementos relacionados con los adjetivos, como son los comparativos y los intensificadores. Adem?s, se mencionar?n algunas consideraciones te?ricas sobre las clases mayores de palabras en las lenguas, enfatizando sobre la compleja naturaleza de los adjetivos. Los resultados de esta investigaci?n suponen un aporte de gran importancia para la documentaci?n del pisamira, una lengua de la que se han hecho muy pocos estudios, y cuya desaparici?n significar?a la p?rdida de todo su pueblo, su cultura y sus saberes ancestrales.
Objectives: To illustrate that the protease inhibitor (PI) ritonavir, widely used as part of the treatment for HIV, might cause drug–drug interactions with inhaled corticosteroids. Material and methods: A case report is presented. Results: An HIV-positive patient presented with gradually changing body composition that was ascribed to lipodystrophy. Finally, iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome with secondary adrenal insufficiency was diagnosed due to a drug–drug interaction of ritonavir and fluticasone. Conclusion: Lipodystrophy might mimic Cushing's syndrome. The combination of ritonavir and inhaled fluticasone may lead to systemic steroid excess causing Cushing's syndrome and secondary adrenal insufficiency.
Tesis de Licenciatura en M?sica
Mestrado em Engenharia Agronómica - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL
We present a study where the energy loss function of Ta2O5, initially derived in the optical limit for a limited region of excitation energies from reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy (REELS) measurements, was improved and extended to the whole momentum and energy excitation region through a suitable theoretical analysis using the Mermin dielectric function and requiring the fulfillment of physically motivated restrictions, such as the f- and KK-sum rules. The material stopping cross section (SCS) and energy-loss straggling measured for 300–2000 keV proton and 200–6000 keV helium ion beams by means of Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) were compared to the same quantities calculated in the dielectric framework, showing an excellent agreement, which is used to judge the reliability of the Ta2O5 energy loss function. Based on this assessment, we have also predicted the inelastic mean free path and the SCS of energetic electrons in Ta2O5.