697 resultados para Simetrias de Lorentz e CPT


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We give a relativistic spin network model for quantum gravity based on the Lorentz group and its q-deformation, the Quantum Lorentz Algebra. We propose a combinatorial model for the path integral given by an integral over suitable representations of this algebra. This generalises the state sum models for the case of the four-dimensional rotation group previously studied in gr-qc/9709028. As a technical tool, formulae for the evaluation of relativistic spin networks for the Lorentz group are developed, with some simple examples which show that the evaluation is finite in interesting cases. We conjecture that the `10J' symbol needed in our model has a finite value.


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Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) play quite diverse and important roles in monitoring immune homeostasis. Thus, these subset of blood cells may provide access to potential physiological relevant biomolecules, namely proteins. For this reason, PBMCs represent a promising biological sample in scientific research, particularly as a source of potential biological markers discovery of the most diverse diseases. Prior studies of proteomic characterization of PBMCs from healthy individuals lack either the identification of a large number of proteins or its quantification in a way that is compatible with the search of potential biomarker candidates. Therefore, this study aimed to provide a comprehensive PBMCs proteome characterisation as well as to create a SWATH library. It was also evaluated if by using the BD Vacutainer® CPT™ tubes for PBMCs isolation, it would be possible to identify a larger number of immunologically relevant proteins in comparison to plasma samples. The enrichment test assay revealed that it is possible to identify more immune-related proteins from isolated PBMCs than from plasma. Moreover, the majority of the quantified proteins with an “immune system” GO term assigned is present in higher amounts in PBMCs samples. 2D LC-MS/MS proved to be the best approach to use in qualitative analysis of PBMCs and in the construction of a SWATH library, since it resulted in an increase of both identified and quantified proteins (66.3% and 16.9%, respectively) in comparison to 1D LC-MS/MS. A total of 2071 proteins were identified and it was possible to quantify 922 different proteins among six distinct samples. From these proteins, 445 were commom between all individuals. In conclusion, this work provides a comprehensive PBMCs proteome dataset that will be useful in further studies that focus on the search for potential biological markers of various pathologies in these cells. Additionally, SWATH-MS proved to be a reproducible and effective acquisition method to quantify PBMCs proteins.


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A natural way to generalize tensor network variational classes to quantum field systems is via a continuous tensor contraction. This approach is first illustrated for the class of quantum field states known as continuous matrix-product states (cMPS). As a simple example of the path-integral representation we show that the state of a dynamically evolving quantum field admits a natural representation as a cMPS. A completeness argument is also provided that shows that all states in Fock space admit a cMPS representation when the number of variational parameters tends to infinity. Beyond this, we obtain a well-behaved field limit of projected entangled-pair states (PEPS) in two dimensions that provide an abstract class of quantum field states with natural symmetries. We demonstrate how symmetries of the physical field state are encoded within the dynamics of an auxiliary field system of one dimension less. In particular, the imposition of Euclidean symmetries on the physical system requires that the auxiliary system involved in the class' definition must be Lorentz-invariant. The physical field states automatically inherit entropy area laws from the PEPS class, and are fully described by the dissipative dynamics of a lower dimensional virtual field system. Our results lie at the intersection many-body physics, quantum field theory and quantum information theory, and facilitate future exchanges of ideas and insights between these disciplines.


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There are two main aims of the paper. The first one is to extend the criterion for the precompactness of sets in Banach function spaces to the setting of quasi-Banach function spaces. The second one is to extend the criterion for the precompactness of sets in the Lebesgue spaces $L_p(\Rn)$, $1 \leq p < \infty$, to the so-called power quasi-Banach function spaces. These criteria are applied to establish compact embeddings of abstract Besov spaces into quasi-Banach function spaces. The results are illustrated on embeddings of Besov spaces $B^s_{p,q}(\Rn)$, $0Lorentz-type spaces.


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Na sequência do levantamento das simetrias das calçadas das 9 ilhas dos Açores, efetuado em 2013 (http://sites.uac.pt/rteixeira/simetrias/), foi desenvolvido um baralho de cartas que contempla exemplos em calçada de todas as ilhas. Este é um trabalho conjunto com Jorge Nuno Silva, Carlos Pereira dos Santos e Alda Carvalho, da Associação Ludus. Os exemplos escolhidos para o baralho servem para ilustrar diferentes tipos de rosáceas, frisos e padrões bidimensionais em Calçada Portuguesa (...) Vamos explorar em pormenor alguns exemplos de calçadas da cidade da Horta contemplados no baralho de cartas. (...)


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Prosseguimos a nossa viagem de descoberta de padrões nas calçadas dos Açores. Os padrões que encontramos no dia a dia podem ser classificados de acordo com as simetrias que apresentam. (...) Neste artigo, centramos a nossa atenção na classificação de figuras que apresentam simetrias de rotação e, em alguns casos, simetrias de reflexão. Essas figuras chamam-se rosáceas. (...) Passamos a analisar alguns exemplos de rosáceas em calçada da ilha Terceira. Começamos por uma borboleta com um eixo de simetria vertical e, portanto, com grupo de simetria D1, que pode ser apreciada no Jardim Duque da Terceira, em Angra do Heroísmo. (...)


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Tradução e Assessoria Linguística, 13 de Junho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.


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This study examined the conversational behaviors of eleven dyads consisting of a person with aphasia (PWA) and their familiar communication partner (CP), and investigated changes in behaviors as a result of attending a communication partner-training program CPT). Attitudes about communication were examined and related to conversational behaviors observed pre- and post- training. Results indicated that CPs and PWA used significantly more facilitating behaviors than barrier behaviors, although most dyads experienced some barriers. A comparison of pre-and post-CPT conversations revealed a significant interaction between time and type of behavior, with the increase in the number of facilitators approaching significance. Overall, persons with aphasia and their conversational partners expressed positive attitudes about communication. There were no significant correlations between scores on attitude surveys and behaviors pre or post-training. This study demonstrated that these dyads employed facilitative conversational behaviors even before CPT, and that facilitative behaviors can increase after a one-day training workshop.


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Este estudo, procura explicar a modularidade da mente humana, como um conjunto de módulos, permitindo desta forma contribuir para o estudo das ciências cognitivas. Estes módulos da arquitetura mental, permitem que a nossa mente interprete a cor resultante do sistema visual e das longitudes de ondas do espetro eletromagnético refratado dos objetos. Tendo por base o estudo do sistema visual, as células sensíveis, designadas por fotorrecetores percorrem o nervo ótico até atingir o encéfalo, localizando-se aí o sistema percetivo, permitindo desta forma realizar o estudo sobre busca visual da cor, como medida avaliadora do funcionamento do sistema visual, um estudo exploratório a propósito da objetividade da felicidade em crianças, que visa explorar a busca visual disjuntiva da cor como medida objetiva do bom funcionamento mental, do bem-estar subjetivo, como construto da felicidade. A amostra foi constituída por um grupo de 49 crianças não institucionalizadas e por um grupo de 16 crianças institucionalizadas, de ambos os sexos. Para a concretização deste estudo, foi necessária a utilização de uma tarefa de busca visual disjuntiva, que utilizou as simetrias de cores pertencentes ao mesmo par oponente e cores pertencentes a diferentes pares oponentes. Os resultados sugerem que não há qualquer interferência da institucionalização no funcionamento mental, logo no bem-estar subjetivo nas crianças; ABSTRACT: This study seeks to explain the modularity of the human mind, as a set of modules, giving this way a contribution to the study of the cognitive sciences. These modules of the mental architecture, allow our mind to interpret the resulting color of the visual system and the wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum refracted from the objects. Based on the study of our visual system, sensitive cells known as photoreceptors, which run along the optic nerve to the encephalon, being the perceptive system located there, allowing in this way to carry out the study on visual search of colour, as an assessment measure of the functioning of the visual system, an exploratory study concerning the objectivity of happiness in children, which aims to explore the disjunctive visual search of color as an objective measure of good mental functioning, of subjective well-being, as a construct of happiness. The sample consisted of a group of 49 non institutionalized children and of a group of 16 institutionalized children from both sexes. For the implementation of this study it was necessary to use a disjunctive visual search task, which used the Symmetry of colours belonging to the same opponent pair, and colours belonging to different opponent pairs. The results suggest that there is no interference from the institutionalization in mental functioning, therefore in the children’s subjective well being.


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Cystic fibrosis (CF) patients with Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) pulmonary infections have high morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to compare different methods for identification of Bcc species isolated from paediatric CF patients. Oropharyngeal swabs from children with CF were used to obtain isolates of Bcc samples to evaluate six different tests for strain identification. Conventional (CPT) and automatised (APT) phenotypic tests, polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-recA, restriction fragment length polymorphism-recA, recA sequencing, and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) were applied. Bacterial isolates were also tested for antimicrobial susceptibility. PCR-recA analysis showed that 36 out of the 54 isolates were Bcc. Kappa index data indicated almost perfect agreement between CPT and APT, CPT and PCR-recA, and APT and PCR-recA to identify Bcc, and MALDI-TOF and recA sequencing to identify Bcc species. The recA sequencing data and the MALDI-TOF data agreed in 97.2% of the isolates. Based on recA sequencing, the most common species identified were Burkholderia cenocepacia IIIA (33.4%), Burkholderia vietnamiensis (30.6%), B. cenocepacia IIIB (27.8%), Burkholderia multivorans (5.5%), and B. cepacia (2.7%). MALDI-TOF proved to be a useful tool for identification of Bcc species obtained from CF patients, although it was not able to identify B. cenocepacia subtypes.


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Com a presente evolução das railguns na Marinha dos Estados Unidos da América e possível instalação em seus navios num futuro muito próximo, outras marinhas se seguirão. Creio que será do interesse da Marinha Portuguesa acompanhar esta evolução tecnológica, considerando as vantagens que advém da adoção deste tipo de armamento. Neste documento são abordados os princípios básicos subjacentes ao funcionamento da railgun, com principal foco nas questões eletrodinâmicas. Pretende-se adquirir familiaridade com este novo tipo de armamento através do estudo crítico dos seus princípios de funcionamento. O princípio básico de funcionamento de uma railgun, à primeira vista, parece bastante simples, à luz da aplicação imediata da expressão da força de Lorentz sobre um condutor percorrido por corrente elétrica. No entanto, tudo se torna mais complicado no caso de uma variação rápida dos parâmetros envolvidos (regime transitório), que exige uma análise mais aprofundada do comportamento da corrente, campos elétrico e magnético, e todos os materiais envolvidos neste sistema. Este trabalho envolveu ainda a construção de duas railguns, uma primeira de dimensões mais pequenas para ganhar familiaridade com o sistema, e uma última de dimensões de laboratório na qual foram feitos vários disparos para testar diferentes tipos de material e dimensões de projétil. Em suma, é demonstrado neste documento uma análise, no domínio do tempo, da distribuição espacial do campo eletromagnético, corrente elétrica e consequente fluxo de energia, complementados por uma parte experimental.


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Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF)/nanoclay composites were prepared using melt compounding. The effect of acrylic rubber (ACM) as a compatibilizer on different polymorph formation and on the ferroelectric properties of nanocomposites were investigated. The intercalation and morphological structure of the samples were studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The infrared spectroscopy and X-ray analysis revealed the coexistence of β and γ crystalline forms in PVDF-clay nanocomposite, while in partially miscible PVDF/ACM/clay hybrids, three polymorphs of α, β and γ coexisted. The coefficients of electric field-polarization (E-P) Taylor expansion were calculated based on the Lorentz theory. Using a genetic algorithm, complex dielectric susceptibilities as well as the dielectric constants for each sample were calculated and optimized. The predicted dielectric constants were found to be in good agreement with the experimental results. A dielectric constant of 16 (10 Hz) was obtained for PVDF/ACM/clay (90/10/5), which was 40% higher than that of the PVDF-clay (100/5) nanocomposite without ACM. The improved dielectric performance of the nanocomposites can be attributed to the compatibilizing effect of ACM, which facilitated the growth of β polymorph in the sample.


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Introduction : Les taux d’obésité et de diabète de type 2 et leurs complications sont plus élevés chez les populations autochtones que chez la population générale. Une des raisons pour ces taux très élevés de complications est la résistance culturelle des autochtones envers les soins de santé contemporains souvent dus aux traitements culturellement inadéquats pour ces affections. Afin d’adresser cette problématique, l’équipe sur les médecines autochtones antidiabétiques des Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (ÉMAAD-IRSC) a étudié 17 plantes de la pharmacopée traditionnelle des Cris de la Nation de la Baie James, dont le peuplier baumier Populus balsamifera. Objectifs : Le but de cette présente étude est d’examiner les effets de P. balsamifera sur les contenus lipidiques de l’intestin ainsi que la composition des protéines clés impliquées dans le métabolisme des lipides. Matériel et méthodes : Les souris étaient assignées à huit semaines de diètes, soit la diète standard (CHOW), une diète à forte teneur lipidique (HFD) ou une HFD avec ajout de 125 mg/kg de Populus balsamifera. Résultats : Les résultats ont montré que les teneurs totales de l’intestin en cholestérol, en phospholipides et en triglycérides ne sont pas influencées par l’absence ou la présence de l’extrait de P. balsamifera. La teneur en acides gras a significativement augmenté dans le traitement HFD comparé au groupe contrôle CHOW. Le traitement avec P. balsamifera a significativement réduit le contenu d’acides gras dans le jéjunum vers des valeurs observées pour la diète contrôle. Une modification non significative a été notée dans l’expression des protéines FAS, CPT-1, ACC-P. Conclusion : Ces résultats renforcent davantage le potentiel d’utilisation de l’extrait de peuplier baumier dans le contexte de forte prévalence d’obésité dans les populations autochtones.


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Little or poor quality sleep is often reported in patients suffering from acute or chronic pain. Conversely, sleep loss has been known to elevate pain perception; thus a potential bi-direction relationship exists between sleep deprivation and pain. The effect of sleep deprivation on the thermal pain intensity has yet to be determined, furthermore, sex differences in pain have not been examined following sleep deprivation. There is also a higher prevalence of insomnia in women, and reports indicate that sleep quality is diminished and pain sensitivity may be greater during high hormone phases of the menstrual cycle. In Study 1 we examined the effects of 24-hour total sleep deprivation (TSD) on pain intensity during a 2-minute cold pressor test (CPT). We hypothesized that TSD would augment thermal pain intensity during CPT and women would demonstrate an elevated response compare to men. In Study 2 we investigated the effects of menstrual phase on pain intensity during CPT following TSD. We hypothesized that pain intensity would be augmented during the mid-luteal (ML) phase of the menstrual cycle. In Study 1, pain intensity was recorded during CPT in 14 men and 13 women after normal sleep (NS) and TSD. Pain intensity responses during CPT were elevated in both conditions; however, pain intensity was augmented (~ 1.2 a.u.) following TSD. When analyzed for sex differences, pain intensity was not different between men and women in either condition. In Study 2, pain intensity was recorded during CPT in 10 female subjects during the early follicular (EF) and ML phases of the menstrual cycle after TSD. Estradiol and progesterone levels were elevated during the ML phase, however, pain intensity was not different between the two phases. We conclude that TSD significantly augments pain intensity during CPT, but this response is not sex dependent. We further demonstrate that the collective effect of TSD and elevated gonadal hormone concentrations do not result in a differential pain response during the EF and ML phases of the menstrual cycle. Collectively, sleep loss augments pain intensity ratings in men and women and may contribute to sleep loss in painful conditions.


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The t/t production cross section is measured with the CMS detector in the all-jets channel in $pp$ collisions at the centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The analysis is based on the study of t/t events in the boosted topology, namely events in which decay products of the quark top have a high Lorentz boost and are thus reconstructed in the detector as a single, wide jet. The data sample used in this analysis corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 2.53 fb-1. The inclusive cross section is found to be sigma(t/t) = 727 +- 46 (stat.) +115-112 (sys.) +- 20~(lumi.) pb, a value which is consistent with the theoretical predictions. The differential, detector-level cross section is measured as a function of the transverse momentum of the leading jet and compared to the QCD theoretical predictions. Finally, the differential, parton-level cross section is reported, measured as a function of the transverse momentum of the leading parton, extrapolated to the full phase space and compared to the QCD predictions.