979 resultados para Self-Dual Codes
BACKGROUND: Combination antiretroviral treatment (cART) has been very successful, especially among selected patients in clinical trials. The aim of this study was to describe outcomes of cART on the population level in a large national cohort. METHODS: Characteristics of participants of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study on stable cART at two semiannual visits in 2007 were analyzed with respect to era of treatment initiation, number of previous virologically failed regimens and self reported adherence. Starting ART in the mono/dual era before HIV-1 RNA assays became available was counted as one failed regimen. Logistic regression was used to identify risk factors for virological failure between the two consecutive visits. RESULTS: Of 4541 patients 31.2% and 68.8% had initiated therapy in the mono/dual and cART era, respectively, and been on treatment for a median of 11.7 vs. 5.7 years. At visit 1 in 2007, the mean number of previous failed regimens was 3.2 vs. 0.5 and the viral load was undetectable (<50 copies/ml) in 84.6% vs. 89.1% of the participants, respectively. Adjusted odds ratios of a detectable viral load at visit 2 for participants from the mono/dual era with a history of 2 and 3, 4, >4 previous failures compared to 1 were 0.9 (95% CI 0.4-1.7), 0.8 (0.4-1.6), 1.6 (0.8-3.2), 3.3 (1.7-6.6) respectively, and 2.3 (1.1-4.8) for >2 missed cART doses during the last month, compared to perfect adherence. From the cART era, odds ratios with a history of 1, 2 and >2 previous failures compared to none were 1.8 (95% CI 1.3-2.5), 2.8 (1.7-4.5) and 7.8 (4.5-13.5), respectively, and 2.8 (1.6-4.8) for >2 missed cART doses during the last month, compared to perfect adherence. CONCLUSIONS: A higher number of previous virologically failed regimens, and imperfect adherence to therapy were independent predictors of imminent virological failure.
MOTIVATION: Regulatory gene networks contain generic modules such as feedback loops that are essential for the regulation of many biological functions. The study of the stochastic mechanisms of gene regulation is instrumental for the understanding of how cells maintain their expression at levels commensurate with their biological role, as well as to engineer gene expression switches of appropriate behavior. The lack of precise knowledge on the steady-state distribution of gene expression requires the use of Gillespie algorithms and Monte-Carlo approximations. METHODOLOGY: In this study, we provide new exact formulas and efficient numerical algorithms for computing/modeling the steady-state of a class of self-regulated genes, and we use it to model/compute the stochastic expression of a gene of interest in an engineered network introduced in mammalian cells. The behavior of the genetic network is then analyzed experimentally in living cells. RESULTS: Stochastic models often reveal counter-intuitive experimental behaviors, and we find that this genetic architecture displays a unimodal behavior in mammalian cells, which was unexpected given its known bimodal response in unicellular organisms. We provide a molecular rationale for this behavior, and we implement it in the mathematical picture to explain the experimental results obtained from this network.
This is the fourth report from the Northern Ireland Registry of Deliberate Self-Harm since its pilot stage in 2007. The NI Registry is part of the Northern Ireland Suicide Prevention Strategy "Protect Life - A Shared Vision?. The NI Registry is a collaboration with the National Registry of Deliberate Self-harm in the Republic of Ireland which has been operating since 2000.
In population surveys of the exposure to medical X-rays both the frequency of examinations and the effective dose per examination are required. The use of the Swiss medical tariffication system (TARMED) for establishing the frequency of X-ray medical examinations was explored. The method was tested for radiography examinations performed in 2008 at the Lausanne University Hospital. The annual numbers of radiographies determined from the "TARMED" database are in good agreement with the figures extracted from the local RIS (Radiology Information System). The "TARMED" is a reliable and fast method for establishing the frequency of radiography examination, if we respect the context in which the "TARMED" code is used. In addition, this billing context provides most valuable information on the average number of radiographs per examination as well as the age and sex distributions. Radiographies represent the major part of X-ray examinations and are performed by about 4,000 practices and hospitals in Switzerland. Therefore this method has the potential to drastically simplify the organisation of nationwide surveys. There are still some difficulties to overcome if the method is to be used to assess the frequency of computed tomography or fluoroscopy examinations; procedures that deliver most of the radiation dose to the population. This is due to the poor specificity of "TARMED" codes concerning these modalities. However, the use of CT and fluoroscopy installations is easier to monitor using conventional survey methods since there are fewer centres. Ways to overcome the "TARMED" limitations for these two modalities are still being explored.
This�self-management action plan allows each patient to record and manage the symptoms of�asthma.
The purpose of the registry is to improve understanding about self-harm and related behaviours in Northern Ireland. The information gathered will be used to monitor trends and patterns over time and, perhaps most importantly, will help shape the development of services and support to meet need. The information will also help provide trusts and the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety with a more accurate understanding of the impact of self-harm on Emergency Departments.
These guidelines are for those in the media who have involvement with the reporting or portrayal of suicide and represent an important source of information to help ensure that the quality of reporting and portrayal on this important and sensitive topic is of a high standard.
This self-management action plan allows each patient to record and manage the symptoms of chronic obstructory pulmonary disease (COPD).
This self-management action plan allows each patient to record and manage the symptoms of bronchiectasis.
This second annual report from the Northern Ireland Self-Harm Registry presents an analysis of the incidence of self-harm presentations to the 12 Emergency Departments across Northern Ireland.
This report is a summary report of the six-year period between 2007- 2012.
In February 2015 the Public Health Agency (PHA) launched a six year review on the incidence of self-harm in the Western Health & Social Care Trust (WHSCT) area of Northern Ireland (NI). This was the fourth report to emerge from the Northern Ireland (NI) Registry of Self-Harm and the first to report on long-term trends (2007 to 2012).
Public Health Agency Self- Harm Symposium 27 February 2015, Conference Report.