978 resultados para School integration -- Catalonia (Spain)
This article deals with the efficiency of fractional integration parameter estimators. This study was based on Monte Carlo experiments involving simulated stochastic processes with integration orders in the range]-1,1[. The evaluated estimation methods were classified into two groups: heuristics and semiparametric/maximum likelihood (ML). The study revealed that the comparative efficiency of the estimators, measured by the lesser mean squared error, depends on the stationary/non-stationary and persistency/anti-persistency conditions of the series. The ML estimator was shown to be superior for stationary persistent processes; the wavelet spectrum-based estimators were better for non-stationary mean reversible and invertible anti-persistent processes; the weighted periodogram-based estimator was shown to be superior for non-invertible anti-persistent processes.
Teen Triple P is a multilevel system of intervention that is designed to provide parents with specific strategies to promote the positive development of their teenage children as they make the transition into high school and through puberty. The program is based on a combination of education about the developmental needs of adolescents, skills training to improve communication and problem-solving, plus specific modules to deal with common problems encountered by parents and adolescents that can escalate into major conflict and violence. It is designed to increase the engagement of parents of adolescent and pre-adolescent children by providing them with easy access to evidencebased parenting advice and support. This paper presents data collected as part of a survey of over 1400 students in first year high school at 9 Brisbane schools. The survey instrument was constructed to obtain students' reports about behaviour which is known to be associated with their health and wellbeing, and also on the extent to which their parents promoted or discouraged such behaviour at home, at school, and in their social and recreational activities in the wider community. Selected data from the survey were extracted and presented to parents at a series of parenting seminars held at the schools to promote appropriate parenting of teenagers. The objectives were to provide parents with accurate data about teenagers' behaviour, and about teenagers' reports of how they perceived their parents' behaviour. Normative data on parent and teenager behaviour will be presented from the survey as well as psychometric data relating to the reliability and validity of this new measure. Implications of this strategy for increasing parent engagement in parenting programs that aim to reduce behavioural and emotional problems in adolescents will be discussed.
This article analyzes how Latin American history was interpreted by two eminent historians, the Argentine Ricardo Levene and the Spaniard Rafael Altamira. It discusses how their paths crossed in the advocacy of Hispano-Americanism as a political project and interpretive horizon of Iberian and American history.
This study aimed to elucidate electrophysiological and cortical mechanisms involved in anticipatory actions when 23 healthy right-handed subjects had to catch a free falling object by qEEG gamma-band (30-100 Hz). It is involved in cognitive processes, memory, spatial/temporal and proprioceptive factors. Our hypothesis is that an increase in gamma coherence in frontal areas will be observed during moment preceding ball drop, due to their involvement in attention, planning, selection of movements, preparation and voluntary control of action and in central areas during moment after ball drop, due to their involvement in motor preparation, perception and execution of movement. However, through a paired t-test, we found an increase in gamma coherence for F3-F4 electrode pair during moment preceding ball drop and confirmed our hypothesis for C3-C4 electrode pair. We conclude that gamma plays an important role in reflecting binding of several brain areas in a complex motor task as observed in our results. Moreover, for selection of movements, preparation and voluntary control of action, motor preparation, perception and execution of movement, the integration of somatosensory and visual information is mandatory. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Workplace injuries at the University of Queensland Dental School during the period 1992-1994 were assessed to determine their incidence, and the associated indirect costs, causal factors, and appropriate preventive strategies. Overall, dental chairside assistants experienced a higher incidence of injuries than students both on a per worker and per time basis. Of the injuries with a low risk of cross-infection, burns and scalds from sterilizing equipment, and eye injuries in laboratories were the most common. This emphasizes the importance of wearing appropriate protective equipment in areas outside the treatment zone, and the need for signage and education. Common causes of sharps injuries were burs left in handpieces, two-handed needle recapping, and cleaning of probes in the sterilizing room. Changes to techniques and equipment would prevent such incidents. A range of factors which contribute to the calculation of indirect costs following injuries in the dental workplace are identified.
This is the first complete textbook designed for physiotherapists and occupational therapists on the topic of pain. It was developed for use in conjunction with the International Association for the Study of Pain's pain curriculum for OTs and PTs. The book addresses the nature of pain, the neuroanatomical and neurophysiological substrates of pain, the psychological... More aspects of pain, the lifespan approach to pain, pain measurement, pain and placebo, modalities for treating pain, and special topics in pain. It provides an overview of the physiological, psychosocial, and environmental aspects of pain experience across the lifespan. Aimed primarily at OTs and PTs the assessment and interventions issues pertaining to the perspectives of each profession are discussed in detail. The book is also relevant to the other health professions involved in pain management or intending to work in this area.
Relocating school structures and practices? The Japanese Language Supplementary School of Queensland