839 resultados para Recommendations to practice
Laajoilla kyselylomaketutkimuksilla on tutkittu organisaation itsearvioinnin käyttöönoton motiiveja, käyttöä ja käytön hyötyjä 1990-luvulla ja 2000-luvun alussa. Organisaation itsearviointia on myös tutkittu laatupalkintomallien soveltamisen yhteydessä. Kolmas tutkimussuuntaus, johon myös tämä tutkimus sisältyy, on organisaation itsearvioinnin tutkiminen erilaisissa asiayhteyksissä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on lisätä tietoa ja ymmärrystä organisaation itsearvioinnista ja sen vaikuttavuudesta tutkimalla, miten organisaatiota itsearvioidaan maavoimien valmiusyhtymissä ja Maasotakoulussa. Näissä neljässä paikallistutkimuksessa käytin tutkimusotteena tapaustutkimuksen mukaista tutkimusstrategiaa. Aiempien tutkimuksien tulosten perusteella tärkein yhdistävä tekijä toiminnan parantamisessa on pyrkimys kokonaisvaltaisuuteen toiminnan laadun parantamisessa ja erinomaisuuden tavoittelussa. Osin kokonaisvaltaisuuteen sisältyviä ja sitä tukevia tekijöitä ovat jatkuvan parantamisen periaatteen käyttäminen ja oppivan organisaation edellyttämien toimintaedellytyksien luominen ja niiden huomioon ottaminen toiminnassa. Edelleen yhteisenä tekijänä ovat johdon sitoutumisen ja osallistumisen vaikutukset työntekijöiden osallistumiseen ja sitoutumiseen. Teorian perusteella olen arvioinut muodostuvan kolme organisaation itsearvioinnin strategisen tason johtamiskäytäntöä, jotka ovat ”Laatupalkinnon hakeminen”, ”Toiminnan ja tulosten arviointi” sekä ”Toiminnan kypsyyden arviointi”. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella organisaation itsearvioinnin vaikuttavuuden merkityskokonaisuus on selitettävissä viiden teeman avulla. Koko tutkimusaineiston yhdistäväksi vaikuttavuuden teemaksi, josta myös organisaation itsearvioinnin vaiheistus saa tukea, muodostuu teema ”organisaation itsearviointi ja tulosjohtaminen”. Tämän teeman perusteella organisaation itsearvioinnin vaikuttavuus perustuu itsearvioinnin käyttämiseen sekä tulosyksikön sisäisenä että johdon strategisen tason itsearviointina osana tulosjohtamista. Samoin teema ”ollaanko samaa perhettä” löytyy jokaisesta tutkimuskohteena olleesta tulosyksiköstä. Teeman perusteella vaikuttavuus perustuu siihen, että organisaation itsearvioinnin tilaisuus koetaan sosiaalisena tapahtumana ja organisaation itsearviointi vahvistaa työntekijöiden osallistumista ja sitoutumista toiminnan laadun parantamiseen. Vaikuttavuuden teemoissa ”poistetaan kivi kengästä, ja hiertäminen loppuu siihen”, ”strateginen valinta” ja ”henkilöstön työhyvinvoinnin edistäminen” organisaation itsearvioinnin vaikuttavuus on tulosyksikkökohtainen. Organisaation itsearvioinnista haetaan vaikuttavuutta organisaation itsearvioinnista saatavien tulosten nopealla toimeenpanolla. Vaikuttavuuteen pyritään systemaattisella eri organisaation tasoilla tehtävillä toiminnan kuvauksilla, mihin liittyy laatupalkinnon hakeminen. Vaikuttavuuteen voidaan myös päästä työpistelähtöisesti henkilöstön johtamisen ja hallinnon kautta. Vaiheistettua organisaation itsearviointia voidaan käyttää osana tulosjohtamista. Muita keskeisiä tutkimustuloksia ovat organisaation itsearvioinnin välittömät ja välilliset vaikutukset. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella teen suositukset organisaation itsearvioinnin johtamiskäytännöistä ja organisaation itsearvioinnin vaiheistuksesta osana tulosyksikön tulosjohtamista. Kolmas suositus käsittää organisaation itsearvioinnin käytön palautejärjestelmänä.
The strategy process is a method for strategy formulation and implementation. The strategy process is commonly used especially within bigger companies. It is important to link the strategy formulation and implementation. The objective of this thesis has been to find out improvement areas for the case company’s strategy process. The theoretical framework based on literature emphasizes on strategy process as a method for strategy formulation and implementation. The theoretical framework, several mainly ad hoc interviews and author’s observation were used as tools to analyze the case company’s strategy process. The hierarchy in between the various corporate levels provides the foundation to formulate and implement the strategies. These strategies include the corporate and strategic business area level strategies. The recommendations to improve the case company’s strategy process were formulated at corporate and strategic business area levels. These recommendations were formulated based on research and experience gained throughout the work. The role of strategic projects to implement the strategies more efficiently and organizational control over distribution were found as potential improvement areas. The resource allocation prioritizing towards the most important strategic projects was also an important improvement area.
La educación social en sus diversas acepciones (profesión, práctica educativa y estudios universitarios) ha experimentado unos importantes cambios en los últimos años. De una actividad centrada en la solución de problemas concretos dentro de un ámbito específico, se ha ido avanzando hacia la necesidad de estar capacitado para el trabajo en entornos complejos y difusos. El ejercicio de la actividad en estos entornos requiere de un posicionamiento estratégico, de una visión global más allá de un manejo de recetas cerradas y de una perspectiva ética que trascienda el simple cumplimiento de instrucciones. Por ello, capacitar al profesional para el diseño y la aplicación de las acciones socioeducativas es una temática que requiere la integración de multiplicidad de competencias para que cada intervención sea una respuesta que se adapte a la situación, a las capacidades y al contexto de la persona atendida. En el periodo de formación universitaria, el practicum es un espacio de aprendizaje privilegiado donde se ponen en juego todos los conocimientos adquiridos y sirve de trampolín para empezar a ejercer la profesión en un contexto real pero seguro, que más adelante será el escenario cotidiano de la acción profesional
Our lives and careers are becoming ever more unpredictable. The "life-design paradigm" described in detail in this ground-breaking handbook helps counselors and others meet people's increasing need to develop and manage their own lives and careers. Life-design interventions, suited to a wide variety of cultural settings, help individuals become actors in their own lives and careers by activating, stimulating, and developing their personal resources. This handbook first addresses life-design theory, then shows how to apply life designing to different age groups and with more at-risk people, and looks at how to train life-design counselors.
Specific demand for service concept creation has come about from industrial organizations’ desire to find new and innovative ways to differentiate their offering by increasing the level of customer services. Providers of professional services have also demanded new concepts and approaches for their businesses as these industries have become increasingly competitive. Firms are now seeking better ways to understand and segment their customers, to ensure the delivery of quality services and strengthen their position in aggressively competitive markets. This thesis is intended to provide management consulting companies with a new work method that enables service concept creation in a business-to-business environment. The model defines the service concept as a combination of delivered value and the target customers; the third-dimension operating model is brought to the new system in testing of the service concept creation guidelines in the target organization. For testing, service concepts for a management consulting company are created. Service concepts are designed to serve as a solid foundation for further service improvements. Recommendations and proposals for further action related to service development in the target organization are presented, and recommendations to further improve the model created are given.
Only a few studies have analysed the relationship between intraregional inequality and growth, although several studies have measured inequality at the regional level. The objective of this paper is to analyse the relationship between income (wage) inequality and economic growth in different regions of Mexico. We also try to identify factors that explain the variation of intra-regional inequality across Mexican regions and over time. Using macroeconomic databases and publicly available microdata, we apply techniques used in the fields of statistics and econometrics to obtain robust evidence on the relationship between growth and inequality. Our aim is to provide policy recommendations to support the design and implementation of growth-promoting measures thatavoid the exclusion of certain social groups. This paper provides reasons to use a spatial approach and an analysis of particular regions to avoid «one size fits all» policy recommendations.
Evidence of an association between early pregnancy exposure to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and congenital heart defects (CHD) has contributed to recommendations to weigh benefits and risks carefully. The objective of this study was to determine the specificity of association between first trimester exposure to SSRIs and specific CHD and other congenital anomalies (CA) associated with SSRI exposure in the literature (signals). A population-based case-malformed control study was conducted in 12 EUROCAT CA registries covering 2.1 million births 1995-2009 including livebirths, fetal deaths from 20 weeks gestation and terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly. Babies/fetuses with specific CHD (n = 12,876) and non-CHD signal CA (n = 13,024), were compared with malformed controls whose diagnosed CA have not been associated with SSRI in the literature (n = 17,083). SSRI exposure in first trimester pregnancy was associated with CHD overall (OR adjusted for registry 1.41, 95 % CI 1.07-1.86, fluoxetine adjOR 1.43 95 % CI 0.85-2.40, paroxetine adjOR 1.53, 95 % CI 0.91-2.58) and with severe CHD (adjOR 1.56, 95 % CI 1.02-2.39), particularly Tetralogy of Fallot (adjOR 3.16, 95 % CI 1.52-6.58) and Ebstein's anomaly (adjOR 8.23, 95 % CI 2.92-23.16). Significant associations with SSRI exposure were also found for ano-rectal atresia/stenosis (adjOR 2.46, 95 % CI 1.06-5.68), gastroschisis (adjOR 2.42, 95 % CI 1.10-5.29), renal dysplasia (adjOR 3.01, 95 % CI 1.61-5.61), and clubfoot (adjOR 2.41, 95 % CI 1.59-3.65). These data support a teratogenic effect of SSRIs specific to certain anomalies, but cannot exclude confounding by indication or associated factors.
The objective in this Master's Thesis was to determine and verify quality criteria for veneer in plywood manufacturing. In plywood manufacturing the veneer quality has a decisive part how well it can be produced to a final product. Modern equipment run at high speed and capacity. These machines require a good quality veneer to be able to maintain them. The quality criteria determination was done after the dominant veneer properties were determined. This research focuses to the birch veneer quality determination. The machines involved in the veneer manufacturing are introduced in the materials and methods section. The different veneer properties are determined and the measuring devices to measure these properties are examined. There are many parts in veneer manufacturing and these have different requirements to the veneer quality. To determine and verify these properties for every machine was the most demanding part of this Master's Thesis. During the research some new ideas and ways to measure veneer properties were also tested. Veneer properties and quality was followed in a factory environment and in a test runs at the Raute. Different machines were followed carefully in the production environment while for example test pieces were taken from veneers that broke on the line. Sample pieces were tested on site or delivered to Nastola for more extensive testing. Based on the tests and research the criteria for veneer to every machine involved in the veneer production were created. These veneer quality tolerances are recommendations to ensure that the machine operation will not be affected by the veneer quality.
Desde que inicié el grado en Terapia Ocupacional, he vivido en primera persona situaciones de estrés seguramente causadas por diferentes factores: viajes diarios incómodos, comidas fuera de casa, horas frente al ordenador, falta de descanso y poca vida social. El estrés ha influenciado de forma negativa en mi salud, provocando en algunas épocas, no rendir al 100% en los estudios. Me interesa saber si los terapeutas ocupacionales que ejercen en Cataluña trabajan bajo condiciones de estrés. Otro objetivo de este estudio es comprender, si es el caso, experiencias reales de terapeutas ocupacionales acerca del estrés del terapeuta. Discutir sobre si impacta de forma negativa en la práctica profesional y determinar de qué forma, redefinir los factores desencadenantes y describir qué tipo de estrategias ponen en uso para afrontar el estrés. La metodología utilizada, debido a la naturaleza de la pregunta de investigación, tiene un enfoque cualitativo con un paradigma hermenéutico. Como técnicas de recolección de información se utiliza el grupo de discusión y el cuestionario. La escasa investigación acerca de la temática, ha llevado a tener que crear el formato de las técnicas a partir de documentos relevantes encontrados tras la búsqueda bibliográfica en diferentes bases de datos y revistas de terapia ocupacional. Los resultados del estudio, podrían ser útiles para llegar a crear una guía para combatir el estrés, incluso para prevenirlo en estudiantes de Terapia Ocupacional.
En aquesta recerca es presenta l’anàlisi de les estratègies que usen els alumnes de 4t de primària de l’escola Barnola d’Avinyó per a resoldre operacions de suma amb nombres de fins a dues xifres. A més, permet observar la seva evolució després d’haver dut a terme una unitat didàctica orientada a treballar i millorar de manera manipulativa i dinàmica, al llarg de set setmanes, els continguts numèrics. Per tant, amb els resultats obtinguts podem valorar si el fet de treballar continguts numèrics influencia en l’ús d’estratègies de càlcul mental i contrastar-ho amb diferents autors destacats en aquest àmbit.
En aquet TFG1 és presenta un estudi on el seu objectiu és l’anàlisi de les dificultats que és troben els professors a l’hora d’impartir les activitats al medi natural, per tal de poder entendré com és que és el bloc de continguts menys treballat. Per això, s’ha utilitzat com a instrument un qüestionari que s’ha aplicat a 49 professors d’educació física de 26 comarques de Catalunya. Aquests docents han estat escollit aleatòriament i han respòs el qüestionari per voluntat pròpia. El tractament estadístic del qüestionari s’ha dut a terme amb Google Drive. Entre les conclusions cal destacar la diferència entre el currículum proposat per la LOE (2006) i el proposat per la LOE (2007), i la clara aposta del professorat per realitzar les activitats al medi natural fora del centre, amb el cost afegit que això suposa. Aquest últim fet, a més, sembla comportar, per una banda, la dificultat afegida que suposa pels professors el fet de sortir fora de l’escola i, per altra banda, la responsabilitat que requereix dur a terme aquestes activitats.
La relaxació és una eina inclusiva dins l’escola que ajuda a treballar la competència emocional. La investigació parteix de l’ús de diferents tècniques de relaxació per poder ajudar, a l’alumnat d’educació infantil, a adquirir un grapat de coneixements per regular les seves emocions i l’estrès. L’estudi té com a objectiu la pràctica de diferents tècniques i jocs en una aula de P4 amb alumnes que presenten Trastorn de l’Espectre Autista. Les dades recollides i analitzades fan possible afirmar que la relaxació dóna beneficis tant a nivell personal com social i permet el treball de les emocions.
Hypothesis: The quality of care for chronic patients depends on the collaborative skills of the healthcare providers.1,2 The literature lacks reports of the use of simulation to teach collaborative skills in non-acute care settings. We posit that simulation offers benefits for supporting the development of collaborative practice in non-acute settings. We explored the benefits and challenges of using an Interprofessional Team - Objective Structured Clinical Examination (IT-OSCE) as a formative assessment tool. IT-OSCE is an intervention which involves an interprofessional team of trainees interacting with a simulated patient (SP) enabling them to practice collaborative skills in non-acute care settings.5 A simulated patient are people trained to portray patients in a simulated scenario for educational purposes.6,7 Since interprofessional education (IPE) ultimately aims to provide collaborative patient-centered care.8,9 We sought to promote patient-centeredness in the learning process. Methods: The IT-OSCE was conducted with four trios of students from different professions. The debriefing was co-facilitated by the SP with a faculty. The participants were final-year students in nursing, physiotherapy and medicine. Our research question focused on the introduction of co-facilitated (SP and faculty) debriefing after an IT-OSCE: 1) What are the benefits and challenges of involving the SP during the debriefing? and 2) To evaluate the IT-OSCE, an exploratory case study was used to provide fine grained data 10, 11. Three focus groups were conducted - two with students (n=6; n=5), one with SPs (n=3) and one with faculty (n=4). Audiotapes were transcribed for thematic analysis performed by three researchers, who found a consensus on the final set of themes. Results: The thematic analysis showed little differentiation between SPs, student and faculty perspectives. The analysis of transcripts revealed more particularly, that the SP's co-facilitation during the debriefing of an IT-OSCE proved to be feasible. It was appreciated by all the participants and appeared to value and to promote patient-centeredness in the learning process. The main challenge consisted in SPs feedback, more particularly in how they could report accurate observations to a students' group rather than individual students. Conclusion: In conclusion, SP methodology using an IT-OSCE seems to be a useful and promising way to train collaborative skills, aligning IPE, simulation-based team training in a non-acute care setting and patient-centeredness. We acknowledge the limitations of the study, especially the small sample and consider the exploration of SP-based IPE in non-acute care settings as strength. Future studies could consider the preparation of SPs and faculty as co-facilitators. References: 1. Borrill CS, Carletta J, Carter AJ, et al. The effectiveness of health care teams in the National Health Service. Aston centre for Health Service Organisational Research. 2001. 2. Reeves S, Lewin S, Espin S, Zwarenstein M. Interprofessional teamwork for health and social care. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell; 2010. 3. Issenberg S, McGaghie WC, Petrusa ER, Gordon DL, Scalese RJ. Features and uses of high-fidelity medical simulations that lead to effective learning - a BEME systematic review. Medical Teacher. 2005;27(1):10-28. 4. McGaghie W, Petrusa ER, Gordon DL, Scalese RJ. A critical review of simulation-based medical education research: 2003-2009. Medical Education. 2010;44(1):50-63. 5. Simmons B, Egan-Lee E, Wagner SJ, Esdaile M, Baker L, Reeves S. Assessment of interprofessional learning: the design of an interprofessional objective structured clinical examination (iOSCE) approach. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2011;25(1):73-74. 6. Nestel D, Layat Burn C, Pritchard SA, Glastonbury R, Tabak D. The use of simulated patients in medical education: Guide Supplement 42.1 - Viewpoint. Medical teacher. 2011;33(12):1027-1029. Disclosures: None (C) 2014 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.