917 resultados para RUMEN FERMENTATION


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Production of bioethanol through acidic and enzymatic hydrolysis of aquatic Azolla sp., as a new source of bio-mass, has been performed, as a means to control increasing growth and reducing undesirable effects of this plant in Anzali lagoon. After sampling, drying and crushing, Azolla was hydrolyzed, using diluted acid and enzyme. Diluted acid hydrolysis was done using both autoclave and a high-pressure system (Batch Synth® Microwave synthesizer). The effects of temperature and time (in autoclave) and concentration of acid (in both) were compared. Cellubrix®, a ommercial cellulase source, was used for enzymatic hydrolysis process. The amounts of reducing sugars, glucose and furfural, released from hydrolyzate, were measured. To produce alcohol, Sacchromyces cerevisiae (to ferment sixcarbon sugars), Zygowilliopsis californica and Pichia stipitis (to ferment five-carbon and sixcarbon sugars) were used. Maximum amounts of glucose (4.83% w/w) and reducing sugars (14.15% w/w) were obtained using acid hydrolysis in autoclave. In the microwave oven, maximum glucose (5.04% w/w) and reducing sugars (13.27 w/w) were obtained at 180 and 200 °C, respectively. Under these conditions, maximum produced furfural was 1.54 g/L. The difference between amounts of furfural obtained from acid hydrolysis of Azolla in microwave oven compared to autoclave was statistically significant. Amounts of alcohol produced and its yields were 3.99 g/L and 33.13% for S. cerevisiae in 48 hours, 3.73 g/L and 30.45% for Pichia stipites in 48 hours, and 3.73 g/L and 30.45% for Z. californica in 24 hours after inoculation, respectively, with significant differences. Statistical comparison of results showed significant differences (P<0.05) in glucose production, at different conditions. Amounts of reducing sugars and glucose increased after optimization of levels of acid, time, and temperature. The overall optimum released sugar and glucose were obtained with 1.67% (w/v) acid using autoclave. Higher temperatures in microwave oven caused a significant increase (P<0.05) in furfural. Furfural severely inhibits fermentation. Hence, regarding the issues of energy consumption and time, amounts of inhibiting substances and sugar production, autoclave is found to be superior to the high temperature and pressure, generated in microwave oven, for hydrolyzing Azolla. Furthermore, given the amounts of Azolla in Anzali lagoon, it may be recommendable to use this plant as a biomass resource.


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A biosensor based on an H+ ion sensitive field effect transistor (H+-ISFET) and penicillin G acylase has been developed. The response time of the sensor to different concentrations of penicillin G was 30 s. In a 20 mM phosphate buffer at pH 7.0, the linear range of the calibration curve was from 0.5 to 8 mM. The coefficients of variation for three samples with 20 repeated measurements were below 5%. Stability of the sensor could reach about 6 months and more than 1000 runs were performed without a significant decrease of the output value. The sensor was tested for measurement of the penicillin G content in penicillin fermentation broth. Forty samples with low and high concentrations of penicillin G were chosen for the correlation test. The values assayed by the sensor method were compared with the values assayed by HPLC method, the correlation coefficient (r) was 0.9944 and the regression equation was y = 1.034X - 2083.7 respectively. The different measuring methods are discussed in the text. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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大型海藻的生产力高,生产成本低,是一种理想的能源作物。广东省是我国海洋大省之一,约35万平方公里的海域,海藻物种丰富,为海藻养殖提供了有利的条件。我省是能源消耗大省,大部分依靠外省调入和进口,发展海藻能源技术是缓解能源问题的重要途径之一。目前,海藻作为生物质的利用技术还不成熟。在本论文中,选用我省常见的江蓠、马尾藻和麒麟菜三种的大型的海藻进行热解和发酵实验。 首先,对海藻在不同温度下(400℃~900℃)热解得到的各产物(气体、焦油和残渣)产率和热值以及气体组分进行了分析,研究了各热解产物产率、热值和气体组分随温度的变化规律,分析热解过程中的K、Ca、Na、Mg等元素的析出和迁移规律。用去离子水和稀盐酸对海藻进行洗滤预处理,研究其热解特性,进行热重分析,建立海藻热解的反应动力学模型,并计算海藻的动力学参数。分析结果表明:热解气体中的主要成分为H2、CO、CH4、C2H4、C2H6等,热解气低位热值介于5~15 MJ/m3之间。海藻本身具有灰分含量较高和热值较低的特点,水洗可以有效地脱除部分的碱金属,并可以减少灰分含量,改善海藻的热解特性。 其次,以江蓠和马尾藻为底物进行发酵。结果表明:海藻中含有大量金属阳离子,直接发酵容易溶解到料液中,抑制微生物生长,影响发酵效果。用淡水浸泡以后的海藻能容易进行发酵。江蓠的产气率要高于马尾藻。在发酵温度为35℃,简单破碎,料液浓度为5%的条件下,江蓠TS(总固体)产气率是390.6L/kg 。在55℃,颗粒大小0.6~0.9mm,料液浓度为5%的条件下,马尾藻TS产气率是173.1L/kg。 通过对比海藻热解和发酵过程及结果的比较可以发现,海藻热解产气率低,碱金属容易析出;海藻发酵可以直接利用湿原料,产气率高,但发酵时间较长,需要合适的菌种。在目前没有特殊专有技术的情况下,采用发酵比采用热解实现海藻的能源化利用可能性更大。 最后,对本论文的研究探讨进行总结,并对今后进一步完善该工作提出了建议。


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首先进行城市生活有机垃圾典型组分的厌氧发酵产甲烷和产氢特性研究,在此基础上,设计厌氧发酵联产氢气和甲烷的组合工艺提高能源回收效率,并采用厨余垃圾和废纸联合厌氧消化的方式避免厨余垃圾单独厌氧消化的挥发性脂肪酸抑制。其次,结合国内近年出现的城市生活垃圾分选技术,分别以机械干分选有机垃圾和水分选有机垃圾为原料进行厌氧发酵产甲烷实验,并根据实验结果设计日处理500吨城市生活垃圾厌氧沼气工程及进行经济性评价。主要结论如下:(1)糖和淀粉类的生化产甲烷能力为260 mL/gVS,纤维素,粗纤维、蛋白类和脂类分别为244、145、258 、757 mL/gVS;蛋白质类原料在厌氧消化过程中容易形成“抑制型稳态”;脂类原料容易导致长链脂肪酸抑制。(2)碳水化合物(糖、淀粉和纤维素)是最佳的厌氧发酵制氢原料,蛋白类、脂类和木质纤维类均不适宜作为厌氧发酵制氢原料。采用厌氧发酵联产氢气和甲烷的组合工艺可以显著提高能源回收率。(3)厨余垃圾单独厌氧发酵容易受到VFAs的强烈抑制,采用厨余垃圾与废纸联合厌氧发酵,能够避免VFAs抑制。(4)水分选有机垃圾的生物可降解性优于机械干分选有机垃圾,在原料TS浓度为11%~16%时的甲烷产率为273~314 L/kgVS。(5)国家财政补贴,税收优惠和CDM额外收益决定了城市生活垃圾的厌氧消化与热电肥联产工程的经济可行性。


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从芽抱杆菌属、酵母属二十株菌中筛选到一株优良伴生菌B529,与新选育出的产酸菌V6构成一新菌系B529-V6。新菌系B529-V6表现出了较强的高浓度L-山梨糖耐受能力、较高的底物代谢速率和较高的2-KGA转化能力,在8%山梨糖浓度的发酵培养基中培养48h,糖酸转化率较对照菌系提高了5.94%;山梨糖浓度提高至10%,其生长代谢受影响程度较小,且能不同程度地利用葡萄糖和山梨醇为底物,合成维生素C前体-2-酮基-L-古龙酸(2-KGA),其发酵产物2-KGA经反相高效液相色谱分析其质量符合工业化生产要求。对新菌系生长代谢规律及调控进行了研究,4M3罐和300M3罐发酵实验表明:种子培养基的碳源、葡萄糖/山梨糖浓度比、氮源、生长因子、接种种液质量及环境因子,均可影响新菌系的生长代谢。4M3罐发酵,新菌系具有周期短、糖酸转化率高等特点,连续4批发酵平均转化率较对照菌系提高10.18%,周期缩短23.7%。在300M3罐发酵试运行期间,新菌系糖酸转化率达到90.10%,较原生产菌系提高3.95%,发酵周期平均缩短1.3小时,显示出了较高的应用价值,在东北制药总厂进行了推广应用。研究了新产酸菌V6的基本生物学特性,分析了GC moL%含量,165rDNA同源性,鉴定其在系统发育学上应归入Ketoguloigenium 属,暂命名为Ketogulonigenium sp.V6。选用限制性内切酶Hind IH对新产酸菌V6染色体DNA进行了部分消化,应用载体pGEM-3zf(+)构建了v6的基因文库。结合阳性转化子在以L-山梨糖为唯一碳源培养基上的生长特性,利用PCR技术从该基因文库中,筛选到一株含有L-山梨糖还原酶(sR)基因的阳性克隆,并利用pET-32a(+)表达载体,实现了sR酶基因在大肠杆菌AD494(DE3)中的表达。SDS-PAGE电泳分析测定SR融合蛋白分子量大约在65kD左右,除去硫氧化还原蛋白、S-Tag和His-Tag蛋白,可推测出天然sR酶蛋白分子量约53 kD左右,与从SR基因推测出的分子量大小相符。另外,SR酶学特性研究表明,还原型辅酶II(NADPH)是sR酶蛋白的最适电子供体,其最适反应pH为7.0,pH6.5时保持稳定,酶活力较高;最适反应温度为50 ℃,30 ℃时热稳定性较好;lmM的Cu~(2+),Fe~(3+)和Mn~(2+)对该酶活抑制作用较大。


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本文报导了实验中发现能大幅度破坏利福霉素(Rif sv)抗菌活性的物质,称其为失活因子。此失活因子经分离提纯后实验结果确证其本质是利福霉素胞外生物降解酶。实验表明失活因子活性受发酵中存在着一种抗生素另一种小分子物质的调控证实了抗生素发酵中存在着一种抗生素降解代谢途径和抗菌降解机制。从而进一步提出了菌株产生抗生素降解水平是由以往抗生素合成机制。抗性机制和作者等人提出的抗生素降解失活机制三者共同决定的新概念,并使高产工程菌株构建获得成功。


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链霉菌是十分重要的一类放线菌,绝大多数的抗生素都由该类细菌产生。毛壳属真菌是一类重要的丝状真菌,从中也发现有很多结构新颖、活性独特的活性物质。因此本论文对两株链霉菌的活性成分及一株金毛壳菌的次生代谢产物进行了研究。 1.从吸水链霉菌(Streptomyces hygroscopicus 1.358)液态发酵产物(乙酸乙酯提取物)中分离得到3个化合物,通过波谱方法鉴定为RK955A (1)、Nigericin(2)、Elaiophylin(3)。以青霉素耐药-金黄色葡萄球菌作为指示菌的抗菌活性测定表明,三者均具有较强抗菌活性。 2.通过抗肿瘤体外活性筛选模型筛选得到得到一株链霉属土壤放线菌,从中分离得到六个化合物:苯乙酰胺(4)、苯丙酰胺(5)、肉桂酰胺(6)、3-(N-(甲酰胺基)乙酰基)吲哚(7)、鸟苷磷酸(8)、鸟苷(9)。 3.从金色毛壳菌(Chaetomium aureus)的固态培养物中分离得到13个化合物,利用波谱方法将其鉴定为:金毛壳菌素A(10)、金毛壳菌素B(11)、Eugenetin(12)、Eugenitol(13)、Chaetoquadrin A(14)、Chaetoquadrin B(15)、Chaetoquadrin G(16)、Chaetoquadrin H(17)、Chaetochromin A(18)、Sterigmatocystin(19)、O-methylsterigmatocystin(20)、3β-羟基-麦角甾-5,7,22-三烯(21)和过氧麦角甾醇(22)。 4.综述了聚醚类抗生素的结构、生物合成、生物活性及作用机理。 The genus Streptomyces (Actinomycetes) is an important group of microbe. Most antibiotics known nowdays are discovered from species of Streptomyces. The fungi of the genus Chaetomium have attracted much attention because various kinds of secondary metabolites with diverse bioactivities have been found from them. Thus, the bioactive compounds from two strains of Streptomyces and the secondary metabolites of Chaetomium aureus were investigated. 1. Three compounds were isolated from the ethyl acetate extract of the fermentation broth of Streptomyces hygroscopicus. They are identified to be elaiophylin (1), nigericin (2), and antibiotic RK955A (3) on the basis of their spectroscopic data. Compounds 1-3 possess antibacterial activities against Staphyloccocus aureus. 2. It was found that the extract of the fermented broth of a strain of Actinomycetes could inhibit some tumor cel lines. Separation of the bioactive fraction led to the isolation of six compounds. They were characterized to be phenylacetamide (4), phenylpropylamide (5), trans-cinnamamide (6), 3- (N- (formylmethyl) acetamide) indole (7), guanylicacid (8), and guanosine (9). 3. From the fermented broth of Chaetomium aureus, 13 compounds were isolated for the first time. They were determined to be chaetomiumycin A (10), chaetomiumycin B (11), eugenetin (12), eugenitol (13), chaetoquadrin A (14), chaetoquadrin B (15), chaetoquadrin G (16), chaetoquadrin H (17), chaetochromin A (18), sterigmatocystin (19), O-methylsterigmatocystin (20), 3β-hydroxyergosta-5, 7, 22-triene (21) and peroxy-ergosterol (22). Compounds 10 and 11 are new ones. 4. Structure, biosynthesis, biological activity, and mechanisms of polyether antibiotics were reviewed.


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本文从不同厌氧生境中获得7组(C-2、Y-2、L-2 、NZ、H-3、CZ、L-3)具有纤维素降解能力的复合菌系。经过不断传代、淘汰纤维素降解能力降低的菌系,最后得到一组高效、传代稳定的厌氧纤维素分解复合菌系L-3。该菌系可使滤纸在42 h内溃烂,并能在分解纤维素的同时产氢气。对L-3复合菌系的产酶条件进行了研究,结果表明,在实验范围内该菌系的产酶最适条件为:pH 6.5,温度37 ℃,接种量5 %,最佳碳源为滤纸,最佳氮源为硫酸铵。第10天测得羧甲基纤维素酶(CMCase)、滤纸酶(FPA)、外切葡聚糖酶(C1)、β-葡聚糖苷酶(β-glucodase)的酶活分别为0.216 U/ml、0.101 U/ml、0.132 U/ml、0.002 U/ml,滤纸失重率70.6 %。发酵代谢产物乙醇和丁酸含量分别可达1378 mg/L 、2695 mg/L,发酵产生的气体中氢气含量最高可达70.2 %。DGGE结果表明该菌系主要由14种菌组成,其中有三株菌在发酵前后菌数发生了明显的变化,说明在以滤纸为底物的降解过程中,这三株菌起到了重要作用,对这三株菌进行了分子生物学鉴定,初步定为Clostridium phytofermentans、Clostridium cellulovorans、Desulfovibrio sp。 利用实验室分离得到的纤维素降解菌,最终配制出由10、X-1、X-13、ST-13、L-3组成的好氧-厌氧纤维素降解复合菌剂。以秸秆为发酵底物,菌剂接种量1%,利用复合菌剂预处理后的秸秆,发酵总产气量相对于对照提高了71.62%,甲烷含量最高可达70.08%。 A group of microbial consortia L-3 was isolated from the anaerobic fermentation residue of corn stalk, which could degrade cellulose and produce hydrogen. The CMCase, FPA, C1 and β-glucosidase activity of L-3 could reach to 0.216 U/ml, 0.101 U/ml, 0.132 U/ml and 0.002 U/ml, respectively. In the filter degrading process, the filter paper collapsed in the liquid culture within 42 h and the filter degrading rate could reach to 70.6% in the 13 days, meanwhile, hydrogen was determined and the highest hydrogen content was 70.2%. The optimum cellulase-degrading conditions were filter papaer as the carbon source, (NH4)2SO4 as the nitrogen source, 37 ℃ and pH 6.5 in this experiment. DGGE results showed that the microbial consortia L-3 mainly included 14 strains. The amount of 3 strains were changed during the fermentation. These strains were identified as Clostridium phytofermentans、Clostridium cellulovorans、Desulfovibrio sp by 16S rDNA sequence analysis. The cellulose- degrading microbial agent was composed by 10, X-1, X-13, ST-13, L-3 which were isolated in the laboratory. The straw pretreated by cellulose-degrading microbial agent was used to ferment, the total biogas production increased by 72% comparing to the control. The content of methane could reach to 70.08%。


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本学位论文主要研究一株放线菌发酵产物的抗肿瘤活性。先对该株放线菌进行活化培养,然后进行大批量发酵,发酵液经过冷冻离心,对离心得到的沉淀和上清液用不同极性的有机溶剂进行萃取,得到六个浸膏样品。对六个样品进行初步抗肿瘤活性检测。 然后对活性浸膏进行分离纯化和活性跟踪。本论文主要进行了如下的工作: 1、对菌种进行活化培养,利用该菌株在280C,200r.min-1条件下进行发酵实验,发酵时间为72h,发酵总量为15L。发酵液经过离心得到上清液和沉淀两部分。 2、分别用石油醚、乙酸乙酯、正丁醇萃取沉淀和上清液,得到编号为1—6的六个浸膏样品,对六个浸膏样品进行初步的细胞毒性和抗HepG2肿瘤活性实验,得出结论为5号样品活性最高。在没有分离纯化的情况下GI50达到0.76µg/mL。 3、对5号样品进行TLC实验,找出能够较好分离5号样品中各组分的溶剂组合,最后得出在氯仿:甲醇=8:1时分离效果较好。然后利用氯仿:甲醇=8:1的溶剂组合作为洗脱剂对5号样品进行过硅胶柱分离纯化并进行活性跟踪分离。 4、对分离纯化后得到的样品进行活性跟踪和结构分析。分离后得到样品A,在其浓度为10µg/ml时,抗肿瘤实验细胞的生长率为73.5%。在浓度为1.0mg/ml时,抗单纯疱疹病毒率(HSVⅡ)为74.5%。结构分析得知其分子式最可能为C41H43N8O4. This dissertation studied about the anti-tumor activity of an actinomycete fermentation product. First, we cultured the actinomycete. Second, we fermented it in large quantities, and then centrifuged the fermentation fluid; the next step is that we extract sedimentation and supernatant in different polar organic solvents, in turn to obtained six samples, which were detected about anti-tumor activity. Last, we purified active sample and tracked activity of it. We carried out the following research work: 1. Activation, culture and screening of the actinomyces was carried on. We used the screening strain to carry on the fermentation when the conditions are 280C,200r.min-1,the fermentation time is 72h. Fermentation fluid volume is 15L.And we obtained sedimentation and supernatant after fermentation fluid was centrifuged. 2. We used Petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, n-butanol separately to extract sedimentation and supernatant, and obtained six samples that were numbered 1-6. From the preliminary cell toxicity and the anti-tumor(HepG2) bioactivity experiment, we found that No.5 sample has the highest activity in the samples; the GI50 was 0.76µg/ml which has not been purified. 3. We Carried on TLC experiment on the No.5 sample, found the solvent composition that can separate each component of the No.5 sample. At last, we found that when the proportions are tri-chloromethane: methyl alcohol = 8:1, the Separation result was the best, and then we used the Solvent composition which proportion are tri-chloromethane: methyl alcohol = 8:1 as eluant to Purify No.5 sample by silica gel column. 4. We tracked the activity of pure sample obtained from Purification and analyzed structure of these substances. We got a compound A after separation, and the cell growth rate was 73.5% when its concentration was 10µg/ml. The anti-virus(HSVⅡ) rate was 74.5% when its concentration was 1.0mg/ml. We analyzed the Structure of A, and informed its molecular formula that was the most likely for C41H43N8O4.


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本文从四川绵竹酒厂、成都市龙泉长安垃圾填埋场以及四川大学荷花池底的厌氧污泥中先后分离得到63株厌氧产氢菌,其中H-8、H-61、HC-10等16株产氢细菌产氢能力较高,HC-10的产氢能力最高,最大产氢量和最大产氢速率分别达到2840 ml H2/L培养基和25.39 mmol H2/g drycell·h,对HC-10进行生理生化鉴定和分子生物学鉴定,判定其为clostridium sp.,对HC-10的产氢条件进行了研究,结果表明,该菌的最适生长温度为35 ℃,最适生长初始pH为7,以葡萄糖为最佳碳源,以蛋白胨为最佳氮源,不利用无机氮源,其产氢发酵液相产物以乙醇和乙酸为主,其发酵类型属于乙醇型发酵。此外,以酒糟废液作为底物,进行了菌株HC-10的生物强化试验,研究表明,投加了HC-10的强化系统其产氢量比对照高出40.32%。 同时为了获得厌氧产氢菌的高效突变株,分别以产氢菌H-8和H-61为原始菌株进行微波诱变处理,对微波诱变参数进行了优化,考察了突变株的遗传稳定性、产氢特性及耐酸性。菌株H-8经过微波诱变得到5株高产氢突变株HW7、HW33、HW181、HW184、HW195,经多次传代表明HW195是稳定的高产突变株。突变株HW195具有较好的耐酸性,在pH值为2.8时仍能生长。通过间歇发酵实验,其最大产氢量和最大产氢速率分别达到2460 mL/L培养基和27.97 mmol H2/g drycell·h,比原始菌分别提高了50.75%和41.7%。菌株H-61经过微波诱变后选育得到的突变株HW-18,其最大产氢量和最大产氢速率分别达到2190 mL/L培养基和25.86 mmol H2/g drycell·h,比原始菌分别提高了23.03%和31.00%。 为了对比各种诱变方式对产氢菌产氢能力的影响,以厌氧产氢菌H-61为原始菌株,先后经亚硝基胍(NTG)、紫外(UV)诱变,选育得到1株高产突变株HCM-23。在葡萄糖浓度为10 g/L的条件下,其产氢量为3024 mL/L培养基,比原始菌株提高了69.89%;其最大产氢速率为33.19 mmol H2/g drycell·h,比原始菌株提高了68.14%。经过多次传代实验,稳定性良好。其发酵末端产物以乙醇和乙酸为主,属于典型乙醇型发酵。其最适产氢初始pH为6.5,最适生长温度为36 ℃,以蔗糖为最佳碳源。与原始菌株相比,突变株HCM-23的产氢特性发生了改变,如生长延滞期延长,可利用无机氮源等。 From anaerobic activated sludge, 16 strains of hydrogen producing bacteria were newly isolated. One of them named as HC-10 had the highest hydrogen producing capability, under the batch fermentative hydrogen production condition, the maximal hydrogen yield and hydrogen production rate was 2840 mL/L culture and 25.39 mmol H2/g drycell·h. It was identified as clostridium sp.HC-10 by 16S rDNA sequence analysis. Various parameters for hydrogen production, including substrates, initial pH and temperature, have been studied. The optimum condition for hydrogen producing of strain HC-10 were achieved as: initial pH 7.0, temperature 35 ℃, glucose as the favorite substrate, Moreover, using distiller's solubles wastewater as substrate, HC-10 strain was added in the biohydrogen producing system to research the bioaugmentation effection. The results showed that the hydrogen production of bioaugmentation system was 40.32% higher than the noaugmentation system. An anaerobic, hydrogen producing strain H-8 was irradiated by microwave to optimize the microwave mutagenesis condition, and to test the heredity, hydrogen-producing potential and aciduric of the mutants. An aciduric mutant named as HW195 with steady hydrogen-producing capability was obtained, which can grow at pH 2.8. Its capability of hydrogen production was tested in the batch culture experiments. The maximum hydrogen yield and hydrogen production rate was 2460 mL/L culture and 29.97 mmol H2/g drycell·h, which was 50.7% and 41.7% higher than those of the initial strain, respectively. When used the strain H-61 as original strain, a mutant named as HW18 was obtained. The maximum hydrogen yield and hydrogen production rate was 2190 mL/L culture and 25.86 mmol H2/g drycell·h, which was 23.03% and 31.00% higher than those of the initial strain, respectively. The results demonstrated that microwave mutagenesis could be used in the field of hydrogen producing microorganism. The hydrogen producing strain H-61 was used as an original strain which was induced by NTG and UV for increasing and the hydrogen production capability. One of the highest efficient H2-producing mutants was named as HCM-23 with its stable hydrogen production capability. which was tested in the batch culture experiments. With the condition of 10 g/L glucose, its cumulative hydrogen yield and hydrogen production rate was 3024 mL/L culture and 33.19 mmol H2/g drycell·h, 69.89%and 68.14% higher than that of the original strain, respectively. The terminal liquid product compositions showed that the mutant HCM-23 fermentation was ethanol type, while the original strain H-61 fermentation was butyric acid type. Varieties of parameters of hydrogen production fermentation were studied, including time, carbon source, nitrogen source, glucose concentration, glucose utilization, initial pH and incubation temperature had been studied, indicated the optimum condition of hydrogen production for the mutant HCM-23 as initial pH6.5, temperature 36 ℃, and the favorite substrate was sucrose. The hydrogen production characters of the mutant and the original strain were different, such as, the growth lag phase and the utilization of inorganic nitrogen source, etc. This work shows a good application potential of NTG-UV combined mutation in the biohydrogen production. And the hydrogen production mechanism and metabolic pathway should be explored furthermore.


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本文主要研究了具有己酸乙酯酯化活性的真菌菌株的筛选和发酵条件优化。从大曲和糟醅样品中分离纯化获得79株产生透明圈的丝状真菌,菌落形态初步识别结果显示分离菌株包括红曲霉属、根霉属及曲霉属等菌株。其中菌株EM-56酯化酶活力最强,发酵获得的粗酶制剂酶活为172.36 u。根据显微形态、菌落形态及生理生化特征,初步鉴定该菌株为曲霉科红曲霉属紫色红曲霉(Monascus purpureus)。 在此基础上重点研究了菌株EM-56在不同培养基成分及不同培养条件下的产酶情况,确定了最佳培养基和培养条件。通过单因素实验确定在基础培养基中添加最佳碳源为葡萄糖,最佳氮源为蛋白胨。正交优化实验结果确定了最佳培养基组成:以麸皮为基础培养基,添加葡萄糖 2%,蛋白胨 0.3 %,KH2PO4.3H2O 0.05 %,MgSO4.7H2O 0.06 %。菌株EM-56在上述培养基中的最佳发酵条件为:初始pH 5.5,发酵温度为35°C,发酵时间7d,种龄48h,接种量8%,装瓶量50g / 瓶(500mL)。在最佳培养基和发酵条件下,菌株EM-56发酵获得的粗酶制剂酶活达到241.56 u,比优化前提高了40.15%。 In this paper, the research focuses on the selection of fungus with esterifying activity and optimization of fermentation conditions. We isolated 79 strains which had transparent zones from Daqu and fermented grains. The isolated strains contained Monascus、Rhizopus and Aspergillus through primary morphology analysis. The strain of EM-56 which produces strongest esterase was selected. The enzyme activity reached 172.36u. According to related literature, EM-56 was identified as Monascus purpureus through morphology analysis and biochemical determination. We also studied the effects of different medium and fermentation conditions on the esterase production of strain EM-56. The optimal medium and fermentation conditions were determined. Single factor experiment result shows that the optimal carbon source added is glucose and the optimal nitrogen source added is peptone. The optimal fermentation medium determined by orthogonal optimization test is as follows: wheat bran as substrate, glucose 2%, peptone 0.3%, KH2PO4.3H2O 0.05%,MgSO4.7H2O 0.06%. The optimal fermentation conditions are: initial pH 5.5, cultural temperature 35°C, cultural time 7d, seed age 48h, inoculation 8%, medium mass 50g / flask(500mL). The esterse activity of EM-56 cultivated in the optimal medium and fermentation conditions reached 241.56u and increased by 40.15% compared with the original activity.