The aetiological agent of chronic hepatitis C is the hepatitis C virus. The hepatitis C virus is spread by parenteral transmission of body fluids, primarily blood or blood products. In 1989, after more than a decade of research, HCV was isolated and characterised. The hepatitis C viral genome is a positive-sense, single-stranded RNA molecule approximately 9.4 kb in length, which encodes a polyprotein of about 3100 amino acids. There are 6 main genotypes of HCV, each further stratified by subtype. In 1994, a cohort of women was identified in Ireland as having been iatrogenically exposed to the hepatitis C virus. The women were all young and exposed as a consequence of the receipt of HCV 1b contaminated anti-D immunoglobulin. The source of the infection was identified as an acutely infected female. As part of a voluntary serological screening programme involving 62,667 people, 704 individuals were identified as seropositive for exposure to the hepatitis C virus; 55.4% were found to be positive for the viral genome 17 years after exposure. Of these women 98% had evidence of inflammation, but suprisingly, a remarkable 49% showed no evidence of fibrosis. Clinicopathology and virological analysis has identified associations between viral load and the histological activity index for inflammation, and, between inflammation and levels of the liver enzyme alanine aminotransferase. Infection at a younger age appears to protect individuals from progression to advanced liver disease. Molecular analyses of host immunogenetic elements shows that particular class II human leukocyte associated antigen alleles are associated with clearance of the hepatitis C virus. Additional class II alleles have been identified that are associated with stable viraemia over an extended period of patient follow-up. Although, investigation of large untreated homogeneous cohorts is likely to become more difficult, as the efficacy of anti-viral therapy improves, further investigation of host and viral factors that influence disease progression will help provide an evidence based approach were realistic expectations regarding patient prognosis can be ascertained.
Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) inhabiting the Atlantic Wood Industries region of the Elizabeth River, Virginia, have passed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) resistance to their offspring as evidenced by early life stage testing of developmental toxicity after exposure to specific PAHs. Our study focused on environmentally relevant PAH mixtures in the form of Elizabeth River sediment extract (ERSE). Juvenile (5 month) F1 progeny of pollution-adapted Atlantic Wood (AW) parents and of reference site (King's Creek [KC]) parents were exposed as embryos to ERSE. Liver alterations, including nonneoplastic lesions and microvesicular vacuolation, were observed in both populations. ERSE-exposed KC fish developed significantly more alterations than unexposed KC fish. Interestingly, unexposed AW killifish developed significantly more alterations than unexposed KC individuals, suggesting that AW juveniles are not fully protected from liver disease; rapid growth of juvenile fish may also be an accelerating factor for tumorigenesis. Because recent reports show hepatic tumor formation in adult AW fish, the differing responses from the 2 populations provided a way to determine whether embryo toxicity protection extends to juveniles. Future investigations will analyze older life stages of killifish to determine differences in responses related to chronic disease.
The burden of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is significant and growing. HCV is considered one of the leading causes of liver disease worldwide and the leading cause of liver transplantation globally. While those infected is estimated in the hundreds of millions, this is likely an underestimation because of the indolent nature of this disease when first contracted. Approximately 20% of patients with HCV infection will progress to advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis. Those that do are at risk of decompensated liver disease including GI bleeding, encephalopathy, severe lab abnormalities, and hepatocellular carcinoma. Those individuals with advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis have historically been difficult to treat. The backbone of previous HCV regimens was interferon (IFN). The outcomes for IFN based regimens were poor and resulted in increased adverse events among those with advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis. Now, in the era of new direct acting antiviral (DAA's) medications, there is hope for curing chronic HCV in everyone, including those with advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis. This article provides a review on the most up to date data on the use of DAA's in patients with advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis. We are at a point where HCV could be truly eradicated, but to do so will require ensuring there are effective and safe treatments for those with advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis.
Haptoglobin (Hp), a heme-Iron chelator, has different isoforms which are associated with variable tendency toward infections: Hp 1-1, Hp 2-1, and Hp 2-2. Cystic fibrosis (CF) outcomes are variable and influenced by genetic and environmental factors. The aim of this study was to determine whether Hp phenotype influenced disease severity in CF. One hundred forty-two CF patients from two centers were analyzed for Haptoglobin phenotype using gel electrophoresis of hemoglobin enriched serum. Clinical and microbiological data including bacterial colonization status, lung function, presence of CF-related diabetes and liver disease, rate of exacerbation, and mortality were compared between Hp phenotype groups. We found a trend toward less mucoid PA among Hp 2-2 (20.4 %) compared with Hp 1-1 and Hp 2-1 individuals (33.3 %), p = 0.317. Hp 2-2 individuals also had less antibiotic courses, and lower inflammatory markers without statistical significance. Haptoglobin phenotype is unlikely to be an important modifier of CF phenotype.
Schistosomiasis is a significant cause of human morbidity and mortality. We performed a genome-wide transcriptional survey of liver biopsies obtained from Chinese patients with chronic schistosomiasis only, or chronic schistosomiasis with a current or past history of viral hepatitis B. Both disease groups were compared with patients with no prior history or indicators of any liver disease. Analysis showed in the main, downregulation in gene expression, particularly those involved in signal transduction via EIF2 signalling and mTOR signalling, as were genes associated with cellular remodelling. Focusing on immune associated pathways, genes were generally downregulated. However, a set of three genes associated with granulocytes, MMP7, CLDN7, CXCL6 were upregulated. Differential gene profiles unique to schistosomiasis included the gene Granulin which was decreased despite being generally considered a marker for liver disease, and IGBP2 which is associated with increased liver size, and was the most upregulated gene in schistosomiasis only patients, all of which presented with hepatomegaly. The unique features of gene expression, in conjunction with previous reports in the murine model of the cellular composition of granulomas, granuloma formation and recovery, provide an increased understanding of the molecular immunopathology and general physiological processes underlying hepatic schistosomiasis.
Background: Home parenteral nutrition (HPN) was introduced in Spain in the late 1980s. Our hospital was a pioneering medical centre in this field. Aim: Analyze outcomes of our HPN program. Methods: Retrospective study of patients receiving HPN between 1986-2012. Study variables are expressed as frequency, mean ± SD (range), median [interquartile range]. Parametrics, non-parametrics test and survival analysis (p < 0.05) were applied. Results: 91 patients (55 females and 36 males, mean age: 50.6 ± 5 yrs.) who received HPN for an accrual period of 55,470 days (median: 211 days [range: 63-573]) were included. The most prevalent underlying condition was cancer (49.5%), with the commonest HPN indication being short bowel syndrome (41.1%). The most frequently used catheter type was the tunneled catheter (70.7%). The complication rate was 3.58/1,000 HPN days (2.68, infection; 0.07, occlusion; 0.07 thrombosis; and 0.59, metabolic complications). Complications were consistently associated with both the underlying condition and HPN length. Infections were most frequent within the first 1,000 days of HPN. Liver disease incidence was related to HPN duration. HPN could be discontinued in 42.3% of patients. Ten-year survival rate was 42%, and varied across the underlying conditions. Conclusions: In the present series, the commonest reason for HPN was cancer. Our complication rate is in keeping with that reported in the literature. The overall survival rate was 42%, and varied across the underlying conditions.
Indospicine (L-2-amino-6-amidinohexanoic acid) is a natural hepatotoxin found in all parts of some Indigofera plants such as I. linnaei and I. spicata. Several studies have documented a susceptibility to this hepatotoxin in different species of animals, including cattle, sheep, dogs and rats, which are associated with mild to severe liver disease after prolonged ingestion. However, there is little published data on the effects of this hepatotoxin in camels, even though Indigofera plants are known to be palatable to camels in central Australia. The secondary poisoning of dogs after prolonged dietary exposure to residual indospicine in camel muscle has raised additional food safety concerns. In this study, a feeding experiment was conducted to investigate the in vivo accumulation, excretion, distribution and histopathological effects of dietary indospicine on camels. Six young camels (2 – 4 year old), weighing 270 − 390 kg were fed daily a roughage diet consisting of Rhodes grass hay and lucerne chaff, supplemented with Indigofera and steam flaked barley. Indigofera (I. spicata) was offered at 597 mg DM/kg body weight (bw)/day designed to deliver 337 µg indospicine/kg bw/day, and fed for a period of 32 days. Blood and muscle biopsies were collected over the period of the study. Concentrations of indospicine in the plasma and muscle biopsy samples were quantitated by validated ultra-performance liquid chromatography−tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC−MS/MS). The highest concentrations in plasma (1.01 mg/L) and muscle (2.63 mg/kg fresh weight (fw)) were found at necropsy (day 33). Other tissues were also collected at necropsy and analysis showed ubiquitous distribution of indospicine, with the highest indospicine accumulation detected in the pancreas (4.86 ± 0.56 mg/kg fw) and liver (3.60 ± 1.34 mg/kg fw); followed by the muscle, heart and kidney. Histopathological examination of liver tissue showed multiple small foci of predominantly mononuclear inflammatory cells. After cessation of Indigofera intake, indospicine present in plasma in the remaining 3 camels had a longer terminal elimination half-life (18.6 days) than muscle (15.9 days), and both demonstrated mono-exponential decreases.
ANTECEDENTES La dieta Mediterránea está asociada con una disminución en la prevalencia del síndrome metabólico donde el hígado graso es el componente hepático. No obstante, los efectos de esta dieta sobre las enzimas hepáticas y el hígado graso apenas están explorados, es más, los mecanismos subyacentes en relación con el hígado graso y una dieta Mediterránea enriquecida con aceite de oliva o frutos secos no han sido aún estudiados. El Índice de Hígado Graso (FLI, Fatty Liver Index), ha sido desarrollado como una herramienta predictiva simple y eficaz de hígado graso no alcohólico (HGNA) utilizado en diferentes estudios. OBJETIVO Analizar el efecto sobre el Índice de Hígado Graso, de una intervención con dieta Mediterránea enriquecida con aceite de oliva virgen extra o con frutos secos frente a un grupo control con una dieta baja en grasas, dentro del ensayo PREDIMED- Málaga. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO Se analizaron los datos de los participantes del ensayo PREDIMED-Málaga, hombres (55-80 años) y mujeres (60-80 años), libres de enfermedad cardiovascular al inicio, pero con alto riesgo de desarrollarla. PREDIMED-Málaga es un ensayo aleatorizado de 6 años de duración con tres brazos de intervención (1grupo control con dieta baja en grasa y 2 grupos con dieta Mediterránea, uno suplementado con aceite de oliva virgen extra y otro con frutos secos). Al inicio, al año y a los 3, 5 y 6 años se les realizó mediciones antropométricas y toma de muestras de sangre para calcular el FLI. Se usaron modelos lineales mixtos para explorar los efectos fijos de los 3 grupos de intervención sobre el FLI, y sus interacciones con el tiempo. RESULTADOS Se incluyeron 276 participantes con datos de FLI al inicio y al menos con dos mediciones más de seguimiento. La edad media de los participantes fue de 67 años, y el 66 % eran mujeres. La prevalencia basal de HGNA estimado (FLI≥60) fue del 57%. El cambio del Índice de Hígado Graso en el grupo control aumentó de forma significativa con el tiempo, con 1,13±0,41 puntos al año (p=0,006). En el grupo de dieta Mediterránea enriquecida con aceite de oliva virgen extra, la evolución temporal del cambio del FLI fue similar al grupo control aunque se mantiene -3,90±1,9 puntos más bajo que el grupo control (p=0,038). En el grupo suplementado con frutos secos la evolución fue significativamente menor que la del grupo control (-1,63±0,62; p=0,009). En el grupo de dieta Mediterránea enriquecida con frutos secos la evolución del cambio del IMC fue 0,100 puntos menor al año en comparación con el grupo control (p=0,004). En el grupo de control, el cambio del perímetro de cintura aumentó significativamente con el tiempo (0,61±0,16 cm/año; p<0,001) en contraste con el grupo suplementado con aceite de oliva virgen extra que permaneció estable frente al control (-0,51±0,22; p=0,019). CONCLUSIONES Los resultados del presente estudio sugieren que una intervención con dieta Mediterránea podría retrasar o enlentecer la progresión natural del hígado graso, del índice de masa corporal y del perímetro de cintura en individuos con alto riesgo cardiovascular, y por lo tanto, ser una estrategia útil en la prevención y el tratamiento del mismo. No obstante, se necesitan estudios que ayuden a corroborar las conclusiones obtenidas sobre el Índice del Hígado Graso mediante pruebas diagnósticas más objetivas de hígado graso no alcohólico
Background: Globally, chronic B viral hepatitis (HBV) is a major health problem. Obesity is a common problem among patients with HBV. Several studies have reported that obesity is an important risk factor that alters immune system response in individuals with no underlying cause of liver disease. However, there is a strong association between BMI and the human immune system among HBV patients. Objective: This study was to examine the correlation between body mass index, serum alanine aminotransferase activity (ALT) and immunologic response in obese hepatitis B patients. Material and methods: One hundred fifty male patients with chronic hepatitis B virus, their age ranged from 30 to 45 (38.64 ± 7.12) years and their BMI ranged from 30-35 kg/m2. All Subjects were included in two groups: The first group received weight reduction program in the form of treadmill aerobic exercises in addition to diet control whereas the second group received no therapeutic intervention. Parameters of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), CD3, CD4 and CD8 were quantified; Leukocyte, differential counts and body mass index (BMI) were measured before and after 3 months at the end of the study. Results: There was a 24.7%, 36.8%, 30.8%, 40.7%, 28.6%, 25.9%, 33.3% and 14.3 % reduction in mean values of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), white blood cells, total neutrophil count, monocytes, CD3, CD4 ,CD8 and BMI respectively in group (A) at the end of the study. In addition, there were significant differences between mean levels of the investigated parameters in groups. Conclusion: Based on our findings, weight loss modulates serum alanine aminotransferase and immune system parameters of patients with hepatitis B virus infection.
The liver is one of the most important organs of human body, being involved in several vital functions and regulation of physiological processes. Given its pivotal role in the excretion of waste metabolites and drugs detoxification, the liver is often subjected to oxidative stress that leads to lipid peroxidation and severe cellular damage. The conventional treatments of liver diseases such as cirrhosis, fatty liver and chronic hepatitis are frequently inadequate due to side effects caused by hepatotoxic chemical drugs. To overcome this problematic paradox, medicinal plants, owing to their natural richness in phenolic compounds, have been intensively exploited concerning their extracts and fraction composition in order to find bioactive compounds that could be isolated and applied in the treatment of liver ailments. The present review aimed to collect the main results of recent studies carried out in this field and systematize the information for a better understanding of the hepatoprotective capacity of medicinal plants in in vitro and in vivo systems. Generally, the assessed plant extracts revealed good hepatoprotective properties, justifying the fractionation and further isolation of phenolic compounds from different parts of the plant. Twenty-five phenolic compounds, including flavonoids, lignan compounds, phenolic acids and other phenolic compounds, have been isolated and identified, and proved to be effective in the prevention and/or treatment of chemically induced liver damage. In this perspective, the use of medicinal plant extracts, fractions and phenolic compounds seems to be a promising strategy to avoid side effects caused by hepatotoxic chemicals.
El trasplante hepático es una opción terapéutica para enfermedad hepática avanzada cada vez más frecuente en Colombia. La sobrevida del 80% a 5 años conlleva a un aumento del riesgo cardiovascular y de eventos cardiovasculares, por esta razón esta investigación determina el comportamiento del riesgo cardiovascular en los pacientes con trasplante hepático de la Fundación Cardioinfantil, realizado en 3 años de seguimiento . Lo encontrado en esta investigación es que existe un aumento del riesgo cardiovascular a tres años en pacientes post trasplante hepático, estadísticamente significativo, principalmente secundario a hipertensión, diabetes e hipertrigliceridemia. El aumento es mayor a lo descrito en la población general, y similar a otros pacientes trasplantados, en un periodo de 5 años
La derivación portosistémica intrahepática transyugular (TIPS) es una técnica importante en el manejo de las complicaciones de la hipertensión portal, en especial en aquellos pacientes candidatos a trasplante hepático. Se trata de un estudio observacional analítico, sin riesgo, en el cual se emplearon técnicas y métodos de investigación documental retrospectivo, y no se realizó ningún tipo de intervención sobre las variables fisiológicas, psicológicas y sociales de la población incluida. Se realizó la descripción demográfica de los pacientes, características clínicas, hallazgos imageneológicos y aspectos técnicos asociados al procedimiento de los pacientes con hipertensión portal que han sido manejados con TIPS en la Fundación CardioInfantil desde Enero 1 de 2007 hasta Junio 30 de 2016. Se incluyeron 54 pacientes de los cuales el 66,7% no presentaron complicaciones inmediatas, tenidas en cuenta desde la terminación del procedimiento y hasta las siguientes 24 horas; sin embargo, 16,9% debutaron con encefalopatía durante este periodo. De las complicaciones tardías, la más frecuente fue la ascitis con un 66,7%, con una mortalidad de 20,4% de los cuales, el 45% de estos fue por shock séptico y falla orgánica secundaria. Aunque el porcentaje de complicaciones asociadas al procedimiento fue alto en nuestros pacientes, se encuentra dentro de los valores reportados en la literatura. Los resultados presentados son un punto de partida para la evaluación del procedimiento en nuestra población y permiten implementar estrategias de mejora que conlleven a incidir de manera positiva en el porcentaje de complicaciones y mortalidad derivadas del procedimiento.
Introducción: La diverticulosis es la condición más frecuentemente encontrada en la colonoscopia, condición asintomática, con un alto costo para el sistema de salud. Diversos factores han demostrado estar en relación con la aparición de la enfermedad. En nuestra población, esta información se desconoce; el objetivo del estudio es la caracterización de la población con diverticulosis y su relación con la frecuencia de la ingesta de fibra. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional prospectivo de corte transversal con componente analítico. Realizado a todas las personas que asistieron al HUS a realización de colonoscopia entre Noviembre de 2015 y Abril de 2016. Se recolectaron datos de la frecuencia de fibra ingerida a través de entrevistas basadas. Resultados: Se estudiaron 278 personas, 55.7% mujeres. La prevalencia de diverticulosis fue de 21.58%, siendo más frecuente en mujeres ( 66,7%), 31% entre los 71-80 años, 2,16% tenían antecedente familiar de diverticulosis; principal sitio de afectación fue colon sigmoide en las mujeres y el colon descendente en los hombres. En las personas con diverticulosis el consumo de harina de trigo fue mayor (91,67% vs 86,7%), mientras el consumo de frutas fue mayor en las personas que no presentaron diverticulosis (83,49% vs 78,33%). Conclusiones: La prevalencia de diverticulosis es similar a lo reportado en la literatura. Así mismo se encontró un mayor consumo de fibra en la población sin divertículos lo que hace pensar que a pesar de que esta condición es multifactorial , el consumo de mayores cantidades de fibra puede prevenir la aparición de la misma
Antecedentes: El cáncer gástrico se diagnostica tardíamente. Sólo en países como Corea y Japón existen políticas de tamizaje, que se justificarían en cualquier país con alta prevalencia de cáncer gástrico como Colombia o Chile. El análisis del pepsinógeno sérico se ha propuesto para el diagnóstico de lesiones premalignas y malignas gástricas, por lo cual se pretende revisar sistemáticamente en la literatura el valor diagnóstico del cociente pepsinógeno I/II como marcador de lesiones premalignas y malignas gástricas. Metodología: Se revisó la literatura hasta septiembre del 2016 con palabras claves lesiones malignas, premalignas gástricas y pepsinógeno en las bases de datos PubMed, OVID, EMBASE, EBSCO, LILACS, OPENGRAY y Dialnet, artículos de prueba diagnóstica que evaluaran el cociente pepsinógeno I/II en relación con los hallazgos histológicos. Resultados: Se incluyeron 21 artículos conun total de 20601 pacientes, que demuestranuna sensibilidad entre13.7% - 91.2%, una especificidad entre 38.5% - 100%, un Valor Predictivo Positivo entre 6.3% - 100% y un Valor Predictivo Negativo entre 33.3% - 98.8%del cociente pepsinógeno I/II en relación con el diagnósticode lesiones premalignas y malignas gástricas. Conclusiones: Los valores del cociente pepsinógeno I/II disminuidos se relacionan con la presencia delesiones premalignas y malignas gástricas.Dado que tiene mejor especificidad que sensibilidad, en cuanto prueba para tamizaje, sería útil para la selección de pacientes que se beneficiaríande la EVDA. Se requieren más estudios de prueba diagnóstica para validar un punto de corte específico que pueda ser utilizado como valor estándar.
Background and Aims: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) represents the second leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Protein induced by vitamin K absence (PIVKA-II) has been proposed as potential screening biomarker for HCC.This study has been designed to evaluate the role of PIVKA-II as diagnostic HCC marker, through the comparison between PIVKA-II and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) serum levels on HCC patients and the two control groupsof patients with liver disease and without HCC. Methods: In an Italian prospective cohort, PIVKA-II levels were assessed on serum samplesby an automated chemiluminescent immunoassay (Abbott ARCHITECT). The study population included 65 patients with HCC (both “de novo” and recurrent), 111 with liver cirrhosis (LC) and 111 with chronic hepatitis C (CHC). Results: PIVKA-II levels were increased in patients with HCC (median 63.75, range: 12-2675 mAU/mL) compared to LC (median value: 30.95, range: 11.70–1251mAU / mL, Mann Whitney test p < 0.0001) and CHC (median value: 24.89, range: 12.98-67.68mAU / mL, p < 0.0001).The area under curve (AUC) for PIVKA-II was 0.817 (95% Confidence Interval(CI), 0.752-0.881). At the optimal threshold of 37 mAU / mL, identified by the Youden Index, the sensitivity and specificity were 79% and 76%, respectively. PIVKA-II was a better biomarker than AFP for the diagnosis of HCC, since the AUC for AFP was 0.670 (95% CI 0.585-0.754, p<0.0001) and at the best cutoff of 16.4 ng / mL AFP yielded 98% specificity but only 34% sensitivity. Conclusions:These initial data suggest the potential utility of this tool in the diagnosis of HCC.PIVKA-II alone or in combination may help to an early diagnosis of HCC and a significant optimization of patient management.