941 resultados para Modular simulators
随着机器人技术的不断发展,机器人的能力不断提高,其应用的领域和范围正在不断扩展。各式各样的机器人正逐步走入各行各业和社会的各个领域,并在其中发挥着越来越重要的作用,特别是在科学考察、军事侦察、灾难救援等对人类来讲极度危险的领域。它所具有的优势越来越受到世界各国普遍关注和重视,日益成为各国的战略必争装备和竞争核心技术。 应用于危险环境的机器人在作业时往往面对极为复杂的非结构环境。传统的机器人受其自身的机械结构限制,一般不能够适应这种多变的地形。具有改变自身构形能力的机器人的出现,解决了这一问题。国外自80年代开始研究可重构机器人。可重构机器人一般是由多个模块组成,通过模块的数量以及相对位置的变化,使机器人形成新的构形。由于这种机器人在变形时要消耗大量的时间,同时需要计算能力较强的控制单元,因此很难应用于实际作业。 本文叙述了灾难救援机器人的研究和发展现状,并提出了一种新颖的用于灾难救援和军事侦察的可变形机器人。该机器人由三模块组成,通过模块间的关节运动改变自身构形。三模块可变形机器人采用了基于CAN总线的集中式控制系统。本文在论述了机器人控制系统的硬件平台构建后,给出了基于此硬件平台的软件实现。 本文在对三模块可变形机器人的变形机理进行分析和计算的基础上,提出了“协同变形法”改善了机器人的变形过程,使其更为合理。通过协同变形实验验证了改进后变形方法的合理性和优越性;通过转弯实验验证了可变形机器人的机动性能;通过整体变形实验和通过性实验验证了控制系统的可行性以及机器人极强的通过能力。变形机器人基于该控制系统能够完成前进、后退、转向以及变形等运动,运动平滑,系统响应迅速。最后,本文对可变形机器人的发展和后继研究工作进行了展望。
本文以国家“863”计划支持项目“机器人模块化体系结构设计”(编号2007AA041703)为依托,针对模块化机器人研究的难点和热点问题,在广泛调研模块化机器人国内外研究现状的基础上,研究开发了一套关节型模块化机器人样机。本文主要包括以下四方面的工作:1 模块库的建立及拓扑构型研究;2 运动学的研究;3 模块结构设计;4 实验研究。具体工作如下: 分析了模块化与重构性两个概念的区别与联系,在分析一般机电产品的库设计的基础上阐述了面向功能的模块化机器人模块划分原则。在此基础上,建立了含有五种单元模块的模块库,并对其可实现构型进行了拓扑分析。最后,从拓扑构型分析结果中挑选出了20种代表性构型,为基于任务的构型选择奠定了基础。 对关节型模块化机器人的运动学进行了研究,提出了一种新的坐标系建立方法,建立了各模块的运动学变换矩阵,采用运动旋量的指数积公式实现了正运动学分析的模块化,并推导出正运动学公式。对于逆运动学问题,根据推导出的正运动方程和微分运动学公式建立了逆运动学数学模型,并用牛顿—拉夫逊迭代法得出逆运动学迭代公式。 分析了一个六自由度关节型机器人的危险工况,从而确定了机器人运动时各关节所需的最大功率。以此为基础,确定了三种不同功率的旋转模块Rl、Rm、Rs和一个移动模块Tl,并根据功率的计算结果为各模块进行了电机和减速器等器件的选型。最后,以旋转模块Rl为例详细介绍了模块的结构设计过程。 通过软件平台的搭建,对前面章节的拓扑构型的实现及运动学算法进行了仿真验证。通过该软件平台,可以任意选择第二章分析出的拓扑构型,并可以自动生成运动学正解。后以一个六自由度构型为例进行了轨迹规划,验证了软件平台的构型选择,运动学正逆解算法等功能。该仿真中使用的插补算法,既能保证末端执行器的期望路径,又可以实现关节角的平滑过渡。
This paper describes a theory of inheritance theories. We present an original theory of inheritance in nonmonotonic hierarchies. The structures on which this theory is based delineate a framework that subsumes most inheritance theories in the literature, providing a new foundation for inheritance. * Our path-based theory is sound and complete w.r.t. a direct model-theoretic semantics. * Both the credulous and the skeptical conclusions of this theory are polynomial-time computable. * We prove that true skeptical inheritance is not contained in the language of path-based inheritance. Because our techniques are modular w.r.t. the definition of specificity, they generalize to provide a unified framework for a broad class of inheritance theories. By describing multiple inheritance theories in the same "language" of credulous extensions, we make principled comparisons rather than the ad-hoc examination of specific examples makes up most of the comparative inheritance work.
Geologic interpretation is the task of inferring a sequence of events to explain how a given geologic region could have been formed. This report describes the design and implementation of one part of a geologic interpretation problem solver -- a system which uses a simulation technique called imagining to check the validity of a candidate sequence of events. Imagining uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative simulations to reason about the changes which occured to the geologic region. The spatial changes which occur are simulated by constructing a sequence of diagrams. The quantitative simulation needs numeric parameters which are determined by using the qualitative simulation to establish the cumulative changes to an object and by using a description of the current geologic region to make quantitative measurements. The diversity of reasoning skills used in imagining has necessitated the development of multiple representations, each specialized for a different task. Representations to facilitate doing temporal, spatial and numeric reasoning are described in detail. We have also found it useful to explicitly represent processes. Both the qualitative and quantitative simulations use a discrete 'layer cake' model of geologic processes, but each uses a separate representation, specialized to support the type of simulation. These multiple representations have enabled us to develop a powerful, yet modular, system for reasoning about change.
Lee M.H., Qualitative Modelling of Linear Networks in ECAD Applications, Expert Update, Vol. 3, Num. 2, pp23-32, BCS SGES, Summer 2000. Qualitative modeling of linear networks in ecad applications (1999) by M Lee Venue: Pages 146?152 of: Proceedings 13th international workshop on qualitative reasoning, QR ?99
I. Miguel and Q. Shen. Exhibiting the behaviour of time-delayed systems via an extension to qualitative simulation. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, 35(2):298-305, 2005.
We define and construct efficient depth universal and almost size universal quantum circuits. Such circuits can be viewed as general purpose simulators for central classes of quantum circuits and can be used to capture the computational power of the circuit class being simulated. For depth we construct universal circuits whose depth is the same order as the circuits being simulated. For size, there is a log factor blow-up in the universal circuits constructed here. We prove that this construction is nearly optimal. Our results apply to a number of well-studied quantum circuit classes.
As the commoditization of sensing, actuation and communication hardware increases, so does the potential for dynamically tasked sense and respond networked systems (i.e., Sensor Networks or SNs) to replace existing disjoint and inflexible special-purpose deployments (closed-circuit security video, anti-theft sensors, etc.). While various solutions have emerged to many individual SN-centric challenges (e.g., power management, communication protocols, role assignment), perhaps the largest remaining obstacle to widespread SN deployment is that those who wish to deploy, utilize, and maintain a programmable Sensor Network lack the programming and systems expertise to do so. The contributions of this thesis centers on the design, development and deployment of the SN Workbench (snBench). snBench embodies an accessible, modular programming platform coupled with a flexible and extensible run-time system that, together, support the entire life-cycle of distributed sensory services. As it is impossible to find a one-size-fits-all programming interface, this work advocates the use of tiered layers of abstraction that enable a variety of high-level, domain specific languages to be compiled to a common (thin-waist) tasking language; this common tasking language is statically verified and can be subsequently re-translated, if needed, for execution on a wide variety of hardware platforms. snBench provides: (1) a common sensory tasking language (Instruction Set Architecture) powerful enough to express complex SN services, yet simple enough to be executed by highly constrained resources with soft, real-time constraints, (2) a prototype high-level language (and corresponding compiler) to illustrate the utility of the common tasking language and the tiered programming approach in this domain, (3) an execution environment and a run-time support infrastructure that abstract a collection of heterogeneous resources into a single virtual Sensor Network, tasked via this common tasking language, and (4) novel formal methods (i.e., static analysis techniques) that verify safety properties and infer implicit resource constraints to facilitate resource allocation for new services. This thesis presents these components in detail, as well as two specific case-studies: the use of snBench to integrate physical and wireless network security, and the use of snBench as the foundation for semester-long student projects in a graduate-level Software Engineering course.
In work that involves mathematical rigor, there are numerous benefits to adopting a representation of models and arguments that can be supplied to a formal reasoning or verification system: reusability, automatic evaluation of examples, and verification of consistency and correctness. However, accessibility has not been a priority in the design of formal verification tools that can provide these benefits. In earlier work [Lap09a], we attempt to address this broad problem by proposing several specific design criteria organized around the notion of a natural context: the sphere of awareness a working human user maintains of the relevant constructs, arguments, experiences, and background materials necessary to accomplish the task at hand. This work expands one aspect of the earlier work by considering more extensively an essential capability for any formal reasoning system whose design is oriented around simulating the natural context: native support for a collection of mathematical relations that deal with common constructs in arithmetic and set theory. We provide a formal definition for a context of relations that can be used to both validate and assist formal reasoning activities. We provide a proof that any algorithm that implements this formal structure faithfully will necessary converge. Finally, we consider the efficiency of an implementation of this formal structure that leverages modular implementations of well-known data structures: balanced search trees and transitive closures of hypergraphs.
Rachit Agarwal, Rafael V. Martinez-Catala, Sean Harte, Cedric Segard, Brendan O'Flynn, "Modeling Power in Multi-functionality Sensor Network Applications," sensorcomm, pp.507-512, 2008 Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications, August 25-August 31 2008, Cap Esterel, France
Two complementary wireless sensor nodes for building two-tiered heterogeneous networks are presented. A larger node with a 25 mm by 25 mm size acts as the backbone of the network, and can handle complex data processing. A smaller, cheaper node with a 10 mm by 10 mm size can perform simpler sensor-interfacing tasks. The 25mm node is based on previous work that has been done in the Tyndall National Institute that created a modular wireless sensor node. In this work, a new 25mm module is developed operating in the 433/868 MHz frequency bands, with a range of 3.8 km. The 10mm node is highly miniaturised, while retaining a high level of modularity. It has been designed to support very energy efficient operation for applications with low duty cycles, with a sleep current of 3.3 μA. Both nodes use commercially available components and have low manufacturing costs to allow the construction of large networks. In addition, interface boards for communicating with nodes have been developed for both the 25mm and 10mm nodes. These interface boards provide a USB connection, and support recharging of a Li-ion battery from the USB power supply. This paper discusses the design goals, the design methods, and the resulting implementation.