960 resultados para John, of Nepomuk, Saint, ca. 1340-1393


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Retinal vasoconstriction and reduced retinal blood flow precede the onset of diabetic retinopathy. The pathophysiological mechanisms that underlie increased retinal arteriolar tone during diabetes remain unclear. Normally, local Ca(2+) release events (Ca(2+)-sparks), trigger the activation of large-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+)(BK)-channels which hyperpolarize and relax vascular smooth muscle cells, thereby causing vasodilatation. In the present study, we examined BK channel function in retinal vascular smooth muscle cells from streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. The BK channel inhibitor, Penitrem A, constricted nondiabetic retinal arterioles (pressurized to 70mmHg) by 28%. The BK current evoked by caffeine was dramatically reduced in retinal arterioles from diabetic animals even though caffeine-evoked [Ca(2+)](i) release was unaffected. Spontaneous BK currents were smaller in diabetic cells, but the amplitude of Ca(2+)-sparks was larger. The amplitudes of BK currents elicited by depolarizing voltage steps were similar in control and diabetic arterioles and mRNA expression of the pore-forming BKalpha subunit was unchanged. The Ca(2+)-sensitivity of single BK channels from diabetic retinal vascular smooth muscle cells was markedly reduced. The BKbeta1 subunit confers Ca(2+)-sensitivity to BK channel complexes and both transcript and protein levels for BKbeta1 were appreciably lower in diabetic retinal arterioles. The mean open times and the sensitivity of BK channels to tamoxifen were decreased in diabetic cells, consistent with a downregulation of BKbeta1 subunits. The potency of blockade by Pen A was lower for BK channels from diabetic animals. Thus, changes in the molecular composition of BK channels could account for retinal hypoperfusion in early diabetes, an idea having wider implications for the pathogenesis of diabetic hypertension.


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We investigate the basic behavior and performance of simulated quantum annealing (QA) in comparison with classical annealing (CA). Three simple one-dimensional case study systems are considered: namely, a parabolic well, a double well, and a curved washboard. The time-dependent Schrodinger evolution in either real or imaginary time describing QA is contrasted with the Fokker-Planck evolution of CA. The asymptotic decrease of excess energy with annealing time is studied in each case, and the reasons for differences are examined and discussed. The Huse-Fisher classical power law of double-well CA is replaced with a different power law in QA. The multiwell washboard problem studied in CA by Shinomoto and Kabashima and leading classically to a logarithmic annealing even in the absence of disorder turns to a power-law behavior when annealed with QA. The crucial role of disorder and localization is briefly discussed.


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We present photometric and spectroscopic observations of the interacting transient SN 2009ip taken during the 2013 and 2014 observing seasons. We characterize the photometric evolution as a steady and smooth decline in all bands, with a decline rate that is slower than expected for a solely Co-56-powered supernova at late phases. No further outbursts or eruptions were seen over a two year period from 2012 December until 2014 December. SN 2009ip remains brighter than its historic minimum from pre-discovery images. Spectroscopically, SN 2009ip continues to be dominated by strong, narrow (less than or similar to 2000 km s(-1)) emission lines of H, He, Ca, and Fe. While we make tenuous detections of [Fe II] lambda 7155 and [O I] lambda lambda 6300, 6364 lines at the end of 2013 June and the start of 2013 October, respectively, we see no strong broad nebular emission lines that could point to a core-collapse origin. In general, the lines appear relatively symmetric, with the exception of our final spectrum in 2014 May, when we observe the appearance of a redshifted shoulder of emission at +550 km s(-1). The lines are not blueshifted, and we see no significant near-or mid-infrared excess. From the spectroscopic and photometric evolution of SN 2009ip until 820 d after the start of the 2012a event, we still see no conclusive evidence for core-collapse, although whether any such signs could be masked by ongoing interaction is unclear.


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Metal concentrations from stream waters in two geological blocks in Northern Ireland were compared to determine the contributions of catchment characteristics and in-stream conditions. One block is composed of metamorphosed schist and unconsolidated glacial drift with peat or peaty podzol (mainly humic) soils, while the other block consists of tertiary basalt with brown earth and gley soils. Water samples were collected from 52 stream sites and analysed for Fe, Mn and Al as well as a range of other chemical determinands known to affect metal solubility. Densities of metal-rich ochre deposit were determined for stream bed stone samples. Higher conductivities and concentrations of bicarbonate, alkalinity, Ca and Mg occurred on basalt than on schist. Despite higher Fe and Mn oxide concentrations in basalt-derived non-humic soils, stream water concentrations were much lower and ochre deposit densities only one third of those on schist overlain by humic soils. Neither rock nor soil type predicted Al concentrations, but pH and dissolved oxygen did. Peat-generated acidity and the limited acid neutralising capacity of base-poor metamorphosed schist have resulted in elevated concentrations of metals and ochre deposit in surface waters.


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In the environment humans and biota are generally exposed to chemical mixtures rather than individual chemicals. Therefore, when assessing the environmental risk of chemicals, it is important to consider chemical mixtures and their possible interactions. The main objective of this work focused on the environmental risk assessment of pesticides found in the water of the Alqueva reservoir and their binary combinations. In this aquatic ecosystem several pesticides were above of the environmental quality standards. But in addition, there were several sampling points of the reservoir where ecotoxicity was observed despite the presence of these contaminants at low concentrations. Here, a component-based approach was used to assess the effects of the pesticide mixtures. The effects of the binary combinations of four herbicides, atrazine (ATR), terbuthylazine (TER), simazine (SIM) and metolachlor (MET), on the growth rate of the microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and the effects of the binary combinations of the s-triazine herbicides ATR and TER and the insecticide chlorpyrifos (CPF) on the swimming behaviour and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity of the zebrafish Danio rerio were assessed using the two reference models of concentration addition (CA) and independent action (IA). Moreover, the combined effects of the herbicides (ATR, TER and MET) and the insecticide CPF were also tested on the swimming behaviour and AChE activity of the aquatic midge Chironomus riparius after the cholinesterases characterization. In this risk characterization, the calculated risk quotients for the herbicides ATR, TER, SIM and MET were higher than 1, meaning that these herbicides present a high risk for the Alqueva ecosystem. As expected, the microalgae P. subcapitata was the most sensitive species to the herbicides. However, despite these herbicides pose no or low risk to other aquatic organisms tested in this study, with EC50 values much higher than the concentrations found in this aquatic ecosystem, they are able to increase the toxic effects of CPF when they are tested in binary mixtures. Moreover, the risk quotients of mixtures of these herbicides present simultaneously in three different locations of the reservoir were also higher than 1, so this confirms the fact that these herbicides when present in mixtures, present a greater risk for this ecosystem than the expected considering each single chemical by its own.


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A autonomia para as escolas públicas do Ensino Básico e Secundário em Portugal, prevista desde 1989, tem sido sistematicamente adiada enquanto a retórica do discurso político a vai alimentando, sem contudo, proceder à sua implementação. Em 2007, a coberto do DL n.º 115-A/98, de 4 de maio, avançou-se para a assinatura de 22 contratos de autonomia (CA) com escolas e agrupamentos pelo que, este trabalho de investigação se propõe avaliar alguns dos efeitos e resultados desta medida de política educativa. Este estudo no âmbito do doutoramento em Didática e Formação – Ramo Avaliação, comporta uma primeira avaliação exploratória ao desenvolvimento dos 22 CA a que se segue uma avaliação ao desenvolvimento do CA numa escola secundária e num agrupamento de escolas, numa abordagem de caso duplo. Neste projeto de investigação, construímos um dispositivo de avaliação com o qual procuramos identificar evidências dos efeitos da autonomia contratualizada. Na fase exploratória, analisando CA e as respostas a questionário enviado aos diretores com CA, efetuamos uma aproximação global à problemática. Na segunda fase, efetuamos entrevistas a dirigentes intermédios e de topo de uma Escola Secundária e de um Agrupamento de Escolas com CA e analisamos documentos. Com o referencial construído estabelecemos categorias de análise obtendo resultados que nos permitem compreender alguns efeitos da assinatura do CA ao nível das Organizações participantes. Os resultados obtidos indicam, o cumprimento dos objetivos da contratualização gerando-se novas dinâmicas. São notórias as diferenças no cumprimento de critérios, daí que a sustentabilidade da autonomia se perspetive diferente para cada Organização face a diferentes pontos de partida. Pode afirmar-se, face aos resultados, que os efeitos da contratualização são positivos e que esta contribuiu para a melhoria da qualidade na prestação do serviço público de educaão. Contudo, existem debilidades no que diz respeito à intervenção dos parceiros educativos e a mecanismos de avaliação para que deixamos sugestões de melhoria no âmbito da continuação da autonomia contratualizada. Para futura investigação deixamos também sugestão de estudo de eventuais aprofundamentos da autonomia bem como da sua sustentabilidade.


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Tese de mestrado Arte, Património e Teoria do Restauro, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2012


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O cancro é uma das principais causas de morte em todo o mundo. Entre as mulheres, o cancro da mama é o mais frequente. A deteção precoce do cancro é de extrema importância na medida em que pode aumentar as possibilidades de cura dos pacientes e contribuir para a diminuição da taxa de mortalidade desta doença. Um método que tem contribuído para a deteção precoce do cancro é a análise de biomarcadores. Biomarcadores associados ao cancro da mama, como o Recetor 2 do Fator de Crescimento Epidérmico Humano (HER2) e o Antigénio Carbohidratado 15-3 (CA 15-3), podem ser detetados através de dispositivos como os biossensores. Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidos dois imunossensores eletroquímicos para a análise de HER2 e CA 15-3. Para ambos os sensores foram utilizados, como transdutores, elétrodos serigrafados de carbono. A superfície destes transdutores foi nanoestruturada com nanopartículas de ouro. Foram realizados imunoensaios não-competitivos (do tipo sandwich) em ambos os imunossensores, cuja estratégia consistiu na (i) imobilização do respetivo anticorpo de captura na superfície nanoestruturada dos elétrodos, (ii) bloqueio da superfície com caseína, (iii) incubação com uma mistura do analito (HER2 ou CA 15-3) e o respetivo anticorpo de deteção biotinilado, (iv) adição de estreptavidina conjugada com fosfatase alcalina (S-AP; a AP foi utilizada como marcador enzimático), (v) adição de uma mistura do substrato enzimático (3-indoxil fosfato) e nitrato de prata, e (vi) deteção do sinal analítico através da redissolução anódica, por voltametria de varrimento linear, da prata depositada enzimaticamente. Com as condições experimentais otimizadas, foi estabelecida a curva de calibração para a análise de HER2 em soro, entre 15 e 100 ng/mL, obtendo-se um limite de deteção de 4,4 ng/mL. Para o CA 15-3 a curva de calibração (em solução aquosa) foi estabelecida entre 15 e 250 U/mL, obtendo-se um limite de deteção de 37,5 U/mL. Tendo em conta o valor limite (cutoff value) estabelecido para o HER2 (15 ng/mL) pode-se comprovar a possível utilidade do imunossensor desenvolvido para o diagnóstico precoce e descentralizado do cancro da mama. No caso do CA 15-3 serão necessários estudos adicionais para se poder avaliar a utilidade do imunossensor para o diagnóstico do cancro da mama.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado no Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo de Gestão de Empresas Orientado por Prof. Doutor Eduardo Manuel Lopes de Sá e Silva Co-Orientado pelo Mestre Adalmiro Álvaro Malheiro de Castro Andrade Pereira


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RESUMO - Introdução: No âmbito das emergências intra-hospitalares investigou-se a hipótese da presença da Equipa Emergência Médica Intra-hospitalar (EEMI) (DGS, 2010) num Centro Hospitalar (CH), contribuir para a redução do número de mortos por Paragem Cárdiorespiratória (PCR) intra-hospitalar, quando comparado com outro CH dotado de uma equipa tradicional de resposta à PCR. Metodologia: Tratou-se de um estudo observacional, retrospetivo (2010 a 2014), com base nos dados do Grupo de Diagnóstico Homogéneo (GDH), analisado numa perspetiva de custo-efetividade no impacto sobre incidência de PCR e taxa de mortalidade. Resultados: Observou-se que o CH com EEMI apresentou uma Redução Risco Absoluto (RRA) de 9,01% de morte por PCR. A taxa de mortalidade calculada foi de 2,82 casos por 1000 episódios de internamento em que a incidência de PCR foi de 28,24 casos por cada 10 000 habitantes, duas vezes menor que CH em comparação. Quando introduzidas manobras de Ressuscitação Cárdiopulmonar (RCP), o mesmo CH teve um maior número de PCR revertidas, com uma taxa de mortalidade 2 vezes menor que o CH sem EEMI. Conclusão: Resultados demonstraram que os dois CH apresentaram riscos diferentes, em que a probabilidade do doente hospitalizado de morrer após ocorrência de PCR foi menor no grupo exposto à EEMI, com OR = 0,496 [IC 95% (0,372 a 0,662)] para dados populacionais (p = 0,0013), e OR = 0,618 [IC 95% (0,298 a 1,281)] para dados individuais, (p = 0,194). Face a melhores resultados em Saúde, considerou-se a implementação da EEMI, uma medida custo-efetiva, uma vez que o principal requisito traduz-se por reorganização das equipas tradicionais para uma vertente de prevenção da PCR.


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Current American Academy of Neurology (AAN) guidelines for outcome prediction in comatose survivors of cardiac arrest (CA) have been validated before the therapeutic hypothermia era (TH). We undertook this study to verify the prognostic value of clinical and electrophysiological variables in the TH setting. A total of 111 consecutive comatose survivors of CA treated with TH were prospectively studied over a 3-year period. Neurological examination, electroencephalography (EEG), and somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP) were performed immediately after TH, at normothermia and off sedation. Neurological recovery was assessed at 3 to 6 months, using Cerebral Performance Categories (CPC). Three clinical variables, assessed within 72 hours after CA, showed higher false-positive mortality predictions as compared with the AAN guidelines: incomplete brainstem reflexes recovery (4% vs 0%), myoclonus (7% vs 0%), and absent motor response to pain (24% vs 0%). Furthermore, unreactive EEG background was incompatible with good long-term neurological recovery (CPC 1-2) and strongly associated with in-hospital mortality (adjusted odds ratio for death, 15.4; 95% confidence interval, 3.3-71.9). The presence of at least 2 independent predictors out of 4 (incomplete brainstem reflexes, myoclonus, unreactive EEG, and absent cortical SSEP) accurately predicted poor long-term neurological recovery (positive predictive value = 1.00); EEG reactivity significantly improved the prognostication. Our data show that TH may modify outcome prediction after CA, implying that some clinical features should be interpreted with more caution in this setting as compared with the AAN guidelines. EEG background reactivity is useful in determining the prognosis after CA treated with TH.


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Purpose: To develop and evaluate a practical method for the quantification of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) on coronary MR angiograms (MRA) acquired with parallel imaging.Materials and Methods: To quantify the spatially varying noise due to parallel imaging reconstruction, a new method has been implemented incorporating image data acquisition followed by a fast noise scan during which radio-frequency pulses, cardiac triggering and navigator gating are disabled. The performance of this method was evaluated in a phantom study where SNR measurements were compared with those of a reference standard (multiple repetitions). Subsequently, SNR of myocardium and posterior skeletal muscle was determined on in vivo human coronary MRA.Results: In a phantom, the SNR measured using the proposed method deviated less than 10.1% from the reference method for small geometry factors (<= 2). In vivo, the noise scan for a 10 min coronary MRA acquisition was acquired in 30 s. Higher signal and lower SNR, due to spatially varying noise, were found in myocardium compared with posterior skeletal muscle.Conclusion: SNR quantification based on a fast noise scan is a validated and easy-to-use method when applied to three-dimensional coronary MRA obtained with parallel imaging as long as the geometry factor remains low.


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Madagascar periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) produces the well known and remarkably complex dimeric anticancer alkaloids vinblastine and vincristine that are derived by coupling vindoline and catharanthine monomers. This thesis describes the novel application of carborundum abrasion (CA) technique as a tool for large scale isolation of leaf epidermis enriched proteins. This technique was used to facilitate the purification to apparent homogeneity of 16-hydroxytabersonine-16-0-methyltransferse (l60MT) that catalyses the second step in the 6 step pathway that converts tabersonine into vindoline. This versatile tool was also used to harvest leaf epidermis enriched mRNAs that facilitated the molecular cloning of the 160MT. Functional expression and biochemical characterization of recombinant 160MT enzyme showed that it had a very narrow substrate specificity and high affinity for 16-hydroxytabersonine, since other closely related monoterpene indole alkaloids (MIAs) did not act as substrates. In addition to allowing the cloning of this gene, CA technique clearly showed that 160MT is predominantly expressed in Catharanthus leaf epidermis, in contrast to several other OMTs that appear to be expressed in other Catharanthus tissues. The results provide compelling evidence that most of the pathway for vindoline biosynthesis including the 0- methylation of 16-hydroxytabersonine occurs exclusively in leaf epidermis, with subsequent steps occurring in other leaf cell types. Small molecule O-methyltransferases (OMTs) (E.C. catalyze the transfer of the reactive methyl group of S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) to free hydroxyl groups of acceptor molecules. Plant OMTs, unlike their monomeric mammalian homologues, exist as functional homodimers. While the biological advantages for dimer fonnation with plant OMTs remain to be established, studies with OMTs from the benzylisoquinoline producing plant, Thalictrum tuberosum, showed that co-expression of 2 recombinant OMTs produced novel substrate specificities not found when each rOMT was expressed individually (Frick, Kutchan, 1999) . These results suggest that OMTs can fonn heterodimers that confer novel substrate specificities not possible with the homodimer alone. The present study describes a 160MT model based strategy attempting to modify the substrate specificity by site-specific mutagenesis. Our failure to generate altered substrate acceptance profiles in our 160MT mutants has lead us to study the biochemical properties ofhomodimers and heterodimers. Experimental evidence is provided to show that active sites found on OMT dimers function independently and that bifunctional heterodimeric OMTs may be fonned in vivo to produce a broader and more diverse range of natural products in plants.


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Malgré les avancées médicales, la prédiction précoce du devenir développemental des enfants nés prématurément demeure un défi. Ces enfants sont à risque de séquelles plus ou moins sévères telles l'infirmité motrice d'origine cérébrale, les déficiences intellectuelles et sensorielles ainsi que les difficultés d'apprentissage. Afin de diminuer l’impact fonctionnel de ces séquelles, l’identification de marqueurs précoces devient un enjeu important. Dans le contexte actuel de ressources financières et humaines limitées, seuls les enfants nés avant 29 semaines de gestation ou avec un poids de naissance (PN) <1250g sont systématiquement suivis, laissant pour compte 95% des enfants prématurés. L’identification de marqueurs précoces permettrait de cibler les enfants nés après 28 semaines de gestation porteurs de séquelles. Le principal objectif des présents travaux visait à évaluer l’utilité de l’Évaluation neurologique d’Amiel-Tison (ENAT) dans l’identification et le suivi des enfants nés entre 29 et 37 semaines de gestation et qui présenteront des problèmes neurodéveloppementaux à l’âge corrigé (AC) de 24 mois. Plus précisément, la fidélité inter-examinateurs, la stabilité ainsi que la validité prédictive de l’ENAT ont été évaluées. La cohorte était composée initialement de 173 enfants nés entre 290/7 et 370/7 semaines de gestation, avec un PN<2500g et ayant passé au moins 24 heures à l’unité de soins néonatals du CHU Sainte-Justine. Les enfants étaient évalués avec l’ENAT à terme et aux AC de 4, 8, 12 et 24 mois. À l’AC de 24 mois, leur développement était évalué à l’aide du Bayley Scales of Infant Development–II. Les principaux résultats révèlent une excellente fidélité inter-examinateurs ainsi qu’une bonne stabilité au cours des deux premières années de vie du statut et des signes neurologiques. Des différences significatives à l’AC de deux ans ont été relevées aux performances développementales en fonction du statut neurologique à terme, qui constitue l’un des meilleurs facteurs prédictifs de ces performances. Les résultats encouragent l’intégration du statut neurologique tel que mesuré par l’ENAT comme marqueur précoce dans le cours d’une surveillance neurodéveloppementale des enfants les plus à risque.


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Ce mémoire présente les résultats d'une recherche zooarchéologique portant sur deux occupations d'un site du début de la colonisation à Baie-Saint-Paul (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle). L'analyse de leurs assemblages fauniques, totalisant 1175 restes osseux, a démontré le caractère diamétralement opposé des deux occupations. Le site d'habitation des goudronniers a révélé une exploitation des ressources sauvages visant à suppléer un élevage déficient et fournir un revenu d'appoint par le commerce des fourrures. Pour sa part, le site de la ferme établie par le Séminaire de Québec a révélé une alimentation basée sur les produits de l'élevage, mais supplée par la chasse de gibier disponible dans les environs immédiats du site. La différence d'exploitation faunique soulignée par l'étude zooarchéologique du site de la ferme du Bas-de-la-Baie a également permis de confirmer le rôle central de l'élevage pour les sites ruraux de la vallée laurentienne tout en soulignant leur variabilité, visible au sein de l'élevage et dans l'apport supplémentaire fourni par la chasse et la pêche.