858 resultados para IT Security, Internet, Personal Firewall, Security Mechanism, Security System, Security Threat, Security Usability, Security Vulnerability


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Advanced Placement is a series of courses and tests designed to determine mastery over introductory college material. It has become part of the American educational system. The changing conception of AP was examined using critical theory to determine what led to a view of continual success. The study utilized David Armstrongs variation of Michel Foucaults critical theory to construct an analytical framework. Black and Ubbes data gathering techniques and Braun and Clarks data analysis were utilized as the analytical framework. Data included 1135 documents: 641 journal articles, 421 newspaper articles and 82 government documents. The study revealed three historical ruptures correlated to three themes containing subthemes. The first rupture was the Sputnik launch in 1958. Its correlated theme was AP leading to school reform with subthemes of AP as reform for able students and APs gaining of acceptance from secondary schools and higher education. The second rupture was the Nation at Risk report published in 1983. Its correlated theme was APs shift in emphasis from the exam to the course with the subthemes of AP as a course, a shift in APs target population, using AP courses to promote equity, and AP courses modifying curricula. The passage of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 was the third rupture. Its correlated theme was AP as a means to narrow the achievement gap with the subthemes of AP as a college preparatory program and the shifting of AP to an open access program. The themes revealed a perception that progressively integrated the program into American education. The AP program changed emphasis from tests to curriculum, and is seen as the nations premier academic program to promote reform and prepare students for college. It has become a major source of income for the College Board. In effect, AP has become an agent of privatization, spurring other private entities into competition for government funding. The change and growth of the program over the past 57 years resulted in a deep integration into American education. As such the program remains an intrinsic part of the system and continues to evolve within American education.


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NORO, Luiz Roberto Augusto et al. Incidncia de crie dentria em adolescentes em municpio do Nordeste brasileiro, 2006, Cadernos de Sade Pblica, Rio de Janeiro, v. 25, n. 4, p. 783-790, abr. 2009.


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The Information Technology (IT) is increasing his applicability to business, both private and public companies. It is necessary the adequate use of the new technologies and get cooperation and technology acceptance of the system. People tend to resist to the changes, contributing so that the technology is rejected or even it is not recognized as promoting of the changes. This study is relevant and aim to evaluate the impacts of new technologies, considering their users as fundamental factors in the change process. The survey analyzed the advantages and the barriers of the system use in three federal special judicial of Rio Grande do Norte, with data collected in May of 2007, through the application of questionnaires to thirty eight users of the virtual system CRETA. The users' perception was evaluated, under the optics of five variables: efficiency, image, agility, ease of use and quality. Starting from the obtained results, it was evidenced that the implementation of the system felt accordingly the expected and it reached the objectives intended that were: the velocity and efficiency in the path of the lawsuits, larger productivity, resulting in a better quality of the final work introduced to the citizen and proportionate an improvement in the organizational image of the judiciary power


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Companies have always been organized by processes, often imperceptible to its employees. With the advancement of technology, organizational processes currently run an organization through computers, and thus generate immediate information that is available to each sector. With the objective of seeking business information in real time, the government created the SPED - Public System of Digital, which involves three subsystems, which are the Electronic Invoice, Digital Accounting Bookkeeping and Digital Tax Bookkeeping. This system is revolutionizing the business structures when gathering, in an innovative way, all information and interlinked business processes. For the implementation of SPED, a revision in the organizational processes is required, since the information is generated and is sent online to the government, without mistakes. Thus the study aimed to analyze the change brought about by the implementation of the Public System of Digital SPED in the main business processes. In order to do so, we have performed a multiple case study involving three companies in the state of Para, two operate in wholesale and one explores agribusiness. The Data collection was performed by accounting professionals, IT and managers. According to the results obtained, it was found that in two companies, the IT infrastructure was capable of deploying the new system without major problems, while one company had more difficulties to cope with the new system. However, all companies had to examine its processes to make the customizations needed to fit. It was also observed that there is no IT Governance in two companies. Therefore, we recommend the use of an appropriate model, not only for the implementation of SPED, but as a way to manage and extract better results from investment in information technology


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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NORO, Luiz Roberto Augusto et al. Incidncia de crie dentria em adolescentes em municpio do Nordeste brasileiro, 2006, Cadernos de Sade Pblica, Rio de Janeiro, v. 25, n. 4, p. 783-790, abr. 2009.


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A prematuridade um problema de sade pblica que est intimamente ligada aos ndices de mortalidade infantil. Para que se consiga solucionar esse problema necessrio o preparo do sistema de sade em atender as necessidades das gestantes e por meio de uma eficaz assistncia pr-natal sejam identificados precocemente os fatores de risco na gestante, de forma a possibilitar uma interveno efetiva, caso seja necessrio. Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar a inter-relao entre as alteraes de sade e complicaes gestacionais que costumam estar relacionadas ocorrncia do parto prematuro e a rede de ateno sade disponibilizada s gestantes. Estudo quantitativo longitudinal, do tipo estudo de caso-controle. O local foi municpio do Rio Grande RS e os contextos de estudo referem-se s maternidades dos dois hospitais existentes no municpio, Hospital Universitrio Dr. Miguel Riet Corra Jr. e Associao de Caridade Santa Casa. Esta pesquisa trabalhou com dados secundrios, com a coleta realizada no banco de dados da pesquisa intitulada Parto prematuro: estudo dos fatores associados para construo de estratgias de preveno, do Grupo de Pesquisa Viver Mulher, da Escola de Enfermagem, da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. A populao da pesquisa foram mulheres que apresentaram seu parto de forma prematura (casos) e mulheres com parto a termo (controles) em momento imediatamente posterior s que tm parto prematuro, durante os meses de novembro e dezembro de 2013, totalizando 29 casos e 29 controles. A coleta de dados foi iniciada em 01 de novembro e finalizada em 31 de dezembro, sendo realizada por integrantes do Grupo de Pesquisa Viver Mulher. A anlise dos dados se deu por meio da estatstica descritiva simples, com medidas de frequncia, para que se consiga visualizar a presena de complicaes e presena de tratamento aos agravos de sade e como foi organizada a rede de ateno sade nos casos e controles e assim constatar a relao das causas e dos efeitos nestes dois grupos. Os aspectos ticos envolvendo pesquisas com seres humanos foram respeitados, bem como se obteve aprovao dos comits de tica das instituies envolvidas, parecer n 134/2013 CEPAS FURG, parecer n 05/2013 CEPAS Santa Casa


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In the development of biosensors for ecotoxicity testing it is desirable to produce a small, portable system that can be used in the field. Toxicity testing using bioluminescence is widely used in the laboratory utilising natural and genetically modified (lux/ luc-marked) bacteria and other microorganisms. It is currently not possible to use genetically manipulated microorganisms in field testing and a biosensor, therefore, that incorporates naturally luminescent organisms may be preferred. In the development of a biosensor it is aimed to use the naturally luminescent bacterium Vibrio fischeri as a toxicity detection system on a chip. The bacterium will be immobilised in a polymeric matrix. Current work deals with the optimisation of light output and light preservation within the bacterium prior to immobilisation in polyvinyl alcohol. An examination of a range of physicochemical conditions within the polymer will be made, including cell density, thickness of polymer film, growth and light induction environment, and, preservation conditions, in order to develop a testing system giving consistent results over the lifetime of the biosensor. Data will be presented on light production using different culture media for the growth of V. fischeri and retention of light under immobilised conditions. .


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The aim of this thesis was threefold, firstly, to compare current player tracking technology in a single game of soccer. Secondly, to investigate the running requirements of elite womens soccer, in particular the use and application of athlete tracking devices. Finally, how can game style be quantified and defined. Study One compared four different match analysis systems commonly used in both research and applied settings: video-based time-motion analysis, a semi-automated multiple camera based system, and two commercially available Global Positioning System (GPS) based player tracking systems at 1 Hertz (Hz) and 5 Hz respectively. A comparison was made between each of the systems when recording the same game. Total distance covered during the match for the four systems ranged from 10 830 770 m (semi-automated multiple camera based system) to 9 510 740m (video-based time-motion analysis). At running speeds categorised as high-intensity running (>15 kmh-1), the semi-automated multiple camera based system reported the highest distance of 2 650 530 m with video-based time-motion analysis reporting the least amount of distance covered with 1 610 370 m. At speeds considered to be sprinting (>20 kmh-1), the video-based time-motion analysis reported the highest value (420 170 m) and 1 Hz GPS units the lowest value (230 160 m). These results demonstrate there are differences in the determination of the absolute distances, and that comparison of results between match analysis systems should be made with caution. Currently, there is no criterion measure for these match analysis methods and as such it was not possible to determine if one system was more accurate than another. Study Two provided an opportunity to apply player-tracking technology (GPS) to measure activity profiles and determine the physical demands of Australian international level women soccer players. In four international womens soccer games, data was collected on a total of 15 Australian women soccer players using a 5 Hz GPS based athlete tracking device. Results indicated that Australian women soccer players covered 9 140 1 030 m during 90 min of play. The total distance covered by Australian women was less than the 10 300 m reportedly covered by female soccer players in the Danish First Division. However, there was no apparent difference in the estimated "#$%&', as measured by multi-stage shuttle tests, between these studies. This study suggests that contextual information, including the game style of both the team and opposition may influence physical performance in games. Study Three examined the effect the level of the opposition had on the physical output of Australian women soccer players. In total, 58 game files from 5 Hz athlete-tracking devices from 13 international matches were collected. These files were analysed to examine relationships between physical demands, represented by total distance covered, high intensity running (HIR) and distances covered sprinting, and the level of the opposition, as represented by the Fdration Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) ranking at the time of the match. Higher-ranking opponents elicited less high-speed running and greater low-speed activity compared to playing teams of similar or lower ranking. The results are important to coaches and practitioners in the preparation of players for international competition, and showed that the differing physical demands required were dependent on the level of the opponents. The results also highlighted the need for continued research in the area of integrating contextual information in team sports and demonstrated that soccer can be described as having dynamic and interactive systems. The influence of playing strategy, tactics and subsequently the overall game style was highlighted as playing a significant part in the physical demands of the players. Study Four explored the concept of game style in field sports such as soccer. The aim of this study was to provide an applied framework with suggested metrics for use by coaches, media, practitioners and sports scientists. Based on the findings of Studies 1- 3 and a systematic review of the relevant literature, a theoretical framework was developed to better understand how a teams game style could be quantified. Soccer games can be broken into key moments of play, and for each of these moments we categorised metrics that provide insight to success or otherwise, to help quantify and measure different methods of playing styles. This study highlights that to date, there had been no clear definition of game style in team sports and as such a novel definition of game style is proposed that can be used by coaches, sport scientists, performance analysts, media and general public. Studies 1-3 outline four common methods of measuring the physical demands in soccer: video based time motion analysis, GPS at 1 Hz and at 5 Hz and semiautomated multiple camera based systems. As there are no semi-automated multiple camera based systems available in Australia, primarily due to cost and logistical reasons, GPS is widely accepted for use in team sports in tracking player movements in training and competition environments. This research identified that, although there are some limitations, GPS player-tracking technology may be a valuable tool in assessing running demands in soccer players and subsequently contribute to our understanding of game style. The results of the research undertaken also reinforce the differences between methods used to analyse player movement patterns in field sports such as soccer and demonstrate that the results from different systems such as GPS based athlete tracking devices and semi-automated multiple camera based systems cannot be used interchangeably. Indeed, the magnitude of measurement differences between methods suggests that significant measurement error is evident. This was apparent even when the same technologies are used which measure at different sampling rates, such as GPS systems using either 1 Hz or 5 Hz frequencies of measurement. It was also recognised that other factors influence how team sport athletes behave within an interactive system. These factors included the strength of the opposition and their style of play. In turn, these can impact the physical demands of players that change from game to game, and even within games depending on these contextual features. Finally, the concept of what is game style and how it might be measured was examined. Game style was defined as "the characteristic playing pattern demonstrated by a team during games. It will be regularly repeated in specific situational contexts such that measurement of variables reflecting game style will be relatively stable. Variables of importance are player and ball movements, interaction of players, and will generally involve elements of speed, time and space (location)".


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It is located in eastern Uganda, the wetland system is characterized by open water that is clear with some emergent vegetation mainly of sedges and floating vegetation dominated by the day water lily Nymphaea sp and submerged water weeds. Some patches of Cyperus papyrus exist in areas with minimal agricultural encroachment. The main inflow into the Opeta system is through River Sironko.


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This document is the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service for In Situ observations System Requirements Document (CMES-INS-SRD). It specifies the capabilities of the CMEMS-INS system as a response to the CMEMS-INS system requirements. The Copernicus In Situ Thematic Assembly Centre (In Situ TAC) provides a research and operational framework to develop and deliver In Situ observations and derived products based on such observations, to address progressively global but also regional needs either for monitoring, modelling or downstream service development.


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Dissertao de Mestrado em Gesto Integrada da Qualidade, Ambiente e Segurana


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The Information Technology (IT) is increasing his applicability to business, both private and public companies. It is necessary the adequate use of the new technologies and get cooperation and technology acceptance of the system. People tend to resist to the changes, contributing so that the technology is rejected or even it is not recognized as promoting of the changes. This study is relevant and aim to evaluate the impacts of new technologies, considering their users as fundamental factors in the change process. The survey analyzed the advantages and the barriers of the system use in three federal special judicial of Rio Grande do Norte, with data collected in May of 2007, through the application of questionnaires to thirty eight users of the virtual system CRETA. The users' perception was evaluated, under the optics of five variables: efficiency, image, agility, ease of use and quality. Starting from the obtained results, it was evidenced that the implementation of the system felt accordingly the expected and it reached the objectives intended that were: the velocity and efficiency in the path of the lawsuits, larger productivity, resulting in a better quality of the final work introduced to the citizen and proportionate an improvement in the organizational image of the judiciary power


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Southeast region of the country has hot and dry weather which causes to happen heavy rainfall in short time period of warm seasons and to occur river flooding. These precipitations are influenced by monsoon system of India ocean. In these thesis, It was tried to evaluate the relation between thermal anomaly of sea surface in India ocean and Arab sea which effects on southeast monsoon precipitations of Iran, For evaluation of this happening in southeast, data were collected from 7 synoptic observation stations of Bandar Abbas, Minab, Kerman , Bam, Chabahar, Iranshahr, Zahedan and 17 rain gauge stations during June to September of each year from 1980 to 2010. Rainy days were determine and then some information about synoptic circulation models, maps of average pressure of sea surface, geopotential height of 700hP surface, geopotential height of 500hP surface, temperature of 850 hPa surface, humidity of 700 hPa surface, vertical velocity of 700 hPa surface, vertical velocity of 500 hP and humidity of 2 meters height for 6 systems were extracted from NCEP/NCAR website for evaluation. By evaluation of these systems it was determined that the monsoon low pressure system tab brings needed humidity of these precipitations to this region from India ocean and Arab sea with a vast circulation. It is seen that warm air pool locates on Iran and cold air pool locates on west of India at 800 hPa surface. In a rainy day this warm air transfers to high latitudes and influences the temperature trough of southeast cold air pool of the country. In the middle surfaces of 700 and 500 hPa, the connection between low height system above India and low height system above the higher latitudes causes the low height system above India to be strength and developed. By evaluation of humidity at 2 meters height and 700 hPa surface we observe that humidity Increases in the southeast region. With penetrating of the low height system of India above the 700 and 500 hPa surfaces of southeast of Iran, the value of negative omega (Rising vertical velocity) is increased. In the second pace, it was shown the evaluation of how the correlation between sea surface temperature anomaly in India Ocean and Arab sea influences southeast monsoon precipitation of Iran. For this purpose the data of water surface temperature anomaly of Arab sea and India ocean, the data of precipitation anomaly of 7 synoptic stations , mentioned above, and correlation coefficient among the data of precipitation anomaly and water surface temperature anomaly of Arab Sea, east and west of India ocean were calculated. In conclusion it was shown that the maximum correlation coefficient of precipitation anomaly had belonged to India Ocean in June and no meaningful correlation was resulted in July among precipitation anomaly and sea surface temperature anomaly for three regions, which were evaluated.


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Este documento, refiere al trabajo realizado para la Alcalda Municipal de San Vicente, con el propsito de ayudar a la promocin del turismo en el Municipio de San Vicente y en toda la Zona paracentral, se desarroll una aplicacin web que se compone de tres mdulos principales a los cuales se puede acceder desde un dispositivo mvil con acceso a internet y un mdulo para administradores del sistema para la gestin de centros tursticos y turistas los cuales sern operados desde un administrador principal, el sistema se desarroll para poder contribuir a la promocin del turismo en El Salvador. Esta herramienta se desarroll usando las tecnologas existentes para dispositivos mviles de HTML5 y PHP. Al finalizar el aplicativo web se han logrado obtener beneficios para los dueos de destinos tursticos ya que pueden promocionarse de manera gratuita, adems la Institucin beneficiaria cuenta con un recurso ms para poder catalogar y mapear destinos existentes y as sugerirlos. Al finalizar este trabajo se logr cumplir con el objetivo planteado que fue ayudar a la promocin del turismo en El Salvador. SUMMARY This document refers to work done for the Municipality of San Vicente, in order to help promote tourism in the municipality of San Vicente and throughout the paracentral area, is developing a web application that consists of three main modules to which can be accessed from a mobile device with internet access and a module for system administrators to manage resorts and tourists which will be operated from a main administrator, the system development to contribute to the promotion of tourism in El Salvador. This tool was developed using existing technologies for mobile devices HTML5 and PHP. At the end of the web application has been made a profit for the owners of tourist destinations because they can promote themselves for free, also the beneficiary institution has a resource to catalog and map existing and destinations and suggest them. Upon completion of this work failed to meet the stated objective was to help the promotion of tourism in El Salvador.