896 resultados para Hubbard, Phil
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Let us consider M a closed smooth connected m-manifold, N a smooth ( 2m-2)-manifold and f: M -> N a continuous map, with m equivalent to 1( 4). We prove that if f*: H(1)(M; Z(2)) -> H(1)(f(M); Z(2)) is injective, then f is homotopic to an immersion. Also we give conditions to a map between manifolds of codimension one to be homotopic to an immersion. This work complements some results of Biasi et al. (Manu. Math. 104, 97-110, 2001; Koschorke in The singularity method and immersions of m-manifolds into manifolds of dimensions 2m-2, 2m-3 and 2m-4. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 1350. Springer, Heidelberg, 1988; Li and Li in Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 112, 281-285, 1992).
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o nível mínimo de proteína bruta para atender às exigências nutricionais de frangos de corte Hubbard, machos e fêmeas, na fase de crescimento. Oitocentos e oitenta pintos machos e fêmeas de 22 a 42 dias de idade foram distribuídos ao acaso em esquema fatorial 5x2 (níveis de proteína bruta x sexos), com quatro repetições de 22 aves. Os níveis de proteína testados foram 15%, 17%, 19%, 21% e 23%. Houve efeito quadrático dos níveis de proteína no ganho de peso e na conversão alimentar dos machos. em relação às fêmeas, o efeito foi quadrático no ganho de peso e linear na conversão. A relação entre o rendimento de carcaça e o nível de proteína bruta da ração foi linear e independente do sexo. O consumo de ração, a gordura abdominal e o rendimento de peito foram influenciados apenas pelo sexo. Recomenda-se 21,70% de proteína bruta para os machos e 19,00% para as fêmeas, na fase de crescimento.
Com o objetivo de avaliar dois programas de alimentação (3 e 4 fases) sobre o desempenho e rendimento de carcaça de duas marcas comerciais de frangos de corte (Hubbard e Arbos Acres), utilizaram-se 1600 pintos de 1 dia, sendo 800 de cada marca comercial. Foi usado delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em arranjo fatorial 2 x 2 x 2 (programas x marcas comerciais x sexos), com quatro repetições e 50 aves por unidade experimental. No período de 1 a 46 dias, não houve efeito dos programas de alimentação e das marcas comerciais de frangos de corte sobre o ganho de peso e consumo de ração. Para conversão alimentar, houve interação entre a marca Arbor Acres e o sexo, os machos tiveram resultados melhores que as fêmeas. Quanto ao rendimento de carcaça eviscerada (sem pés, cabeça e pescoço) e porcentagem de gordura abdominal, não houve diferença entre as marcas comerciais de frangos de corte e os programas utilizados. Nas condições em que foi realizado este experimento, é possível utilizar qualquer programa de alimentação.
Com o objetivo de determinar as exigências de metionina+cistina, foram utilizados 1440 e 1080 frangos de corte da marca comercial Hubbard, 50% de cada sexo, para as fases de crescimento e acabamento, respectivamente. Seis níveis de suplementação de DL-metionina (0,0; 0,06, 0,12; 0,18; 0,24; e 0,30%) foram adicionados às rações basais deficientes em metionina+cistina. Foram avaliados, aos 22-42 e 43-56 dias, ganho de peso, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar, rendimento e composição química da carcaça, gordura abdominal e concentração plasmática de ácido úrico. Com base nas análises estatística e nos parâmetros estudados durante a fase de crescimento (22 a 42 dias de idade), sugere-se utilizar 0,896 e 0,856% de metionina+cistina total para machos e fêmeas, respectivamente. Para a fase de acabamento (43 a 56 dias de idade), com base nas análises estatísticas e nos parâmetros estudados, sugere-se utilizar 0,764 e 0,740% de metionina+cistina total para machos e fêmeas, respectivamente.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar uma equação de predição das exigências de proteína bruta (PB) para reprodutoras pesadas na fase de produção. O experimento foi realizado com 600 aves reprodutoras pesadas, Hubbard HI-Y, durante o período de 31 a 46 semanas de idade, alojadas em boxes num delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos e cinco repetições de 40 aves. Os tratamentos consistiram de: T1- Fornecimento de PB de acordo com o manual da linhagem (controle), T2- Fornecimento de PB de acordo com a equação de predição determinada, utilizando os dados de desempenho médio das aves do tratamento controle para predizer as exigências e T3- Fornecimento de PB de acordo com a equação de predição determinada, utilizando os dados de desempenho de cada parcela experimental para predizer as exigências, onde a equação de predição avaliada foi: PB=2,282.P0,75+0,356.G+0,262.MO, sendo PB a exigência de proteína bruta (g/ave/dia), P o peso corporal (kg), G o ganho de peso (g) e MO a massa de ovos (g). As rações foram formuladas para atender as exigências nutricionais e quando necessário eram incluídos os aminoácidos sintéticos, metionina, lisina, triptofano, treonina e arginina. As aves alimentadas de acordo com a equação ingeriram menores quantidades de proteína (20,8g/dia) quando comparadas às alimentadas de acordo com as recomendações (23,80g), entretanto isto levou a menores pesos dos ovos refletindo no peso dos pintos. A equação de predição proporcionou melhores resultados quanto à eficiência protéica. Assim, concluiu-se que a equação de predição não forneceu a quantidade mínima de proteína bruta para atender as exigências dos aminoácidos não suplementados na dieta.
Quatrocentas aves com peso médio de 675,00 g foram distribuídas em delineamento de blocos casualizados, com base no peso das aves, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. As dietas experimentais foram constituídas de cinco níveis de energia metabolizável (2.800, 2.900, 3.000, 3.100 e 3.200 kcal de EM/kg de ração) formuladas para atender às exigências nutricionais, exceto de energia metabolizável. O aumento do nível de energia das rações foi obtido pela adição de óleo de soja. Realizaram-se análises de variância e de regressão, associando-se os níveis de energia aos valores das variáveis estudadas. As aves foram avaliadas quanto ao desempenho (consumo de ração, ganho de peso e conversão alimentar) e às características de carcaça nos períodos de 22 a 35 dias, 36 a 42 dias, 43 aos 49 dias e de 22 a 49 dias de idade. O ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar de frangos de corte da linhagem Hubbard mantidos em ambiente de alta temperatura não são influenciados pelos níveis de energia metabolizável da ração. Os níveis de energia da dieta não afetam os rendimentos de carcaça, coxa, sobrecoxa, asa, tulipa, moela coração fígado, proventrículo e intestino. Entretanto, a gordura abdominal aumenta e o rendimento de peito decresce proporcionalmente à elevação da energia da dieta em ambiente de altas temperaturas.
Naturally occuring or man-made systems displaying periodic spatial modulations of their properties on a nanoscale constitute superlattices. Such modulated structures are important both as prototypes of simple nanotechnological devices and as particular examples of emerging spatial inhomogeneity in interacting many-electron systems. Here we investigate the effect different types of modulation of the system parameters have on the ground-state energy and the charge-density distribution of the system. The superlattices are described by the inhomogeneous attractive Hubbard model, and the calculations are performed by density-functional and density-matrix renormalization group techniques. We find that modulations in local electric potentials are much more effective in shaping the system's properties than modulations in the attractive on-site interaction. This is the same conclusion we previously [M.F. Silva, N.A. Lima, A.L. Malvezzi, K. Capelle, Phys. Rev. B 71 (2005) 125130.] obtained for repulsive interactions, suggesting that it is not an artifact of a specific state, but a general property of modulated structures. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. The effect of endotoxin, interleukin-1 beta and prostaglandin on fever response was studied in 80 broilers (Hubbard strain). Endotoxin (E. coli, LPS) was injected iv (1.5 mu g/kg) and icv (1.5 mu g/bird); interleukin-1 (human recombinant IL-1 beta, 80 pg/bird) and prostaglandin E(2) (5 mu g/bird) were injected icv. Indomethacin (10 mg/kg, iv) pretreatment was also used before iv endotoxin injection. 2. The results showed that indomethacin was able to block the fever response induced by iv endotoxin injection, and IL-1 beta and PGE(2) were both effective in producing fever when injected icv. These data suggest a prostaglandin-mediated fever response by broilers, and also a strong evidence of the involvement of endogenous pyrogen (interleukin-1) in fever response in birds.
Blood pressure and vascular reactivity to phenylephrine (hypertensor) and sodium nitroprusside (hypotensor) was determined on male broilers taken from 5 commercial strains (Arbor Acres, Cobb, Hubbard-Peterson, ISA and Ross), with 21-28 days of age. Blood pressure was measured in the femoral artery by introducing a cannula attached to a pressure transdutor and recorded on a polygraph. Hyper or hypopressor substances were injected via jugular vein at 5, 10, 20 and 40-mcg kg(-1) body weight. No differences in the systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure and no significant blood pressure responses to phenylephrine and sodium nitroprusside were observed among strains. Throughout strain and treatment blood pressures (systolic, diastolic and mean) were high in both experiments. This suggests that these modern male broilers have high arterial pressure possibly due to an indirect selection effect.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of fasting period in the last growing phase on carcass yield and composition of male broilers. Two thousand one-day old male chicks were distributed in five randomized blocks according to a 4x2 factorial (four feeding programs (P): ad libitum or one of three fasting schedules: 8-12, 12-16 and 8-16; and two strains (S): Ross or Hubbard-Peterson, Fifty birds were used per replicate. Birds were raised under identical feed and management conditions until day 42. The fasting schedules were applied from day 43 to day 56. At day 56, five birds per replicate were randomly sampled, weighed, slaughtered, eviscerated, dry-cooled, cut and deboned. No effects of P or SxP interaction were observed for carcass characteristics. birds, which showed higher weights and yields of head plus neck, feet, leg bones and wings. The ad libitum birds showed higher crude protein in thigh meat than those submitted to the 8-12 h fast. A SxP interaction was observed for meat ash content. The R broilers showed higher ash content in breast and thigh meat than the H birds in the 8-12 h fast treatment. on the other hand, the R broilers submitted to the 8-12 h fast showed higher ash contents in breast and thigh meat than birds from the same strain in the other feeding programs. Fasting in the last phase of rearing did not alter the yield of whole carcass, carcass cuts and abdominal fat, but morning fast influenced carcass chemical composition.
We calculate ground-state energies and density distributions of Hubbard superlattices characterized by periodic modulations of the on-site interaction and the on-site potential. Both density-matrix renormalization group and density-functional methods are employed and compared. We find that small variations in the on-site potential v(i) can simulate, cancel, or even overcompensate effects due to much larger variations in the on-site interaction U-i. Our findings highlight the importance of nanoscale spatial inhomogeneity in strongly correlated systems, and call for a reexamination of model calculations assuming spatial homogeneity.
An investigation was carried out to verify whether the heat stress hyperthermia response of broilers is prostaglandin-dependent. Male broiler chickens of the Hubbard-Petterson strain, aged 35-49 days, were used. Chickens were injected with indomethacin (1 mg/kg intraperitoneally) 15 min before or 2 h after heat exposure (at 35 degrees C for 4 h), and rectal temperature was measured before injection and up to 4 h thereafter. Birds were separated into two groups with and without access to water during heat stress. The increase in rectal temperature was lower (P<0.05) in birds with access to drinking water during heat exposure. All birds injected with indomethacin exhibited an increase in rectal temperature, irrespective of whether indomethacin was administered before or in the course of the rise in temperature. The results revealed that the increase in rectal temperature during heat exposure is not prostaglandin-dependent, and that the use of cyclooxigenase inhibitors is not recommended to attenuate heat stress hyperthermia in broiler chickens.
This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of the addition of fumaric acid to broiler diet on birds performance. One thousand and eighty Hubbard day-old broiler chicks were alloted in a randomized block design, six treatments with two replicates of males, and four replicates of females. Three basal diets were formulated to meet the nutritional requirements in each growing phase: from 1 to 21 days, 21 to 37 days and 37 to 45 days. Treatments consisted first in the addition of growth promoter to 0.75 and 1.0%, of fumaric acid. The group treated without of both growth promoter and fumaric acid presented a higher intake and a smaller feed:gain ratio in relation to the fumaric acid treated groups. However, there were no differences among groups treated with growth promoter and fumaric acid. The contrasts did not show any difference among weight gain, carcass yield and abdominal fat. The addition of fumaric acid levels to the diets promoted reduction of feed intake, without any effect on weight gain, improving, therefore, the feed/gain ratio. A digestibility experiment was carried out, using 30 Hy-Line roosters, to determine apparent metabolyzed energy (AME), corrected by nitrogen of the diets containing 0.0, 0.5 and 1.0% of the acid. An increase on the AME of the diets was observed with fumaric acid addition.
We discuss the interplay between electronic correlations and an underlying superlattice structure in determining the period of charge density waves (CDW's), by considering a one-dimensional Hubbard model with a repeated (nonrandom) pattern of repulsive (U > 0) and free (U=0) sites. Density matrix renormalization group diagonalization of finite systems (up to 120 sites) is used to calculate the charge-density correlation function and structure factor in the ground state. The modulation period can still be predicted through effective Fermi wave vectors k(F)(*) and densities, and we have found that it is much more sensitive to electron (or hole) doping, both because of the narrow range of densities needed to go from q(*)=0 to pi, but also due to sharp 2k(F)(*)-4k(F)(*) transitions; these features render CDW's more versatile for actual applications in heterostructures than in homogeneous systems.