908 resultados para Facebook Developer


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The use of online social networking tools (SNTs) has become commonplace within higher education. In this paper a definition and a typology of educational affordance of social networking service (SNS) are presented. The paper also explores the educational affordances whilst examining how university lecturers and students use SNTs to support their educational activities. The data presented here were obtained through a survey in which 38 participants from three universities took part; two universities in Uganda and one in the United Kingdom. The results show that Facebook is the most popular tool with 75 % of participants having profiles. Whilst most participants perceived the educational significance of these tools, social affordances remain more pronounced compared to pedagogical and technological affordances. The limitations of this study have also been discussed.


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Composite electrodes were prepared using graphite powder and silicone rubber in different compositions. The use of such hydrophopic materials interned to diminish the swallowing observed in other cases when the electrodes are used in aqueous solutions for a long time. The composite was characterized for the response reproducibility, ohmic resistance, thermal behavior and active area. The voltammetric response in relation to analytes with known voltammetric behavior was also evaluated, always in comparison with the glassy carbon. The 70% (graphite, w/w) composite electrode was used in the quantitative determination of hydroquinone (HQ) in a DPV procedure in which a detection limit of 5.1 x 10(-8) mol L-1 was observed. HQ was determined in a photographic developer sample with errors lower then 1% in relation to the label value. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tidningskompaniet, a publishing agency in Göteborg, has during the spring of 2003 developed a customermagazine for Göteborgsvarvet, a Half Marathon Race in Göteborg. If realized the magazine shallbe distributed to former participants of the race twice a year and will be financed by adverts.As part of the editorial concept, development of a graphic profile will be made for the magazine. Thisdegree project will result in the production of a »dummy« magazine to be presented to the client and tobe used by the advertisement sales people in their work.The magazine, named »Varvet«, will convey the message that anyone can run Göteborgsvarvet. Theintention is to give the magazine a »youthful and sporty« image.The work in this degree project has comprised designing the magazine in co-operation with an editorialconcept developer and a project leader at Tidningskompaniet, and also the production of 18 magazinepages including prepress work. The magazine has been made into a strictly sectionized product,with a mix of short and long articles with lighter material and strict how-to-do-it guides. The designhas been made to complement the editorial concept, with typography and colours that feel modern and»active«.The dummy magazine has been digitally printed using a Xeikon digital press and has been distributedto the client and the advertisement sales bureau.


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Detta arbete är en kvalitativ fallstudie med syfte att undersöka hur några intervjuade lärare från en gymnasieskola i södra Norrland förhåller sig till sociala medier, hur dessa lärare uppfattar att sociala medier påverkar deras integritet, yrkesetik, fostransuppdrag och pedagogiska arbete. Frågeställningarna arbetet har utgått ifrån har berört gränsdragningar mellan privatliv och offentlighet, hur lärare kan uppträda i sociala medier, hur lärare ser på vänskapsrelationer till elever, vilka eventuella pedagogiska vinningar respektive hot sociala medier kan tänkas medföra.För att besvara uppsatsens frågeställningar har intervjuer med sju anställda lärare på en given gymnasieskola gjorts. De resultat som framkommit i denna studie, är bland annat att samtliga lärare är överens om att lärares privatliv påverkar deras yrkesroll i viss mån. Ifråga om vad lärare kan göra i sociala medier, med åtanke på deras yrkesroll, var de flesta lärare överens om att brott mot skolans värdegrund samt yrkesetiska principer var förbjudna, men också att lärare utöver detta har ett visst ansvar över hur man framställer sig själv i sociala medier. Gällande pedagogiska hot och vinningar, finns det ett potentiellt hot att lärares arbetsbörda ökar, samtidigt är vinningen att lärares förståelse för elever kan tillta.


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Inom skolan har det länge funnits webblösningar och andra Internetbaserade programvaror för att elever och lärare ska kunna kommunicera med varandra på nätet och samtidigt kunna ha möjlighet till en mer flexibel undervisningsmetod. Sociala medier är ett vitt begrepp som nämns lite var stans idag, men vad innebär då sociala medier? Sociala medier är ett samlingsnamn på kommunikationskanaler som tillåter användare att kommunicera direkt med varandra genom exempelvis text, bild eller ljud.


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The first Speak Good English Movement, SGEM, took place in 2000, and has been organized annually ever since. Speaking a “standard” form of English is considered to bring increased personal power. However, the SGEM wants the Singaporeans to use “standard” English in their private life as well. A decade after the beginning of the campaign, a Speak Good Singlish Movement was started. Based on studies of language and identity, it is understandable why some Singaporeans might feel the SGEM threatens their identity. However, the reactions towards the campaign are mainly positive. For the purposes of this analysis, Twitter messages, Facebook pages, and newspaper articles from The Straits Times were collected. The SGEM has hailed both direct and indirect praise and criticism in both social and traditional media: Five newspaper articles praise the campaign while five criticize it; the results are nine and seven respectively for social media. This thesis looks at reactions towards the SGEM in both social and traditional media, analyzes how these reactions might relate to the ideas of the power of language, its variety and the relation of language and identity.


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The aim of this study is to investigate the reasons why young people in Mexico useabbreviations, how abbreviations are used and what kind of abbreviations they use amongtheir group of friends. The study is conducted among a small sample of persons between 18 to30 years old and from one sociocultural group.We studied a group of 20 informants. In this group we included young people working as acashiers, warehouse workers, employees in stores, etc. These informants answered a writtenquestionnaire and we also analyzed 40 of their Facebook messages.In summary, it was noticed that the abbreviations were used because it is a fast way to writebecause they save time. According to the informants “It is fun and is easy to use them whenwriting their messages”. We could see that a few informants use them because it is a new wayof writing as well as considering it to be entertaining to write their messages. When analyzingtheir messages, we saw that these informants do not seem to have rules when writing theirabbrevations, they shorten the words in all forms and place them in any part of theirmessages. They often adapt their way of writing to the pronunciation of the words, similar tothe spoken language. Some words had influences from the caliche jargot (a variety ofcolloquial language used among young people in Mexico). The informants in this study areusing all kinds of abbreviations such as abbreviated words, acronyms and shortenings


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The students' expectations must be met to ensure their overall satisfaction. Because of this student satisfaction has become a measurement tool with which the universities can compete against each other in order to attract potential students and also a higher level of internal and external funding. This thesis deals with students' overall satisfaction in tourism education at Dalarna University in Sweden. It is important to understand what it takes for the universities to be able to produce a motivated workforce for the communities and how satisfied students could help in achieving this goal. Sweden was selected because of the recent introduction of tuition fees, in 2010, which has made it even more crucial to understand the factors affecting students' satisfaction. The method chosen for conducting this study was a questionnaire where the students of Dalarna University were asked to rate different aspects of their overall experience on a Likert scale. The research was conducted via Facebook and email questionnaire. The results show different levels of satisfaction based on the tourism programmes and gender for example. The major finding from this research implicate that the social conditions and surrounding city categories are the most influential when it comes to the overall satisfaction of students at Dalarna University. The results give the university and the city of Borlänge an insight on issues that really matter to the students and how to improve them.


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The Orator (O Le Tulafale) was promoted as the first Samoan language film shot in Samoa with a Samoan cast and crew. Written and directed by Samoan filmmaker Tusi Tamasese, the film succeeded at several of the movie industry’s prestigious festivals. The Orator (O Le Tulafale) is about an outcast family of a dwarf (Saili), his wife and her teenage daughter. As the main protagonist, Saili battles to overcome his fears to become a chief to save his family and land. The film’s themes are courage, love, honour , as well as hypocrisy, violence, and discrimination. A backlash by Samoans was predicted ; however, the opposite occurred. This raised the following questions: first, what is it about the film causing this reaction? It is a 106 -minute film shot in Samoa about Samoans and the Samoan culture . D espite promotional claims about the film , there have been Samoan -produced films in Samoa . Secondly, to what are Samoans really responding? Is it 1) just to the film because it is about Samoa, or 2) are they responding to themselves , and how they reacted during the act of watching the film? This implies levels of reactions in the act of watching, and examining the dominant level of response is important. To explore this, t he Samoan story telling technique of Fāgogo was used to analyse the film’s narration and narrative techniques. R. Allen’s (1993, 1997) concept of projected illusion was employed to discuss the relationship between Samoans and the film developed during the act of watching. An examination of the term Samoan and a description of the framework of Fa’a Samoa (Samoan culture) were provided. Also included were discussions of memory and its impact on Samoan cultural identity. The analysis indicated that The Orator (O Le Tulafale) acted as a memory prompt through which Samoans recalled memories confirming and defining cultural bonds. These memories constituted the essence of being Samoan. These memories were awakened, and shared as oral histories as fāgogo. The receivers appeared to interpret the shared memories to create their own memories and stories to suit their contexts, according to Facebook postings. An interpretation is that the organic sharing of memories as fā gogo created a global definition of Samoan that Samoans internationally claimed.


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Samhället blir allt mer digitaliserat, vilket lett till att en stor mängd företagbehövt förändra sin marknadsföring. Många företag marknadsför sig idaggenom digitala kanaler, en av dessa är e-post. Ett sätt att marknadsföra sig viae-post är med nyhetsbrev. Forskningen om e-postmarknadsföring är betydligtmer omfattande än den specifikt om nyhetsbrev, vilket gör nyhetsbrev till ettintressant ämne att studera närmre. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad rådangående utformningen av nyhetsbrev behandlar och om råden som finns äranpassade specifikt för sportevenemangs nyhetsbrev. Studiens syfte är även attgranska om Skid-VM:s allmänna nyhetsbrev följer några av de generella rådensom valts ut och om tillämpningen av råden föredras av mottagarna eller inte.För att besvara studiens frågeställningar har en kartläggning, en jämförelse ochen enkätundersökning genomförts. Kartläggningen gjordes genom eninformationssökning och 65 råd hittades. Sex generella råd valdes ut ochjämfördes mot Skid-VM:s allmänna nyhetsbrev. Nya modifierade varianter pådelar av nyhetsbrevet formgavs utifrån om den ursprungliga delen av Skid-VM:s nyhetsbrev följde det generella rådet eller inte. De modifieradevarianterna och de ursprungliga sattes ihop till bildpar. I enkätundersökningensom publicerades på Facebook-sidor och grupper administrerade av Skid-VMfick deltagarna sedan välja vilken variant de föredrog. Kartläggningenresulterade i slutsatserna att många av råden behandlade utformningen avnyhetsbrevets texter och att råd om utformningen av nyhetsbrev specifiktanpassade för sportevenemang var sällsynta. Slutsatserna blev även att Skid-VM:s nyhetsbrev följde fyra av de sex generella råden och att varianten avnyhetsbreven som följde det generella rådet föredrogs i tre av sex fall.


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The Pacific nation of the Independent Samoa (formerly Western Samoa)  is not known for having a developed film industry.   In 2011, a Samoan languge film called The Orator (O le Tulafale) placed the spotlight on Samoa, its people, and the Samoan culture when it became the country’s first ever film to be accepted into major international film festivals such as the 68th Venice Film Festival.  Samoans the world over have embraced the film for its richness, compassion, and authenticity. Yet at times, the film portrays the Samoan culture as harsh and cruel.   Samoans are usually quick to criticise negative portrayals of their culture but the thousands of comments on the film’s official Facebook page show otherwise.  From April 2011 to March 2012, there were only 11 comments criticising the film on Facebook, and these criticisms were denounced as ‘un-Samoan’. This raised the question as to why Samoans did not react to the unflattering portrayals of their culture, but instead react against legitimate criticisms of the film.  By using Foucault’s concept of heterotopia and the Samoan narrative structure of fāgogo, a heterotopia space and a utopia space are created in which past memories confirming Samoan cultural identity and bonds to the culture are evoked and are (re)experienced by Samoans while viewing the film.  Thus the film’s ability to encourage this is what Samoans praise rather than the actual film.  


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Ski jumping was the only sport included in the Winter Olympics, where women were not allowed to take part until the first week of April 2011, when IOC decided to let them in to the Olympic family, a major victory for women´s ski-jumping. Since 2004 the Norwegian media had women ski jumping as one important topic in their media coverage. The third of March 2010 the new Holmenkollen ski-jumping hill was inaugurated. It had been rebuilt for the World Championships 2011. The first jump on the hill was surrounded by an intense debate. Annette Sagen was decided to be the first jumper on the hill after a poll on the social media channel Facebook that gave Annette Sagen over 40 000 votes.  However Tuesday the second of March Björn Einar Romören, a world cup jumper, did the first jump during a training session. This act started a significant chain of events. The biggest Norwegian web – magazines Verldens Gang and Aftenposten made this the head story and they invited the readers to interaction. Within 24 hours 11 000 comments were written, most of them in favor of Sagen and against Romören´s behavior. The Norwegian Ski Association excluded Romören from two World Cup competitions. What did happen during these days in the media?  I want to present the activities, which went on in two web-magazines, and analyze the articles written on the topic. Main issues are to show what an impact a social media network had on the sport in this specific case and how different actors appeared in the media and discuss if Romörens exclusion was a result of the mediatization.


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Det mobila operativsystemet Android är idag ett ganska dominerande operativsystem på den mobila marknaden dels på grund av sin öppenhet men också på grund av att tillgängligheten är stor i och med både billiga och dyra telefoner finns att tillgå. Men idag har Android inget fördefinierat designmönster vilket leder till att varje utvecklare får bestämma själv vad som ska användas, vilket ibland kan leda till onödigt komplex kod i applikationerna som sen blir svårtestad och svårhanterlig. Detta arbete ämnar jämföra två designmönster, Passive Model View Controller (PMVC) och Model View View-Model (MVVM), för att se vilket designmönster som blir minst komplext med hjälp av att räkna fram mätvärden med hjälp av Cyclomatic Complexity Number (CCN). Studien är gjord utifrån arbetssättet Design & Creation och ämnar bidra med: kunskap om vilket mönster man bör välja, samt om CCN kan peka ut vilka delar i en applikation som kommer att ta mer eller mindre lång tid att testa. Under studiens gång tog vi även fram skillnader på om man anväder sig av den så kallade Single Responsibilyt Principle (SRP) eller inte. Detta för att se om separerade vyer gör någon skillnad i applikationernas komplexitet. I slutändan så visar studien på att komplexiteten i små applikationer är väldigt likvärdig, men att man även på små applikationer kan se skillnad på hur komplex koden är men också att kodkomplexitet på metodnivå kan ge riktlinjer för testfall.


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Projektet Innowent - en regional arena för samverkan och hållbar tillväxt är ett exempel på ett försök att utveckla samverkan mellan företag och offentliga organisationer i syfte att stärka den regionala ekonomiska utvecklingen. Projektet genomfördes av Stiftelsen Teknikdalen och Högskolan Dalarna. Den här rapporten avgränsas till ”Teknikdalsdelen”. I rapporten fokuseras följande frågeställningar: - Hur beskriver de involverade aktörerna att projektet genomförts och vad det resulterade i? - Vilka erfarenheter kan dras från att i projektform arbeta med att utveckla förutsättningar för att tillväxtföretag kan etableras och om detta skapar regional ekonomisk utveckling i sin förlängning, t.ex. i for av om det underlättar att branschkluster kan etableras? Kluster, d.v.s. ansamlingar av företag som samverkar inom en bransch i en region, anses kunna spela en viktig roll och därför beskrivs några grundläggande tankar om detta fenomen. Eftersom utvecklingen av en inkubator spelat en central roll i projektet, och att dess verksamhet kan i förlängningen antas understödja att kluster bildas, beskrivs vilken funktion en inkubator kan ha för att utveckla nya företag. Då coacher spelar en viktig roll i en inkubator beskrivs några olika infallsvinklar på hur denna roll kan spelas. Avslutningsvis behandla några bakomliggande tankar för att skapa vad som benämns som hållbar affärsutveckling (Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)) och som kan ses som det fundament som delprojektet Hållbar affärsutveckling vilat på. Resultatet av projektet InnoWent (Teknikdalsdelen) kan sammanfattas som att det har bidragit till att utveckla en befintlig inkubator genom att bygga upp en fungerande organisation med ett nätverk av aktörer i form av en utvidgad och bättre organiserad idéjakt. Det inledande steget i inkubatorn har gjorts om till Business Start och antalet antagningstillfällen tredubblats. Projektet har utvecklat en verksamhet runt konceptet hållbar affärsutveckling, bl.a. genom att detta inkluderats i inkubatorn och genom att nya projekt inom detta område håller på att initieras. Det har skett en framgångsrik satsning på att nå ut med information om verksamheten genom att använda sociala medier som Facebook och Twitter, liksom att bygga internationella nätverk. Däremot kvarstår problem att hantera hur företagen, framför allt i det avslutande skedet av inkubatorn, lättare kan få tillgång till riskvilligt kapital. Projektet InnoWent framstår i flera avseenden som framgångsrikt, även om svårigheter inte saknats.


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Q&A: Jean-Jacques Ndayisenga '13 on economics, giving back, and why there's more to Rwanda than the movie A Final Note: Machlin conducts farewell concert, ending a 38-year run "A Great Legacy as a Legendary Prof": Tribute gives Wadsworth Professor of Economics James Meehan a reason to learn how to use Facebook The Other Side of the Seine: Rosecrans Baldwin's new book recounts his love-hate relationship with the City of Light Collected from the Punjab, a thousand years of poetry A Trip to the West Indies--With Historical Baggage A Firsthand Account of the Life of the Maine Lobster Fisherman Fast Times: Walk-on Dom Kone sprints to two national championships Women's Lacrosse in NCAA's Managing @StateDept: Victoria Esser '94 has her finger on U.S. Government's digital diplomacy The Power of Privilege: Students become collaborators in study of affluence and education