888 resultados para Canárias (Espanha)


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Organizational environments are related to hierarchic levels existing in a determined organization, and they influence in the formal and informal flows origin and in their monitoring and/or extinction. Informational environments are a result of organizational environments, of which focus is information and knowledge. Information flows are a fundamental element to informational environments, in a way that there´s no informational environments if there´s no information flows. Informational flows are natural reflections from their environments, in terms of content and in the way they occur. This qualitative and quantitative research was developed in three stages, in a way to allow the comprehension of the phenomena related to information and knowledge environments and information flows that occur in the meat sector from the Province of Salamanca, Spain. We used Laurence Bardin´s ‘Analysis of Content’, more specifically the ‘Categorical Analysis’ technique to data analysis. As data collection procedure we accomplished a field research, applying a questionnaire as an intentional sample of the meat industries segment from the Province of Salamanca, Spain. From data tabulation and analysis, we infer that information environments and flows are relevant to these companies business development, as well as we emphasized the need of information and knowledge management deployment, in a way to insure organizational processes quality, industrial chain production and companies competition to conquer potential markets.


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Durante o reinado de Elizabeth I (1558-1603) o protestantismo anglicano foi fortalecido, com o consequente combate ao catolicismo escolástico. Substituiu-se o paradigma filosófico considerado papista pelo neoplatonismo que havia emergido em Florença durante o século XV, mediante a releitura de textos de Hermes Trimegisto. Assim, o renascimento elisabetano teve como principal característica um misticismo hermético em completo acordo com o cristianismo, pois, embora santos e padres não tenham poderes especiais para nos conectar com Deus, a própria natureza criada por Ele permite aos homens ascender ao nível dos anjos. Razão pela qual o anglicanismo se distingue do luteranismo, que se apoia apenas na fé para alcançar a graça e a salvação. A discussão teológica desdobra-se nas artes, a exemplo da peça Hamlet, de Shakespeare, que tem suas personagens caracterizadas segundo a medicina hipocrática dos humores em consonância com os elementos da natureza, o que é flagrante no próprio desenlace de Ofélia, por afogamento. Na Inglaterra, o projeto de arte renascentista e a religião reformada constituíram portanto medidas oficiais tomadas por um governo que, além de se precaver contra a Espanha ultracatólica e contra as investidas do poder papal, buscava legitimar-se pela negação das teorias maquiavélicas. Ainda que tiranos como o tio de Hamlet tenham sido bem-sucedidos ao usar de meios espúrios para tomar o poder, forças naturais e sobrenaturais concorrerão para restaurá-lo a quem de direito.


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No momento em que Grócio publica suas teorias sobre o direito natural, o teatro tematizava diversos assuntos abordados no Direito da guerra e da paz. Na Espanha, Lope de Vega defendia o tiranicídio em peças como Fuenteovejuna e Peribãnez ou O comendador de Ocanã, enquanto Grócio limitava o direito de resistência aos casos de ameaça de morte. Cervantes via na iniciativa de Lope de Vega uma perigosa concessão política ao vulgo, implicando a ocultação da técnica empregada por atores e dramaturgos, e a consequente exacerbação do apelo emocional do teatro. Grócio, por sua vez, demanda que o direito se expresse em linguagem racional, na medida em que a lei só se afirma como sanção coletiva – ao passo que o sentimento se encerra na interioridade.


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Subject Cataloging is one of the processes of subject approach to information, beside indexing and subject analysis. In this sense, this research is a part of a broader project which analyses ISKO as an academic space that promotes a dialogical dimension among those theoretical questions. In this sense, it aims to analyze the presence of subject cataloguing in the discussions of knowledge organization as well as how the authors of such subject dialogue each other. Considering the questions, the full collection of ISKO and ISKO-Spain conference proceedings were analyzed in order to verify how present were subject cataloguing matters in those collections. It was possible to identify a group of 36 articles (27 from International ISKO and 9 from ISKO – Spain) whose references were bibliometrically analyzed in terms of documentary forms, average life, language and citation analysis. The results showed that the major ISKO and ISKO-Spain literature on subject cataloguing is based on journal articles, mostly published in English, presenting a relatively young average life (14 years for ISKO and 10 for ISKO-Spain).


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper aims to present a survey of Journalism students from UNESP (Brazil) and from the University of Seville (Spain) which gathered data to assess the perception of the influence of the media on political decisions in this segment. Through empirical research - qualitative and quantitative – was observed, as a result, that digital media is still gaining ground in political campaigns and the effectiveness of actions organized through on line universe which are beginning to be proven, from the perspective of students. Furthermore, it was possible to realize the criticality that is developed within universities making students able to analyze the context in which they are in


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The present work intends to study some fluid dynamic and heat transfer aspects of a solar chimney, aiming at a preliminary design of a facility. Some definitions and concepts of this system are presented. The simulation was performed based on a theoretical model validated with measurements of a prototype in Manzanares, Spain. Using the same theoretical model and some considerations, dimensions on a small scale are applied, making the model more interesting from its constructive aspect. The results show the behavior of the air velocity inside the chimney and illustrate some values of two preselected turbines. This technology looks promising in Brazilian territory due to high levels of solar radiation


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Neste trabalho propõe- se o debate de teorias econômicas sobre o terrorismo. Objetiva-se debater as diferentes abordagens da literatura bem como demonstrar suas influências e consequências na economia de um país. Mostram-se ainda dados e trabalhos empíricos dos efeitos do terrorismo na economia americana, espanhola e israelense


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Spanish is a language that in recent years has been growing in importance both politically and socially and economically, since some of the major international markets such as Chile, Spain, Mexico and Argentina, among many, have this language as the official language. This fact motivated us to conduct research that could, in some way, contribute to the teaching of this language in Brazil. Thus under the aegis of the theories and practices of bilingual lexicography, we seek to describe and analyze the treatment that some Spanish - Portuguese bilingual dictionaries present in our market give to the sentence connectors. From a textual corpus selected the markers and observe how the dictionaries analyzed work with this type of unit. We found that the information contained in these lexicographical works is not sufficient to meet the needs of Brazilian learners. Then, we proposed a macrostructure of a passive bilingual dictionary of sentence connectors in the language pair Spanish - Portuguese. Our research aims to contribute to bilingual lexicography both in regard to theoretical and methodological reflections on the application of these theories. Our contribution aims to fabricate materials for the teaching of Spanish in Brazil


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A literatura latino-americana está marcada pela heterogeneidade existente na América Latina, e a crônica é considerada o início desta heterogeneidade, devido ao fato de narrar um mundo desconhecido a leitores que fazem parte de outra realidade, gerando assim, uma situação de conflito. Os relatos escritos das civilizações andinas, em sua maioria, são de cronistas espanhóis, no entanto, também nos deparamos com alguns cronistas “índios” e mestiços, como o Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Ele se destaca não somente por representar esta pequena parcela, ou seja, por ser um mestiço, mas, principalmente por ser herdeiro de duas nobrezas: a nobreza espanhola e a nobreza incaica. O cronista Inca Garcilaso era filho do capitão espanhol Garcilaso de la Vega, que possuía uma família que se destacava na guerra e na literatura; e de Chimpu Ocllo, uma princesa Inca, neta do Imperador Túpac Inca Yupanqui. Porém, este privilégio em relação aos outros mestiços, não lhe garantia o reconhecimento como nobre diante da coroa espanhola. Por isso, veremos neste trabalho que um dos seus intuitos ao escrever as crônicas Comentarios Reales de los Incas e Historia General del Perú, era o de tentar legitimar o seu status social diante dos espanhóis por meio de relatos que descrevem todos os feitos e avanços dos Incas, bem como afirmar, como uma de suas justificativas, que a colonização foi aceita pelos indígenas e estes estavam aptos à catequização, sendo uma maneira do Rei da Espanha e a Igreja Católica “salvarem” este povo da barbárie. Desta maneira, o Inca Garcilaso cria um discurso contraditório, pois, ao mesmo tempo que defende os espanhóis, ele glorifica o Império Inca


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Este artigo discute as notas deixadas ao pé de cada página, como marca de leitura, por aquele que é o pré-leitor do texto original: o tradutor. Ao inserir a nota, o tradutor está avaliando a necessidade do esclarecimento que pretende prestar e, automaticamente, julgando a capacidade do leitor em compreender o texto. Questões conflitantes para quem traduz, considerando que as notas são, segundo a crítica, o meio de maior visibilidade para o tradutor enquanto escritor. A discussão proposta, neste trabalho, se restringe à tradução da obra ¿Donde estuvistes de noche? de Clarice Lispector, traduzido por Cristina Peri Rossi, na Espanha.


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The present work intends to analyze the impacts of the European Economic and Monetary Union in the economic policies of the countries named PIGS, with an analysis about the sovereign debt crisis, in view of the autonomy loss to adopt own monetary and exchange rate policies of countries with different levels of development


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The purpose of this study is to know the route of Special Education in different contexts, the city of Maringa/Brazil and Guadalajara/Spain and analyze the bases underlying the organization, structure and operation of this mode of education having as starting point the process inclusive school. This investigation is based on the theoretical and methodological principles of the historical-cultural notion by Vygotsky. He argues that the existence of fundamental principles underlying the development of children with disabilities. If, on the one hand, the disability imposes limitations on the individual, hindering its development, on the other, just by causing difficulties, enables the movement to compensate, increasing the development of other capabilities. The deficit itself is less. Therefore, it is a field research carried out by means of observations, literature search and document analysis in early childhood education institutions visited in the cities mentioned above. The results showed that there are peculiarities of its path, organization and functioning of Special Education in each of the contexts analyzed. Referentemente the inclusive education movement, it is clear that Spain is a precursor of this process therefore has the right conditions in different ways to conduct the service children with special needs, and on the other hand, schools have the resources and specialized materials they need. While in Brazil the operationalization of these measures occurs more slowly. Thus, we can say that this process of inclusive education does not happen in a linear fashion within mainstream schools and so little action in the different forms of special education in two contexts analyzed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)