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Este trabajo, intitulado pensando y actuando: estudio da le relación entre el desarrollo del pensamiento y la práctica pedagógica del profesor, tiene como objetivo investigar la relación entre el desarrollo del pensamiento teórico y la práctica pedagógica de una profesora de la educación pre primaria que actúa en una escuela pública de Natal / RN, con niños de edades variables de cuatro a cinco años. En términos específicos, pretendemos propiciar la continuidad de un proceso de formación que le permita elaborar el significado de los conceptos que componen los conocimientos curriculares, específicamente, el concepto de familia; tener el dominio de los procesos y procedimientos lógicos inherentes al desarrollo del pensamiento y la formación del concepto; mediar de forma consciente y planeada las etapas necesarias para que se efectiven los procesos de elaboración conceptual propicios al desarrollo del pensamiento. Para desencadenar el proceso investigativo, utilizamos los principios del materialismo histórico-dialéctico mientras que para el método de análisis, porque comprendemos que, a través de esta lógica, es que podremos buscar los elementos que darán sustentación a una mediación pedagógica que permita mayor eficacia en la comprensión de los fenómenos. Recurriremos a la investigación colaborativa, una vez que era nuestra intención desarrollar una acción investigativa compartida, teniendo en vista buscar medios para resolver los problemas de la práctica pedagógica. La investigación colaborativa posibilita al sujeto participante reflexionar, ser investigador, coadjutor-constructor de su práctica. Así, algunos procedimientos metodológicos fueron considerados adecuados para que pudiéramos alcanzar los resultados deseados, como Reuniones, Planeamientos, Ciclos de Estudios Reflexivos, Observación Colaborativa, y Sesiones Reflexivas. Utilizamos la metodología conceptual de Ferreira (2009) como soporte para el análisis del concepto de familia elaborado. Para hacer el análisis de ese proceso nos utilizamos de las teorizaciones de Vigotski (2009, 1998), Rubinstein (, Liublinskaia, Ferreira, Freire, entre otros. Podemos decir que, en la perspectiva de la colaboración, la reflexión sobre la práctica puede desencadenar una nueva visión del profesor sobre su práctica pedagógica y el desarrollo del pensamiento de su alumno. Los resultados obtenidos nos muestran que este fue un trabajo bien sucedido en el sentido de que percibimos una relación estrecha entre lo que la profesora realizó y los aprendizajes adquiridos por los alumnos. El sentido que la participante da a su hacer posibilitó la abertura de caminos para el desarrollo del pensamiento, a partir del trabajo con la metodología conceptual, revelando la conciencia del significado de su acción, y dialogando con las necesidades del alumno y trabajando las. Destacamos la importancia de la colaboración y del proceso reflexivo para la formación y la práctica del profesional profesor y los aprendizajes adquiridos con relación al reflexionar crítico y colaborativamente, en la argumentación y en la reformulación de nuestras ideas. Afirmamos que lo que realizamos es apenas el comienzo de nuevos caminos que surgirán por la necesidad que tenemos de busca, de descubiertas, y por las ganas de desarrollar acciones productivas, propicias de condiciones para la expansión de la formación profesional y de la práctica pedagógica del profesor. Las conclusiones a que llegamos están lejos de que se acaben, ya que es un tema complejo, que puede posibilitar el surgimiento de nuevos estudios, de nuevas investigaciones, de nuevos conocimientos


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Inclusion of students with autism in regular education settings is a topic that has not been much explored by the national scientific literature. This matter is complex and, due to the extent of various aspects involved, it is essential to delimitate a focus of investigation. The direction taken by this study was to evaluate the effects of an intervention program in the communicative interactions between a student with autism and his teacher in a regular classroom. Data were collected in an elementary private school, located in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte during the 2010 academic school year. The study included a teacher and a non-vocal, 10-year-old student diagnosed with autism. A quasi-experimental A-B research design was employed. During the intervention program the teacher was trained to use Naturalistic Teaching Strategies and Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) resources to increase the frequency of interactions with the student during three classroom routines (entry time, snack and pedagogical activity). The results indicated qualitative and quantitative changes in the interactions of the dyad after the implementation of the intervention program. The student began to use pictograms to communicate with the teacher in two of the three routines investigated. The frequency of AAC use was also observed in the teacher‟s repertoire, especially when the student failed to understand gestures and words. The teacher positively evaluated the intervention program


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Estamos vivendo no século da criatividade em que os sujeitos precisam ser estimulados a criar e inovar nos processos de aprendizagem escolar. Nesse sentido, a criatividade precisa ser compreendida como um bem cultural, um direito de todos e uma condição histórica e cultural do sujeito, e não como uma capacidade inerente ao sujeito ou pertencente alguns poucos eleitos. Para que a criatividade do aluno seja estimulada, faz-se necessário, dentre outros elementos, que o conhecimento profissional do professor considere as crenças como componente de seu processo de profissionalização com o objetivo de reconhecer o seu papel e influências como formas de nortear as ações profissionais docentes. Para tanto, a presente tese tem o objetivo de estudar as crenças dos professores sobre a criatividade dos estudantes no Ensino Médio Inovador. O ensino, nessa perspectiva, mais especificamente, o ensino médio precisa inovar-se, e nesse processo, o Programa Ensino Médio Inovador PROEMI emerge como uma das iniciativas das políticas públicas educacionais vigentes. Para tanto, no intuito de fundamentar as nossas discussões dialogamos com autores que discutem a criatividade no contexto da educação, às crenças, o conhecimento profissional do professor e o ensino médio. Nessa pesquisa, 207 professores que atuam no ensino médio em escolas estaduais na cidade de Natal e sua Região Metropolitana dentro do PROEMI constituíram-se em nosso público-alvo. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário normativo de crenças contendo perguntas fechadas e abertas. Para a organização dos dados utilizamos os softwares estatísticos R. 2.15.1 e o Modalisa. O tratamento dos dados se deu mediante análises estatísticas como a análise descritiva dos enunciados, da média, do desvio padrão e a Análise de Componentes Principais ACP em relação aos resultados oriundos das perguntas fechadas e a análise de conteúdo em se tratando dos resultados referentes às perguntas abertas. Os resultados corroboraram com a tese de que os professores apresentam em suas crenças a predominância do enfoque tradicional ou clássico da criatividade, ou seja, creem-na como algo inato ao ser humano e que se desenvolve independentemente dos fatores sociais e culturais. No tocante às principais características do aluno criativo, a autonomia e o alto grau de originalidade em sua aprendizagem se destacaram, dentre outras características. Suas crenças, em relação aos elementos que inibem a criatividade do aluno apontaram que a escola, ao privilegiar os conteúdos escolares compromete a criatividade dos alunos e sobre os elementos que favorecem, destacaram-se as áreas da Arte, da Educação Física e da Literatura como disciplinas, que preferencialmente, desenvolvem a criatividade dos alunos no contexto escolar. Assim, constatamos que as crenças dos professores se configuram de forma reducionista e inatista e que precisam, urgentemente, ser repensadas para que não continue a comprometer o desenvolvimento da criatividade do aluno no contexto escolar, e nesse caso, as crenças se constituem em um dos elementos básicos da profissionalização docente que precisam constantemente ser repensadas e incluídas nas discussões sobre a formação e atuação docente, principalmente, dentro do PROEMI que tem como objetivo principal inovar e estimular a criatividade dos alunos no ensino médio


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This research has the objective of studying the teacher-engineers awareness regarding their teaching practice of courses Civil, Electrical and Materials at the Federal University of Campina Grande. It presents and analyses major themes concerning the teaching work. At the same time, it pinpoints the need to develop good teaching practice in higher education. The study is based on the concepts of bricolage (KINCHELOE; BERRY, 2007) and multi-referentiality (ARDOINO, 1998). The Case Study procedure was adopted as an investigation strategy (YIN, 2004; AFONSO, 2005). The data collection was done through the application of questionnaires based on the teacher education paradigms (ZEICHNER, 1983; SACRISTAN, 1998; ALTET, 2001; BRÜTTEN, 2008). The theoretical background for the thematic axis is oriented by reflections on university teaching (MASETTO, 2003; 2007; ZABALZA, 2004; CUNHA et al, 2005; GRILLO, 2008; PIMENTA; ANASTASIOU, 2010 ); on Engineering teaching (BAZZO, 2001; MASETTO, 2009) and on the present-day relationship between educational policies and higher education (MENEZES, 2001; SANTOS, 1995;2005; BOSI, 2007). The data analysis was done by means of a quantitative and qualitative approach (SAMPIERI; COLLADO; LUCIO, 2006), allow us to understand how the teachers surveyed live their professional activity. The results make it possible to generalize that the teacher-engineers give value to research as part of their teacher education and they view the university pedagogy as an important aspect to improve their practice. A considerable number of them is interested in being part of reflection groups, aiming to enhance teaching at higher education. The teacher-engineers dedicate themselves to university teaching without sharing their experience with other teachers, consolidating a present tendency seen in the international and national literature. They tend to apply a pedagogy originated from their daily teaching practice, because they believe that teaching is perfected through practice, though they admit that practice alone is not sufficient for professional development. In the view of most informants, good teaching requires willingness, along with the political element, the mastery of the lesson contents and familiarity with the discipline objectives, if we regard teachers as advisors in the educational process. Throughout the teaching process, the teachers use diversified pedagogical strategies, such as contextualization and exemplification of the lesson contents, epistemological basis in the scientific field, and group work. They do not share any bond of relationship between them and the students, though they consider it important. In general terms, they lack preparation for university teaching and no involvement or interest in institutional issues, by supporting and improving the teaching quality


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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El presente estudio tiene como tema principal el debate sobre la evaluación de la escuela, específicamente la evaluación de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la educación física en la escuela. Presenta las tendencias pedagógicas que influyeron en los modelos de valoración de la educación en general y específicamente determinados que el proceso de evaluación en la escuela de educación física. Analiza la evaluación en educación física de una experiencia de enseñanza en la escuela pública. Para ello, hemos desarrollado la siguiente pregunta: ¿cuáles son las posibilidades de evaluación en Educación Física, teniendo en cuenta su significado y sus implicaciones en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje que experimentan los estudiantes? Ya que era un problema se guían la reflexión sobre nuestra práctica docente, hablamos de la evaluación en Educación Física de cinco cuestiones esenciales para nuestra consideración, a saber: ¿para qué evaluar (razones) para evaluar la (las dimensiones del contenido ), al evaluar (momentos) se evalúa (estrategias metodológicas), que evalúa (responsable de la evaluación)? En este sentido, este estudio tuvo como objetivo discutir el proceso de evaluación en Educación Física, al reflexionar sobre su significado y sus implicaciones pedagógicas en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la educación física, y guiado por el informe de una experiencia de aprendizaje experiencia en una clase de 6 º y 7 º grado de la escuela primaria Escuela Fernandes Arcelina Estado, ubicado en la ciudad de Macaíba / RN. Hemos encontrado en este estudio que es la evaluación de la escuela es un proceso complejo determinado por muchos factores sociales,. Jurídica, cultural, estructural, y que sea útil para repensar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y su propia práctica docente También creemos que nuestro estudio se revela como una evaluación metodológica de las posibilidades. En ella, que se encuentra es posible evaluar en Educación Física que estudia no sólo los resultados de aprendizaje de los contenidos técnicos, habilidades y destrezas motrices, sino que nos permite analizar el rendimiento de los estudiantes en otras dimensiones de la integridad humana, como la las actitudes (valores), los conceptos, los aspectos afectivos y sociales


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This research aims to understand the social representations Teaching Work in groups of undergraduate students of Physics and Chemistry of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. For this, the proposal was based on the three theoretical and methodological consensus Carvalho (2012) in the explanation of socio-genetic mechanisms constituents of dynamic consensus that has functionality to your organization. It Was used to achieve this goal, the theoretical-epistemological Serge Moscovici (1978, 2003), Jodelet (2011), Wagner (1998,( 2011) and Carvalho (2012). The corpus analyzed results from a qualitative and quantitative research, developed in three stages. The first two (2) questionnaires to fifty (50) of each undergraduate course, a questionnaire and another profile for collection of free associations concerning motes inductors "Give Lesson," "Student" and "Teacher". The second step in the procedure Multiple Classifications, Roazzi (1995), aimed for another thirty (30) undergraduate students for each course, as well as Document Analysis of Educational Projects Curriculum courses in Physics and Chemistry. The data analysis of the first stage focused on descriptive statistics and frequency and average order of the words associated with motes inductors. The results from the Multiple Classification Procedure submitted to multidimensional analysis (MSA multidimensional scalogram analysis) and SSA (Similarity Structure Analysis), were interpreted by the theoretical and methodological proposal of the three consensus, supported by analysis of the rhetorical nature of justifications classifications and categorizations of words, boosted in times of application of Procedure Multiple Classification. The data revealed that the groups surveyed were the same Social Representation with specific dynamic consensual. Thinking Teaching Work for these groups it is considered in three dimensions: the BE-DO-HAVE of teaching. In the group of Physics consensus was clear semantic, which expressed a dynamic in which the interpretations of "Teaching Work" peacefully coexist on perceptions of two concepts: An identity around the "BE" "Teacher" or "BE" "Educator" and the other, how they think about professional development. The type of group consensus Chemistry pointed to a consensual logic hierarchical order in which the gradual between the elements of BE-DO-HAVE attested conflicts and disagreements about the perceptual object "Teaching Work", around what value most, whether they are the attributes of personal or professional-technical dimension of teaching, in the course of professional development. The thesis to explain the mechanisms of socio-genetic Representation Social Teaching Work by theoretical and methodological proposal was confirmed


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Ese estudio se firma en el camino de la formación y del desarrollo profesional de profesores de Matemáticas, objetivando comprender, a partir del discurso de profesores de dicha asignatura, el sentido atribuido a la autonomía profesional y cómo ese sentido es reflejado en la producción y desarrollo curricular de la asignatura de Matemáticas. Para tal, utilizamos la entrevista comprensiva, metodología basada en el supuesto fundamental de la palabra en la construcción del objeto de estudio. A partir del discurso de cinco profesores que imparten la asignatura de Matemáticas en el Centro Federal de Educación Tecnológica de Rio Grande do Norte, percibimos que la autonomía está unida a una posición de soberanía en aula, lo que se traduce en un trabajo volcado al individualismo. Constatamos que las reuniones pedagógicas, espacios por excelencia para discusiones y reflexiones acerca de la enseñanza de Matemáticas y consecuente desarrollo profesional, no contribuyen para la mejora de la enseñaza de dicha disciplina. Percibimos, también, que el libro didáctico es utilizado para estandarizar el trabajo de los profesores y que la selectividad todavía es punto de referencia en lo que concierne al currículum de Matemáticas en la institución, lo que impide la realización de un desarrollo curricular de la asignatura de Matemáticas en que sean considerados conjuntamente todos sus componentes


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The thesis investigated how social networks online that allows anonymous postings can be used by teachers and students to promote the meeting between the sexual education and the needs and expectations of young people face a crosscutting theme, remarkably a taboo. It needs teaching strategies more efficient than those traditionally defended. With this experience, found in a short course about sexuality and health, we sought to go beyond the use of social networks for social entertainment, showing they can be an field that favors the process of teaching and learning. The research was based on the convergence of the communication concepts from Paulo Frere and another from Jürgen Habermas, as well as the philosophical concepts of utopia, ideology and dialectic are interrelated not only among themselves, but also inside an education field. Methodologically in this thesis, we adopted the category of qualitative research; the method is a combination of case study with action research. The technique was the use of questionnaires, data collection was in attendance and the types of data were primary. Finally, we present, then, the idea the communication is not in the middle, but in the trusty relationship established between the interlocutors. In this way, we can think when a student has met their need to be able answer his questions about sex with their teacher through an online social network that allows anonymity and through which the student knows who responds is their teacher, but the teacher can not distinguish the identity of his students, this dialogic relationship serves to get claims of the validity that are characterized as potential communicative action


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Teaching formation has been the target of many changes, having been forged according to numerous formats and models through different times and spaces, composing thus, different codes and curricular proposals for different levels of qualification. We've tried in this work to pinpoint the main discussions which take place in the area of the teaching formation, based in the views of modern writers. We ve also tried, through the Social Representations Theory, to reveal and learn how the agents directly involved in this process realize and react, that is, the teachers who cope with the beginning stages of the Fundamental Teaching in the public school system in Natal/RN, taking into account that, in many cases, such formation demands the rethinking of the very formation policies. We've also adopted the concepts of field and educational field introduced by the praxiology of Pierre Bourdieu. It s been considered a fundamental theoretical reference which enables the understanding of social phenomena, both in macro and micro viewpoints. Thus, we do not neglect the whole, and particularly, the nuances of each context or specific situation. In the methodological track we ve used for data gathering the Free Word Association Test, and the Semi-Structured Interview, and also secondary sources for the characterization of the research spectre. Data treatment and analysis were performed with the help of the following software: SPSS Statistical Package for Social Sciences and EVOC; and the method of Content Category Analysis. The combination of the concepts and techniques mentioned above was necessary to cope with the qualitative and quantitative aspects, in our attempt to offer a wider range of contributions and outcome validations, which have shown, among other less explicit elements, the existence of a social representation of the teaching formation such as: knowledge theoretical and practical; a necessity imposed by the symbolical conflicts of the social field; capacitation and compromisse. We acknowledge the relevance of the thoughts discussed here, though aware that this is just one of the possible approaches to the theme


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La relation entre l`ignorance, l`apprentissage et de la création composent un décor provocant pour nous faire réfléchir sur l`éducation et la science. Pour éclaircir cette réflexion, nous démarrons sur les propositions de Ilya Prigogine (1986), pour qui l`art est une métaphore qui représente la science au XXe siècle, les idées d`Edgar Morin (2004), en soulignant la contribution fondamentale de l`art à l`état humain, et Maurice Merleau- Ponty (1980), qui crédite à l`art la possibilité d`un nouveau regard sur le monde, un regard sensible, esthétique. Ayant par référence la présence de ces arguments, nous réaffirmons la thèse de que l`art peut présenter des métaphores pour considérer la science, l`éducation et la condition humaine sur des bases complexes et transdisciplinaires. Nous nous concentrons sur des catégories particulières de la déformation et de la répétition. La première est considérée comme un désordre nécessaire au corps, à la science et à l`éducation, des lieux de métamorphose constante, d`après les principes de la complexité. La seconde est appréciée comme un opérateur sans lequel la variation, l`écart, le nouveau et l`invention ne peuvent pas émerger. Nos métaphores ressortent des travaux esthétiques de deux artistes de renom: Pina Bausch et Hans Bellmer, les délinquants qui certainement se rebellent contre la trivialité dans l`art et la vie. Ils exploitent des rêves, des démonstrations affectueuses impertinentes, esthétiques inaugurales, antiparadigmatiques et audacieuses. En un mot, ils incarnent ce qu`on appelle une pensée complexe. Nous comprenons que les deux artistes déclenchent des dispositifs qui dialoguent avec le manifeste de Merleau-Ponty lorsque l`on cherche dans l "aisthesis" la possibilité d`une production naturelle qui est en elle-même, créative. Ayant comme horizon cette puissance créatrice nous concentrons notre regard sur les anagrammes du corps proposés par Bellmer et sur la répétition exprimée par Pina Bausch. La déformation et la répétition sont des étapes embryonnaires de la création


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This work focuses on the educational policies, on the necessity of adopting new models of administration of the education, as well as the implementation of reforms in this filed during the 1990 s. It analyzes the strategies of decentralization of the education in Rio Grande do Norte, disclosing practices conceived in the governmental plans and programs. It also aims to evidence the aspects of the decentralization proposed in the educational system management model, adopted by the Department of Education and Culture of Rio Grande do Norte from 1995 to 1999. Bibliographic researches and documental analysis were used as sources and semi-structured interviews were held in order to collect data. This work also highlights the concepts of participation, autonomy and democratic management intrinsic to the process of decentralization in the education field. It is clear that decentralization, as the vector of democracy, requires not only certain conditions that assure the universal access to the necessary information, but also that all segments of the institution have a voice in the collegiates and that the management and decision-making processes be transparent. This analysis reveals the importance of creating means to promote autonomy, participation and democratic management in order to consolidate a decentralized system. It is also clear that these mechanisms have been proposed in a vague way by the governmental guidelines, which makes it harder to consolidate a democratic management model. Having this perspective as a parameter, it is possible to realize that the adoption of a management model prompted by the law hasn t established effective means of participation that, consequently, should provide decision centralizers which opposed to the democratic actions


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On the beginnings of the XXI century the brazilian universities was claimed by the Government and by the society to rebuild your ways of selecting students. Many questions are behind this theme, that goes since the concernings of the higher education institutions about select and graduate students, and now also students from disadvantaged sectors of the society; but also about personal issues, like concerns of the everyday of millions of youngs that integrates the brazilian society and that need to decide about your professional future after the finish of the Basic Education. The present thesis has as objective analyse the processes of the transition between the Basic Education and Higher Education on the point of view of students that achieved a place on the public university. This study was accomplished on the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte [UFRN on the original language], that implemented an Access and Social Inclusion Policy (PAIS [on the original language]) on the year of 2003, and since than a series of social actions had been developed. Among the main, we highlight the Inclusion Score action, an adicional score [on the entrance selection exam] for graduated students from public schools, which considers social and economic criteria and the academic development of these candidates on your Basic Education. Through quizzes and interviews with the graduated university students from public network, we could know the social, economic and academic profile of the students that entered on the UFRN by the time of the development of your PAIS, your schools and university trajectories, revealing some of the dilemmas, strategies, difficulties and personal cost of those that try to remain on the educational system besides the adversity conditions of schooling. For the theory foundation, we use authors like Bourdieu (1992, 1996, 2003); Coulon (1993, 2008); Ramalho (2004, 2007, 2008, 2010); Ramalho, et al (2011); Charlot (2001, 2003, 2005); Zago (2011); Nogueira, Romanelli e Zago (2011), among others, that contributed for a better analysis and understanding of thought and actions of the students in your own formative trajectories. Although we know that the educational inequalities are many, we found that the UFRN policy brought and is bringing many significant results, on the perspective of contribute with the increase of access for graduated students from the public network, and with the inclusion of these on the university


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Our work leads up to the context of evaluation during alphabetization process as a moment of an educational action cycle that requires planning, teaching and learning of reading and writing. It aimed to research the difficulties lived by teachers of a public elementary school during the specific task of evaluating children in the alphabetization process. This qualitative research took place as a case study at Emília Ramos Municipal School, in Natal, capital city of Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. Semi-structured interview and questionnaire were used as fact-gathering proceedings. Two pedagogical advisers and seven teachers formed the group of research subjects. All of them worked with elementary school first cycle classes, in that school, in the year of 2003. The analysis shows that teachers difficulties concern to theoretic questions of conceptual and methodological orders, although these questions indicate an important knowledge of teachers about alphabetization and evaluation. Our reflection about these problems articulates two points: alphabetization and evaluation. Concerning alphabetization, we took reference on Psychogenetic studies of Ferreiro and Teberosky (1985) which emphasizes fundamental points for a coherent evaluation practice: a) objective knowledge is not a beginning data; it is a construction process, which the learner does not conquest step by step on a linear way; b) objective knowledge acquisition happens through a global re-construction, and some of them may seem mistakes if we consider conventional writing but these mistakes are constructive and necessary. We also took reference on Interactionist-constructivist theory. Here, Vygotsky (1984) proposes that writing must be specially understood as language, symbolical activity, cultural practice. So, acquisition of writing process, as language learning, must be understood as a development of abilities relative to symbolical and communicative activity of sense production. On this way, Hoffmann (1994) advises that is necessary to overtake current evaluation practices, limited by their terminality character, only pointing right or wrong questions. According to a new paradigm, valuation appears as one of the mediations by which teachers must indicate re-ordination of pupil s knowledge, and re-organize their own practices too. The comprehensions of these questions plays decisive part in order to overtake our difficulties in evaluating. Besides, it points a way to build a coherent valuate practice, with an emancipating character and able to create new teaching-and-learning situations, leading to a better alphabetization Pedagogy


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Study about the national politics on the professional education, under responsibility of the brazilian Work Department in 1990 years. Purposes to apprehend the results of the actions of the professional education in a basic level, offered by the National Plan of the worker qualification ( PLANFOR ), as well as the effects on the assisted exits, starting from the experience appreciated on the Plan of Qualification developed in the state of Maranhão between 1996 to 2000. It adopts a theoretical-methodological conception by an ontological nature, if being worth of categories as the one of totality and of mediation that together, makes possible the apprehension of a dialectical movement that happens among the analysis object, the professional education politics in a basic level, performed by PLANFOR and your context, the underdevelop and heterogeneous Brazilian capitalism and the consequent job market generalized precarious and informal, making possible that the reality investigated become to understood rationally. This paper uses the indirect documentation technique, instruments of the bibliographical research and documental research. This study is based on those that aren´t part of PLANFOR, qualified by professional education courses in basic level,they didn't get to be inserts at the formal job market, just occupying precarious occupations in the informal job market. Aims to presents and discusses the productive process and your restructuring globally in progress. It focuses at the impacts on the workers, the precariousness of the work that appears like a new phenomenon calls new informality. Talks about the particularity process of productive restructuring assumed in Brazil highlights, showing that the informality, was always a structural phenomenon in the country. Discusses about the professional qualification in the contemporary capitalism, specifying some of your theses. Shows in a historical view the process of appearance of the employment notions and competence, and the influence that it exercised on the reforms of the basic and professional education, as well as the implications of both in the politics of professional education in the country. Rescues the process of creation of PLANFOR, your official formulations and your organized bases, starting from the second half of the 1990 decade. Shows yet the continuos changes in the job market of Maranhão state, for after, starting from the reports expresses at the Plans of Qualification from the state, elaborated by the Group of Evaluation and Studies of the Poverty and the Politics addressed to the poverty from the Master degree Program in Public Politics, from the Federal University of Maranhão, analyzing the acting of PLANFOR in the State, your probable deficiencies, as results the changes verified in the conditions of occupation and the gains of the exits from the professional education courses in basic level