Estudo da dimensão informacional do setor de saneamento básico, com o objetivo de analisar a qualidade da informação disponível em fontes de informação utilizadas no planejamento do setor. Para isso, foram analisadas as bases governamentais de informação, o Sistema Nacional de Informações sobre Saneamento 2009 (SNIS), a Pesquisa Nacional de Saneamento Básico 2008 (PNSB), a Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios 2009 (PNAD) e o Censo Demográfico 2010, no âmbito nacional, e o Serviço de Informação do Estado do Pará 2009 (SIE). A análise foi realizada por meio do Diagrama de Pareto, do Diagrama de causa e efeito de Ishikawa e dos atributos de informação de atualidade, abrangência, confiabilidade, precisão e pertinência, sendo, ainda, investigada a opinião de especialistas do setor. Nos 15 problemas evidenciados na redução da qualidade da informação em saneamento básico, cinco deles são considerados vitais e influenciam os demais problemas, sendo eles: a) falta de interação com outras áreas; b) periodicidade inadequada de disseminação das informações; c) falta de detalhamento da informação; d) forma de coleta inadequada; e) organização da informação inadequada. A partir da constatação das fragilidades na dimensão informacional em saneamento básico, foi analisada a informação utilizada em dois instrumentos de planejamento do setor, o Plano Nacional de Saneamento Básico (PLANSAB) e o Plano Plurianual 2008/2011, do estado do Pará (PPA 2008/2011). A conclusão desta tese é que, no momento, as informações disponibilizadas para o planejamento do setor são desatualizadas, incompletas, imprecisas, não pertinentes e não confiáveis. Com isso, foram recomendadas ações de inteligência estratégica para melhorar a qualidade da informação do setor, definindo-se o quê e onde coletar, como sistematizar, analisar, disseminar, avaliar e monitorar as informações, visando contribuir para o planejamento, definição de investimentos, prestação dos serviços, regulação, fiscalização e controle social, de acordo com as diretrizes da Política Nacional de Saneamento Básico, Lei 11.445/2007, que tem como um dos princípios fundamentais a universalização do acesso da população aos serviços de saneamento básico.
Objetivo: identificar se os enfermeiros do Brasil têm conhecimento das políticas e tecnologias de gestão nos serviços de saúde e enfermagem. Métodos: realizamos revisão integrativa da literatura, utilizando as bases de dados: LILACS, MEDLINE, SciELO, BDENF e PAHO e os descritores: gestão em saúde, tecnologia em saúde, tecnologia assistencial e enfermagem, incluindo as publicações nos idiomas português, espanhol e inglês. Resultados: A análise resultou em 11 referências completas, no período de 2003 a 2007. Constatamos que os enfermeiros possuem articulação nos serviços de enfermagem e competência técnica no exercício profissional, porém, apresentam-se frágeis politicamente, o que limita sua autonomia profissional e os torna ainda subordinados a outros profissionais. Conclusão: diante dos avanços e constantes mudanças no setor saúde, particularmente no nível organizacional e técnico-científico, torna-se imprescindível que o(a) enfermeiro(a) desenvolva suas habilidades políticas, gerenciais e de liderança com participação responsável e de forma interdisciplinar.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Home care presents itself as a new modality of care for the elderly, especially in Brazil , and has been inserted into public policies. This study aims to identify scientific productions about home care, in order to ascertain which are the contributions of this social dynamic in the elderly. The research was conducted in the databases MEDLINE and LILACS, with articles published between the years 2001- 2011, in Portuguese and English. The combination of keywords used was home care and elderly , elderly and care, and elderly and caregiver, and correspondents in Portuguese. The discussion highlighted the importance of home care, especially for lonely or neglected elderly. The review revealed few studies concerning the social dynamics in the home care of the elderly and the need to broaden the discussion beyond the field of health.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A study of the subject indexing process in university libraries is presented, using a socio-cognitive approach to analyze the procedures, difficulties and perceptions of the librarians, users, and managers that take part in the process. Individual and group verbal protocols were applied in the real environment of the cataloguers, the university libraries. The results were the absence of systematic procedures for book subject analysis and representation, the incompatibility of the indexing language, and problems in subject retrieval from the catalog. It is concluded that there is a tendency in catalogs to act as databases. Therefore, the cataloguer should present a level of commitment in his task similar to that of an indexer who works in the production of bibliographic databases.
Objective: to examine the care provided to women affected by breast cancer and who has performed axillary lymphadenectomy. Method: integrative review conducted in the databases LILACS and PubMed between 2000 and 2012, leaving the question << What care is provided to prevent lymphedema in women who underwent lymphadenectomy? >> Resulting in 18 articles, analyzed under the following variables: author, title, methodology, year, journal, goal, prevention and control of lymphedema therapies and adherence to rehabilitation. Results: three categories are identified for rehabilitation of patient: prevention and control, therapies and adherence. Conclusion: preoperative is poorly addressed by; emphasizes the importance of home visits as part of rehabilitation, which is effective with the accession of the patient who needs information for its follow-up, no need for a guideline for this type treatment.
Introduction: In the Web environment, there is a need for greater care with regard to the processing of descriptive and thematic information. The concern with the recovery of information in computer systems precedes the development of the first personal computers. Models of information retrieval have been and are today widely used in databases specific to a field whose scope is known. Objectives: Verify how the issue of relevance is treated in the main computer models of information retrieval and, especially, as the issue is addressed in the future of the Web, the called Semantic Web. Methodology: Bibliographical research. Results: In the classical models studied here, it was realized that the main concern is retrieving documents whose description is closest to the search expression used by the user, which does not necessarily imply that this really needs. In semantic retrieval is the use of ontologies, feature that extends the user's search for a wider range of possible relevant options. Conclusions: The relevance is a subjective judgment and inherent to the user, it will depend on the interaction with the system and especially the fact that he expects to recover in your search. Systems that are based on a model of relevance are not popular, because it requires greater interaction and depend on the user's disposal. The Semantic Web is so far the initiative more efficient in the case of information retrieval in the digital environment.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) is characterized by snoring and / or repetitive pauses in breathing during sleep associated with hypoxemia and hypercapnia. Affects approximately 1-3% of children, especially preschoolers. There is an association of OSAS with negative impact on neurocognitive development. However, there are few studies using protocols to assess cognition and behavioral disorders in children with OSAS. The objective of this study was to analyze the major studies related to the topic within the last two decades. The main studies published between 1995 to 2011 were identified through MEDLINE and LILACS databases. We selected the most relevant for OSAS in children, neurocognitive effects and association between obstructive disorders / OSAS in the target population (children). It was concluded that the studies analyzed showed that there is strong evidence regarding the overlapping of OSAS in children with neurocognitive disorders and that treatment of OSAS has positive impact on neurocognitive development.
Leishmania is a protozoan belonging to the family Trypanosomatidae, obligate intracellular parasite cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system. In the New and Old World several orders of wild mammals (natural reservoirs) and various species of sandflies (vectors) are involved in the transmission of leishmaniasis. The new settlements in rural areas, changes in the environment and unplanned urbanization increased human contact with vector and interaction with the animal reservoir. A simple prophylactic measure seems to be the vector control as well as disease reservoir. With the goal of raising the prophylactic measures that are being used in vector control, the reservoir of the disease and what the infrastructure accordingly. We conducted a literature review in July 2011 in the electronic databases of Bireme, Medline, CancerLit, Portal Capes, SciELO, PubMed and Medscape, the main texts on the subject. Thus, the development of a vaccine that is effective against various forms of leishmaniasis in the old and new world, it is necessary and has been recommended by WHO as a possible tool for effective eradication of the disease.
The purpose of this revision was to explore the concept of Platform Switching in implantology and its acting in the clinical practice. The concept of platform switching will be considered together with a revision of pertinent literature, with the purpose of providing guidelines based on scientific evidences. The following databases were used: Pubmed, Library Cochrane and ISI in the last 17 years. The inclusion approaches were: clinical articles, laboratorials and of revision on the topic, in English language. 41 articles were selected, using the describers "platform switching dental implants", "platform shifting and dental implants", "expanded platform dental implant". In accordance with this revision, implant them platform switching they present a rate of more favorable bony remodeling that you implant them conventional. This fact seems to be resulting of a group of biological factors and mechanics. The concept of platform switching has important relevance in the aesthetic area.
The association of Helicobacter pylori with different gastric diseases has been continuously discussed in the literature, whereas the last 20 years a large body of publications was intended to characterize the ecological niches and habitats of this pathogen being the mouth a possible habitat for that rod. The present study aimed to discuss the occurrence of this organism as part of the supplemental or transient microbiota of the mouth. Thus, an extensive review of literature covering the period 1990-2014 was carried out with different databases, yielding 5024 articles discussing transmission and occurrence of H. pylori, in English or Portuguese. Articles were selected according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria and data were tabulated and analyzed. Despite the significant heterogeneity of the literature, it was found this microaerophilic has a worldwide distribution, even in the mouth, which behaves as a reservoir for gastric reinfection. The role of oral hygiene and periodontal disease in the distribution of this microorganism remains unclear, but most studies support the hypothesis that oral biofilms and inflammation of periodontium may facilitate the installation of this pathogen in the mouth. Studies suggest that this microorganism could collaborate as a predisposing factor for oral cancer.
The status epilepticus (SE) is characterized by a series of crises which occur without recovery of consciousness or a single seizure lasting more than 30 minutes and can damage the central nervous system and systemic. The duration and frequency of attacks are directly related to patient prognosis. Whether seizures occur often and are longer, increase the risk of neurological and systemic complications. Child population has a higher frequency of seizures and it is associated with a lower threshold of immature brain to trigger these episodes. Aim: To determine the safest drugs prescribed for children in SE, their doses and schedules. A bibliographic survey was performed in electronic databases. Methods: The scientific health descriptors used for search was: “status epilecticus” and “anticonvulsivants” and “child”. Results: This strategy identified 396 manuscripts, of whom four were considered eligible for the study, after the assessment by floating reading and criteria. Of these, two were randomized trials and two descriptive. The studies address the use of oral midazolam, rectal diazepam and intravenous lorazepam. Conclusions: All investigated drugs were effective in treat in status epilepticus. Lorazepam is highlight, since it has fewer secondary effects and, as an alternative to the intravenous, oral midazolam. However, there is a need for further studies to demonstrate the efficacy and safety in the use of drugs in children.
Objective. To identify and analyze scientific publications on the use of music and play in pediatric nursing care in the hospital context. Method. In this bibliographic study, papers were sought that were published in Portuguese or English between 2004 and 2009 and included the descriptors: hospitalized child, childhood, child recreation, nursing team, nursing, pediatric nursing, alternatives therapies, music, music therapy, play and playthings, play therapy, playing. For the review, the bibliographic databases used were MEDLINE, ScIELO and LILACS. Results. Seventeen publications were obtained, among which: 59% adopted a quantitative method; mainly nursing developed the activities (88%); per type of article, reviews on the theme and assessments of clinical changes associated with the use of music and play were frequent (59% and 18%, respectively); and the utility of this kind of therapies in nursing care is acknowledged (94%). Conclusion. Play and music are useful therapies that can be used in nursing care for pediatric patients.
This is part of an integrative review whose object of study was the production of knowledge in journals concerning nursing studies that have used the Theory of complexity as a theoretical framework. This study gathers seven articles collected from a literature review of 18 publications found on the databases: Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval Sistem on-line (MEDLINE), Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe emCiências da Saúde (LILACS) and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) from 1998 to 2008. In the two former databases, the following combination of key words was used: “complexity theory” and “health” and “nursing”, and in the third: “complexidade” and “saúde” and “enfermagem. Content analysis was the methodological framework that allowed for organizing the knowledge aggregated in the theme: Health Care. It was observed that the Complexity Theory has based the comprehension of the health care process, pointing out the care provider with his practices and the environment.