719 resultados para Arjuna (Hindu mythology)


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Presenting qualitative and quantitative findings on the lived experiences of around seven hundred young adults from Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh and mixed-faith backgrounds, Religious and Sexual Identities provides an illuminating and nuanced analysis of young adults' perceptions and negotiations of their religious, sexual, youth and gender identities. It demonstrates how these young adults creatively construct meanings and social connections as they navigate demanding but exciting spaces in which their multiple identities intersect. Accessible quantitative analyses are combined with rich interview and video diary narratives in this theoretically-informed exploration of religious and sexual identities in contemporary society. © Andrew Kam-Tuck Yip and Sarah-Jane Page 2013. All rights reserved.


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poême & musique par Augusta Holmès ; partition pour piano et chant.


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Engaging Ireland’s rich heritages of traditional music, story-telling, song, dance, and language, this doctoral composition project is a unique undertaking in the amalgamation of native art forms and the narrative realisation of Irish legends. The centrepiece of the project comprises of two collections of compositions inspired by the legends Oidhe Chloinne Lir (the tragic fate of the children of Lir) and Loinges Mac nUislenn (the exile of the sons of Uisliu). An interdisciplinary approach of traditional research and creative practice was employed in the development of this project, which informed and supported the formulation of personal and distinctive recensions of the chosen narratives, and the composition of over three hundred new works. Grounded in Irish traditional music, the compositional voice speaks in the familiar styles and structures of the idiom, and also resonates in contemporary and singular spaces. The Irish harping tradition is continued and extended in this research through the composition and recording of new music which is particularly suited to the instrument. Outputs include contextual, critical, and creative writings, recordings, video materials, musical scores, and storyboard and performance design artwork.


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The purpose of this dissertation is to examine and contextualize the recent changes in the articulation of Donyipolo faith among the indigenous community of the Adi from the 1980s until the present. This is achieved by documenting both ‘non-formalized’ and ‘formalized’ belief and ritual within this Eastern Himalayan community. Since the mid-1980s, the Adi – led by indigenous activist Talom Rukbo and the Donyipolo Yelam Kebang (Donyipolo Faith Council) – have been restructuring Donyipolo to fit the model of more mainstream religions via a series of processes that could be called ‘formalization’ or ‘institutionalization’, a reformation blueprint that has subsequently spread to neighboring ethnic groups. This ethnography, exploring both folk practice and the modern reformation, is rooted in radical empiricism – in this context, meaning to collect data and allow analysis to arise organically. Radical empiricism is employed alongside vernacular theorizing to allow for the acknowledgement of indigenous theory through which we can trace indigenous agencies and the construction of indigenous lifeworlds. Facilitating this space for the acknowledgement of ‘religious re-imaginings’ as a means of cultural preservation – and as a representation of creativity – is significant particularly when viewed in the context of contemporary research on similar movements in Northeast India, which sometimes tends toward the negation of indigenous innovation by representing such religious revivals as conversion tools attributed to the Hindu right. It is hoped that the reader will come away from this dissertation with an understanding of the ‘constellations of faith’ that comprise ‘traditional’ Donyipolo and a comprehension of the innovative institutionalization processes that have shaped the new Adi praxis. Donyipolo should be viewed as a complex, nuanced, and independent indigenous faith, whether in its forms of folk expressions or in its new structure as expressed through the Donyipolo Yelam Kebang.


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L'influence de l'Église catholique sur la vie des Québécois, autrefois dominante, s'est beaucoup amenuisée au cours des dernières décennies. Si tel est le cas, les signes, les motifs, les images et les mots de la religion n’ont pas, quant à eux, déserté l’espace symbolique. Ils sont les traces d’un héritage et squattent l'imaginaire social (Pierre Popovic) du Québec contemporain. À ce titre, ils peuvent être mobilisés, maniés, détournés, resémantisés par la littérature. Ce mémoire a pour but d’étudier ces reliques imaginaires de la religion chrétienne, laquelle est considérée en tant qu'Église et en tant que mythologie, dans deux romans québécois publiés en 2011 : L'âge de Pierre de Pierre Gariépy et Maleficium de Martine Desjardins. Dans une perspective sociocritique, il analyse les rapports à l'autorité, à l'érotisme, à la morale, aux étrangers et à l'écriture tels qu'ils sont travaillés par les « mises en texte » (Claude Duchet) dans ces œuvres. L’étude démontre que les deux romans thématisent la religion et la tiennent pour un matériau familier et malléable à merci, non pour entretenir un patrimoine ni par nostalgie, mais afin de porter un regard critique sur la société québécoise contemporaine. D’une certaine manière, ils disent que celle-ci est toujours pieuse, mais que les croyances qui la traversent sont à chercher désormais du côté de la politique, des médias et du commerce.


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The sociocultural mythology of the South homogenizes it as a site of abjection. To counter the regionalist discourse, the dissertation intersects queer sexualities with gender and race and focuses on exploring identity and spatial formation among Black lesbian and queer women. The dissertation seeks to challenge the monolith of the South and place the region into multiple contexts and to map Black geographies through an intentional intersectional account of Black queer women. The dissertation utilizes qualitative research methods to ascertain understandings of lived experiences in the production of space. The dissertation argues that an idea of Progress has been indoctrinated as a synonym for the lgbtq civil rights movement and subsequently provides an analysis of progress discourses and queer sexualities and political campaigns of equality in the South. Analyses revealed different ways to situate progress utilizing the public contributions of three Black women interviewed for the dissertation. Moreover, the dissertation utilizes six Black queer and lesbian women to explain the multifarious nature of identities and their construction in place. Black queer and lesbian women produce spaces that deconstruct the normativity of stasis and physicality, and the dissertation explores the consequential realities of being a body in space. These consequences are particularly highlighted in the dissertation by discussions of the processes of racialization in the bounded and unbounded senses of space and place and the impacts of religious institutions, specifically Christianity. The dissertation concluded that no space is without complication. Other considerations should be made in the advancement of alleviating oppression deeply embedded in United States landscapes. Black women’s geographies offer epistemological and ontological renderings that enrich analyses of space, place, and landscape. The dissertation also concludes that Black women’s bodies represent sites for the production of geographic knowledge through narrating their spaces of material trajectories of interlocking, multiscalar lives.


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This thesis consists of a large composition for violoncello and orchestra, together with an analytical paper in which I discuss my compositional techniques and some of their historical antecedents. The composition draws on the genres of imaginary musical theater, the symphonic poem, and the concerto. It was also inspired by the story of Hermes, the messenger god from Greek mythology. While the myth partially informs the compositional structure, the work is ultimately meant to showcase the versatility of the cello, the coloristic range of the orchestra (in some cases emulating the orchestral styles of previous composers), the balance of cello and orchestra together, and the eclectic invocation of many compositional techniques separately and simultaneously. These techniques encompass set theory (the use of unordered pitch collections), polytonality, and serialism. It is composed in a post-romantic style.


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This article focuses on the analysis of the concept of love in the religious philosophy of Pavel Florensky, who shares the ontological approach to the consideration of love with other representatives of Russian religious philosophy (N. berdyaev and S. bulgakov). We pay more careful attention to the understanding of love-άγαπαν by Florensky. We have drawn the conclusion that, in the philosophy of P. Florensky, Love, closely connected with truth and beauty, is considered an ontological basis existence of personality. We develop the ideas of Pavel Florensky, and accordingly assume that it is possible to synthesise love-agape and love-eros around the idea of sacrificial love. Agapelogical and erotical ‘bezels’ of one jewel of love is aspects of united love, which is given by God. this gift of God, the gift of united love, is kept by humans through prayer and deeds of love.


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La historia de la mitología puede ser narrada como la crónica de las sucesivas metamorfosis de las fuentes de energía mítica y sus desplazamientos metafóricos de sentido. La modernidad se distingue por haber descubierto un manantial inédito de energía mítica, la libido freudiana. Desde su despertar surrealista, donde se creía inagotable, hasta su empleo por parte de los dispositivos pulsionales de Internet, el imaginario de la libido freudiana está sufriendo una mutación como libido digital: una crisis energética que supone una lectura renovada del imaginario edípico (crisis de la diacronía) y un estudio de sus más recientes rituales electrónicos (crisis de la sincronía) en la era de Internet.


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adesp. fr. 700 Kn.-Sn. podría proceder de Andrómeda de Eurípides y no de una Níobe. Los siguientes elementos de los frs. (a) y (b) pueden responder a lo que se conoce de la tragedia de Eurípides: (a) la semejanza con una estatua; (b) la novia de Hades; (c) el silencio del personaje; (d) la colaboración con las Moiras; (e) el contraste entre la fortuna regia y la desgracia y el sufrimiento de los padres. No es, por tanto, necesario modificar el texto recibido para eliminar μάγους πάγας y la referencia a las trampas mágicas en el v. 5, que cuadra bien con Medusa y Perseo.


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El concurso de transformación mágica, esquema narrativo difundido en la tradición popular, se presenta en dos variantes principales: los hechiceros que compiten pueden metamorfosearse en varios seres o crear esos seres por medios mágicos. En cualquier caso el concursante ganador da a luz criaturas más fuertes que superan las de su oponente. La segunda variante fue preferida en el antiguo Cercano Oriente (Sumeria, Egipto, Israel). La primera se puede encontrar en algunos mitos griegos sobre cambiadores de forma (por ejemplo, Zeus y Némesis). El mismo esquema narrativo puede haber influido en un episodio de la Novela de Alejandro (1.36-38), en el que Darío envía regalos simbólicos a Alejandro y los dos monarcas enemigos ofrecen contrastantes explicaciones de ellos. Esta historia griega racionaliza el concurso de cuento de hadas, transfiriendo las fantásticas hazañas de creaciones milagrosas a un plano secundario pero realista de metáfora lingüística.


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En la polifacética y satírica obra de Cristóbal de Castillejo es posible encontrar, entre los numerosos temas, el de la monstruosidad del hermafrodito. El tema, abordado en uno de sus poemas, permite conocer los conceptos y tratados de la época, así como la tradición desde la que se trazan una serie de elementos propios de la literatura, cultura y estética del siglo xvi.


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En El ciego de Quíos, el novelista Antonio Prieto inventa la vida de Homero alimentándola con figuras y hechos procedentes de la Ilíada y, sobre todo, de la Odisea. El relato se enriquece con el conocimiento histórico en torno a los dos grandes poemas, y lo enmarca un amplio despliegue mitológico. Más allá, la novela alcanza un significado trascendente. Descubrimos como motor narrativo el esfuerzo homérico por vencer la fugacidad humana mediante la escritura, lo que crea un vínculo atemporal con el propio anhelo de nuestro autor; así, la novela nos ofrece un ejemplo máximo del fenómeno bautizado como fusión mítica por Antonio Prieto.


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La cuestión del género fue trabajada dentro de los estudios de traducción de diversas formas, incluyendo la asignación de género en la lengua meta, la traducción de lenguaje marcado de género y la traducción feminista. En este trabajo se estudia el uso o ausencia de marcas de género y de la praeterio a la hora de afrontar una traducción al gallego de la autora irlandesa Eiléan Ní Chuillanáin, feminista y nacionalista. Ambas situaciones se reflejan conscientemente en sus poemas de manera significativa. A través de ejemplos prácticos seleccionados, se reflexiona sobre la necesidad de tener en cuenta que la traslación de sus textos a una lengua que obligatoriamente establece elecciones lingüísticas entre el femenino y el masculino, debe hacerse respetando el sentido de la autora. Esto supone, para quien traduzca, compartir la perspectiva feminista y nacional de la autora familiarizándose con el marco y condicionantes de su obra poética.


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The study on the concept of sanctity of human life is a journey in finding out what is it said to be “human” in human life. It is an evaluation of the universal concept and the role it plays in controlling and moulding human conduct and relationships. This concept is a foundational principle of human rights law and the grundnorm of every legal system. However, of late, the challenges by way of certain advances in human genetic research had prompted the need to evaluate the significance and extent of the concept in human endeavours. Scientific advances by way of human genetic research promises significant diagnostic and therapeutic advances but at the same time pose threat to fundamental notions and assumptions on humanity, hence there is a global concern to derive common legal standards, Thus the major challenge is to analyse universal principles which can be a common criteria for evolving legal standards to control certain advances in human genetic research. Hence the relevance of the study. The study aims at analysing the content, scope, extent and limitation of the concept of sanctity of human life. In this attempt it evaluates the extent to which the concept had been accommodated by legal systems and international human rights regimes. The problem which had been undertaken in the study is the extent of intrusion made to the concept by virtue of certain advances in human genetic research.