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A aquisição de relações ordinais entre estímulos arbitrários é uma importante habilidade comportamental, requisito para a aprendizagem de comportamentos acadêmicos, especialmente a alfabetização. O propósito deste estudo foi investigar o efeito do ensino de seqüências de dois termos com sobreposição na emergência de relações ordinais com mais de dois estímulos. A sobreposição ocorre quando o último estímulo em uma seqüência de dois estímulos é o primeiro de outra seqüência (e.g., S1 -> S2 e S2 ->S3, onde S2 é o estímulo sobreposto). Nas Etapas 1 e 2 de um experimento conduzido com cinco estudantes do ensino fundamental foram ensinadas seqüências de dois termos com os cinco estímulos de um conjunto A (A1 -> A2, A2 -> A3, A3 -> A4, A4 ->A5) e os cinco de um conjunto B (B1 -> B2, B2 ->B3, B3 -> B4, B4 -> B5). Estabelecida essa linha de base, foram conduzidos testes da emergência de relações ordinais com três, quatro e cinco termos dos conjuntos A e B, separadamente. A Etapa 3 avaliou se estímulos das seqüências ensinadas eram mutuamente substituíveis, com base na mesma função ordinal (primeiro, secundo, etc.). Os estudantes compuseram as relações ordinais ensinadas e apresentaram relações ordinais emergentes com estímulos dos conjuntos A e B, separadamente. Três estudantes também realizaram a substituição mútua entre estímulos dos conjuntos A e B na Etapa 3. Esses resultados sugerem a formação de cinco classes de estímulos (A1B1, A2B2, etc.), cada uma consistindo de estímulos que ocuparam a mesma função ordinal em diferentes seqüências. Os resultados têm implicações para a análise de comportamento simbólico complexo. Merecem consideração, também, aspectos metodológicos que favoreceram a aprendizagem relacional e a emergência de comportamento novo.
Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo identificar, explicitar e analisar as concepções de desenvolvimento/aprendizagem presentes no trabalho de profissionais de uma escola pública, visando à construção de conhecimentos que permitissem transformar a prática educativa. Elaboraram-se roteiros de entrevista para os professores, o coordenador pedagógico e a direção, um roteiro de observação de aulas e um para consulta ao projeto pedagógico. Os dados foram organizados em categorias que relacionam as concepções de desenvolvimento/aprendizagem apresentadas pela Teoria Histórico-Cultural àquelas encontradas nos dados obtidos na escola. Verificou-se que o trabalho desses profissionais não é fundamentado em uma única concepção de desenvolvimento/aprendizagem, o que pôde ser demonstrado pela coexistência de várias teorias, entre as quais se destacam a de Piaget e a de Vigotski. Constatou-se que as abordagens dos profissionais da escola são permeadas pela cotidianidade, discutindo-se, a partir da Teoria do Cotidiano, de Heller, a invasão de um espaço de produção do conhecimento por ações/reflexões cotidianas.
O estudo tem como objetivo caracterizar e comparar o desempenho cognitivo-linguístico de escolares com distúrbio de aprendizagem com escolares com bom desempenho acadêmico. Participaram 40 escolares de 8 a 12 anos de idade, de 2ª a 4ª séries do Ensino Fundamental de escolas municipais da cidade de Marília - SP, divididos em GI (escolares com bom desempenho acadêmico) e GII (escolares com distúrbio de aprendizagem). Como procedimento foi utilizado o Teste de Desempenho Cognitivo-Linguístico, versões coletiva e individual. Os resultados evidenciaram desempenho superior do GI em relação ao GII nas habilidades de leitura, escrita, velocidade de processamento, processamento auditivo e visual. Concluiu-se que o desempenho inferior do GII nas habilidades indica uma limitação no desempenho linguístico desses escolares se comparados com os do GI, exceto na habilidade de consciência fonológica, em que, os grupos apresentaram dificuldades semelhantes, sugerindo que essa dificuldade não seja específica de escolares com distúrbio de aprendizagem.
This paper is a qualitative ethnographic study that aims to present reflections on negotiation events in teletandem interactions, a synchronous telecollaborative context of language learning, within the scope of the interaction strategies adopted by participants to achieve comprehensibility. The project Teletandem Brasil: foreign languages for all (Telles, 2006) matches up native or proficient speakers of a foreign language with Brazilian undergraduate students to learn each other's language, by communicating synchronically with application softwares like Skype, Oovoo or MSN. on this paper, based on the interpretive perspective of Hermeneutics, we analyze excerpts of teletandem interactions of partnerships established between students of a Brazilian university and American universities. The excerpts presented here have been taken from different moments of the research studies conducted at the teletandem laboratories of UNESP Assis and Sao Jose do Rio Preto and are part of the database of the works of Santos (2008) and Garcia (2010). In this article, in the data analysis, we highlight the focus on form and on lexicon as characteristics of the interactions and analyze how the negotiations happen in this learning context mediated by technology. Among results we may highlight the prevailing of external feedback as a trigger to negotiation moves, the occurrence of adjustment processes between participants to get adapted to each other's interaction behavior, as well as the evolution of this behavior as interactants get familiarized with the computer-mediated communication context, under the shape of changes in the participants choices regarding negotiation of meaning along their interaction experience.
Considering the changes in teaching in the health field and the demand for new ways of dealing with knowledge in higher learning, the article discusses two innovative methodological approaches: problem-based learning (PBL) and problematization. Describing the two methods' theoretical roots, the article attempts to identify their main foundations. As distinct proposals, both contribute to a review of the teaching and learning process: problematization, focused on knowledge construction in the context of the formation of a critical awareness; PBL, focused on cognitive aspects in the construction of concepts and appropriation of basic mechanisms in science. Both problematization and PBL lead to breaks with the traditional way of teaching and learning, stimulating participatory management by actors in the experience and reorganization of the relationship between theory and practice. The critique of each proposal's possibilities and limits using the analysis of their theoretical and methodological foundations leads us to conclude that pedagogical experiences based on PBL and/or problematization can represent an innovative trend in the context of health education, fostering breaks and more sweeping changes.
The Interactive Learning Environment (ILE) is an educational model that integrates features of 3D computer graphics and contextualization, in order to transmit a quantum of knowledge (islands of knowledge), in a precise and agile way, to people who do not know the subject. It is a model that uses multimedia resources supported by a contextualized environment to motivate the participants in the retention of knowledge. In this first release, eight relevant subjects in dermatology were addressed and implemented in the 62nd Brazilian Congress of Dermatology. The model was called Dermatúnel. In a period of four days, 3295 people visited it. The results showed that the participants were highly satisfied. The model has a great potential as an educational tool for medical training and guidance to the general public with the purpose of disease prevention.
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In this paper it is argued, the dialectical mediation focus, the relation between teaching and learning and their effects in the classroom. This essay aims to contribute to some misconceptions about this relation are resolved and for teachers to better understand what teaching is, what learning is, what kind of relation exists between both of them and what the teacher role is about these processes, which involve philosophical bases that should be known and understood by teachers.
The importance reading and writing and being able to use these skills in a variety of situations is an absolute reality. In our society in which reading and writing are widely used, Brazil still faces severe problems with literacy, as revealed in literacy statistics and in the large number of students with learning disabilities. Thus, our text aims to present a survey of the research that focuses on intervention programs highlighting the needs of this group, with special attention on the use of narrative or storytelling. Specific criteria were established, the main one being the period of the publications (2000 to 2010). The results of the analysis of 15 texts showed that intervention is the most neglected area. International literature presents concerns related to scientific rigor or greater control of variables related to ongoing programs, as well as measures for generalizing the effective use of these programs, within verbal communities, with special focus on schools. Our revision enabled us to conclude that, even though production on written language is large, international literature is much more expressive with reference to intervention programs. Furthermore, in both national and international literature, production concerning the understanding of written language processes of acquisition and development prevails.
This paper presents some outcomes from research based on classroom experiences. The main themes are the use of mirrors, kaleidoscopes, dynamic geometry software, and manipulative material considering their possibilities for the teaching and learning of Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries.
In a large metropolis, students from different neighbourhoods can experience very different life opportunities. This can influence their attitude towards schooling and learning, including the learning of mathematics. We interviewed a group of six students from a favela in a large city in the interior of the state of São Paulo in Brazil. We invited the students to look into their future and explore whether or not there could be learning motives that linked mathematics in school to possible out-of-school practices, either in terms of possible future jobs or further studies. We identified some themes in the students' descriptions of their experiences. The first theme is discrimination. The students feel discriminated against due to the fact that they come from a poor neighbourhood. They fear being trapped in some stereotypes. The second theme is escape. There is a strong motivation to begin a new life away from the favela. A third theme concerns the obscurity of mathematics. It seems clear to everybody that education is relevant to ensure a change in life. However, the mathematics lessons do not provide any clues regarding how mathematics might function is this respect. The fourth theme is uncertainty with respect to the future. The students could easily formulate almost unattainable aspirations, while reality might impose some very heavy limitations. In this article we introduce a theoretical framework for discussing the relation between favela students' life conditions in relation to their educational experiences and opportunities. Students' intentions for learning are related to their foregrounds, that is, how they perceive their future possibilities, as made evident to them by their social environment. Students in a favela could experience what we call a borderland position, a relational space where individuals meet their social environment and come to terms with the multiple choices that cultural and economic diversity make available to them.