991 resultados para Agaricus blazei (Murril) ss. Heinemann
Absorption kinetics of solutes given with the subcutaneous administration of fluids is ill-defined. The gamma emitter, technitium pertechnetate, enabled estimates of absorption rate to be estimated independently using two approaches. In the first approach, the counts remaining at the site were estimated by imaging above the subcutaneous administration site, whereas in the second approach, the plasma technetium concentration-time profiles were monitored up to 8 hr after technetium administration. Boluses of technetium pertechnetate were given both intravenously and subcutaneously on separate occasions with a multiple dosing regimen using three doses on each occasion. The disposition of technetium after iv administration was best described by biexponential kinetics with a V-ss of 0.30 +/- 0.11 L/kg and a clearance of 30.0 +/- 13.1 ml/min. The subcutaneous absorption kinetics was best described as a single exponential process with a half-life of 18.16 +/- 3.97 min by image analysis and a half-life of 11.58 +/- 2.48 min using plasma technetium time data. The bioavailability of technetium by the subcutaneous route was estimated to be 0.96 +/- 0.12. The absorption half-life showed no consistent change with the duration of the subcutaneous infusion. The amount remaining at the absorption site with time was similar when analyzed using image analysis, and plasma concentrations assuming multiexponential disposition kinetics and a first-order absorption process. Profiles of fraction remaining at the absorption sire generated by deconvolution analysis, image analysis, and assumption of a constant first-order absorption process were similar. Slowing of absorption from the subcutaneous administration site is apparent after the last bolus dose in three of the subjects and can De associated with the stopping of the infusion. In a fourth subject, the retention of technetium at the subcutaneous site is more consistent with accumulation of technetium near the absorption site as a result of systemic recirculation.
Background & aims: There is scarce information about immune function and parenteral. fish oil (FO). The influence of a new parenteral. lipid emulsion (LE) containing fish oil (SMOF) was experimentally evaluated on neutrophils` chemotaxis and macrophages` phagocytosis. Methods: Adult mate Lewis rats (n = 40) were randomized into five groups; one non-surgical. control and four to receive parenteral LE or saline infusion through jugular vein catheterization: SMOF (mixture of 30% medium-chain triglycerides, 30% soybean, 25% olive and 15% fish oils); MCT/LCT (physical mixture of 50% medium-chain triglycerides and 50% soybean oil); MCT/LCT/FO (80% MCT/LCT supplemented with 20% FO) and SS (saline). In the 5th experimental day and after intravenous colloidal carbon injection, blood and tissue (liver, lung and spleen) samples were collected and immunological analyses were performed. Results: LE didn`t influence neutrophil chemotaxis. SMOF didn`t influence phagocytosis (p > 0.05) while MCT/LCT and MCT/LCT/FO LE increased the number of liver and lung resident macrophages that had engaged in phagocytosis compared with CO-NS and SS (p < 0.05). Only MCT/LCT/FO increased the number of spleen resident macrophages that had engaged in phagocytosis (p < 0.05). Conclusions: LE, independently of composition, had no influence on neutrophils` chemotaxis, but showed different effect on phagocytosis by macrophages. SMOF LE had neutral effect while fish oil LE enriched with MCT/LCT LE increased resident-macrophages` phagocytosis. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.
Background: The Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) assesses everyday memory by means of tasks which mimic daily challenges. The objective was to examine the validity of the Brazilian version of the RBMT to detect cognitive decline. Methods: 195 older adults were diagnosed as normal controls (NC) or with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or Alzheimer`s disease (AD) by a multidisciplinary team, after participants completed clinical and neuropsychological protocols. Results: Cronbach`s alpha was high for the total sample for the RBMT profile (PS) and screening scores (SS) (PS=0.91, SS=0.87) and for the AD group (PS=0.84, SS=0.85), and moderate for the MCI (PS=0.62, SS=0.55)and NC (PS=0.62, SS=0.60) groups. RBMT total scores, Appointment, Pictures, Immediate and Delayed Story, Immediate and Delayed Route, Delayed Message and Date contributed to differentiate NC from MCI. ROC curve analyses indicated high accuracy to differentiate NC from AD patients, and, moderate accuracy to differentiate NC from MCI. Conclusions: The Brazilian version of the RBMT seems to be an appropriate instrument to identify memory decline in Brazilian older adults.
The immunogenicity and tolerability of virosome and of split influenza vaccines in patients with sickle cell anemia (SS) were evaluated Ninety SS patients from 8 to 34 years old were randomly assigned to receive either virosome (n = 43) or split vaccine (n = 47) Two blood samples were collected, one before and one 4-6 weeks after vaccination Antibodies against viral strains (2006) A/New Caledonia (H1N1), A/California (H3N2), B/Malaysia were determined using the hemagglutinin inhibition test Post-vaccine reactions were recorded over 7 days Seroconversion rates for HI NI, H3N2 and B were 65 1%. 60 4% and 83 7% for virosome vaccine, and 68 0%, 61 7% and 68 0% for split vaccine Seroprotection rates for HI NI, H3N2 e B were 100%. 97 6% and 69.7% for virosome. and 97 8%, 97 8% and 76 6% for split vaccine No severe adverse reactions were recorded Virosome and split vaccines in patients with sickle cell anemia were equally Immunogenic. with high seroconversion and seroprotection rates Both vaccines were well tolerated (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved
Background: Aortic valve replacement with a cryopreserved aortic homograft (CH) is an attractive alternative to bioprosthesis implantation. The aim of the study was to compare the hemodynamic performance of CH implanted with aortic root inclusion compared to prototype stentless (SS) bioprosthesis, standard stented (SD) bioprosthesis, and a native aortic valve. Methods: Hemodynamics and Doppler echocardiographic measurements such as left ventricular ejection fraction, aortic valve orifice area index (AVOAI), mean and maximal transvalvular gradients, were obtained at rest and immediately after exercise in 28 patients after aortic valve replacement with CH (n = 10), SS (n = 9), or SD (n = 9), and in a control group (CG) of 15 normal volunteers. Results: Rest and peak exercise heart rate and workload achieved were not different among the groups. Baseline AVOAI was larger for CH and CG compared to SS and SD groups (P < 0.05). Maximal and mean transvalvular pressure gradients at rest were lower for CH compared to SS and SD groups (P < 0.05), but higher than CG (P < 0,05). Conclusion: Implanted aortic CH had better hemodynamic performance than SS and SD bioprosthesis and similar to native normal aortic valves, both at rest and immediately after exercise. (ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, Volume 26, November 2009).
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a complex systemic autoimmune disease with various clinical and serological manifestations. Previous studies have shown the association of SLE and anti-Ro antibody with a series of clinical manifestations. We investigated this association in Brazilian patients with SLE. Five hundred and nine consecutive patients who fulfilled the revised American College of Rheumatology criteria for the SLE were enrolled in the study from June to December 2007. All patients were from our Service of Rheumatology, School of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Frequencies of a series of laboratorial and clinical manifestations were calculated. Anti-Ro antibody was associated to anti-La antibody, female, and cutaneous vasculitis. In multivariate analysis, patients with anti-Ro antibody has 1.63 (95% CI 1.07-2.50) more risk to develop cutaneous vasculitis than patients without this antibody. Our data have demonstrated that anti-Ro antibody is an independent useful serologic marker for cutaneous vasculitis.
Chantler PD, Nussbacher A, Gerstenblith G, Schulman SP, Becker LC, Ferrucci L, Fleg JL, Lakatta EG, Najjar SS. Abnormalities in arterial-ventricular coupling in older healthy persons are attenuated by sodium nitroprusside. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 300: H1914-H1922, 2011. First published March 4, 2011; doi:10.1152/ajpheart.01048.2010.-The coupling between arterial elastance (E(A); net afterload) and lea ventricular elastance (E(LV); pump performance), known as E(A)/E(LV), is a key determinant of cardiovascular performance and shifts during exercise due to a greater increase in E(LV) versus E(A). This normal exercise-induced reduction in E(A)/E(LV) decreases with advancing age. We hypothesized that sodium. nitroprusside (SNP) can acutely ameliorate the age-associated deficits in E(A)/E(LV). At rest and during graded exercise to exhaustion, EA was characterized as end-systolic pressure/stroke volume and E(LV) as end-systolic pressure/end-systolic volume. Resting E(A)/E(LV): did not differ between old (70 +/- 8 yr. n = 15) and young (30 +/- 5 yr. n = 17) subjects because of a tandem increase in E(A) and E(LV) in older subjects. During peak exercise, a blunted increase in E(LV) in old (7.8 +/- 3.1 mmHg/ml) versus young (11.4 +/- 6.5 mmHg/ml) subjects blunted the normal exercise-induced decline in E(A)/E(LV) in old (0.25 +/- 0.11) versus young (0.16 +/- 0.05) subjects. SNP administration to older subjects lowered resting E(A)/E(LV) by 31% via a reduction E(A) (10%) and an increase in E(LV) (47%) and lowered peak exercise E(A)/E(LV) (36%) via an increase in E(LV) (68%) without a change in E(A). Importantly, SNP attenuated the age-associated deficits in E(A)/E(LV) and E(LV) during exercise, and at peak exercise E(A)/E(LV) in older subjects on drug administration did not differ from young subjects without drug administration. In conclusion, some age-associated deficiencies in E(A)/E(LV), E(A), and E(LV), in older subjects can be acutely abolished by SNP infusion. This is relevant to common conditions in older subjects associated with a significant impairment of exercise performance such as frailty or heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.
The present study aimed to assess the reliability of intra and inter-examiner subacromial impingement index (SII) measures obtained from radiographs. Thirty-six individuals were enrolled and divided into two groups: control group, composed of 18 volunteers in good general health without shoulder problems, and a group of 18 patients with subacromial impingement syndrome (SIS). Radiographic images were taken with the dominant upper limb in neutral rotation, while the volunteers held their arm at 90A degrees of abduction in the frontal plane. The beam of radiation at 30A degrees craniocaudal inclination was used to provide an antero-posterior image view. Three blinded examiners each performed three measurements from the subacromial space (SS) and the anatomical neck of the humerus (NH). The SII was calculated as the ratio of the SS and the NH measures. The mean values of SII were compared using t-tests. The intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to assess intra- and inter-examiner reliability of the measures. The mean values of SII were greater for the control group (0.12) than for the SIS group (0.08; p = 0.0071). SII measurements showed excellent intra (0.96-0.99) and inter-examiner reliability (0.94) for both the control and SIS group. The results of this study show the potential use of the SII; a greater mean value for the control group compared to the SIS group and excellent reliability for intra- and inter-examiner measurement. Validation studies of the index should be conducted to correlate the index with clinical findings from subacromial impingement syndrome.