972 resultados para 443


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The main goal of this paper is to investigate a cure rate model that comprehends some well-known proposals found in the literature. In our work the number of competing causes of the event of interest follows the negative binomial distribution. The model is conveniently reparametrized through the cured fraction, which is then linked to covariates by means of the logistic link. We explore the use of Markov chain Monte Carlo methods to develop a Bayesian analysis in the proposed model. The procedure is illustrated with a numerical example.


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In this paper we introduce a new extension for the Birnbaum-Saunder distribution based on the family of the epsilon-skew-symmetric distributions studied in Arellano-Valle et al. (J Stat Plan Inference 128(2):427-443, 2005). The extension allows generating Birnbaun-Saunders type distributions able to deal with extreme or outlying observations (Dupuis and Mills, IEEE Trans Reliab 47:88-95, 1998). Basic properties such as moments and Fisher information matrix are also studied. Results of a real data application are reported illustrating good fitting properties of the proposed model.


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We consider the issue of performing accurate small-sample likelihood-based inference in beta regression models, which are useful for modelling continuous proportions that are affected by independent variables. We derive small-sample adjustments to the likelihood ratio statistic in this class of models. The adjusted statistics can be easily implemented from standard statistical software. We present Monte Carlo simulations showing that inference based on the adjusted statistics we propose is much more reliable than that based on the usual likelihood ratio statistic. A real data example is presented.


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Let F be an infinite field of characteristic different from 2, G a group and * an involution of G extended by linearity to an involution of the group algebra FG. Here we completely characterize the torsion groups G for which the *-symmetric units of FG satisfy a group identity. When * is the classical involution induced from g -> g(-1), g is an element of G, this result was obtained in [ A. Giambruno, S. K. Sehgal, A. Valenti, Symmetric units and group identities, Manuscripta Math. 96 (1998) 443-461]. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We have demonstrated previously that the complex bis[(2-oxindol-3-ylimino)-2-(2-aminoethyl)pyridine-N,N`]copper(II), named [Cu(isaepy)(2)], induces AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase)-dependent/p53-mediated apoptosis in tumour cells by targeting mitochondria. In the present study, we found that p38(MAPK) (p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase) is the molecular link in the phosphorylation cascade connecting AMPK to p53. Transfection of SH-SY5Y cells with a dominant-negative mutant of AMPK resulted in a decrease in apoptosis and a significant reduction in phospho-active p38(MAPK) and p53. Similarly, reverse genetics of p38(MAPK) yielded a reduction in p53 and a decrease in the extent of apoptosis, confirming an exclusive hierarchy of activation that proceeds via AMPK/p38(MAPK)/p53. Fuel supplies counteracted [Cu(isaepy)(2)]-induced apoptosis and AMPK/p38(MAPK)/p53 activation, with glucose being the most effective, suggesting a role for energetic imbalance in [Cu(isaepy)(2)] toxicity. Co-administration of 3BrPA (3-bromopyruvate), a well-known inhibitor of glycolysis, and succinate dehydrogenase, enhanced apoptosis and AMPK/p38(MAPK)/p53 signalling pathway activation. Under these conditions, no toxic effect was observed in SOD (superoxide dismutase)-overexpressing SH-SY5Y cells or in PCNs (primary cortical neurons), which are, conversely, sensitized to the combined treatment with [Cu(isaepy)(2)] and 3BrPA only if grown in low-glucose medium or incubated with the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase inhibitor dehydroepiandrosterone. Overall, the results suggest that NADPH deriving from the pentose phosphate pathway contributes to PCN resistance to [Cu(isaepy)(2)] toxicity and propose its employment in combination with 3BrPA as possible tool for cancer treatment.


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This is a study conducted at, and for, the National Museum of History in Stockholm. The aim of the study was to confirm or disconfirm the hypothesis that visitors in a traditional museum environment might not take part in interactivity in an interactive exhibition. And if they do the visitors might skip the texts and objects on display. To answer this and other questions a multiple method was used. Both non participant observations and exit interviews were conducted. After a description of the interactive exhibits, theory of knowledge and learning is presented before the gathered data is presented. All together 443 visitors were observed. In the observations the visitors were timed on how much time they spent in the room, the time spent on the interactivity, texts and objects. In the 40 interviews information about visitors’ participation in the interactivity was gathered. What interactivity the visitor found easiest, hardest, funniest and most boring.The result did not confirm the hypothesis. All kinds of visitors, children and adults, participated in the interactivities. The visitors took part in the texts and objects and the interactive exhibits.


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Companies implement a module product assortment as a part of their strategy to, among others, shorten lead-times, increase the product quality and to create more product variants with fever parts. However, the increased number of variants becomes a challenging task for the personnel responsible for the product verifications. By implementing verifications at module level, so called MPV (Module Property Verification) several advantages ensue. The advantages is not only a decrease in cost of verifications, but also a decrease in repair times, occupied space, storages with spare parts, and repair tools. Further, MPV also give an increased product quality due to an increased understanding of which defects that may occur. As an approach to implement MPV, this paper discusses defects and verification processes based on a study at a Swedish company. It also describes a matrix which is used to map relations between company specific cost drivers and so called verification factors. The matrix may indicate cost drivers which have a large impact on the total cost of product verifications.


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This licentiate thesis has the main focus on evaluation of the wear of coated and uncoated polycrystalline cubic boron nitride cutting tool used in cutting operations against hardened steel. And to exam the surface finish and integrity of the work material used. Harder work material, higher cutting speed and cost reductions result in the development of harder and more wear resistance cutting tools. Although PCBN cutting tools have been used in over 30 years, little work have been done on PVD coated PCBN cutting tools. Therefore hard turning and hard milling experiments with PVD coated and uncoated cutting tools have been performed and evaluated. The coatings used in the present study are TiSiN and TiAlN. The wear scar and surface integrity have been examined with help of several different characterization techniques, for example scanning electron microscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy.   The results showed that the PCBN cutting tools used displayed crater wear, flank wear and edge micro chipping. While the influence of the coating on the crater and flank wear was very small and the coating showed a high tendency to spalling. Scratch testing of coated PCBN showed that, the TiAlN coating resulted in major adhesive fractures. This displays the importance of understanding the effect of different types of lapping/grinding processes in the pre-treatment of hard and super hard substrate materials and the amount and type of damage that they can create. For the cutting tools used in turning, patches of a adhered layer, mainly consisting of FexOy were shown at both the crater and flank. And for the cutting tools used in milling a tribofilm consisting of SixOy covered the crater. A combination of tribochemical reactions, adhesive wear and mild abrasive wear is believed to control the flank and crater wear of the PCBN cutting tools. On a microscopic scale the difference phases of the PCBN cutting tool used in turning showed different wear characteristics. The machined surface of the work material showed a smooth surface with a Ra-value in the range of 100-200 nm for the turned surface and 100-150 nm for the milled surface. With increasing crater and flank wear in combination with edge chipping the machined surface becomes rougher and showed a higher Ra-value. For the cutting tools used in milling the tendency to micro edge chipping was significant higher when milling the tools steels showing a higher hard phase content and a lower heat conductivity resulting in higher mechanical and thermal stresses at the cutting edge.


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Artigo disponível na íntegra em https://www.metodista.br/revistas/revistas-ims/index.php/CSO/article/viewFile/2379/2506


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A medida da translucência nucal (TN) entre 11 e 14 semanas de gestação é um exame ultra-sonográfico que mede a camada líquida na região cervical posterior do feto, sendo observado um aumento de espessura nas anomalias cromossômicas, especialmente na trissomia 21. Com sua crescente utilização, outras anormalidades fetais têm sido descritas em associação a um aumento da TN. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho da medida da TN na detecção de diferentes anomalias fetais e outros efeitos adversos para a gestação. Realizou-se de um estudo observacional, no período de 1996 a 2004, com gestantes avaliadas no Ambulatório de Aconselhamento Genético para Diagnóstico Pré-natal do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre por risco aumentado de anomalia congênita, e que haviam realizado a medida da TN. Foram consideradas adequadas as TN realizadas de acordo com a padronização da Fundação de Medicina Fetal de Londres, e aumentadas aquelas TN com valor cima do percentil 95 para idade gestacional. Das 443 gestantes avaliadas, 38 seguimentos foram perdidos, 4 gestações estavam em curso na análise final dos dados, finalizando 401 gestações com desfecho conhecido. Em 275 gestações com TN adequada, a medida aumentada foi significativamente associada a anormalidades congênitas em geral (p 0,000000), cromossomopatias (p 0,000059) e perdas gestacionais (p 0,000000), sendo aumentada em oito dos 14 casos de cromossomopatia e em 6/7 dos casos com Síndrome de Down. Por outro lado, no grupo das TN inadequadas (126 casos), a associação entre TN aumentada não foi significativa para defeitos congênitos em geral (p 0,641396), nem para cromossomopatias (p 0,329194) ou perdas gestacionais (p 0,096092). Especificamente com relação aos erros inatos do metabolismo (EIM) no feto, foram localizados relatos e séries de casos com TN aumentada em dez diferentes EIM. Nas dezenove gestantes com história familiar de EIM e com medida da TN, houve um caso de uma menina afetada por MPS I com TN aumentada, e um de Raquitismo Resistente à Vitamina D com TN normal. Nos outros 17 casos, a medida da TN foi normal e não havia evidência de um EIM. Entre as novas associações de TN aumentada com síndromes genéticas, relatamos um paciente com Síndrome de Artrogripose, Anomalia renal e Colestase (ARC), cuja análise molecular na Universidade de Birmingham identificou uma mutação sem sentido (1518C>T) em homozigose no gene VPS33B. Concluiu-se que o desempenho da TN na detecção de anomalias congênitas depende da qualidade do exame, sendo que uma medida adequada aumentada está significativamente associada a defeitos congênitos, cromossomopatias e a outros desfechos gestacionais adversos, e que a sensibilidade da TN é especialmente elevada na detecção da síndrome de Down.


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Esse trabalho estima um modelo vetor autorregressivo cointegrado para analisar os mecanismos monetários de transmissão na economia brasileira pós-Plano Real. Os resultados indicam que a taxa de inflação segue um processo integrado, sendo assim não estacionária. Portanto, para entender a dinâmica conjunta da renda, base monetária, e taxas de juros de curto e longo prazo, precisa-se partir de um modelo I(2) e analisar as suas propriedades de cointegração.


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Este estudo analisa os instrumentos legais e o sistema de gestão dos recursos hídricos no Estado do Amazonas e sua relação com a Lei n° 9.443, de 8 de janeiro de 1997, destacando as diferentes variáveis existentes na grande bacia hidrográfica do Amazonas que são determinantes na elaboração do marco legal no estado do Amazonas. Considerou-se, também, que a especificidade de isolamento e distanciamento existente em comparação com outros estados não pode servir de parâmetro para utilização de modelos já elaborados. O trabalho apresenta a política nacional de recursos hídricos, descreve o estágio atual da gestão de recursos hídricos nos estados do Rio de Janeiro e do Amazonas. Em seguida, analisa criticamente a lei estadual que estabeleceu a política estadual de recursos hídricos do Amazonas, e avalia comparativamente as entidades e instrumentos dos dois estados. Os métodos empregados incluem uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental de forma a descrever e fornecer o material de aprofundamento do estudo da gestão de recursos hídricos do estado do Amazonas. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada para aprofundamento da análise crítica. Como resultados, destacam-se a necessidade da alteração da legislação atual e reestruturação administrativa dos órgãos ambientais.