847 resultados para peer aggression
O jogo e o lazer são elementos importantes para o desenvolvimento das crianças. O objetivo geral desta tese foi o de investigar o modo como o jogo e o lazer estão relacionados com diferentes aspetos das competências emocional e social das crianças e jovens. Nesta tese foram investigados três aspetos do jogo: o tempo, a forma e o nível social, diferentes formas de lazer, e vários elementos chave do funcionamento sócio-emocional, através da combinação de observações naturalistas, tarefas, questionários e de um método inovador de mensuração, baseado em Identificação por Rádio-Frequência. O panorama que surge dos estudos incluídos nesta tese é que o jogo e o lazer estão relacionados com o funcionamento sócio-emocional, embora de formas distintas, e por vezes inesperadas. Os estudos no recreio revelaram que as crianças envolvem-se predominantemente no jogo de atividade física. Contudo, enquanto que uma forma de jogo de atividade física, o jogo de exercício, foi associado a melhor competência social, a outra forma, o jogo de luta-e-perseguição, foi associado à agressividade. O facto de o jogo de faz-de-conta, em estudos anteriores, ter sido maioritariamente estudado em espaços interiores, pode explicar o porquê das associações negativas encontradas entre o jogo de faz-de-conta, quer em grupo, quer solitário (nas raparigas) e a competência sócio-emocional, que contrastam com a literatura. De facto, as crianças que não conseguem juntar-se aos seus pares no jogo de exercício podem optar por esta alternativa, o que sugere que crianças socialmente competentes poderão retirar maior vantagem das oportunidades existentes, adaptando melhor os seus comportamentos de jogo. As crianças mais velhas têm geralmente mais liberdade de decisão sobre o seu tempo de lazer. Quando perguntámos às crianças mais velhas e aos adolescentes como passavam a sua semana, as atividades de ecrã destacaram-se. Contudo, as atividades de ecrã e as atividades intelectuais foram relacionadas a mais problemas de saúde mental, enquanto que as atividades desportivas foram associadas a melhor saúde mental. Concluindo, diferentes formas de jogo e de lazer podem ter diferentes funções, de uma forma positiva ou negativa, dependendo da situação em que a criança se encontra.
Involvement of the cardiovascular system in patients with infectious and parasitic diseases can result from both intrinsic mechanisms of the disease and drug intervention. Malaria is an example, considering that the endothelial injury by Plasmodium-infected erythrocytes can cause circulatory disorders. This is a literature review aimed at discussing the relationship between malaria and endothelial impairment, especially its effects on the cardiovascular system. We discuss the implications of endothelial aggression and the interdisciplinarity that should guide the malaria patient care, whose acute infection can contribute to precipitate or aggravate a preexisting heart disease.
ABSTRACT The smallnose fanskate, Sympterygia bonapartii Müller & Henle, 1841 is one of the most disembarked items in commercial harbors in Argentina. In this work, the microscopic architecture of mature male gonads and the dynamics of cysts development are analyzed as a contribution to awareness of the reproductive biology of the species. Some biological data related to reproduction are given as well. Two seasons were sampled (fall and spring) and length classes's frequency distribution and maturity stages frequency distribution are given. Size at first sexual maturation for males was estimated at 57 cm of total length. Testes are symmetric, peer, lobed, with several germinal zones. Inside the gonads, there are many spermatocysts, containing reproductive cells at the same developmental stage. On the basis of their cytological and microanatomical features, several maturative degrees of the spermatogenic series were differentiated. Few Leydig cells were recognized at the interstitial tissue among cysts. The microscopic and semiquantitative analysis performed in this work provides morphological information about male gametogenesis and some biological data for the North Patagonian population of this economically and ecologically important species.
Estudio elaborado a partir de una estancia en el Karolinska University Hospital, Suecia, entre marzo y junio del 2006. En la radioterapia estereotáxica extracraneal (SBRT) de tumores de pulmón existen principalmente dos problemas en el cálculo de la dosis con los sistemas de planificación disponibles: la precisión limitada de los algoritmos de cálculo en presencia de tejidos con densidades muy diferentes y los movimientos debidos a la respiración del paciente durante el tratamiento. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido llevar a cabo la simulación con el código Monte Carlo PENELOPE de la distribución de dosis en tumores de pulmón en casos representativos de tratamientos con SBRT teniendo en cuenta los movimientos respiratorios y su comparación con los resultados de varios planificadores. Se han estudiado casos representativos de tratamientos de SBRT en el Karolinska University Hospital. Los haces de radiación se han simulado mediante el código PENELOPE y se han usado para la obtención de los resultados MC de perfiles de dosis. Los resultados obtenidos para el caso estático (sin movimiento respiratorio ) ponen de manifiesto que, en comparación con la MC, la dosis (Gy/MU) calculada por los planificadores en el tumor tiene una precisión del 2-3%. En la zona de interfase entre tumor y tejido pulmonar los planificadores basados en el algoritmo PB sobrestiman la dosis en un 10%, mientras que el algoritmo CC la subestima en un 3-4%. Los resultados de la simulación mediante MC de los movimientos respiratorios indican que los resultados de los planificadores son suficientemente precisos en el tumor, aunque en la interfase hay una mayor subestimación de la dosis en comparación con el caso estático. Estos resultados son compatibles con la experiencia clínica adquirida durante 15 años en el Karolinska University Hospital. Los resultados se han publicado en la revista Acta Oncologica.
Aquest article se centra en les implicacions de la difusió electrònica per al sistema de publicació de revistes basat en la revisió per parells [peer-reviewed]. Per donar sentit a un assumpte tan complex, és de molt ajut mirar-s'ho des de la perspectiva dels orígens del sistema i de les seves tres funcions nuclears: el rànquing en la recerca, facilitar la comunicació interactiva entre els estudiosos i crear un arxiu global del coneixement científic. Cadascuna d’aquestes funcions principals té requeriments diferents que, en certa mesura, se sobreposen però que també entren, d'alguna manera, en conflicte. Internet obre la possibilitat de desenvolupar una varietat de models distints de comunicació científica modulant la intensitat de cadascun d'aquests tres rols que les revistes en paper han desenvolupat i, possiblement, d'altres funcions que no eren ni tan sols imaginables abans del desenvolupament de les xarxes electròniques d'abast planetari. Les implicacions de la distribució electrònica per a la propietat i accés a la literatura científica són profundes i tendeixen a agreujar la ja seriosa crisi dels preus de les revistes que està frenant l'accés a la informació científica. La comunitat d'estudiosos, que és autora del material que aquestes publicacions contenen i, al mateix temps, n'és el principal consumidor, està en possessió de la clau per a solucionar aquesta crisi tot permetent a Internet ser un vehicle que faciliti la difusió d’una recerca finançada des del sector públic en comptes de crear una situació de propietat privada d'aquesta recerca.
BACKGROUND: The synthesis of published research in systematic reviews is essential when providing evidence to inform clinical and health policy decision-making. However, the validity of systematic reviews is threatened if journal publications represent a biased selection of all studies that have been conducted (dissemination bias). To investigate the extent of dissemination bias we conducted a systematic review that determined the proportion of studies published as peer-reviewed journal articles and investigated factors associated with full publication in cohorts of studies (i) approved by research ethics committees (RECs) or (ii) included in trial registries. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Four bibliographic databases were searched for methodological research projects (MRPs) without limitations for publication year, language or study location. The searches were supplemented by handsearching the references of included MRPs. We estimated the proportion of studies published using prediction intervals (PI) and a random effects meta-analysis. Pooled odds ratios (OR) were used to express associations between study characteristics and journal publication. Seventeen MRPs (23 publications) evaluated cohorts of studies approved by RECs; the proportion of published studies had a PI between 22% and 72% and the weighted pooled proportion when combining estimates would be 46.2% (95% CI 40.2%-52.4%, I2 = 94.4%). Twenty-two MRPs (22 publications) evaluated cohorts of studies included in trial registries; the PI of the proportion published ranged from 13% to 90% and the weighted pooled proportion would be 54.2% (95% CI 42.0%-65.9%, I2 = 98.9%). REC-approved studies with statistically significant results (compared with those without statistically significant results) were more likely to be published (pooled OR 2.8; 95% CI 2.2-3.5). Phase-III trials were also more likely to be published than phase II trials (pooled OR 2.0; 95% CI 1.6-2.5). The probability of publication within two years after study completion ranged from 7% to 30%. CONCLUSIONS: A substantial part of the studies approved by RECs or included in trial registries remains unpublished. Due to the large heterogeneity a prediction of the publication probability for a future study is very uncertain. Non-publication of research is not a random process, e.g., it is associated with the direction of study findings. Our findings suggest that the dissemination of research findings is biased.
The implementation of public programs to support business R&D projects requires the establishment of a selection process. This selection process faces various difficulties, which include the measurement of the impact of the R&D projects as well as selection process optimization among projects with multiple, and sometimes incomparable, performance indicators. To this end, public agencies generally use the peer review method, which, while presenting some advantages, also demonstrates significant drawbacks. Private firms, on the other hand, tend toward more quantitative methods, such as Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), in their pursuit of R&D investment optimization. In this paper, the performance of a public agency peer review method of project selection is compared with an alternative DEA method.
OBJECTIVES: To compare the level of sports practice between adolescents with chronic health conditions (CHCs) and control peers and to examine the reasons given by adolescents with CHCs for not practicing any sports in comparison with the control group. DESIGN: School survey. SETTING: Postmandatory schools. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 6790 students (3275 females) aged 16 to 20 years, grouped as adolescents with CHCs (355 females, 354 males) and control peers (2920 females, 3161 males). MAIN EXPOSURE: Chronic health condition was defined using a noncategorical approach including adolescents with a chronic disease and/or a physical handicap. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Sports practice, barriers to sports practice among individuals not practicing any sports, and biological, psychological, socioeducative, and physical activity characteristics. RESULTS: Males with CHCs were less likely than control males to practice sports, whereas no significant difference was observed for females. Chronically ill youth were significantly more likely to report having a CHC as a barrier for not practicing sports. However, the most frequently reported barrier was preference for other activities for males with CHCs and lack of time for control males and for females with and without CHCs. CONCLUSIONS: Having a CHC seems to influence sports practice among males but not females. We recommend that practitioners dealing with adolescents remember to take into account sports practice as part of the care of young patients with CHCs.
We propose an alternative approach to obtaining a permanent equilibrium exchange rate (PEER), based on an unobserved components (UC) model. This approach offers a number of advantages over the conventional cointegration-based PEER. Firstly, we do not rely on the prerequisite that cointegration has to be found between the real exchange rate and macroeconomic fundamentals to obtain non-spurious long-run relationships and the PEER. Secondly, the impact that the permanent and transitory components of the macroeconomic fundamentals have on the real exchange rate can be modelled separately in the UC model. This is important for variables where the long and short-run effects may drive the real exchange rate in opposite directions, such as the relative government expenditure ratio. We also demonstrate that our proposed exchange rate models have good out-of sample forecasting properties. Our approach would be a useful technique for central banks to estimate the equilibrium exchange rate and to forecast the long-run movements of the exchange rate.
It has been observed that university professors sometimes become less research active in their later years. This paper models the decision to become inactive as a utility maximising problem under conditions of uncertainty and derives an age-dependent activity condition for the level of research productivity. The model implies that professors who are close to retirement age are more likely to become inactive when faced with setbacks in their research while those who continue research do not lower their activity levels. Using data from the University of Iceland, we find support for the model’s predictions. The model suggests that universities should induce their older faculty to remain research active by striving to make their research more productive and enjoyable, maintaining peer pressure, reducing job security and offering higher performance related pay.
Una de les contribucions de la recerca sobre concepcions prèvies dels estudiants en ciències durant els darrers 25 anys ha estat mostrar la influència del context sociocultural dels nois i noies en les idees i concepcions que desenvolupen i mantenen des de la seva infància. Hi ha l’acord que algunes diferències en les concepcions poden dependre de la cultura social en la qual s’integren. Alguns investigadors també pensen que els esquemes argumentatius també poden ser influenciats per la cultura de les comunitats. Els contextos Català i Anglès semblen similars, ambdós formen part del context cultural de les societats desenvolupades; per tant, podem pensar que els esquemes argumentatius que els estudiants apliquen, poden tenir moltes similituds, però també importants diferències. Les dades analitzades provenen de les respostes escrites dels estudiants individuals i de les transcripcions de 8 grups de discussió sobre quatre tasques. L’anàlisi es fa a tres nivells: 1)comparació del nombre d’arguments entre tasques i entre països, 2) qualitativa i descriptiva comparació entre tipus d’esquemes argumentatius per tasques i per països i 3) explicació de tipus d’esquemes argumentatius que es donen molt, i identificació d’estructures argumentatives complexes que lliguen diversos esquemes en un argument més gran i que poden caracteritzar l’argumentació d’alguns grups (aplicant Toulmin) i que poden ser indicadors d’aspectes cooperatius i de canvis de punts de vista en les discussions. Els resultants ens indiquen que encara que els estudiants Catalans dediquen més temps a les discussions, la ratio nombre d’esquemes per unitat de temps és similar als dos països. S’han trobar algunes diferències entre tipus d'esquemes per països i per tasques, també que molts arguments es basen en valors i idees preconcebudes. S’han pogut identificar també algunes estructures argumentatives complexes no gaire comunes.
This paper employs an unobserved component model that incorporates a set of economic fundamentals to obtain the Euro-Dollar permanent equilibrium exchange rates (PEER) for the period 1975Q1 to 2008Q4. The results show that for most of the sample period, the Euro-Dollar exchange rate closely followed the values implied by the PEER. The only significant deviations from the PEER occurred in the years immediately before and after the introduction of the single European currency. The forecasting exercise shows that incorporating economic fundamentals provides a better long-run exchange rate forecasting performance than a random walk process.
Impacts of parental emigration on educational outcomes of children and, in turn, the children’s influence on peers are theoretically ambiguous. Using novel data I collected on migration experiences and timing, family background and school performance of lower secondary pupils in Poland, I analyse empirically whether children with parents working abroad (PWA) influence school performance of their classmates. Migration is mostly temporary in nature, with one parent engaging in employment abroad. As many as 63% of migrant parents have vocational qualifications, 29% graduated from high school, 4% have no qualifications and the remaining 4% graduated from university. Almost 18% of all children are affected by parental migration and, on average, 6.5% of pupils in a class have a parent abroad. Perhaps surprisingly, estimates suggest that pupils benefit from the presence of PWA classmates. PWA pupils whose parents graduated from high school exert the biggest positive impact on their classroom peers. Further, classmates are differently affected by PWA children; those who themselves experienced migration within the family benefit most. This positive effect is likely driven by the student level interactions or increased teachers’ commitment to classes with students from migrant families.
Mycorrhizal symbioses--the union of roots and soil fungi--are universal in terrestrial ecosystems and may have been fundamental to land colonization by plants. Boreal, temperate and montane forests all depend on ectomycorrhizae. Identification of the primary factors that regulate symbiotic development and metabolic activity will therefore open the door to understanding the role of ectomycorrhizae in plant development and physiology, allowing the full ecological significance of this symbiosis to be explored. Here we report the genome sequence of the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Laccaria bicolor (Fig. 1) and highlight gene sets involved in rhizosphere colonization and symbiosis. This 65-megabase genome assembly contains approximately 20,000 predicted protein-encoding genes and a very large number of transposons and repeated sequences. We detected unexpected genomic features, most notably a battery of effector-type small secreted proteins (SSPs) with unknown function, several of which are only expressed in symbiotic tissues. The most highly expressed SSP accumulates in the proliferating hyphae colonizing the host root. The ectomycorrhizae-specific SSPs probably have a decisive role in the establishment of the symbiosis. The unexpected observation that the genome of L. bicolor lacks carbohydrate-active enzymes involved in degradation of plant cell walls, but maintains the ability to degrade non-plant cell wall polysaccharides, reveals the dual saprotrophic and biotrophic lifestyle of the mycorrhizal fungus that enables it to grow within both soil and living plant roots. The predicted gene inventory of the L. bicolor genome, therefore, points to previously unknown mechanisms of symbiosis operating in biotrophic mycorrhizal fungi. The availability of this genome provides an unparalleled opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of the processes by which symbionts interact with plants within their ecosystem to perform vital functions in the carbon and nitrogen cycles that are fundamental to sustainable plant productivity.