994 resultados para multidimensional aspects


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O presente trabalho visa discutir a relação entre a abordagem Orff-Schulwerk e o desenvolvimento do ‘Eu Musical’ em contexto de Educação Musical no 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico genérico português. Na tentativa de verificar, analisar e tentar compreender esta relação, o processo empírico fundamentou-se na Flow Theory, desenvolvida por Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. O enquadramento teórico conduziu à elaboração do ‘Modelo Multidimensional de Eu Musical’ (‘MoMEuM’), o qual, partindo da abordagem Orff-Schulwerk, procurou bases epistemológicas na Flow Theory, nas vertentes Cultural, Social e Positiva da Psicologia, bem como no Embodiment. A componente empírica do estudo teve como base metodológica a investigação-ação. Nesse sentido, o professor-investigador acompanhou, de forma longitudinal, o percurso de 50 alunos no referido contexto e procurou verificar, através do FIMA - Flow Indicators in Musical Activity, a vivência de ‘experiências ótimas/estados de fluxo’ em atividades/estratégias pedagógicomusicais baseadas na abordagem Orff-Schulwerk e, por conseguinte, no desenvolvimento do ‘Eu Musical’. A análise e interpretação de dados sugere que a abordagem Orff-Schulwerk promove a ocorrência de ‘experiências ótimas/estados de fluxo’ e, no quadro do presente estudo, impulsiona o desenvolvimento do ‘Eu Musical’.


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All the evidence indicates that distillation and liqueurs preparation began in Monchique mountain because this place was pointed as a possible capital of the oldest population of Algarve and an important Arabic village (Barreto, 1972: 19). It was possible to find lots of vestiges like the alembic produced by Arabic population near the X century (Telo, 1988: 77). Traditionally the Algarvian people produce the Arbutus unedo L., fig, carob, grape distillates. At the same time they produce liqueur-using maceration of parts of plants or fruits in some kinds of distillates. Most of the work about Algarvian distillates started by studying the basic compounds of Arbutus unedo spirits by gas chromatography (GC) and mass spectrometry (MS) as well as other physical-chemical properties. In a second phase aged distillates were studied by their phenolic compounds evolution using high resolution liquid chromatography (HPLC). Volatile compounds of traditional liqueurs were identified by head space micro extraction solid phase (HE-SPME) and also analysed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and when possible confirmed with standards. Total phenols were determined by Folin-Ciocalteur method. Flavenoids were studied by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Sensorial analysis was also done in every drink studies. The results showed that the arbutus distillate doesn’t present a high level of methanol according to the current legislation. The excesses of acidity or ethyl acetate present normal values when the fermentation is well done (Galego, et al. 1995: 341; Galego, et al. 1995: 685). During the aging process, the colour of spirits tend to become darker, the colour changes occurred more rapidly in the arbutus spirits located in cellars with higher temperatures (Galego, et al. 2001: 432). In the sensory evaluation of samples aged during 12 months into 50 L medium toasting level oak wood barrels, panellists considered that samples of arbutus spirit had too much wood flavour and they were not able to detect the characteristic aroma of arbutus fruit (Galego, et al., 2001: 183). Differences in liqueurs were observed using HS-SPME-GC, HS-SPME-GC-MS or HPLC analysis and this observation was confirmed by a sensorial panel (Galego, et al. 2003: 60).


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O Grupo de Ajuda a Toxicodependentes (GATO) é uma instituição, sem fins lucrativos e de utilidade pública, que atua ao nível da prevenção, tratamento e (re)inserção de pessoas com problemas de consumo de drogas ilícitas, crianças e jovens em risco, população desfavorecida e inserida na medida de Rendimento Social de Inserção (RSI). No desenvolvimento da atividade do GATO são executadas campanhas de marketing de cariz social que, através da informação veiculada e meios utilizados, procuram sensibilizar a sua população-alvo, captar clientes, promover a sua aproximação à instituição e a apropriação de comportamentos preventivos, bem como difusão da imagem da instituição junto da restante comunidade. Neste pressuposto, o presente estudo permitirá, não só através de um inquérito por questionário aplicado à população-alvo constituída pelos clientes da Instituição GATO, como também de informação recolhida junto dos técnicos responsáveis, recolher dados que serão analisados mediante um esquema metodológico composto por duas etapas. Numa primeira fase aplicar-se-á uma Análise Não Linear de Correlações Canónicas (OVERALS) com o objetivo de detetar padrões entre os vários conjuntos de variáveis. Numa segunda etapa, com os resultados obtidos e com o recurso a uma Análise Não Hierárquica de Cluster, designadamente o procedimento Two-Step Clustering, será possível constituir grupos de indivíduos, os quais serão posteriormente validados mediante o Teste de Bonferroni de forma a constituírem-se Topologias e Tipologias de clientes que possibilitem orientações para o desenvolvimento de campanhas de marketing, consentâneas com o objeto social da organização.


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Although overfishing is a concern for many fish stocks, it was for a long time only associated with commercial fishing exploitation, with less or no attention being given to the recreational fisheries. Recent research has shown however that the impact of recreational fishing on particular species can be considerable, and that the recreational harvest needs to be taken into account if fisheries are to be accurately assessed and effectively managed. In Portugal, the first recreational fishing regulations were only recently implemented. However, mirroring other European countries, regulations lacked scientific support, and specific knowledge of the activity was limited to a few studies with limited coverage. This thesis aimed to characterize the biological and socioeconomic aspects of the recreational shore angling activity in southern Portugal, to investigate whether the regulations in place were adequate and effective, and to provide recommendations for improved management and conservation of the inshore fisheries resources. A combined aerial-roving survey was conducted to gather data on fishing effort, catch, fishing trips and socioeconomic aspects (including anglers’ perceptions of regulations) of the recreational angling activity. The analysis of anglers’ catches suggested that compliance with daily bag limits was high, with less than 0.5% of creels exceeding the 10 kg angler-1 day-1 bag limit. Overall, 11.5% of the retained fishes were undersized, but non-compliance with minimum size limits was found to be high for some species (e.g. seabass, 73% undersized). In terms of the impact of recreational shore angling, the total estimated catches corresponded to less than 1% of the commercial landings for the same period (shared species). However, shore angling catches for white sea bream (Diplodus sargus) were found to be considerable, corresponding to 65% of the commercial landings (39.4% of total catch). In terms of anglers’ perceptions about the recreational fishing regulations in Portugal, the present study has shown that the majority of anglers accepted the existence of some kind of SRF regulations, but in general there was a partial or total disagreement with the recreational fishing restrictions recently put in place. Most anglers perceived themselves as not being involved in the decision-making process and claimed that some restrictions lacked a meaningful rationale (e.g. prohibition of fishing from piers/jetties). Fishers’ awareness with regard to specific aspects of the restrictions (such as the rationale for minimum size limits) was found to be very limited. During the same period, catches from sport fishing competitions were examined to test for differences with the recreational activity in terms of catches, and evaluate long term trends in catch and mean size of fish. Catches of the sport fishing competitions were found to be different from those observed for recreational fishing, being dominated by different species (e.g. garfish, mullets), and suggesting different fishing strategies of the the two types of anglers. High percentages of undersized fish were observed to be captured (and retained) during the competitions (in particular seabass, with 100% undersized), probably as a result of a single allowable minimum size (AMS) of 15 cm for all species in use in competitions. Lastly, catch and release fishing experiments were carried out to assess post-release mortality of three recreationally important species: two banded sea bream Diplodus vulgaris; black sea bream Spondyliosoma cantharus; and gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata. Post-release mortalities were found to be low (0-12%). The main predictor of mortality for Sparus aurata was anatomical hooking location, with 63% of the fishes that died being deeply hooked. The results support the release of fish, either from mandatory (e.g. minimum landing sizes) or voluntary practices. In summary, this thesis has demonstrated that the impact of recreational fishing for particular species is significant and needs to be taken into account for more effective management and stock assessment purposes. It has also highlighted several management issues that should be addressed in order to promote more adequate regulations in the future and prevent noncompliance issues. A periodic monitoring of the recreational fishing activity including all fishing modes (i.e. spear fishing, boat, and shore angling) would also be beneficial to ensure a timely knowledge on the global recreational fishing activity and support future management actions.


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In this work we develop a methodology for the economic evaluation of soil tillage technologies, in a risky environment, and to capture the influence of farmer behaviour on his technology choice. The model has short-term activities, that change with the type of year, and long-term activities, in which sets of traction investment activities are included. Although these activities do not change with the type of year, they lead to different availability of resources for each type of year, since the same tractor has different available fieldwork days under different weather conditions. We prove that the model is sensitive to the greater income variability resulting from the use of alternative technologies and to the balance between income and risk, accounting for the probability of occurrence of each state of nature and giving an investment solution that considers the best production plan for each type of year. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Marketing, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Introdução: A profusão de informação na área médica cria problemas de gestão, sendo necessários métodos sistematizados para armazenamento e recuperação. Quando a informação se insere no contexto do processo clínico, os métodos devem integrar terminologias biomédicas controladas e igualmente devem integrar as características desejáveis dirigidas à estrutura, conteúdo e resultados clínicos. O objectivo deste artigo é testar a aplicabilidade e capacidade de recuperação, de um sistema multidimensional desenvolvido para classificação e gestão de informação em saúde. Métodos: A partir das questões recebidas em seis anos (Serviço de Informação de Medicamentos, Serviços Farmacêuticos, Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra), seleccionaram-se 300 questões sobre informação clínica, por método aleatório informatizado. Caracterizou-se e avaliou-se a aplicabilidade pela quantidade classificada e pela necessidade de alterações ao sistema que é constituído por várias dimensões independentes e que englobam conceitos por vezes hierarquizados. A recuperação das questões foi testada pesquisando informação numa dimensão ou cruzamento de dimensões. Resultados: Todas as questões foram classificadas: 53% são casos clínicos com incidência nas doenças geniturinárias; doenças metabólicas, nutricionais e endócrinas; neoplasias; infecções e doenças do sistema nervoso. Em 81%, o objecto é o medicamento, sobretudo anti-infecciosos e anti-neoplásicos. As áreas de terapêutica e segurança foram as mais solicitadas, incidindo principalmente sobre os assuntos: utilização, reacções adversas, identificação de medicamentos e tecnologia farmacêutica. Na aplicabilidade, foi necessário adicionar alguns conceitos e modificar alguns grupos hierárquicos que não modificaram a estrutura base, nem colidiram com as características desejáveis. As limitações prenderam-se com os sistemas de classificação externos integrados. A pesquisa na dimensão assunto, do conceito administração de medicamentos, recuperou 19 questões. O cruzamento de duas dimensões: anti-infecciosos (externa) e teratogenicidade (assunto), recuperou três questões. Nos dois exemplos recupera-se informação a partir de qualquer um dos níveis da hierarquia, do mais geral ao mais específico e mesmo a partir de dimensões externas. Conclusões: A utilização do sistema nesta amostra demonstrou aplicabilidade na classificação e arquivo de informação clínica, capacidade de recuperação e flexibilidade, sofrendo alterações sem interferir com as características desejáveis. Esta ferramenta permite a recuperação da evidência que interessa orientada para o doente. Introduction: The large amount of information in the medical area creates management problems, being necessary systematic methods for filing and retrieval. With information on the context of clinical records, methods must integrate controlled biomedical terminologies and desirable characteristics oriented to the structure, content and clinical results. The objective is to test the applicability and capacity for retrieval of a multidimensional system developed for classification and management of health information. Methods: Three hundred questions were randomly selected, by computerized method, from the questions received in six years (Medicine Information Service, Pharmaceutical Department, Coimbra University Hospitals). They were characterized and applicability evaluated by classified amount and need to alter the system, which is composed of various independent dimensions, incorporating concepts sometimes hierarchical. Questions retrieval was tested searching information in a dimension or between dimensions. Results: All questions were classified: 53% are clinical cases with illnesses incidence in the genitourinary system; metabolic, nutritional and endocrine disease; cancer; infections and nervous system. In 81%, the object is a drug, mostly anti-infectious and anti-neoplastic agents. The therapeutic and safety areas had been the most requested, regarding the subjects: use, adverse reactions, drug identification and pharmaceutical technology. As to applicability, it was necessary to add some concepts and modify same hierarchical groups, that didn’t modify the basic structure, nor had collided with the desirable characteristics. The limitations were related with the incorporated external classification systems. The search in the subject dimension of the concept drug administration retrieved 19 questions. The search between two dimensions: antiinfectious (external) and teratogenicity (subject) retrieved three questions. In the two examples, it was possible to retrieve information from any one of the levels of the hierarchy, from the most general to the most specific and even from external dimensions. Conclusions: The use of the system in this sample showed its applicability in clinical information classification and filing, retrieval capacity and flexibility, supporting modifications without interfering with desirable characteristics. This tool allows retrieval of patient-oriented evidence that matters.


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L’Ataxie spastique autosomale récessive de Charlevoix-Saguenay (ARSACS) est un syndrome héréditaire précoce caractérisé par un tableau clinique particulier incluant des anomalies oculaires. Quatorze ARSACS et 36 témoins sains ont été suivis prospectivement durant 20 mois et ont subi différents tests neuro-ophtalmologiques et des mesures par tomographie par cohérence optique. Des augmentations de l’épaisseur moyenne de la couche de fibres nerveuses (mRNFL), de l’épaisseur fovéolaire centrale et de l’épaisseur moyenne du cube maculaire (CAT) ont été mises en évidence chez les ARSACS en comparaison avec les témoins (p<0,0001 à toutes les séances). Une différence cliniquement significative a été observée dans l’évolution au cours du suivi des épaisseurs de la mRNFL et la CAT des ARSACS par rapport aux contrôles (p=0,030, p=0,026 respectivement), et ces paramètres étaient inversement corrélés avec le degré de sévérité de la maladie, suggérant une diminution d’épaisseur de la mRNFL et de la CAT à mesure que progresse la maladie.


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Ensino de Artes Visuais, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013


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Tese de doutoramento, Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia (Psicologia da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, Universidade de Coimbra, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, 2015


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Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia (Psicologia da Família), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2015


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Pharmaceuticals are biologically active and persistent substances which have been recognized as a continuing threat to environmental stability. Chronic ecotoxicity data as well as information on the current distribution levels in different environmental compartments continue to be sparse and are focused on those therapeutic classes that are more frequently prescribed and consumed. Nevertheless, they indicate the negative impact that these chemical contaminants may have on living organisms, ecosystems and ultimately, public health. This article reviews the different contamination sources as well as fate and both acute and chronic effects on non-target organisms. An extensive review of existing data in the form of tables, encompassing many therapeutic classes is presented.