781 resultados para every day life
A investigação em didáctica das ciências tem mostrado que a generalidade dos alunos manifesta cada vez menos interesse para aprender ciências. No entanto, o incremento da importância de temas científicos no nosso dia-a-dia, exige dos indivíduos um conhecimento científico cada vez mais aprofundado. O estudo da Astronomia permite abordar e interligar os conteúdos de tisica mais facilmente, tomando possível a aproximação do conhecimento científico ao conhecimento do quotidiano, mostrando a estreita ligação entre a Física, a Sociedade e a Tecnologia. O processo de ensino-aprendizagem encontra-se em mudança devido à integração das T.I.C. Através da internet e tirando partido da multimédia é possível desenvolver uma formação científica adequada que contribua para o despertar da curiosidade e do interesse dos alunos pela Ciência. Tendo em conta os pressupostos anteriores pretende-se, com este estudo, desenvolver uma plataforma de e-learning e recursos multimédia que satisfaçam estes requisitos. ABSTRACT; The investigation in didactics of sciences has been showing that the generality of students show less and less interest to learn sciences. However, the increment of the importance of scientific themes in our day-to-day life, demands from the individuals an increasingly deeper scientific knowledge. The study of Astronomy allows to approach and to interconnect physics subjects more easily, making possible the approach of scientific knowledge to the knowledge of everyday life, showing the narrow connection among Physics, Society and Technology. The teaching-learning process is in change duet the integration of the I.C.T. Through the internet and taking advantage of multimedia it is possible to develop an appropriate scientific formation that contributes to the awakening of curiosity and of the student's interest for Science. Having in mind the previous presuppositions is intended, with this study, to develop an e-learning platform and multimedia resources that satisfy these requirements.
Politische Teilhabe und Raum für Subjektivität gehen Hand in Hand. Menschen in schwierigen und benachteiligten Lebenslagen wird der Raum für unabhängiges, kritisches, politisches Denken und Handeln aufgrund der Prekarität ihres Lebensalltages jedoch zusehends entzogen. Theaterarbeit kann hier ein Ort sein, um (wieder) Zugang zum eigenen Erleben, zu den eigenen Sichtweisen und zur eigenen Sprache zu finden; Beteiligung wird erfahrbar gemacht und soziale Grenzen können überschritten werden. Im Zentrum des vorliegenden Beitrages steht das Legislative Theater nach Augusto Boal, das politische Öffentlichkeit unter Einschluss der "Ausgeschlossenen" ermöglicht und darüber hinaus demokratische Beteiligung eröffnet. Vorgestellt werden Geschichte, Ablauf, aber auch drei konkret von InterACT umgesetzte Beispiele in Österreich und deren nachhaltige politische Einflussnahme. Fazit des Autors: Politisches und demokratisches Lernen entwickeln sich vor allem nahe an den Lebenslagen und Lebenswelten des/der Einzelnen. (DIPF/Orig.)
Portugal’s Northeast production of sheep and goats are based on the exploitation of landscape by-products such as spontaneous native vegetation and agriculture leftovers. Shepherds tend the flocks throughout grazing itineraries every day, crossing a mosaic of patches of varied land uses. During the journey, the shepherd acts together with the sheep and goats to select each patch in creating an ordered sequence of land uses. The focus of the research is on the land-use composition of the grazing itineraries; determinate how they depend on the patterns of the landscape mosaic. It is utilized a data set of 26 monthly herd’s itineraries, 13 of sheep and 13 of goats, to investigate the relationship of the land uses crossed by the flocks and the land uses of the landscape, evaluating the land-use preferences and selectivity of the sheep and goats. It is utilized the divergences in the time spent and distance travelled by the herds and the area of the land uses in the landscape, the chi-square test to relate the preferred land used and the season, and the discriminate analysis to distinguish the preferences and the selectivity of the herd of sheep and the herd of goats. The herds of the sheep and the goats presented different land-use preferences over the seasons and the discriminant analysis shows that they have different landscape preferences. The herd of sheep has the highest selectivity indexes for the annual irrigated crops, the agricultural complex systems and the agroforestry land uses. The highest selectivity indexes for the herd of goats were found for the deciduous forest, the agriculture with natural and semi-natural spaces and the shrublands land uses. It was concluded that the landscape management for sheep and goats herding has to be different: the agricultural land uses are essential to the flocks of sheep and the forest land uses are decisive to the flocks of goats.
El panorama que se tiene es difícil de enfrentar en un mundo de pasos gigantescos en donde el avance de la tecnología se ve todos los días. Los problemas que presentan las unidades de información documental como presupuesto, personal y espacio físico, además de un usuario líder en el manejo de Internet y la cantidad de información que está disponible para todos en la red mundial, es un reto que debe desafiar el bibliotecólogo actual, en un mundo de cambios constantes y que son difíciles de alcanzar, pero que deben ser la meta de todo profesional en el área.El bibliotecólogo como un profesional destacado en el manejo de la información, debe estar al día en los últimos adelantos tecnológicos para manipular la inmensa cantidad de documentación que está en los centros en forma impresa, así como aquella que está en el mundo viajando por autopistas electrónicas y algunas veces sin control.Hoy todavía no se ha olvidado la impresión en papel, pero sí se está viviendo un cambio fuerte en la forma de enviar los productos y servicios que se deben brindar en una unidad de información, sea ésta de ente público o privado, especializada o general.El mundo nos pide un cambio y un acelerado proceso en nuestras mentes que asimile parte de este desarrollo globalizado que la sociedad está viviendo a pasos gigantescos.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.
Sequences of timestamped events are currently being generated across nearly every domain of data analytics, from e-commerce web logging to electronic health records used by doctors and medical researchers. Every day, this data type is reviewed by humans who apply statistical tests, hoping to learn everything they can about how these processes work, why they break, and how they can be improved upon. To further uncover how these processes work the way they do, researchers often compare two groups, or cohorts, of event sequences to find the differences and similarities between outcomes and processes. With temporal event sequence data, this task is complex because of the variety of ways single events and sequences of events can differ between the two cohorts of records: the structure of the event sequences (e.g., event order, co-occurring events, or frequencies of events), the attributes about the events and records (e.g., gender of a patient), or metrics about the timestamps themselves (e.g., duration of an event). Running statistical tests to cover all these cases and determining which results are significant becomes cumbersome. Current visual analytics tools for comparing groups of event sequences emphasize a purely statistical or purely visual approach for comparison. Visual analytics tools leverage humans' ability to easily see patterns and anomalies that they were not expecting, but is limited by uncertainty in findings. Statistical tools emphasize finding significant differences in the data, but often requires researchers have a concrete question and doesn't facilitate more general exploration of the data. Combining visual analytics tools with statistical methods leverages the benefits of both approaches for quicker and easier insight discovery. Integrating statistics into a visualization tool presents many challenges on the frontend (e.g., displaying the results of many different metrics concisely) and in the backend (e.g., scalability challenges with running various metrics on multi-dimensional data at once). I begin by exploring the problem of comparing cohorts of event sequences and understanding the questions that analysts commonly ask in this task. From there, I demonstrate that combining automated statistics with an interactive user interface amplifies the benefits of both types of tools, thereby enabling analysts to conduct quicker and easier data exploration, hypothesis generation, and insight discovery. The direct contributions of this dissertation are: (1) a taxonomy of metrics for comparing cohorts of temporal event sequences, (2) a statistical framework for exploratory data analysis with a method I refer to as high-volume hypothesis testing (HVHT), (3) a family of visualizations and guidelines for interaction techniques that are useful for understanding and parsing the results, and (4) a user study, five long-term case studies, and five short-term case studies which demonstrate the utility and impact of these methods in various domains: four in the medical domain, one in web log analysis, two in education, and one each in social networks, sports analytics, and security. My dissertation contributes an understanding of how cohorts of temporal event sequences are commonly compared and the difficulties associated with applying and parsing the results of these metrics. It also contributes a set of visualizations, algorithms, and design guidelines for balancing automated statistics with user-driven analysis to guide users to significant, distinguishing features between cohorts. This work opens avenues for future research in comparing two or more groups of temporal event sequences, opening traditional machine learning and data mining techniques to user interaction, and extending the principles found in this dissertation to data types beyond temporal event sequences.
A technicians following UCR courses have performed very well, teachers are very satisfied with their work and preparation they have received in the UNA. Lucia Chacon speaks well about the courses: I think when you start a race for it to be good, or more specifically their level of use is optimal, it is necessary that both the faculty and the students show interest. It is also important that students are aware of what the role of the library in the process of communication between the company and its role culturizante in a changing world. Thus the career of librarianship should be a support staff who need the libraries in the country, should contribute to social and cultural development of society and should be upgraded every day the library system, which is achieved mainly through accountability and self-improvement of teachers, so that their knowledge is transmitted to the students.
The spatial and temporal fluidity conditioned by the technologies of social interaction online have been allowing that collective actions of protest and activism arise every day in cyberspace - the cyber-activism. If before these actions were located in geographical boundaries, today's demands and mobilizations extrapolate the location, connect to the global, and at the same time, return to the regional through digital virtuality. Within this context of the relationship between digital technology and global flow of sociability, emerges in October 2010 the social movement of the hashtag "#ForaMicarla", which means the dissatisfaction of cibernauts from Natal of Twitter with the current management of the municipality of Natal-RN, Micarla de Sousa (Green Party). We can find in the center of this movement and others who appeared in the world at the same time a technological condition of Twitter, with the hashtag "#". Given this scenario, this research seeks to analyze how the relationship of the agents of movement hashtag "ForaMicarla", based on the principle that it was formed in the Twitter network and is maintained on the platform on a daily basis, it can create a new kind of political culture. Thus, this study discusses theoretically the importance of Twitter and movements that emerge on the platform and through it to understand the social and political demands of the contemporary world and this public sphere, which now seems to include cyberspace
134 p.
Devido ao crescente aumento do uso de aeradores artificiais em sistema de cultivo de peixes e à carência de estudos nesta área, este trabalho avaliou a influência de um aerador tipo propeller diffuser (AR 120) nas variáveis bióticas e abióticas em um viveiro de engorda de peixe. Foram demarcados três pontos de coleta localizados a 5, 10 e 23 m de distância do aerador, durante 15 dias consecutivos, sendo 5 dias antes do uso do aerador, 5 dias com o aerador ligado e 5 dias com o aerador desligado. As variáveis limnológicas estudadas não apresentaram diferenças significativas (P > 0,05) entre os três pontos de coleta, porém, em relação ao uso do aerador, variáveis como temperatura, transparência, pH, oxigênio dissolvido, bicarbonato, CO2 livre, fósforo total, ortofosfato, amônia, nitrato e nitrito diferiram significativamente (P < 0,05) com a agitação mecânica da água. Já a condutividade, alcalinidade, CO2 total e clorofila a não apresentaram diferenças significativas (P > 0,05) com o uso do aerador. A comunidade fitoplanctônica sofreu influência direta do aerador (P < 0,05), dominada pelas Chlorophyta, representando mais de 70% do total de organismos presentes, seguidas das Cyanophyta e Chrysophyta, porém estas últimas tenderam a aumentar após o uso do aerador, uma vez que estes grupos se adaptam rapidamente às mudanças do ambiente.
Queueing systems constitute a central tool in modeling and performance analysis. These types of systems are in our everyday life activities, and the theory of queueing systems was developed to provide models for forecasting behaviors of systems subject to random demand. The practical and useful applications of the discrete-time queues make the researchers to con- tinue making an e ort in analyzing this type of models. Thus the present contribution relates to a discrete-time Geo/G/1 queue in which some messages may need a second service time in addition to the rst essential service. In day-to-day life, there are numerous examples of queueing situations in general, for example, in manufacturing processes, telecommunication, home automation, etc, but in this paper a particular application is the use of video surveil- lance with intrusion recognition where all the arriving messages require the main service and only some may require the subsidiary service provided by the server with di erent types of strategies. We carry out a thorough study of the model, deriving analytical results for the stationary distribution. The generating functions of the number of messages in the queue and in the system are obtained. The generating functions of the busy period as well as the sojourn times of a message in the server, the queue and the system are also provided.
This thesis presents a study of the Grid data access patterns in distributed analysis in the CMS experiment at the LHC accelerator. This study ranges from the deep analysis of the historical patterns of access to the most relevant data types in CMS, to the exploitation of a supervised Machine Learning classification system to set-up a machinery able to eventually predict future data access patterns - i.e. the so-called dataset “popularity” of the CMS datasets on the Grid - with focus on specific data types. All the CMS workflows run on the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WCG) computing centers (Tiers), and in particular the distributed analysis systems sustains hundreds of users and applications submitted every day. These applications (or “jobs”) access different data types hosted on disk storage systems at a large set of WLCG Tiers. The detailed study of how this data is accessed, in terms of data types, hosting Tiers, and different time periods, allows to gain precious insight on storage occupancy over time and different access patterns, and ultimately to extract suggested actions based on this information (e.g. targetted disk clean-up and/or data replication). In this sense, the application of Machine Learning techniques allows to learn from past data and to gain predictability potential for the future CMS data access patterns. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to High Energy Physics at the LHC. Chapter 2 describes the CMS Computing Model, with special focus on the data management sector, also discussing the concept of dataset popularity. Chapter 3 describes the study of CMS data access patterns with different depth levels. Chapter 4 offers a brief introduction to basic machine learning concepts and gives an introduction to its application in CMS and discuss the results obtained by using this approach in the context of this thesis.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Atividade Física, especialização em Desporto Adaptado.
Binge eating occurs primarily on highly palatable food (PF) suggesting that the reward value of food has an important role in this behaviour. Bingeing also leads to reward dysfunction in rats and humans. The rewarding effect of binge eating may involve opioid mechanisms as opioid antagonists reduce PF consumption in animals that binge eat and binge eating produces neuroadaptations of opioid receptors in rodents. We tested this hypothesis by using the conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm. First we established a sucrose CPP in male and female Long-Evans rats (n=8 for each group) using 1%, 5%, 15%, or 30% sucrose solution. Next, rats underwent the sucrose bingeing model in which separate groups of rats (n=8 for each group) received 12hr and 24hr access to 10% sucrose solution and chow, 12hr access to 0.1% saccharin solution and chow, or 12hr access to chow only every day for 28 days. Immediately following these sessions, rats were conditioned and tested in the CPP paradigm using a 15% sucrose solution. Finally, we examined whether the sucrose bingeing model altered morphine reward in female rats. Rats (n=8 for each group) received 12hr and 24hr access to 10% sucrose solution and chow every day for 28 days. Immediately following this access period, rats were conditioned to morphine (6mL/kg) or saline solution in the CPP paradigm and tested for a CPP. In all experiments, rats drank more sucrose solution than water during conditioning sessions. Male rats did not develop a CPP to any concentration of sucrose solution and females developed a CPP to 15% sucrose solution only. Following the sucrose bingeing protocol, sucrose CPP was attenuated in male rats that binged on sucrose and in all female rats. Sucrose bingeing in females did not affect the development of a CPP to morphine. These results suggest that sucrose consumption and sucrose CPP are measures of different psychological components of reward. Furthermore, sucrose bingeing reduces the rewarding effect of sucrose, but not morphine, suggesting that opioid reward is still intact.
O presente estudo denominado “Inclusão, Direitos Humanos e Igualdade: Educar para a diferença” direcionou-se para a temática da deficiência física evidente. Partindo do mestrado em Ação Humanitária, Cooperação e Desenvolvimento, incidimos o nosso estudo na temática dos direitos humanos associada à da inclusão. A diferença, usualmente, origina exclusão em virtude de que o que é diferente não é socialmente aceite. Vivemos numa sociedade formatada para o “normal” em que o “normal” apresenta-se sempre como um modo de supressão gradual da diferença e da uniformização da diversidade e onde dificilmente encaixa a “diferença”. Uma das áreas onde se verifica tratamento diferenciado é a nível da deficiência que, não sendo entendida pela sociedade, gera um ciclo vicioso que dificilmente se quebra. Para tal, a escola terá de desempenhar um papel de extrema importância, modificando mentalidades, promovendo a deficiência, para que no futuro esta não seja encarada como uma diferença, mas como uma mais-valia no processo de singularidade e de diversidade humanas. Os comportamentos e os movimentos de transformação não podem ser impostos, mas devem ser introduzidos, compreendidos e modificados, pois só desta forma podem servir como alavanca de suporte para uma sociedade mais justa, mais inclusiva, mais humana, pois está nas mãos de cada um de nós, educadores, formar futuros cidadãos conscientes, ativos e responsáveis. A sociedade atual vive momentos conturbados decorrentes de interesses geopolíticos e estratégicos que potenciam conflitos armados, em que cada vez mais a população é indiscriminadamente afetada. Uma das consequências destes conflitos é a deficiência física evidente, aqui explorada, e que é uma realidade inerente à nossa prática profissional. Todos os dias são colocados em questão os direitos humanos de quem tem que conviver diariamente com ambientes bélicos. Apesar da sociedade portuguesa estar pouco desperta para esta realidade, pareceu-nos pertinente levar esta temática para a escola tentando explorar as perceções de crianças face à deficiência física evidente, quando observada noutras crianças, em ambiente escolar. Fizemos a aplicação de diversos métodos (inquéritos, visualização de imagens e vídeo, atividades de simulação de deficiência), atividades práticas em ambiente escolar que nos permitissem atingir o nosso objetivo geral. Posteriormente, foi realizada a interpretação de dados decorrentes da aplicação da metodologia, quer quantitativamente, quer qualitativamente efetuada a sua análise e retiradas conclusões.