999 resultados para digital relays


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In this work parameters of Mg-doped GaN samples were studied using positron annihilation spectroscopy and analyzed. It is shown that gallium vacancies exist in an unintentionally doped sample. Next, the sample with higher concentration of Mg and low growth temperature contains vacancy clusters. In case of low concentration of Mg the growth temperature does not affect the formation of defects. Analog electronics can be replaced by a modern digital device. While promising a high quantity of benefits, the performance of these digitizers requires thorough adjustment. A 14-bit two channel digitizer has been tested in order to achieve better performance than the one of a traditional analog setup, and the adjustment process is described. It has been shown that the digital device is unable to achieve better energy resolution, but it is quite close to the corresponding attribute of the available analog system, which had been used for measurements in Mg-doped GaN.


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In recent years, the worldwide distribution of smartphone devices has been growing rapidly. Mobile technologies are evolving fast, a situation which provides new possibilities for mobile learning applications. Along with new delivery methods, this development enables new concepts for learning. This study focuses on the effectiveness and experience of a mobile learning video promoting the key features of a specific device. Through relevant learning theories, mobile technologies and empirical findings, the thesis presents the key elements for a mobile learning video that are essential for effective learning. This study also explores how previous experience with mobile services and knowledge of a mobile handset relate to final learning results. Moreover, this study discusses the optimal delivery mechanisms for a mobile video. The target group for the study consists of twenty employees of a Sanoma Company. The main findings show that the individual experience of learning and the actual learning results may differ and that the design for certain video elements, such as sound and the presentation of technical features, can have an impact on the experience and effectiveness of a mobile learning video. Moreover, a video delivery method based on cloud technologies and HTML5 is suggested to be used in parallel with standalone applications.


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Heli Kautosen esitys Digital Humanities 2012 -konferenssissa Hampurissa 20.7.2012


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Aki Lassilan esitys IFLA-konferenssissa Helsingissä 14.8.2012.


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Short presentation about how digital cultural heritage is created and collected by the National Library of Finland


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OBJETIVO: Verificar o grau de desconforto referido por homens idosos que realizam pela primeira vez o exame digital retal (EDR) na prevenção do câncer de próstata e o efeito de esclarecimentos prévios sobre essa queixa. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo e aleatório em 120 homens, com idade de 60 a 80 anos, distribuídos em dois grupos: grupo A (consulta médica rotineira) e grupo B (consulta médica com intervenção educativa). No grupo B, os instrumentos de informação foram: palestra informal com esclarecimentos sobre EDR e câncer de próstata, visualização de maquete da pelve masculina, mostruário com as relações anatômicas prostáticas, simulador do EDR e DVD com animação tridimensional dos órgãos pélvicos. O grau de desconforto foi medido através da escala visual de dor. Utilizou-se o teste do qui-quadrado, com significância de 0,05. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença significativa entre o grau de desconforto referido no EDR entre os dois grupos, 81% do grupo B referiram-no como leve e 80% do grupo A, como moderado ou intenso, com p significativo de 0,01. Os sinais e sintomas foram a principal razão da consulta em 35% dos pacientes, 78% foram à consulta sozinhos e 81% comentaram o exame com a parceira. Sem diferença estatística, 94,2% no grupo A e 97,8% no grupo B repetiriam o exame no ano seguinte e 91,6% no grupo A e 96,6% no grupo B relataram que o exame não foi pior do que imaginavam. Todos recomendariam o EDR para parentes ou amigos. CONCLUSÃO: Os pacientes que fizeram o EDR pela primeira vez após consulta urológica com esclarecimentos educativos prévios sobre o tema referiram significativamente menor desconforto.


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The core idea of this Master's Thesis was that five key characteristics – market heterogeneity, sociopolitical governance, chronic shortage of resources, unbranded competition, and inadequate infrastructure – of emerging markets are radically different from the traditional industrialized capitalist society and they will require us to rethink the core assumptions of business-to-business marketing, such as business relationships, marketing communication elements, and digitalization. In this research, Russia is considered to be an emerging market that reflects the aforementioned theoretical characteristics. The research was a qualitative case study and furthermore a collective case study. In the beginning three digital marketing professionals were interviewed to better understand digital B2B marketing. The actual research data was collected through seven structured theme interviews with representatives of the case companies operating in Russia. The selection of case companies included three business consulting companies and four industrial companies. The aim of this qualitative study was to understand and clarify how business marketing exploits digital marketing methods as a part of the chosen business marketing strategy under emerging markets’ special conditions. This objective was divided in three research questions: 1) How the chosen marketing strategy reflects in the business marketing process? 2) How digital marketing communication contributes to business marketing? 3) How are the emerging markets’ characteristics reflected in the business marketing process? The main research findings indicate that digital business-to-business marketing communications can be useful and effective. Moreover, business DMC can be defined and structured in a reasonable way. The company's prevalent marketing paradigm and the chosen marketing strategy reflect in the business marketing process, and in utilizing digital marketing communications. The assumption that emerging markets set an environment with special characteristics for business marketing was supported by the study. However, the business environmental aspects were not considerably disturbing digital B2B marketing, but making it even more reasonable to harness in Russia.


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Minna Karvosen esitys Europeana työpajassa 20.11.2012 Helsingissä.


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Heli Kautosen esitys Epics, Digital Cultural Heritage and Vernacular Languages. Corpora and Databases in Oral Tradition Research -seminaarissa Helsingissä 2.3.2013.


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Insight-lehden numerossa 26 (Maaliskuu 2013) julkaistu artikkeli.


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A doença periodontal é causada pelo acúmulo de placa bacteriana sobre os dentes e estruturas adjacentes. Para sua mensuração têm sido formulados índices que consideram a quantidade e intensidade de placa bacteriana (PB) e de cálculo dental (CD) existentes na superfície dentária por meio de avaliação visual subjetiva. O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o método de análise computadorizada para medição de área de PB e CD nos dentes de cães através da comparação com a avaliação visual. Foram utilizados 10 cães Beagles, três machos e sete fêmeas, com similares características e mantidos sob o mesmo manejo e dieta alimentar. As avaliações das superfícies vestibulares dos dentes ocorreram antes da profilaxia dentária, que foi realizada sob anestesia geral inalatória, e após sete dias para PB e após 28 dias para CD. A avaliação computadorizada da área de CD demonstrou ser estatisticamente melhor em relação à avaliação visual antes e após a profilaxia; entretanto, não demonstrou diferença significante na avaliação da PB. Concluiu-se que a avaliação computadorizada é vantajosa em relação à visual por conferir maior precisão na obtenção da proporção entre área total do dente e área acometida, mostrando-se estatistticamente superior na quantificação do CD após 28 dias.


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This report characterizes the digital dermatitis (DD) lesions in the accessory digits of dairy cows and presents data on the applied therapy. Fifteen Holstein cattle with DD affecting the accessory digits of the hindlimbs from four dairy farms with previous history of DD were evaluated. Lesions were excised, the wounds were sutured, and a topical application of oxytetracycline powder covered by bandaging was associated with a single parenteral administration of long acting oxytetracycline IM (20mg/kg). Tissue samples were obtained for histopathology and transmission electronic microscopy (TEM). Lesions from all the animals were recuperated 15 days after surgical procedure. Overal, most DD lesions were papillomatous epidermal projections or wartlike verrucous lesions. Histopathologically, samples revealed hyperplasia of epidermis with hyperkeratosis, several mitoses in the stratum basale and elongated rete ridges in the superficial and middle dermis. TEM revealed long, thin spirochete-like bacteria. Morphologic features of lesions and its response to therapy were comparable to those described for DD.


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Fifty Bursa of Fabricius (BF) were examined by conventional optical microscopy and digital images were acquired and processed using Matlab® 6.5 software. The Artificial Neuronal Network (ANN) was generated using Neuroshell® Classifier software and the optical and digital data were compared. The ANN was able to make a comparable classification of digital and optical scores. The use of ANN was able to classify correctly the majority of the follicles, reaching sensibility and specificity of 89% and 96%, respectively. When the follicles were scored and grouped in a binary fashion the sensibility increased to 90% and obtained the maximum value for the specificity of 92%. These results demonstrate that the use of digital image analysis and ANN is a useful tool for the pathological classification of the BF lymphoid depletion. In addition it provides objective results that allow measuring the dimension of the error in the diagnosis and classification therefore making comparison between databases feasible.