893 resultados para Zammit, Brigitte


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Determining links between plant defence strategies is important to understand plant evolution and to optimize crop breeding strategies. Although several examples of synergies and trade-offs between defence traits are known for plants that are under attack by multiple organisms, few studies have attempted to measure correlations of defensive strategies using specific single attackers. Such links are hard to detect in natural populations because they are inherently confounded by the evolutionary history of different ecotypes. We therefore used a range of 20 maize inbred lines with considerable differences in resistance traits to determine if correlations exist between leaf and root resistance against pathogens and insects. Aboveground resistance against insects was positively correlated with the plant's capacity to produce volatiles in response to insect attack. Resistance to herbivores and resistance to a pathogen, on the other hand, were negatively correlated. Our results also give first insights into the intraspecific variability of root volatiles release in maize and its positive correlation with leaf volatile production. We show that the breeding history of the different genotypes (dent versus flint) has influenced several defensive parameters. Taken together, our study demonstrates the importance of genetically determined synergies and trade-offs for plant resistance against insects and pathogens.


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the bone formation capability of polyetheretherketone (PEEK) and carbon fiber-reinforced PEEK (CFR-PEEK) implants coated with different titanium and hydroxyapatite plasma-sprayed layers after 2 and 12 weeks. Methods: In six sheep 108 implants were placed in the pelvis. Altogether six different surface modifications were tested. After 2 and 12 weeks, n = 3 implants per group were examined histologically and n = 6 implants per group were tested by a pull-out test. Results: Biomechanically (p = 0.001) as well as histologically (p > 0.05) surface coating of PEEK/CFR-PEEK led to an increase of osseointegration from 2 to 12 weeks. After 12 weeks, coated implants demonstrated significant (p < 0.001) higher pull-out values in comparison to uncoated implants. Overall, the double coating (titanium bond layer and hydroxyapatite top layer) showed the most favorable results after 2 and 12 weeks. Conclusions: Plasma-sprayed titanium and hydroxyapatite coatings on PEEK or CFR-PEEK demonstrated a significant improvement of osseointegration.


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The aim of this study was to analyse the osseointegrative potential of phosphoserine-tethered dendrons when applied as surface functionalisation molecules on titanium implants in a sheep model after 2 and 8 weeks of implantation. Uncoated and dendron-coated implants were implanted in six sheep. Sandblasted and etched (SE) or porous additive manufactured (AM) implants with and without additional dendron functionalisation (SE-PSD; AM-PSD) were placed in the pelvic bone. Three implants per group were examined histologically and six implants were tested biomechanically. After 2 and 8 weeks the bone-to-implant contact (BIC) total values of SE implants (43.7 ± 12.2; 53.3 ± 9.0 %) and SE-PSD (46.7 ± 4.5; 61.7 ± 4.9 %) as well as AM implants (20.49 ± 5.1; 43.9 ± 9.7 %) and AM-PSD implants (19.7 ± 3.5; 48.3 ± 15.6 %) showed no statistically significant differences. For SE-PSD and AM-PSD a separate analysis of only the cancellous BIC demonstrated a statistically significant difference after 2 and 8 weeks. Biomechanical findings proved the overall increased stability of the porous implants after 8 weeks. Overall, the great effect of implant macro design on osseointegration was further supported by additional phosphoserine-tethered dendrons for SE and AM implants.


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Background Locking compression plates are used in various configurations with lack of detailed information on consequent bone healing. Study design In this in vivo study in sheep 5 different applications of locking compression plate (LCP) were tested using a 45° oblique osteotomy simulating simple fracture pattern. 60 Swiss Alpine sheep where assigned to 5 different groups with 12 sheep each (Group 1: interfragmentary lag screw and an LCP fixed with standard cortex screws as neutralisation plate; Group 2: interfragmentary lag screw and LCP with locking head screws; Group 3: compression plate technique (hybrid construct); Group 4: internal fixator without fracture gap; Group 5: internal fixator with 3 mm gap at the osteotomy site). One half of each group (6 sheep) was monitored for 6 weeks, and the other half (6 sheep) where followed for 12 weeks. Methods X-rays at 3, 6, 9 and 12 weeks were performed to monitor the healing process. After sacrifice operated tibiae were tested biomechanically for nondestructive torsion and compared to the tibia of the healthy opposite side. After testing specimens were processed for microradiography, histology, histomorphometry and assessment of calcium deposition by fluorescence microscopy. Results In all groups bone healing occurred without complications. Stiffness in biomechanical testing showed a tendency for higher values in G2 but results were not statistically significant. Values for G5 were significantly lower after 6 weeks, but after 12 weeks values had improved to comparable results. For all groups, except G3, stiffness values improved between 6 and 12 weeks. Histomorphometrical data demonstrate endosteal callus to be more marked in G2 at 6 weeks. Discussion and conclusion All five configurations resulted in undisturbed bone healing and are considered safe for clinical application.


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Laser ablation/ionisation mass spectrometry with a vertical resolution at a nanometre scale was applied for the quantitative characterisation of the chemical composition of additive-assisted Cu electroplated deposits used in the microchip industry. The detailed chemical analysis complements information gathered by optical techniques and allows new insights into the metal deposition process.


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1995 an der Vierten Weltfrauenkonferenz in Beijing haben 189 Staaten eine visionäre Aktionsplattform als Leitlinie zur Förderung der Gleichstellung von Frau und Mann verabschiedet. Die Schweiz hat 1999 einen Aktionsplan zur Umsetzung erarbeitet mit Massnahmen in den Bereichen Bildung, Wirtschaft und Entscheidungspositionen, aber auch Armut, Gesundheit, Gewalt und Menschenrechten. In einem partizipativen Vorgehen mit Schlüsselpersonen im Bereich der Gleichstellung von Frau und Mann hat das IZFG diesen Aktionsplan bilanziert (1999 - 2014). Der Bericht beinhaltet Zahlen und Fakten in allen Themenbereichen, eine Bilanzierung des Umsetzungsstands auf nationaler und auf internationaler Ebene, Meilensteine und Best Practices sowie den Handlungsbedarf und Empfehlungen für künftiges Vorgehen im Bereich Gleichstellung von Frau und Mann.


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The first operations at the new High-altitude Maïdo Observatory at La Réunion began in 2013. The Maïdo Lidar Calibration Campaign (MALICCA) was organized there in April 2013 and has focused on the validation of the thermodynamic parameters (temperature, water vapor, and wind) measured with many instruments including the new very large lidar for water vapor and temperature profiles. The aim of this publication consists of providing an overview of the different instruments deployed during this campaign and their status, some of the targeted scientific questions and associated instrumental issues. Some specific detailed studies for some individual techniques were addressed elsewhere. This study shows that temperature profiles were obtained from the ground to the mesopause (80 km) thanks to the lidar and regular meteorological balloon-borne sondes with an overlap range showing good agreement. Water vapor is also monitored from the ground to the mesopause by using the Raman lidar and microwave techniques. Both techniques need to be pushed to their limit to reduce the missing range in the lower stratosphere. Total columns obtained from global positioning system or spectrometers are valuable for checking the calibration and ensuring vertical continuity. The lidar can also provide the vertical cloud structure that is a valuable complementary piece of information when investigating the water vapor cycle. Finally, wind vertical profiles, which were obtained from sondes, are now also retrieved at Maïdo from the newly implemented microwave technique and the lidar. Stable calibrations as well as a small-scale dynamical structure are required to monitor the thermodynamic state of the middle atmosphere, ensure validation of satellite sensors, study the transport of water vapor in the vicinity of the tropical tropopause and study their link with cirrus clouds and cyclones and the impact of small-scale dynamics (gravity waves) and their link with the mean state of the mesosphere.


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The important task to observe the global coverage of middle atmospheric trace gases like water vapor or ozone usually is accomplished by satellites. Climate and atmospheric studies rely upon the knowledge of trace gas distributions throughout the stratosphere and mesosphere. Many of these gases are currently measured from satellites, but it is not clear whether this capability will be maintained in the future. This could lead to a significant knowledge gap of the state of the atmosphere. We explore the possibilities of mapping middle atmospheric water vapor in the Northern Hemisphere by using Lagrangian trajectory calculations and water vapor profile data from a small network of five ground-based microwave radiometers. Four of them are operated within the frame of NDACC (Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change). Keeping in mind that the instruments are based on different hardware and calibration setups, a height-dependent bias of the retrieved water vapor profiles has to be expected among the microwave radiometers. In order to correct and harmonize the different data sets, the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) on the Aura satellite is used to serve as a kind of traveling standard. A domain-averaging TM (trajectory mapping) method is applied which simplifies the subsequent validation of the quality of the trajectory-mapped water vapor distribution towards direct satellite observations. Trajectories are calculated forwards and backwards in time for up to 10 days using 6 hourly meteorological wind analysis fields. Overall, a total of four case studies of trajectory mapping in different meteorological regimes are discussed. One of the case studies takes place during a major sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) accompanied by the polar vortex breakdown; a second takes place after the reformation of stable circulation system. TM cases close to the fall equinox and June solstice event from the year 2012 complete the study, showing the high potential of a network of ground-based remote sensing instruments to synthesize hemispheric maps of water vapor.


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The present report describes a real-time PCR-based procedure to reliably determine the quantity of Leishmania amastigotes in relation to the amount of host tissue in histological skin sections from canine and equine cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis. The novel diagnostic Leishmania-PCR has a detection limit of <0.02 amastigotes per μg tissue, which corresponds well to the detection limit of immunohistochemistry and is far beyond that of conventional histology. Our results emphasise the importance of PCR to complement routine histology of cutaneous leishmaniasis cases, particularly in laboratories in which no immunohistochemical assay is available.


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BACKGROUND Cam-type femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) resulting from an abnormal nonspherical femoral head shape leads to chondrolabral damage and is considered a cause of early osteoarthritis. A previously developed experimental ovine FAI model induces a cam-type impingement that results in localized chondrolabral damage, replicating the patterns found in the human hip. Biochemical MRI modalities such as T2 and T2* may allow for evaluation of the cartilage biochemistry long before cartilage loss occurs and, for that reason, may be a worthwhile avenue of inquiry. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES We asked: (1) Does the histological grading of degenerated cartilage correlate with T2 or T2* values in this ovine FAI model? (2) How accurately can zones of degenerated cartilage be predicted with T2 or T2* MRI in this model? METHODS A cam-type FAI was induced in eight Swiss alpine sheep by performing a closing wedge intertrochanteric varus osteotomy. After ambulation of 10 to 14 weeks, the sheep were euthanized and a 3-T MRI of the hip was performed. T2 and T2* values were measured at six locations on the acetabulum and compared with the histological damage pattern using the Mankin score. This is an established histological scoring system to quantify cartilage degeneration. Both T2 and T2* values are determined by cartilage water content and its collagen fiber network. Of those, the T2* mapping is a more modern sequence with technical advantages (eg, shorter acquisition time). Correlation of the Mankin score and the T2 and T2* values, respectively, was evaluated using the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. We used a hierarchical cluster analysis to calculate the positive and negative predictive values of T2 and T2* to predict advanced cartilage degeneration (Mankin ≥ 3). RESULTS We found a negative correlation between the Mankin score and both the T2 (p < 0.001, r = -0.79) and T2* values (p < 0.001, r = -0.90). For the T2 MRI technique, we found a positive predictive value of 100% (95% confidence interval [CI], 79%-100%) and a negative predictive value of 84% (95% CI, 67%-95%). For the T2* technique, we found a positive predictive value of 100% (95% CI, 79%-100%) and a negative predictive value of 94% (95% CI, 79%-99%). CONCLUSIONS T2 and T2* MRI modalities can reliably detect early cartilage degeneration in the experimental ovine FAI model. CLINICAL RELEVANCE T2 and T2* MRI modalities have the potential to allow for monitoring the natural course of osteoarthrosis noninvasively and to evaluate the results of surgical treatments targeted to joint preservation.


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Diese Textausgabe enthält mit der ZPO und der StPO zwei unentbehrliche Gesetze für Zivil- und Strafprozesse. Dank dem Einbezug des Verwaltungsverfahrensrechts des Bundes (insbesondere des VwVG) und des Zwangsvollstreckungsrechts (SchKG, GebV SchKG, KOV, VZG) sowie weiterer verfahrensrechtlich relevanter Erlasse deckt das Werk alle Bereiche des schweizerischen Prozessrechts ab. Alle in diesem handlichen Band aufgenommenen 23 Erlasse sind auf dem aktuellsten Stand der Gesetzgebung (Stichtag 1. Januar 2016). Diese für Studium und Beruf bestens geeignete Textausgabe ist mit vielen Querverweisen sowie Hinweisen auf die neuste Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichts versehen, was eine rasche und umfassende Erschliessung der komplexen Materie ermöglicht. Die neuen Regelungen der ZPO im Zusammenhang mit dem revidierten Kindesunterhalt sind bereits in kursiver Form bgedruckt.


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The 'Cominternians' who staffed the Communist International in Moscow from its establishment in 1919 to its dissolution in 1943 led transnational lives and formed a cosmopolitan but closed and privileged world. The book tells of their experience in the Soviet Union through the decades of hope and terror.


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