1000 resultados para Vehicle trajectories.


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This study documents recovery status and symptom changes in a one-year follow-up of sexually abused (SA) adolescent girls in child protection services in the province of Québec, Canada. Sixteen French-speaking participants were interviewed using the Multidimensional Trauma Recovery and Resiliency Interview (MTRR-I), which was in turn rated by interviewers using the companion rating scale, the MTRR, and completed questionnaires assessing symptoms, types of maltreatment endured and services received. Participants were between the ages of 13 and 17 years (M = 15.2 years) when first interviewed and had experienced severe sexual abuses. Analyses of one-year follow-up data revealed statistically significant changes towards better functioning on multiple domains and less symptomatology for a majority of the girls interviewed. The recovery status of a minority of research participants seems to have worsened in the interval. The discussion considers these findings and addresses relevancy of the MTRR measures in cases of SA adolescents.


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Au Canada, les Commissions d'Examen des Troubles Mentaux de chaque province ont la responsabilité de déterminer les conditions de prise en charge des personnes déclarées Non Criminellement Responsables pour cause de Troubles Mentaux (NCRTM) et de rendre, sur une base annuelle une des trois décisions suivantes: a) détention dans un hôpital, b) libération conditionnelle, ou c) libération absolue. Pour favoriser la réinsertion sociale, la libération conditionnelle peut être ordonnée avec la condition de vivre dans une ressource d’hébergement dans la communauté. Parmi les personnes vivant avec une maladie mentale, l’accès aux ressources d’hébergement a été associé à une plus grande stabilité résidentielle, une réduction de nombre et de la durée de séjours d'hospitalisation ainsi qu’une réduction des contacts avec le système judiciaire. Toutefois, l’accès aux ressources d’hébergement pour les personnes trouvées NCRTM est limité, en partie lié à la stigmatisation qui entoure cette population. Il existe peu d’études qui traitent du placement en ressources d’hébergement en psychiatrie légale. Pour répondre à cette question, cette thèse comporte trois volets qui seront présentés dans le cadre de deux manuscrits: 1) évaluer le rôle du placement en ressources d’hébergement sur la réhospitalisation et la récidive chez les personnes trouvées NCRTM; 2) décrire les trajectoires de disposition et de placement en ressources d’hébergement, et 3) mieux comprendre les facteurs associés à ces trajectoires. Les données de la province du Québec du Projet National de Trajectoires d’individus trouvés NCRTM ont été utilisées. Un total de 934 personnes trouvées NCRTM entre le 1er mai 2000 et le 30 avril 2005 compose cet échantillon. Dans le premier manuscrit, l’analyse de survie démontre que les individus placés dans un logement indépendant suite à une libération conditionnelle de la Commission d’Examen sont plus susceptibles de commettre une nouvelle infraction et d’être ré-hospitalisés que les personnes en ressources d’hébergement. Dans le deuxième article, l'analyse de données séquentielle a généré quatre modèles statistiquement stables de trajectoires de disposition et de placement résidentiel pour les 36 mois suivant un verdict de NCRTM: 1) libération conditionnelle dans une ressource d’hébergement (11%), 2) libération conditionnelle dans un logement autonome (32%), 3) détention (43%), et 4) libération absolue (14%). Une régression logistique multinomiale révèle que la probabilité d'un placement en ressource supervisée comparé au maintien en détention est significativement réduite pour les personnes traitées dans un hôpital spécialisé en psychiatrie légale, ainsi que pour ceux ayant commis un délit sévère. D'autre part, la probabilité d’être soumis à des dispositions moins restrictives (soit le logement indépendant et la libération absolue) est fortement associée à des facteurs cliniques tels qu’un nombre réduit d'hospitalisations psychiatriques antérieures, un diagnostic de trouble de l'humeur et une absence de diagnostic de trouble de la personnalité. Les résultats de ce projet doctoral soulignent la valeur protectrice des ressources en hébergement pour les personnes trouvées NCRTM, en plus d’apporter des arguments solides pour une gestion de risque chez les personnes trouvées NCRTM qui incorpore des éléments contextuels de prévention du risque, tel que l’accès à des ressources d’hébergement.


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Dans des contextes de post-urgence tels que le vit la partie occidentale de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), l’un des défis cruciaux auxquels font face les hôpitaux ruraux est de maintenir un niveau de médicaments essentiels dans la pharmacie. Sans ces médicaments pour traiter les maladies graves, l’impact sur la santé de la population est significatif. Les hôpitaux encourent également des pertes financières dues à la péremption lorsque trop de médicaments sont commandés. De plus, les coûts du transport des médicaments ainsi que du superviseur sont très élevés pour les hôpitaux isolés ; les coûts du transport peuvent à eux seuls dépasser ceux des médicaments. En utilisant la province du Bandundu, RDC pour une étude de cas, notre recherche tente de déterminer la faisabilité (en termes et de la complexité du problème et des économies potentielles) d’un problème de routage synchronisé pour la livraison de médicaments et pour les visites de supervision. Nous proposons une formulation du problème de tournées de véhicules avec capacité limitée qui gère plusieurs exigences nouvelles, soit la synchronisation des activités, la préséance et deux fréquences d’activités. Nous mettons en œuvre une heuristique « cluster first, route second » avec une base de données géospatiales qui permet de résoudre le problème. Nous présentons également un outil Internet qui permet de visualiser les solutions sur des cartes. Les résultats préliminaires de notre étude suggèrent qu’une solution synchronisée pourrait offrir la possibilité aux hôpitaux ruraux d’augmenter l’accessibilité des services médicaux aux populations rurales avec une augmentation modique du coût de transport actuel.


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In the absence of entry barrier or regulatory restrictions, Non Banking Financial Companies frantically grew and accessed the public deposit without any regulatory control. The deposit of NBFCs grew from Rs. 41.9 crore in 1971 to 53116.0 crore in 1997. This growth was the result of a combined effect of increase in the number of NBFCs and increase in the amount of deposits. The deposits amazed as above was invested in various assets especially that in motor vehicles by these asset financing NBFCs. Various tactics were adopted by these NBFCs and their agents for recovering the receivable outstanding from such assets. Both central government and RBI were concerned about the protection of depositors‘ interest and various committees were set up to frame a comprehensive regulation for the functioning of these NBFCs.


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The telemetry data processing operation intended for a given mission are pre-defined by an onboard telemetry configuration, mission trajectory and overall telemetry methodology have stabilized lately for ISRO vehicles. The given problem on telemetry data processing is reduced through hierarchical problem reduction whereby the sequencing of operations evolves as the control task and operations on data as the function task. The function task Input, Output and execution criteria are captured into tables which are examined by the control task and then schedules when the function task when the criteria is being met.


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The challenge of reducing carbon emission and achieving emission target until 2050, has become a key development strategy of energy distribution for each country. The automotive industries, as the important portion of implementing energy requirements, are making some related researches to meet energy requirements and customer requirements. For modern energy requirements, it should be clean, green and renewable. For customer requirements, it should be economic, reliable and long life time. Regarding increasing requirements on the market and enlarged customer quantity, EVs and PHEV are more and more important for automotive manufactures. Normally for EVs and PHEV there are two important key parts, which are battery package and power electronics composing of critical components. A rechargeable battery is a quite important element for achieving cost competitiveness, which is mainly used to story energy and provide continue energy to drive an electric motor. In order to recharge battery and drive the electric motor, power electronics group is an essential bridge to convert different energy types for both of them. In modern power electronics there are many different topologies such as non-isolated and isolated power converters which can be used to implement for charging battery. One of most used converter topology is multiphase interleaved power converter, pri- marily due to its prominent advantages, which is frequently employed to obtain optimal dynamic response, high effciency and compact converter size. Concerning its usage, many detailed investigations regarding topology, control strategy and devices have been done. In this thesis, the core research is to investigate some branched contents in term of issues analysis and optimization approaches of building magnetic component. This work starts with an introduction of reasons of developing EVs and PEHV and an overview of different possible topologies regarding specific application requirements. Because of less components, high reliability, high effciency and also no special safety requirement, non-isolated multiphase interleaved converter is selected as the basic research topology of founded W-charge project for investigating its advantages and potential branches on using optimized magnetic components. Following, all those proposed aspects and approaches are investigated and analyzed in details in order to verify constrains and advantages through using integrated coupled inductors. Furthermore, digital controller concept and a novel tapped-inductor topology is proposed for multiphase power converter and electric vehicle application.


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Our essay aims at studying suitable statistical methods for the clustering of compositional data in situations where observations are constituted by trajectories of compositional data, that is, by sequences of composition measurements along a domain. Observed trajectories are known as “functional data” and several methods have been proposed for their analysis. In particular, methods for clustering functional data, known as Functional Cluster Analysis (FCA), have been applied by practitioners and scientists in many fields. To our knowledge, FCA techniques have not been extended to cope with the problem of clustering compositional data trajectories. In order to extend FCA techniques to the analysis of compositional data, FCA clustering techniques have to be adapted by using a suitable compositional algebra. The present work centres on the following question: given a sample of compositional data trajectories, how can we formulate a segmentation procedure giving homogeneous classes? To address this problem we follow the steps described below. First of all we adapt the well-known spline smoothing techniques in order to cope with the smoothing of compositional data trajectories. In fact, an observed curve can be thought of as the sum of a smooth part plus some noise due to measurement errors. Spline smoothing techniques are used to isolate the smooth part of the trajectory: clustering algorithms are then applied to these smooth curves. The second step consists in building suitable metrics for measuring the dissimilarity between trajectories: we propose a metric that accounts for difference in both shape and level, and a metric accounting for differences in shape only. A simulation study is performed in order to evaluate the proposed methodologies, using both hierarchical and partitional clustering algorithm. The quality of the obtained results is assessed by means of several indices


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L' objectiu d' aquest estudi és intentar millorar l' aerodinàmica de la nova carrosseria del vehicle de baix consum de la UdG,l' Àliga, a través de programes informàtics de CFD. Des de fa uns anys l' Escola Politècnica Superior de la Universitat de Girona participa a l' Eco Shell Marathon, mirant d' assolir els millors resultats possibles.El nom del vehicle utilitzat per aquesta carrera és l' Àliga. Aquest projecte parteix dels resultats obtinguts al Projece fi de carrera d' en Daniel Vilavedra Vilà (2006):"Redisseny aerodinàmic de la carrosseria del vehicle de baix consum Àliga"


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Aquest projecte té com a objectiu la simulació numérica de la carrosseria d’ un vehicle de curses de muntanya de categoria CM


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This paper proposes a hybrid coordination method for behavior-based control architectures. The hybrid method takes advantages of the robustness and modularity in competitive approaches as well as optimized trajectories in cooperative ones. This paper shows the feasibility of applying this hybrid method with a 3D-navigation to an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). The behaviors are learnt online by means of reinforcement learning. A continuous Q-learning implemented with a feed-forward neural network is employed. Realistic simulations were carried out. The results obtained show the good performance of the hybrid method on behavior coordination as well as the convergence of the behaviors


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This paper presents an automatic vision-based system for UUV station keeping. The vehicle is equipped with a down-looking camera, which provides images of the sea-floor. The station keeping system is based on a feature-based motion detection algorithm, which exploits standard correlation and explicit textural analysis to solve the correspondence problem. A visual map of the area surveyed by the vehicle is constructed to increase the flexibility of the system, allowing the vehicle to position itself when it has lost the reference image. The testing platform is the URIS underwater vehicle. Experimental results demonstrating the behavior of the system on a real environment are presented


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Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) represent a challenging control problem with complex, noisy, dynamics. Nowadays, not only the continuous scientific advances in underwater robotics but the increasing number of subsea missions and its complexity ask for an automatization of submarine processes. This paper proposes a high-level control system for solving the action selection problem of an autonomous robot. The system is characterized by the use of reinforcement learning direct policy search methods (RLDPS) for learning the internal state/action mapping of some behaviors. We demonstrate its feasibility with simulated experiments using the model of our underwater robot URIS in a target following task


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Mosaics have been commonly used as visual maps for undersea exploration and navigation. The position and orientation of an underwater vehicle can be calculated by integrating the apparent motion of the images which form the mosaic. A feature-based mosaicking method is proposed in this paper. The creation of the mosaic is accomplished in four stages: feature selection and matching, detection of points describing the dominant motion, homography computation and mosaic construction. In this work we demonstrate that the use of color and textures as discriminative properties of the image can improve, to a large extent, the accuracy of the constructed mosaic. The system is able to provide 3D metric information concerning the vehicle motion using the knowledge of the intrinsic parameters of the camera while integrating the measurements of an ultrasonic sensor. The experimental results of real images have been tested on the GARBI underwater vehicle


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This work provides a general description of the multi sensor data fusion concept, along with a new classification of currently used sensor fusion techniques for unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV). Unlike previous proposals that focus the classification on the sensors involved in the fusion, we propose a synthetic approach that is focused on the techniques involved in the fusion and their applications in UUV navigation. We believe that our approach is better oriented towards the development of sensor fusion systems, since a sensor fusion architecture should be first of all focused on its goals and then on the fused sensors


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Fins a la data d’avui, el grup VICOROB de la Universitat de Girona ha desenvolupat diversos vehicles autònoms (GARBÍ, URIS i ICTINEU). El projecte que comença aquest any té com objectiu desenvolupar un nou vehicle submarí autònom amb capacitat d’intervenció (I-AUV) gràcies a un braç manipulador. Aquest projecte final de carrera té com objectiu desenvolupar en entorn MATLAB un simulador d’un I-AUV, format per un AUV i un braç manipulador de n graus de llibertat per tal d’avaluar les reaccions dels moviments del braç, amb càrrega i sense, sobre el robot, i viceversa