794 resultados para Responsibility conception


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A gyógyszeripar egyszerre tartozik a leginkább csodált és a legtöbbet kritizált iparágak közé. Az iparág produktumai életeket menthetnek, emberek millióinak könnyítik meg az életét, és a gyógyszereknek köszönhetően számos korábbi gyilkos kór vált ismeretlenné a fejlett országokban. Mindezek mellett azonban az iparágat számos kritika is éri: túl magas árakkal dolgozik, etikátlan promóciós praktikákkal él, magára hagyja a világ szegényeit, kétes etikai hátterű klinikai kísérleteket végez, és állami intézményekkel köt háttéralkukat. A CSR koncepciójának intenzív jelenléte az iparágban többek között a fenti ellentmondásokra adott válaszként is értelmezhető (erre utalnak a későbbiekben bemutatandó kvalitatív kutatás eredményei is). Az alábbi tanulmányban arra teszek kísérletet, hogy feltárjam, a magyar gyógyszeripar szereplői hogyan látják társadalmi felelősségüket, milyen programokat valósítanak meg CSR kezdeményezéseik során. Milyen kihívások várnak a gyógyszeripari cégek vezetőire, és milyen dilemmákkal szembesülnek társadalmi felelősségvállalásuk kapcsán? Mennyiben találhatók meg a nemzetközi kutatások által feltárt nézőpontok a hazai cégek CSR interpretációiban, illetve vannak-e a magyar gyógyszeriparnak sajátosságai ebben a tekintetben? / === / The pharmaceutical industry is among the most admired and most criticized of all. The pharmaceutical products can save lives, they make the lives of millions of people lot easier, and many legendary diseases were eradicated from the world thanks to the innovations of the industry. However, the industry receives many criticisms in the same time: the big pharma is often accused of working with high prices, applying immoral marketing practices, abandoning the poor, having a no money-no cure attitude, doing ethically questionable clinical trials, etc. This contradiction can be one reason why pharmaceutical industry is among the most CSR-oriented sectors. In this paper I investigate what the CSR initiatives and activities of the pharmaceutical companies look like in Hungary. How do the managers of these firms react to the challenges of the industry? What is their perception about the contradictions described in the previous paragraph? Are there Hungarian peculiarities regarding CSR principles and actions? During research I also wanted to identify patterns of CSR activities of the Hungarian pharmaceutical firms in order to create clusters that group companies with similar characteristics.


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There is a need for a proper indicator in order to assess the environmental impact of international trade, therefore using the carbon footprint as an indicator can be relevant and useful. The aim of this study is to show from a methodological perspective how the carbon footprint, combined with input- output models can be used for analysing the impacts of international trade on the sustainable use of national resources in a country. The use of the input-output approach has the essential advantage of being able to track the transformation of goods through the economy. The study examines the environmental impact of consumption related to international trade, using the consumer responsibility principle. In this study the use of the carbon footprint and input-output methodology is shown on the example of the Hungarian consumption and the impact of international trade. Moving from a production- based approach in climate policy to a consumption-perspective principle and allocation, would also help to increase the efficiency of emission reduction targets and the evaluation of the ecological impacts of international trade.


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There is a need for a proper indicator in order to assess the environmental impact of international trade, therefore using the carbon footprint as an indicator can be relevant and useful. The aim of this study is to show from a methodological perspective how the carbon footprint, combined with input- output models can be used for analysing the impacts of international trade on the sustainable use of national resources in a country. The use of the input-output approach has the essential advantage of being able to track the transformation of goods through the economy. The study examines the environmental impact of consumption related to international trade, using the consumer responsibility principle. In this study the use of the carbon footprint and input-output methodology is shown on the example of the Hungarian consumption and the impact of international trade. Moving from a production- based approach in climate policy to a consumption-perspective principle and allocation, would also help to increase the efficiency of emission reduction targets and the evaluation of the ecological impacts of international trade.


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Tanulmányunkban a European Values Study adatai alapján megvizsgáljuk, miben tér el Európában a vállalkozók értékrendje más társadalmi csoportokétól, különös tekintettel az egyéni és a kormányzati felelősségvállalás megítélésére. Kísérletet teszünk a vállalkozói értékrend különböző szintjei – személyes, társadalmi és kormányzattal kapcsolatos értékrend – közötti összefüggések feltárására. Összehasonlítjuk, mennyire jellemzi a vállalkozói értékrend az egyes európai országok lakosságát, kiemelt figyelmet fordítva Magyarországra. Egy hazai vállalkozói adatbázis alapján megvizsgáljuk, hogy a magyar vállalkozók értékrendje eltér-e az európai átlagtól, továbbá milyen törésvonalak húzódnak a vállalkozói populáción belül az értékrend szempontjából. _____ Data from the European Values Study are used to examine what sets apart the normative views of entrepreneurs from those of other social groups in Europe about individual and state responsibility. Different levels of an individual’s value system are distinguished: personal, social and state-related values are differentiated. The interrelationships among these levels are explored. Using multivariate statistical analysis, we examine the prevalence of ‘entrepreneurial’ views in European countries, especially in Hungary. Relying on data from a survey of 300 Hungarian small entrepreneurs, we explore if their value system differs from the average value system of European entrepreneurs. Finally, we examine the factors social and economic factors that influence entrepreneurs’ views on personal and state responsibility.


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A vállalati társadalmi felelősségvállalás (CSR) a diszciplinarizálódás korai szakaszában különböző tudományos hagyományokból táplálkozva, a vállalatirányítás, az üzleti etika, a környezetgazdálkodás és a marketingkommunikáció határvidékének szélesítésével, különböző hangsúlyú kiterjesztésével igyekszik saját helyét kijelölni a gazdálkodástudomány keretei között. Jelen tanulmány egy, az érintetti elméletekből kiinduló, ám alapvetően történeti és politikai hagyományhoz köti a CSR jelenét és jövőjét, majd ebből a megközelítésből kiindulva helyezi el a CSR elméletét és lehetséges managementgyakorlatát a vállalatirányítás és a marketingkommunikáció világában. A szerző álláspontja szerint a CSR inkább forma, mint tartalom; az üzleti értelemben vett fenntarthatóságot a vállalatok kevésbé jó ügyek képviselete révén, mint az érintetti (stakeholder) demokrácia megvalósulásának elősegítésével teremthetik meg. Jelen dolgozat azt mutatja meg, hogy az érintetti demokrácia mint üzleti működési modell megvalósulása messzemenő következményekkel járhat mind a vállalatirányítás, mind a modern marketingkommunikáció számára. ______ Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is in an early phase of disciplinarization and works towards establishing its level scholarly playing field from different traditions. It attempts to extend its territory on the boarderline of management, business ethics, environmental studies, and marketing-communications. This study applies a historical and political approach to the understanding of the present and future of CSR and places CSR in the area of management studies and marketing- communications from this starting point. CSR is more form than content; business sustanaibility is achieved less through good causes but via assisting in the establishment of stakeholder democracy. This study attempts to show what results stakeholder democracy as business modell would bring to the world of both corporate management and marketingcommunications.


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Tanulmányunkban az Albert 0. Hirschman által kialakított „kivonulás, tiltakozás, hűség” koncepció metaelméleti felhasználásával a „kapitalizmus változatai” elméletet vesszük bírálat alá. Egyrészt arra mutatunk rá, hogy már a különböző piacgazdasági modellek tipologizálásához használt vállalatelméleti dimenziójú elemzések is építkeznek a Hirschman-trilemmából, másrészt arra hívjuk fel a figyelmet, hogy olyan sajátos eszközről van szó, amely a tőke- és munkaerő-piaci folyamatok elemzésére támaszkodva új perspektívát is kínál a kapitalista gazdaságok komparatív vizsgálatához. A dolgozat terjedelmi okokból az empirikus kutatásokat megalapozó elméleti alapozásra szorítkozik. ____ In our study we deal with the critical analysis of the “varieties of capitalism” theory by using the “exit, voice, and loyalty” meta-theory invented by Albert O. Hirschman. The paper emphasizes that on the one hand the analyses of the theory of the firm and business used for the classification of distinct market models are also building upon the “Hirschman trilemma”, and on the other hand, it draws attention to the fact that the Hirschmanian method based on labor market and capital market offers a new perspective for the comparative analysis of capitalist economies. The focus of the article is only the theoretical foundation of empirical studies as a result of limitation of scope.


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Responsibility for the future can be closely linked to innovation and responsibility of entrepreneurship, nevertheless we are all responsible for our future. Since futurists have a special role in catalysing social changes and channelling actions for better futures, the present study analyses how the responsibility of futurists is seen in our times, characterised by great and far-reaching changes, and how this activity is enriched by elements of foresight. The responsibility of futurists lies in mapping out, communicating and implementing future alternatives. Futurists also have considerable responsibility to convince people that essential changes have to be accepted by the public.


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The Futures Studies Department at the Corvinus University of Budapest conducted a few strategic foresight projects at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The goals of two projects were to increase the regional competitiveness of two towns in Hungary; whereas, two other projects dealt with the long-term, 15- to 20- year-long, macro-development opportunities of Hungary. They focused on defining social trends that influence the long-termdecision-making environment of the regions and the country. The two types of experience made it possible to enhance strategic foresight by defining the role and responsibility of professional futurists and average, everyday people.


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A vállalatok társadalmi felelősségvállalása választ adhat a globális problémák megoldására. Azzal, hogy a környezeti és társadalmi ügyeket üzleti kategóriaként kezeli, új lehetőségeket nyitott meg a megközelítés, azonban az alapvető változások még nem érezhetők. A szerző kutatásában e témakört vizsgálja a személyes vélemények és attitűdök oldaláról. A gazdasági érdekek elsődlegessége mellett az ismerethiány az olyan tényező, amely szakadékot képez az elmélet és a gyakorlat között. Mivel a magatartásformák megváltoztatása időigényes kihívás, a közeljövő eredményei azzal biztosíthatók, ha a leendő döntéshozók sajátosságaikat megismerve a menedzsmenteszközöket igazítják a lehetőségekhez. A tanulmány egy átfogó, empirikus kutatás eredményei alapján mutatja be, hogy a felsőoktatásban tanulók, mint a jövő vezetői, hogyan viszonyulnak a fenntartható fejlődés és a CSR kérdéséhez. _____ The tools of corporate social responsibility (CSR) may support the solving of global problems by handling them as a business category. This expands the possibilities, but the breakthrough is still missing. The author’s research activity analyses the relations from the viewpoint of personal opinions and attitudes. There is a huge lack between the theories and the practical application that can be explained by the economic interest and the deficiencies of knowledge. Since changing the behaviour is a time-consuming challenge, the focus must be on discovering the present characteristics of the future decision makers and adjusting the management methods to the results. The paper summarises the results of an empiric research that opinions and attitudes of higher education students to sustainable development and CSR.


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A szerzők tanulmányukban bemutatják a vállalati gyakorlatból ismert vállalati társadalmi felelősségvállalás (CSR) koncepció lehetséges központi banki értelmezését, kitérve a központi bankok gazdasági, jogi, etikai és filantróp (jótékonysági) felelősségére. Megközelítésüket az amerikai (FED), az európai (EKB) és a magyar (MNB) központi bank gyakorlatán keresztül mutatják be. Dolgozatuk alapgondolata, hogy egy valóban felelős intézmény minden rendelkezésére álló eszközzel a társadalmi jólétet segíti elő, ahogy a társadalom tagjai vonatkozásában Adam Smith megfogalmazta bő kétszáz évvel ezelőtt. ____ This paper studies a possible interpretation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) known from business translated to the sphere of central banks, including the central banks’ economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic (charity) responsibilities. The authors’ approach is presented through practices of the American (FED), the European (ECB), and the Hungarian (MNB) Central Banks. The main idea in this paper is that a responsible organisation uses all means possible to improve social wealth, as stated by Adam Smith in relevance to the members of the society over two hundred years ago.


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This empirical study explored the impact of service-learning participation on high school students' attitudes toward academic engagement and civic responsibility. This study focused whether a group of high school students who participated in a service-learning project had more positive attitudes toward academic engagement and civic responsibility than their high school peers who did not participate in a service learning project. ^ Data were collected from 67 volunteer students as participants in grades 9–12. A service-learning treatment group of 34 high school students was examined relative to a comparison group of 33 high school students with similar demographic and academic characteristics. The investigator used questionnaires, an oral history/service-learning project, and interviews with the teacher-coordinators of the project to collect the data. The two surveys, one investigating high school students' attitudes about academic engagement, the other investigating high school students' attitudes toward civic responsibility, were administered in a pre-treatment/post-treatment design. There were 90 days between the pre-treatment and post-treatment administrations. A factor analysis of the civic responsibility instrument and multivariate analysis of gain scores were used to compare the means of the total aggregate scores of the treatment and comparison groups. Factor analysis was performed on the academic engagement instrument but it was determined that only the total scores could be used in subsequent analyses. Results were used to determine the efficacy of service-learning as interpreted in student attitudes toward academic engagement and student attitudes toward civic responsibility. ^ The study found no significant difference between the academic engagement and the civic responsibility attitudes of a high school service-learning project group and a high school comparison group with comparable school and similar demographic characteristics. One of the implications for educational practice and policy from the study results is a need to design and implement more powerful studies, studies implemented at many sites rather than just at two sites that were the basis of this study, and studies that investigate the research questions over longer time periods. Although it was not a focus of the study, the investigator concluded that service learning projects such as this might be more effective if they were better aligned with Dewey's principles. ^


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Minimal educational requirements for Registered Dietitians (RDs) include a bachelor's degree and practice program. Recently, a master's degree was recommended. Studies have not established whether education affects employment. A secondary analysis of 2005 Dietetics Practice Audit data determined whether job responsibility, individuals supervised, and activities differed between 1,626 bachelor's RDs (B-RDs) and 767 master's (M-RDs) RDs, registered .5 years. Chi-square and ANOVA analyzed differences between B-RDs and M-RDs, at entry-level (0-3 years experience) and beyond-entry-level (3+-5 years experience). Beyond-entry-level B-RDs (31.8%) and entry-level M-RDs (31.9%) reported “supervisor/executive” responsibility more than entry-level B-RDs (26.5%; p=0.01). A higher percentage of M-RDs supervised (29.2%) than B-RDs (24.7%; p=0.02); however, B-RDs supervised more individuals (7.38 ± 4.89) than M-RDs (6.25 ± 4.87; t=2.32; p=0.021). A master's degree has limited benefits; experience may affect responsibility, individuals supervised, and activities more than education.


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The population is spending increasing amounts of money for food away from the home. At the same time people are eating in a more healthful manner. The author discusses what the food service industry can and should do to better meet the needs and demands of consumers.


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The study looked at the processes in the development of an alcohol responsibility program for post-secondary students in the service management major at the University of Tennessee: he program has been certified by the State of Tennessee to satisfy the Alcohol Beverage Commission requirement for server training related to the handling and service of alcoholic beverages. A managerial viewpoint was adopted so as to provide the greatest benefit to service management graduate.