1000 resultados para Mylly, Juhani: Kansallinen projekti
This artcle describes work done with enterprise architecture of the National Digital Library. The National Digital Library is an initiative of the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. Its purpose is to promote the availability of the digital information resources of archives, libraries and museums, and to develope the long-term preservation of digital cultural heritage materials. Enterprise architectures are a tool for strategic management and planning. An enterprise architecture also functions as an aid at a more practical level. It shows, for example, what kind of changes and improvements may be made in one system without overlap or conflict with other systems.
Esitys Kansalliskirjaston järjestämässä Julkaisuarkistotapaamisessa 31.8.2011.
Ryhmätyöskentelytyökalujen käyttö yleistyy yhä enemmän organisaatioissa niin julkisella kuin yksityisellä sektorilla. Uusien työkalujen avulla saadaan tehostettua työskentelyä ja saadaan rakennettua organisaatiolle entistä vahvempaa suorituskykyä ja kilpailukykyä. Tämän tutkimuksen päätavoite on ymmärtää ryhmätyöskentelyvälineen toiminnallisuuksia ja sopivuutta organisaatiolle sekä kuinka projektiryhmä toimii työkalun avulla. Tavoitteena on myös löytää vastauksia ryhmätyöskentelyvälineen vaikutuksista organisaatioihin tulevaisuudessa ja kehitysprojekteihin. Tutkimuksen aineisto perustuu osallistuvaan havainnointiin, työpajasta saatuun materiaaliin sekä kyselyyn, joka tehtiin ryhmätyöskentelytyökalun avulla. Tulosten perusteella voidaan päätellä, että tämäntyylinen ryhmätyöskentely sopivat erinomaisesti hankkeiden ja projektien työkaluksi. Työkalun monipuolisuus yllätti projektiin osallistuneet. Työkalussa olevat perusdokumenttienhallinta, ryhmätyöskentely ja oma sivusto soveltuvat erinomaisesti eri toimialojen käyttöön.
Background: Atherosclerosis begins in early life progressing from asymptomatic to symptomatic as we age. Although substantial progress has been made in identifying the determinants of atherosclerosis in middle to older age adults at increased cardiovascular risk, there is lack of data examining determinants and prediction of atherosclerosis in young adults. Aims: The current study was designed to investigate levels of cardiovascular risk factors in young adults, subclinical measures of atherosclerosis, and prediction of subclinical arterial changes with conventional risk factor measures and novel metabolic profiling of serum samples. Subjects and Methods: This thesis utilised data from the follow-ups performed in 2001 and 2007 in the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns study, a Finnish population-based prospective cohort study that examined 2,204 subjects who were aged 30-45 years in 2007. Subclinical atherosclerosis was studied using noninvasive ultrasound measurements of carotid intima-media thickness (IMT), carotid arterial distensibility (CDist) and brachial flow-mediated dilation (FMD). Measurements included conventional risk factors and metabolic profiling using highthroughput nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods that provided data on 42 lipid markers and 16 circulating metabolites. Results: Trends in lipids were favourable between 2001 and 2007, whereas waist circumference, fasting glucose, and blood pressure levels increased. To study the stability of noninvasive ultrasound markers, 6-year tracking (the likelihood to maintain the original fractile over time) in 6 years was examined. IMT tracked more strongly than CDist and FMD. Cardiovascular risk scores (Framingham, SCORE, Finrisk, Reynolds and PROCAM) predicted subclinical atherosclerosis equally. Lipoprotein subclass testing did not improve the prediction of subclinical atherosclerosis over and above conventional risk factors. However, circulating metabolites improved risk stratification. Tyrosine and docosahexaenoic acid were found to be novel biomarkers of high IMT. Conclusions: Prediction of cardiovascular risk in young Finnish adults can be performed with any of the existing risk scores. The addition of metabonomics to risk stratification improves prediction of subclinical changes and enables more accurate targeting of prevention at an early stage.
Heli Kautosen esitys KDK:n asiakasliittymän 2. aallon keskustelu- ja tiedotustilaisuudessa 20.11.2011
Tapani Sainion esitys KDK-asiakasliittymän 2. aallon keskustelu- ja tiedotustilaisuudessa 20.10.2011
Ari Rouvarin esitys KDK-asiakasliittymän 2. aallon keskustelu- ja tiedotustilaisuudessa 20.10.2011
Erkki Tolosen esitys KDK-asiakasliittymän 2. aallon keskustelu- ja tiedotustilaisuudessa 20.10.2011
Anne Luoto-Halvarin esitys Kirjastoverkkopäivillä 26.10.2011 Helsingissä.
Kooste Kirjastoverkkopäivien 2011 työpajoista.
Arja Tuuliniemen esitys Kirjastoverkkopäivillä 27.10.2011 Helsingissä.
The objective of this master’s thesis was to find means and measures by which an industrial manufacturing company could find cost-competitive solutions in a price-driven market situation. Initially, it was essential to find individual high customer value spots from the offering. The study addressed this in an innovative way by providing the desired information for the entire range of offering. The research was carried out using the constructivist approach method. Firstly, the project and solution marketing literature was reviewed in order to establish an overview of the processes and strategies involved. This information was then used in conjunction with the company’s specific offering data to conduct a construction. This construction can be used in various functions within the target company to streamline and optimize the specifications into so-called “preferred offers”. The study also presents channels and methods with which to exploit the construction in practice in the target company. The study aimed to bring concrete improvements in competitiveness and profitability. One result of this study was the creation of a training material for internal use. This material is now used in several countries to inform and present to the staff the cost-competitive aspects of the target company’s offering.