724 resultados para Meninos femininos


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A presente pesquisa apresenta-se em uma perspectiva qualitativa, de cunho etnográfico. Analisa as relações estabelecidas entre os educadores e educadoras que trabalham com a educação infantil, sob a ótica das relações de gênero. Inicialmente, discute o percurso histórico da Educação Infantil nas principais Leis e Documentos que orientam a Educação Brasileira sob a ótica de gênero. Em seguida, em uma trajetória reflexiva, a análise passa a ser inspirada nos estudos da categoria gênero, e traz reflexões importantes acerca da sua definição, bem como do seu contexto histórico, político e social, segundo as autoras Joan Scott, Guacira Lopes Louro, Fúlvia Rosemberg e Jane Soares de Almeida. O foco da pesquisa está direcionado nas relações que se estabelecem entre os educadores e educadoras das instituições de educação infantil. E a repercussão dessas relações na educação das crianças pequenas. Muitos são os conflitos e barreiras da educação infantil sob a ótica de gênero. Porém, ao longo dos anos várias conquistas foram alcançadas na perspectiva das relações de gênero nessa modalidade de ensino. Ao se analisar as relações entre educadoras e educadores de uma creche, verificou-se que as relações estabelecidas na educação infantil apresentam-se como uma das formas de introdução de meninos e meninas na vida social. E, pensar na interação entre os pares, sejam eles grandes ou pequenos, meninos e meninas é oportunizar as mais variadas compreensões de si, do outro e da realidade.(AU)


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Pelo fato das consequências do uso de aparelhos ortopédicos fixos sobre o periodonto ósseo vestibular e lingual ainda serem uma incógnita para o ortodontista clínico e pesquisador, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar, por meio de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC) as alterações em espessura das tábuas ósseas vestibulares e linguais em primeiros molares superiores e incisivos e caninos inferiores, após a utilização de aparelhagem fixa e dos aparelhos Twin Force (grupo A) e Forsus (grupo B) para o tratamento da maloclusão de Classe II, 1ª divisão. Para tanto, obteve-se uma amostra de 22 pacientes jovens adultos, divididos em dois grupos, de acordo com o aparelho propulsor da mandíbula. Grupo experimental A: 11 pacientes, 6 masculinos e 5 femininos, com idade média de 15,09 anos na instalação do Twin Force, e 11 pacientes, 7 masculinos e 4 femininos, com idade média de 15,45 anos na instalação do Forsus. O tempo médio de uso do aparelho Twin Force foi de 3,73 meses e do Forsus, 7,09 meses. O grupo A realizou TCFC antes do início do tratamento (T1), antes da instalação do Twin Force (T2), após a remoção do Twin Force (T3); e o grupo B somente antes da instalação do Forsus (T2) e após a remoção do Forsus (T3). Para comparação entre os tempos T2 e T3 foi utilizado o teste t pareado e entre os tempos T1, T2 e T3 foi utilizada a Análise de Variância (ANOVA) a um critério e o teste post-hoc de Tukey. Para comparação entre os grupos foi utilizado o teste t . Na comparação intergrupos os resultados evidenciaram que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre as alterações das espessuras das tábuas ósseas vestibular e lingual; por outro lado, na avaliação intra-grupo, de 48 medidas avaliadas, no grupo A houve reduções estatisticamente significantes nos terços cervical e médio por vestibular, nos dentes anteroinferiores e nos primeiros molares superiores e aumento nos terços cervical e médio, por lingual nos dentes anteriores inferiores, totalizando 25 medidas significantes. Já no grupo B, houve aumento significante da tábua óssea lingual nos dentes anteriores inferiores e redução em vestibular nos molares superiores, totalizando apenas sete medidas significantes, mas com mais medidas significantes de redução óssea vestibular em terços cervical e médio nos primeiros molares superiores, em comparação com o grupo A. Não houve diferença significante entre as medições obtidas com voxel 0,2 mm e 0,4 mm e nem dimorfismo entre os gêneros. As reduções em espessura óssea alveolar, principalmente em terços cervicais e médios vestibulares nos dentes avaliados neste estudo são um alerta ao clínico, para que realize essa abordagem diagnóstica periodontal antes de iniciar o tratamento ortodôntico.


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Bem-estar subjetivo (BES) envolve um conjunto de categorias com componentes cognitivos e emocionais utilizados pelas pessoas para avaliar sua própria vida. Não se trata de uma avaliação objetiva feita por observadores com relação à qualidade de vida de uma pessoa, mas da avaliação subjetiva de cada indivíduo sobre a qualidade de sua própria vida, sobre a satisfação experimentada no quotidiano. Assim, BES representa uma avaliação pessoal sobre quão feliz o indivíduo se sente, independentemente do contexto e das condições socioeconômicas, da saúde, do sucesso e de outras variáveis que poderiam permitir uma avaliação objetiva de qualidade de vida. Supõe-se que pais de crianças com problemas avaliem-se como menos felizes do que outros e que o diagnóstico de problemas esteja associado a um menor relato de BES. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar relações entre bem-estar subjetivo de genitores e diagnósticos psiquiátricos de crianças. Para a realização deste estudo foram aplicados questionários para 70 genitores com filhos em atendimento psicológico na Unidade de Saúde da Criança e Adolescente. Resultados de análises de variância, testes t e de qui-quadrados revelaram não haver relações entre bem-estar subjetivo dos pais e presença de transtorno em seus filhos. Sequer houve diferenças entre BES de pais e mães ou entre BES de genitores de meninos e meninas. Além disso, esses genitores possuíam níveis razoáveis de BES, composto por bons índices de satisfação geral com a vida e balanço emocional baixo, o que revela uma quase neutralidade afetiva. Discussões apontam para a necessidade de estudos que complementem esses achados.


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Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo fazer uma avaliação neuropsicológica das funções cognitivas de crianças com Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne. Avaliou dez meninos, com idade entre seis e quinze anos. Utilizou-se da Escala de Inteligência Wechsler para crianças, WISC III, fazendo uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa dos dados. Os resultados quantitativos indicaram QIV muito diversificado entre os sujeitos, variando entre 53 e 97, sendo o QIVM = 77.4. A mesma variação foi observada no QIE, com resultados variando entre 57 e 88, com QIEM=71.2. O QITM foi de 71.4. . Esses resultados localizam-se na faixa limítrofe, dentro das variações normais da inteligência. A análise qualitativa fatorial segundo Figueiredo, registrou maior rebaixamento no fator III, Resistência à Distração, seguido do fator IV, Velocidade de Processamento. Na Escala Verbal, os subtestes que implicavam em utilização da Memória foram os mais comprometidos, comprovando pesquisas anteriores. Na Escala de Execução, o maior prejuízo observado foi devido à dificuldade em códigos e símbolos, sob pressão de tempo. Não foi observada nas crianças com resultados mais baixos, diferença significativa entre o QIV e o QIE. A transposição dos dados para a leitura neuropsicológica utilizou-se do diagrama de McFie. A grande diversidade dos resultados individuais recomenda estudos posteriores.


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O câncer em crianças até cerca de duas décadas, era considerado uma doença crônica, com prognóstico desfavorável, resultando na maioria dos casos, em morte. Atualmente, tem-se apresentado como uma doença com melhores perspectivas, onde 70% das crianças acometidas por essa doença podem ser curadas, quando diagnosticadas precocemente, e tratadas em centros especializados¹. Este estudo teve como objetivo, avaliar a qualidade de vida e o stress de crianças e adolescentes com câncer, em remissão e recidiva. Trata-se de um estudo correlacional, quali-quantitativo, transversal. Foi desenvolvido no ambulatório de oncologia pediátrica da Faculdade de Medicina do ABC, e na enfermaria do Hospital Mário Covas. Contou com a colaboração de 40 sujeitos, com idades entre 06 a 14 anos, de ambos os sexos. Como instrumento para medir a qualidade de vida, foi utilizado o Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ-PF50), que possui 15 conceitos em saúde, abrangendo aspectos físicos e psicossociais e para medir o stress, a Escala de Stress Infantil (ESI), que tem como objetivo, avaliar o stress da criança, através de reações físicas e psicológicas. Os resultados indicaram que no domínio físico (PhS), as crianças em situação clínica de recidiva e remissão não apresentam diferenças significativas em relação às variáveis: qualidade de vida e stress, porém, no domínio psicossocial (PsS), houve diferença estatisticamente significante, indicando que os meninos apresentam melhor qualidade de vida e menor stress, se comparados com as meninas, mostrando que o emocional interfere nesse resultado.(AU)


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O presente estudo teve por objetivos: a) descrever estratégias de enfrentamento (coping) utilizados por adolescentes atletas participantes de competições; b) descrever e relacionar os tipos de enfrentamento desses adolescentes segundo a prática esportiva individual e coletiva c) identificar o nível de stress desses atletas; d) relacionar as estratégias de enfrentamento com grau de stress. Selecionou-se por critério aleatório e conveniência, uma amostra de 141 atletas-adolescentes, estudantes, com idades entre 15 e 18 anos, sendo 66 meninas e 75 meninos. Estes eram estudantes do ensino médio de escolas privadas da região da Grande São Paulo, atletas que treinavam e participavam de competições esportivas de âmbito escolar e alto rendimento em categorias de base. Utilizou-se uma escala auto-aplicável de enfrentamento (coping) para adolescentes, composta por 80 itens, e um inventário de stress composto por 44 itens. Os resultados indicaram qure na amostra geral houve maior emprego da estratégia de aproximação; porém, numa separação em sub-grupos foram verificadas diferenças quanto ao gênero, pois as houve predomínio da estratégia de evitação entre as meninas. Quanto ao tipo de esporte coletivo e individual não se encontraram diferenças significativas, mestre entre meninos e meninas. O grau de stress esteve em média normal na amostra geral, porém quando se separa meninos e meninas, observou-se maior presença de sintomas entre os meninos e entre atletas praticantes da modalidade individual - xadrez. Também não foram encontradas diferenças significativas na correlação entre enfrentamento e stress. Entendeu-se que esse tipo de investigação pode auxiliar na compreensão desses jovens praticantes de esporte, bem como se levanta a hipótese de que a prática esportiva escolar, ainda que em nível de competição, pode ter uma influência positiva, tanto no enfrentamento quanto na administração do stress entre esses jovens.


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The objective of the present thesis was to use the manipulation of oocytes enclosed in preantral follicles (MOEPF) as a tool for the female gametes rescue and optimization, from wild species of Caatinga biome. The thesis was divided into 4 experiments. At first experiment, it was performed the estimative and description of the agouti (Dasyprocta leporina) preantral follicles (PF) histologic and ultrastructural features, in which it was estimated 4419.8 ± 532.26 and 5397.52 ± 574.91 follicles for the right and left ovary, respectively, and the majority (86,63%) belonged to the primordial follicles category (P<0.05). Most of the population consists of morphologically normal follicles (70.78%), presenting a large and central nuclei and uniform cytoplasm. At ultrastructural evaluation it was verified the presence of a great number of round mitochondrias associated to lipid droplets. In the second experiment, it was performed the estimative and description of yellow-toothed cavies (Galea spixii) PF characteristics, also, the evaluation of the effect of solid surface vitrification (SSV) on the in situ PF morphology. The total of 416.0 ± 342.8 PF was estimated for the ovary pair and the presence of a large quantity of primary follicles (P<0.05) was evidenced. Most of the PF was morphologically normal (94.6%), in which the oocyte nuclei presented condensed granules of heterochromatin. Round or elongated shaped mitochondria constituted the most abundant organelles. In regard of the SSV, the protocol using the dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) 3M possibility the preservation of 69.5% of morphologically normal PF, which was evidenced by the light and transmission electronic microscopy. At third experiment, the evaluation of the SSV procedure on the morphology and viability in situ PF form collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu) was performed. No differences were observed among treatments, in which the use of DMSO, ethylene glycol (EG) and dimethylformamide (DMF) as cryoprotectants, regardless its concentration, promoted the morphology preservation of much than 70% of PF. Concerning the PF viability, the DMSO and EG promoted the best preservation. The fourth experiment aimed to evaluate the effect of α MEM+ or TCM199 associated or not to 50 ng of FSHr on the morphology, activation and growth of collared peccaries PF, in vitro cultured (IVC) during 1 or 7 days and the effect on the extracellular matrix (ECM). After 7 days of IVC only the use of TCM199/FSH maintained the proportion of intact PF, similar to day 1(63.2%), however, no differences were observed among treatments (P>0.05). Also, an improvement of the proportion of intact growing PF was verified (P>0.05). By the Ag-NOR analysis it was observed that only the treatment using TCM199/FSH promoted the maintenance of cell proliferation similar to day 1 (P>0.05). The picrosirius red stain revealed that ECM remained intact in all treatments (P>0.05). Thus, as the general conclusion, the use of MOEPF in the refereed species allowed the knowledge of aspects related to its reproductive morphology and physiology, enabling the germplasm conservation, with the possibility of germplasm bank formation, as the elucidation of mechanisms related to the PF survive and in vitro development.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES


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Objective: To determine the zinc status and reference intervals for serum zinc concentration considering dietary, functional, and biochemical indicators in healthy children in the Brazilian Northeast. Methods: The study included 131 healthy children, 72 girls and 59 boys, between 6-9 years old. Anthropometric assessment was made by BMI/age; dietary assessment by prospective 3-day food register, and evaluation of total proteins was performed. Zinc in serum samples were analyzed in triplicate in the same assay flame using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Results: All subjects were eutrophic according to BMI/age classification. With respect to dietary assessment, only the intake of fiber and calcium were below the recommendations by age and gender. Biochemical parameters were all within the normal reference range. Reference intervals for basal serum zinc concentration 0.70-1.14 μg/mL in boys, 0.73-1.17 μg/mL in girls, and 0.72-1.15 μg/mL in total population. Conclusions: This study presents pediatric reference intervals for serum zinc concentration, which are useful to establish the zinc status in the population or in specific groups.


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Some of the current discussions in the teaching of Portuguese Language (LP) pertain to how the school should deal with the phenomenon of language variation in the classroom. In 2010, for example, an explosion of talk took over the academic corridors: a book, entitled "Por uma vida melhor", the collection "Viver, Aprender", published by the MEC (Ministry of Education and Culture) to students EJA (Youth and Adults) brought notions regarding linguistic variation, even in their first chapter. In it is clear the notion that it is possible to make use of structures as "pretty boy", instead of "pretty boys", depending on the context in which such use is insert. Therefore, the discussions focused around the notions of variety cultivated, standard and popular measuring them to the possibilities of linguistic appropriateness. The community was surprised by the defense of the "power" to use, since it would be the school space to teach a standard "default", and not the possibility of legitimate use of grammatical patterns that clashed with those recommended in traditional grammars. The television media has been responsible for a major blaze that MEC had endorsed the use in schools of a book that legitimized such linguistic patterns. The quarrel was released on Youtube and in that space, netizens expressed themselves for or against the proposal of LD often directing the discussion to questions of a purely political. We observed that, on one side, loomed arguments related to Sociolinguistics (BAGNO , 2002, 2003, 2007, 2009; BAGNO, M.; STUBBS, M., Gagne, G., 2006; Bortoni - RICARDO, S.M., 2008; Tarallo, F., 1982; U. Weinreich, MARVIN I. HERZOG, Labov, W., 1968, Labov 1972, etc.); another, arguments concentrated on defending the school is the area of language teaching standard, and not fit to bring certain discussions within an LD. It was from these words, that this research was born. Interested in the particular way that the community media, which seemed to have no training in linguistics, understand the concepts of right, wrong, appropriate and inappropriate, so intimate in academic circles. Our thoughts take as reference the theoretical studies on the question of sociolinguistic variation and education, official documents that guide the "work" with the Portuguese language in the classroom, like the NCP (National Curriculum) and Curriculum Proposal for Education Youth and Adult (PCEJA). In our analysis, we found that LD" For a better life "makes no apology for teaching the "error", but it raises discussions about the possibility of "change", linked to factors and different order. We realize how significant it is to observe how speakers of a language are positioned in relation to language teaching which they are not speakers and scholars. Our study showed that certain issues regarding the teaching of the Portuguese language, as is the case of linguistic variation, points are far from being resolved, either for linguists and/or grammarians, whether for language speakers.


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This paper aims to discuss the influences of gender issues in formal and informal evaluation processes in order to identify situations that may lead to exclusion of boys and girls in our schools. Therefore, we rely on the authors as Freitas (2005, 2006, 2011), Sordi (2009), Villas Boas (2006), Fernandes (2006, 2008), (Carvalho (2001.2004, 2011), Blonde (1995, 2003), Scott (1995), Connell (1995), Navy (2009), Dal'igna (2004), among others. These authors help us understand that both gender issues as the evaluation questions in its formal and informal when analyzed, especially in light of school reality, are impregnated with socially constructed conceptions that are reflected in the school. The survey was conducted in two rooms of the 5th year of elementary school, and the genres of research were qualitative and quantitative. In the development of this study, the research followed those steps: School Rules analysis, grade maps, class journals; Mapping of records of the evaluation results of the 1st to 5th year of elementary school; Analysis of official government documents in education; development, implementation and analysis of questionnaires answered by the students and the teachers with issues about gender and evaluation; Mapping of the evaluation results of the students of two classes surveyed during 2012; Observation in the classroom; interview with the teachers of the surveyed groups. During the research we found that gender issues are not dealt with by the school and that this reinforces some exclusion processes that are linked to these questions. Studies also tell us that on the surveyed groups most of the children who have lower evaluative results are boys, which, in the evaluation of teachers, are considered undisciplined. Of the children with poor results, 50% are black. Some of these children who had low evaluative income have not completed the school year in that school. The study also reveals that on the observed groups, generally the girls have better results in formal assessments than boys, which are considered, by the teachers, more undisciplined and difficult to work with. The girls, on the other hand, are considered more docile and attentive than boys. The observations made by teachers concerning the behavior of boys and girls also reflect in the formal evaluative results, therefore the informal assessments, the value judgment of teachers in relation to the behavior of the students influence the results of formal assessments. In this sense, in order to seek ways to try to overcome the exclusion situations experienced in the evaluation process, we believe that the principles of popular education can be configured as an important parameter to begin discussions on gender and evaluation in schools.


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When expressed by mental health services users, sexuality is typically denied by professionals, viewed as another symptom or as if these people are not capable of practicing it. Once Brazilian health professionals haven’t shown lots of investment in this theme, and few are the studies in this field, it is necessary the attention to be focused on researches involving this public. Therefore, the main goal of this study was understand the meanings of sexuality of the mental health services users, which were negotiated in sexuality workshops. The secondary goals were: a) understand the meanings of themes about sexuality brought by users through their experiences of everyday life; b) to evaluate the facilitating experience of the workshops on sexuality at CAPS. Thus, 10 workshops on sexuality were held, with an average of an hour and twenty minutes each, distributed from December 2014 and April 2015. There were 43 participants, 29 women and 14 men. The meetings had the following central themes: sexuality; sexuality and mental health; myths, beliefs and sexual taboos; gender identity; sexual orientation; sexual and reproductive rights; safe sex; and STD/AIDS. The data collection was through audio-recording of these meetings. Later, was made the transcript of the workshops, a careful reading of these transcripts and then its analysis. It was identified categories to analyze the interfaces that permeate the focus of the study. Initially, the categories relating to mental health and sexuality: meanings about sexuality; gender issues; gender and religion; sexual rights, STD/AIDS prevention and attention or denial of sexuality at CAPS. Later, those relating to the workshops facilitating process: challenges in facilitating the workshops; and the perception of the participants. A variety of meanings about sexuality could be noticed in the users’ statements, relating it more with affection and respect than with intercourse. The gender issues that emerged during the workshops were related to marital relationship, sexism, domestic violence, psychological violence and male and female roles in society. Moreover, were also revealed some situations that associated gender differences with religious issues, such as the submission of women and homosexuality. It was also noticed some experiences of the participants involving worrying situations of family violence, suicidal ideation and chemical castration, were often mismanaged or ignored by the service professionals. With regard to the facilitation of the workshops, it was possible to legitimize it as places where users were able to talk openly about the suggested themes and highlight its importance to the study site. Besides, it’s possible to list a few challenges of its facilitation in a mental health service, which was in general positively evaluated by the participants. Thus, the research highlights the need for sexuality theme discussion in mental health services, in order to understand, discuss and inform the users. Also, it’s important to problematize the stigma created in the theme relation with the users, the professionals and the society, working its specificities and avoiding a pathological bias.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de mestre no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém


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This research investigated the nasality of vowels in the spontaneous speech of inhabitants of the quilombola communities of Brejo dos Crioulos and Poções (MG). As a theoretical framework, we based on the assumptions of Phonetics and Phonology, in renowned scholars on the investigation of nasality (CAGLIARI, 1977; CÂMARA JR., 1984, 2013; BISOL, 2013; ABAURRE; PAGOTTO, 1996; SILVA, 2015), with subsidies of the Corpus Linguistics. Its general goal was to investigate the occurrence of nasality, in the dialect of these quilombola communities, and their linguistic behavior, considering the linguistic factors that can interfere in the phenomenon. Specifically it was aimed to a) detect the occurrence of nasalized vowels with the help of the resources that the Corpus Linguistics provides (Praat and WorldSmith Tolls); b) discriminate the different types of occurring contexts of nasalized vowels; c) make quantitative and qualitative analyzes of the nasalized vowels in the study corpus; d) describe and analyze the behavior of nasalized vowels and; e) contrast the values of F1 and F2 of the oral and nasalized vowels. It was hypothesized that the nasality happens because it is conditioned by the nasal segment following the nasalized vowel - phonological process of “assimilation” - its position as the primary stress and grammatical category. It was believed that the quilombolas communities of Brejo dos Crioulos and Poções produce nasalized vowels in their speech and this linguistic phenomenon is favored by the adjacent presence of consonants or nasal vowels. Furthermore, it was hypothesized that the values of F1 and F2 of oral and nasalized vowels in these communities are distinct. The following research questions were elaborated: (i) is the presence of nasalized vowels in the speech of these quilombola communities conditioned to the presence of a nasal sound segment? (ii) does the nasal sound segment following the nasalized vowel favor the occurrence of the nasality phenomenon? is there a difference between the values of F1 and F2 of the oral and nasalized vowels in both quilombola communities considered? To compose our corpus, 24 interviews recordings were used (12 female speakers and 12 male speakers), a total of 24 participants. It was found that the following nasal sound segment tends to condition the nasalized vowel. In general, it assimilates the lowering of the soft palate of nasal consonant segment immediately following, but there are cases of nasal vowel segment - regressive assimilation; the stressed syllable tends to favor the nasality, but it occurs in pretonic and postonic position as well; F1 and F2 values of oral and nasalized vowels in the quilombola communities of Poções and Brejo dos Crioulos are distinct: the group of Brejo dos Crioulos tends to produce the F1 of oral and nasalized vowels more lowered than the group of Poções and the F2, in a more anterior position. The nasality tends to occur in verbs and nouns, although it is not specific to a grammatical category. This research found cases of spurious nasalization, confirming previous studies. In turn, it revealed cases of lexical items with favorable context for nasalization, but with its non-occurrence. This last case, considered as the lowering of the uniform soft palate in PB, presented pronounced vowels without the soft palate lowering. That is, it was detected variation in the phenomenon of nasalization in PB. With this work, it was promoted the discussion about nasality, in order to contribute to the linguistic studies about the functioning of Brazilian Portuguese in this geographical context.


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BRUNO, S. S. ; SOUSA, M. B. C. . Modulação pela progesterona da sensibilidade dolorosa a estímulos mecânicos e isquêmicos em mulheres saudáveis e jovens. RBGO. Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia , v. 30, p. 306-311, 2008