806 resultados para Mathematics education|Curriculum development


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In August, 1994, the Office of Local Systems, Project Development Division, Iowa Department of Transportation established a Quality Improvement Team to review and improve upon the federal-aid project development process. The mission was to communicate federal-aid project development procedures to local agencies, beginning with the approval of the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and ending with obligation of federal funds by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). In January 1997, another Team (Make it Better) began meeting to clarify, update, and streamline the federal-aid project process. This Project Development Packet is a compilation of these efforts. The packet includes Project Development timelines, flow charts, guidelines, design criteria, Instructional Memorandums and forms to assist in the federal-aid project development process. The main (fold out) flow chart directs to other sections of the packet when appropriate.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Der Hamburger Schulversuch EARA (Erprobung neu strukturierter Ausbildungsformen im Rahmen des Ausbildungskonsenses 2007-2010“) wurde durch in Konsortium der Universität Hamburg evaluiert und wissenschaftlich begleitet. Die Schulversuchsevaluation gliederte sich in einen summativen und einen formativen Teil (vgl. EARA 2012, 11 f.). Im Rahmen der formativen Evaluation wurden intensive curriculare Entwicklungsarbeiten geleistet, die durch eine enge Kooperation von wissenschaftlicher Begleitung und Projektschulen geprägt waren. Dieser Beitrag stellt die theoretischen Grundlagen der gemeinsamen Curriculumentwicklung im Schulversuch EARA dar. Diese sind umfassend in der Kooperation mit der beruflichen Schule für Büro und Personalmanagement Bergedorf für das Berufsbild Kaufleute für Bürokommunikation umgesetzt worden. In diesem Beitrag werden zunächst zentrale Herausforderungen der schulnahen Curriculumentwicklung im Kontext des Lernfeldansatzes dargestellt, um dann im zweiten Abschnitt die im Schulversuch EARA zum Tragen gekommenen Lösungsansätze zu beschreiben. Die spezifischen Herausforderungen waren (1) eine veränderte curriculare Entwicklungslogik, (2) die notwendige curriculare Rekonstruktion von Lernfeldern, (3) die Schwierigkeiten prozessübergreifender Kompetenzentwicklung und (4) die geforderte Verknüpfung von Prozess- und Systemperspektive in den Lernsituationen. Die Lösungsvorschläge für diese Herausforderungen münden im Konzept der Hamburger Kompetenzmatrix und werden am Beispiel von Ergebnissen aus dem Projekt EARA dargestellt. Der Beitrag endet mit der Bilanzierung von Erfolgen und Desideraten.


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Die 42. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik (GDCP) wurde im September 2015 an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin ausgerichtet. Zum Tagungsthema „Authentizität und Lernen - Das Fach in der Fachdidaktik“ diskutierten neben den Plenarreferentinnen und -referenten eine große Anzahl an Tagungsgästen. Der vorliegende Band umfasst die ausgearbeiteten Beiträge der Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer. (DIPF/Orig.)


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The goal of the study was to investigate differences in how two groups of students activated mathematical competencies in the mathematical kangaroo (MK). The two groups, group 1 and 2, were identified from a sample of 264 students (grade 7, age 13) through high achievement (top 20 %) in only one of the tests: the MK or a curriculum bounded test (CT). Analysis of mathematical competencies showed that the high achievers in the MK, activated the problem solving competency to a greater extent than the high achievers in the CT, when doing the MK. The results indicate the importance of using non-traditional tests in the assessment process of students to be able to find students that might possess good mathematical competencies although they do not show it on curriculum bounded tests.


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Teacher observation has shown that some pupils achieve very high on the Kangaroo Competition test (KC) but very low on the Swedish National test in Mathematics (SNM). This study will investigate the number of pupils who have high achievement scores on the KC (top 10%) but low achievement scores on the SNM (bottom 50%). Individual results on the SNM given in grade 6 (age 12) will be compared to results on the KC given in grade 7; concerning approximately 700 individuals. Results will give an example of the quantity of mathematically able pupils who underachieve in School Mathematics in Sweden. Data interpretation will connect this study to international research concerning mathematical abilities and mathematical achievement among mathematically able pupils.


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This book will concentrate on economic competence and financial literacy of young adults in the US, Europe and South America. The subjects of the research are mainly individuals who have begun an apprenticeship or university education. Economic competence and financial literacy are of special interest for this group because they are usually in the unique position of being responsible for managing their own financial affairs autonomously, often for the first time. Furthermore, economic competence is key to social participation and active citizenship. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Este estudo, desenvolvido através de uma investigação-ação, busca aprofundar a compreensão sobre o papel da poesia e de sua abordagem associado à integração curricular e ao trabalho colaborativo, em programas de formação de professores, inicial e continuada, visando à mudança de uma prática docente solitária para uma prática mais reflexiva e solidária. Esta investigação desenvolveu-se em uma escola pública de São Paulo - Brasil, com professores de diferentes disciplinas, coordenação pedagógica e estagiários do curso de Letras de duas universidades privadas. Com o propósito de contribuir para o debate, associamos o estudo teórico à investigação empírica, numa investigação-ação, recorrendo à observação participante e às entrevistas semiestruturadas. Elegemos para este trabalho três grandes eixos e suas respectivas referências teóricas: i) formação de professores; ii) currículo e desenvolvimento curricular; e iii) poesia e abordadem da poesia. Com base nesses eixos, elaboramos e desenvolvemos o estudo empírico que nos mostrou sua relevância através dos resultados obtidos: viabilidade de construção e implementação de projetos interdisciplinares nas escolas da rede pública; importância da interação entre professores e restante comunidade escolar; humanização do ambiente escolar; protagonismo de professores e alunos. Mostrou-nos também algumas limitações, especialmente o pouco investimento e apoio das equipes de gestão ao desenvolvimento de projetos integrados, assim como a falta de tempo necessário à construção de ambiente propício à criação da cultura de colaboração docente. Esperamos ter contribuído, através deste projeto, para que um novo olhar seja lançado aos programas de formação, inicial e continuada, de professores, menos tecnicista, mais crítico e reflexivo, mais solidário e integrado, mais humanizado e democrático, bem como à potencialidade da poesia/abordagem da poesia nesses contextos.


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This book presents a current overview of themes that entangle research in Mathematics Education, which were produced in conjunction with professors who act in the Mathematics Education field at PPGECM (Science and Mathematics Post-graduation Program), that counts with professors from many universities, especially UFPR (Paraná's Federal University), UTFPR (Paraná's Technological Federal University) and UDESC (Santa Catarina's Federal University).The set of texts brings some areas of interest, studies that are in development and research that have been completed. It is expected that the chapters present the program, aspects of its production, interests and theoretical/methodological relations, contributing to the strengthening of Mathematics Education as a research field and familiarization and deepening of the topics discussed.


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This collection is the result of theoretical considerations made in the education field with emphasis on the teacher’s professional development. The diversity of authors, which came from distinctive higher education institutions located in Brazil and some arising from international context, reveals a multiplicity of relations between the themes that blend the centrality of “Rede de Aprendizado em Foco”. The studies and researches are organized around three themes: teacher’s learning in initial training and professional integration; teacher learning’s evaluations process and policies; and teacher’s professional development. The professionality’s formation in a period of deep and complex transformations in the social and educational scenarios is projected as a big challenge, especially when it is understood that a person is not born as a teacher, but it is constituted as such by processes that occur over a long period. The contact with the professional practice stands as an essential element in the context of teacher training, which in the course of professional learning experience different stages of training. The one that should be highlighted would be the learning moments that involve teaching’s practices. Thus, the main point of this work was based on the reflection of the teacher’s formative processes from the initial training to the professional development going through the teaching practice, which is considered as the beginning of the relationship between theoretical and practical knowledge in the context of educational reality and reporting formative experiences that have contributed to this training.


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This article describes the purpose and activities of the project Promoting Mathematics Education in Rural Areas of Costa Rica. The activity has focused on two objectives. First, supporting and monitoring students who have expressed interest in studying a mathematics teacher. To achieve this, it has been working with students who have an ideal profile for the career, mainly from rural areas. The second objective is to conduct training workshops for high school in-service teachers, to strengthen and improve their knowledge in the area of mathematics. Among the results of the project, it can be highlighted a significant increase in the enrollment of students in the career of Mathematics Education in 2010 and 2011, and the training processes in the field of Real Functions of Real Variable and Geometry at different regional areas mostly rural as Aguirre, Sarapiquí, Coto, Buenos Aires, Limón, Cañas, Pérez Zeledón, Nicoya, Los Santos, Turrialba, Puriscal, Desamparados, San Carlos, Puntarenas, Limón, Liberia, Santa Cruz y Upala.


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This paper includes some fundamental ideas about the theory of didactic transposition of Yve Chevallard (1980), from which it is made an analysis of the knowledge transformation suffers from the mathematical level to the scholastic level. To demonstrate this transformation, it is analyzed the theme of integers, which is included in the seventh- grade curriculum of the educational system of Costa Rica.


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Im Rahmen universitärer Projekte entwickelte E-Learning-Angebote werden nach ihrer Fertigstellung in der Regel nicht isoliert in der Lehre eingesetzt. Vielmehr sollen sie in bereits bestehende Curricula und traditionelle Präsenzveranstaltungen integriert werden. Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie eine solche Integration zu leisten ist und welche Aspekte dabei zu beachten, welche Aufgaben zu übernehmen sind. Am Beispiel des Projektes IMPULSEC wird gezeigt, wie und unter welchen Voraussetzungen am Entwicklungsstandort Osnabrück Lerninhalte und -ziele, Medien und Methoden sowie Sozial- und Organisationsformen von E-Learning-Angeboten mit denen der traditionellen Präsenzlehre zusammengeführt werden.(DIPF/Orig.)