991 resultados para Luís da Câmara Cascudo. House. Spaces. Biography. Memory


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Este estudo destina-se à obtenção do Estatuto de Especialista na Escola Superior de Música, Artes do Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Constitui objectivo principal tratar a música portuguesa para fagote, levando uma série de compositores portugueses da actualidade a escrever para o mesmo. Pretende-se, com isto, abordar as mais variadas correntes estéticas e musicais que circulam no país, assim como agilizar um catálogo editorial de repertório nacional para o instrumento. A história do fagote remonta ao século XVI, evoluindo ao longo do percurso da história da música, ganhando notoriedade não só no que respeita à sua constituição organológica, mas também pelo papel solístico e concertístico conquistado. O projecto que iremos apresentar, teve início em 2008 e ainda se encontra em pleno desenvolvimento, tendo a pretensão de realizar doutoramento, ainda sobre esta temática. Ao longo da actividade docente, tenho vindo assistir a uma crescente preocupação e debate nos meios educativos sobre música. O ensino artístico tem vindo a abordar diversas questões que vão desde a história e organização do ensino vocacional em Portugal à prática pedagógica e os demais currículos em vigor. Tal facto despertou em nós uma curiosidade sobre os motivos para ausência de uma escola de fagote em Portugal, bem como a evolução das políticas educativas e de aprendizagem do instrumento. Também na qualidade de instrumentista, várias tem sido as dificuldades para aquisição/interpretação de partituras para fagote que possam colmatar a prática pedagógica, académica e performativa, em grande medida motivadas pela falta de uma estruturação curricular sólida e eficaz como iremos debater no capítulo dedicado ao currículo, ponto I do presente trabalho. Partituras para o referido instrumento são escassas e não remetam o intérprete para um repertório português devidamente documentado e que possa integrar os currículos nacionais, ou até mesmo o plano internacional. As condições para realização deste projecto surgiram da realização de uma dissertação de Mestrado em Interpretação Artística, e da ansiedade de ver circular um repertório nacional. No âmbito da performance musical e enquanto profissional do instrumento, temos desenvolvido uma actividade regular, nomeadamente em música de câmara portuguesa, que a seu tempo se veio a revelar extremamente deficitária no plano de um repertório erudito português, sem já questionarmos que programa musical vigorou ao longo de varias décadas para a disciplina do instrumento então já existentes desde 1835. No entanto, reconhecemos um amplo e notável investimento na investigação, estudos e publicações de natureza científico-artística, retirando do anonimato compositores, obras e espólios de vários autores portugueses, e a seu tempo, com a formação continua dos estudos de 2º ciclo há já uma preocupação assistida sobre o ensino da música em Portugal, tomemos como exemplo o estudo de Carlos Gomes, Contributos para o estudo do ensino especializado em Portugal e de Alexei Iria O ensino da Música em Portugal – desde 25 de Abril de 1974, ou até mesmo o Estudo de Avaliação do Ensino Artístico – Relatório Final Revisto, fevereiro de 2007. Assim, recrutamos um conjunto de obras musicais, produzidas por: Sérgio Azevedo, Telmo Marques, Jean François Lezé, Fernando Lapa, Carlos Azevedo e José Luís Ferreira, privilegiando e promovendo a diversidade da linguagem musical que caracteriza cada um dos convidados, lembrando desde já que encontra em processo de finalização uma obra de Alexandre Delgado, Daniel Moreira, Paulo Perfeito, Pedro Faria Gomes e Luís Tinoco. Do convite formalizado a uma vasto número de compositores, pensamos haver reunido as condições essenciais tratar este tema, dado que também os compositores se sentiram motivados pela escrita para o fagote, sabendo que o produto que daí surgisse iria ter um intérprete e uma edição musical já no mercado. O objectivo final deste projecto será editar um disco com todas as obras reunidas, dado das já por mim interpretadas se encontram editadas e em circulação, integrando não só programas académicos, mas também concursos nacionais, cite-se: Concurso Terras de LASalete (nível médio e superior) e Prémio Jovens Músicos, nível Superior (2012). Os compositores por mim escolhidos, reflectem não só uma aproximação pessoal e musical, mas também uma observação de conceitos estéticos, estilísticos, técnicos e métodos utilizados pelos compositores, não dissociados claro do acto performativo. Ao enunciarmos a performance musical esta pressupõe a interpretação, um dos objectos de estudo no presente trabalho, o mesmo é dizer que actividade performativa no domínio da arte musical, implica uma personificação do intérprete. Este trabalho pretende-se elaborar uma resenha das obras e explorar dois aspectos que parecem pertinentes neste tipo de repertório: por um lado, a relação indispensável entre o intérprete/compositor para a criação de um repertório para fagote, que como sabemos pouco o nenhum interesse tem revelado no decurso da história da música portuguesa, e por outro analisar os diferentes modos de nomenclatura musical empregues, estabelecendo pontos de conexão com a motivação, a criatividade, sem descorar o papel do público com o compositor e o acto performativo. Com a realização de um pequeno questionário, a cada um dos intervenientes, ambicionámos apurar e envolver os compositores na análise e no envolvimento directo com este projecto. 1- Qual ou qual a(s) preocupação principal que julga ter na composição para este instrumento (fagote)? 2- No seu trabalho preocupa-se em escrever para um público que se identifica com determinados padrões musicais, ou pelo contrário segue o seu, independentemente de qualquer reacção menos agradável? 3- O que considera ser uma escrita contemporânea? (Terá que ter efeitos, electrónica, instrumentações menos convencionais, ou pelo contrário, o escrever até em linguagem tonal sem qualquer destes efeitos pode ser considerado um meio deste mesmo “chavão”? 4- Qual o seu entendimento sobre o caminho e as várias direcções da música do nosso tempo? Pretendeu-se, com este questionário, explorar questões relacionadas com o processo de escrita para o instrumento e o conhecimento sobre as suas potencialidades, analisando seguidamente ausência de um catálogo em conformidade com os padrões musicais e o público em causa. Inserimos, ainda, uma entrevista gravada concedida por Pascal Gallois como testemunho para as peças de Luciano Berio e Pierre Boulez. Focamos ainda aspectos relacionados com a escrita contemporânea, para assim inserir, ou não, o compositor na música actual e o seu entendimento sobre o que poderá ser a música hoje, acreditando que o trabalho que vimos a desenvolver se insere em contexto académico, formativo e performativo no seio das principais escolas (Secundárias e Superiores de Música), inscrevendo neste contexto os conteúdos programáticos e organização curricular por nós elaborada e em vigor nas Escolas de Música do ensino vocacional artístico: Viana do castelo e Vale do Ave.


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The objective of great investments in telecommunication networks is to approach economies and put an end to the asymmetries. The most isolated regions could be the beneficiaries of this new technological investments wave disseminating trough the territories. The new economic scenarios created by globalisation make high capacity backbones and coherent information society polity, two instruments that could change regions fate and launch them in to an economic development context. Technology could bring international projection to services or products and could be the differentiating element between a national and an international economic strategy. So, the networks and its fluxes are becoming two of the most important variables to the economies. Measuring and representing this new informational accessibility, mapping new communities, finding new patterns and localisation models, could be today’s challenge. In the physical and real space, location is defined by two or three geographical co-ordinates. In the network virtual space or in cyberspace, geography seems incapable to define location, because it doesn’t have a good model. Trying to solve the problem and based on geographical theories and concepts, new fields of study came to light. The Internet Geography, Cybergeography or Geography of Cyberspace are only three examples. In this paper and using Internet Geography and informational cartography, it was possible to observe and analyse the spacialisation of the Internet phenomenon trough the distribution of the IP addresses in the Portuguese territory. This work shows the great potential and applicability of this indicator to Internet dissemination and regional development studies. The Portuguese territory is seen in a completely new form: the IP address distribution of Country Code Top Level Domains (.pt) could show new regional hierarchies. The spatial concentration or dispersion of top level domains seems to be a good instrument to reflect the info-structural dynamic and economic development of a territory, especially at regional level.


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Information Society plays an important role in all kinds of human activity, inducing new forms of economic and social organization and creating knowledge. Over the last twenty years of the 20th century, large investments in telecommunication networks were made to approach economies and put an end to the asymmetries. The most isolated regions were the beneficiaries of this new technological investment’s wave disseminating trough the territories. The new economic scenarios created by globalisation make high capacity backbones and coherent information society polity, two instruments that could change regions fate and launch them in to an economic development context. Technology could bring international projection to services, products and could be the differentiating element between a national and an international economic strategy. So, the networks and its fluxes are becoming two of the most important variables to the economies. Measuring and representing this new informational accessibility, mapping new communities, finding new patterns and localisation models, could be today’s challenge. In the physical/real space, location is defined by two or three geographical co-ordinates. In the network/virtual space or in cyberspace, geography seems incapable to define location, because it doesn’t have a good model. Trying to solve the problem and based on geographical theories and concepts, new fields of study came to light. Internet Geography is one example. In this paper and using Internet Geography and informational cartography, it was possible to observe and analyse the spacialisation of the Internet phenomenon trough the distribution of the IP addresses in the Portuguese territory. This work shows the great potential and applicability of this indicator to regional development studies, and at the same time. The IP address distribution of Country Code Top Level Domains (.pt for Portugal) could show the same economic patterns, reflecting territorial inflexibility or, by opposition, new regional hierarchies. The spatial concentration or dispersion of top level domains seems to be a good instrument to analyse the info-structural dynamic and economic development of a territory, especially at regional level. At the same time it shows that information technologies are essential to innovation and competitive advantage.


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A double pi'npin heterostructure based on amorphous SiC has a non linear spectral gain which is a function of the signal wavelength that impinges on its front or back surface. An impulse of a configurable length and amplitude is applied to a 390 nm LED which illuminates one of the sensor surfaces, followed by a time period without any illumination after which an input signal with a different wavelength is impinged upon the front surface. Results show that the intensity and duration of the impulse illumination of the surfaces influences the sensor's response with different output for the same input signal. This paper studies this effect and proposes an application as a short term light memory. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Software transactional memory is a promising programming model that adapts many concepts borrowed from the databases world to control concurrent accesses to main memory (RAM) locations. This paper discusses how to support apparently irreversible operations, such as memory allocation and deallocation, within software libraries that will be used in (software memory) transactional contexts, and propose a generic and elegant approach based on a handler system, which provide the means to create and execute compensation actions at key moments during the life-time of a transaction.


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A total of 479 diarrhoeic children and 337 children without diarrhoea (controls) less than 5 years old were investigated in a two-year study in the city of S. Luís (MA), with the purpose to determine the incidence, the age distribution and the seasonality of rotaviruses, as well as to establish the severity of the disease in this region between the North and the Northeast of Brazil. rotavirus incidence was highest in children of the 1st. year of life, showing an average of 25% per year among the diarrhoeic patients attending the two main hospitals and three health units at the periphery of the city. It was shown that rotaviruses are significant enteropathogens in children less than 18 months old. Frequency of rotaviruses droped in diarrhoeic patients 18 to 23 months old to only 4%, the same percentage observed in children of the control group. A typical seasonal distribution of rotaviruses was not seen during the two years of study. There was a peak in the incidence of rotaviruses in 1986, during the rainy season, and two peaks in 1987, one in the rainy season and one in the dry season. It was also shown that severity of diarrhoea in rotavirus positive cases was higher than in the negative cases. Rotavirus diarrhoeic patients had more loose stools per day, and higher frequencies of vomiting and fever, resulting more often (> 2 times) in moderate or severe dehydration. Finally, it is concluded that the introduction of immunoprophylaxis may reduce significantly the high mortality rates in early childhood observed in S. Luís.


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Cities are increasingly expected to be creative, inventive and to exhibit intense expressivity. In the past decades many cities have experienced growing pressure to produce and stage cultural events of different sorts and to develop new strategies that optimize competitive advantages, in order to promote themselves and to boost and sell their image. Often these actions have relied on heavy public investment and major private corporation sponsoring, but it is not always clear or measured how successful and reproductive these investments have been. In the context of strained public finances and profound economic crisis of European peripheral countries, events that emerge from local communities and have low budgets, which manage to create significant fluxes of visitors and visibility, assume an increased interest. In order to reflect and sketch possible answers, we look to an emerging body of literature concerning creative cities, and we focus on the organisation of a particular cultural event and its impact and assimilation into a medium size Portuguese city. This paper looks at the two editions (2011 and 2012) of one of such events – Noc Noc – organized by a local association in the city of Guimarães, Portugal. Inspired by similar events, Noc Noc is based on creating transient spaces of culture which are explored by artists and audiences, by transforming numerous homes into ephemeral convivial and playful social ‘public’ environments. The event is based on a number of cultural venues/homes scattered around the old and newer city, which allows for an informal urban exploration and an autonomous rambling and getting lost along streets. This strategy not only disrupts the cleavages between public and private space permitting for various transgressions, but it also disorders normative urban experiences and unsettles the dominant role of the city council as the culture patron of the large majority of events. Guimarães, an UNESCO World Heritage City was the European Capital of Culture in 2012, with a public investment of roughly 73 million euro. By interviewing a sample of people who have hosted these transitory art performances and exhibitions, sometimes doubling as artists, the events’ organizers and by experience both editions of the event, this paper illustrates how urban citizens’ engagement and motivations in a low budget cultural event can strengthen community ties. Furthermore, it also questions the advantages of large scale high budget events, and how this event may be seen as unconscious counter movement against a commodification of cultural events and everyday urban experience at large, engaging with the concepts of staging and authenticity.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil Ordenamento do Território e Impactes Ambientais


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Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Energia


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tecnologia e Segurança Alimentar


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Even though Software Transactional Memory (STM) is one of the most promising approaches to simplify concurrent programming, current STM implementations incur significant overheads that render them impractical for many real-sized programs. The key insight of this work is that we do not need to use the same costly barriers for all the memory managed by a real-sized application, if only a small fraction of the memory is under contention lightweight barriers may be used in this case. In this work, we propose a new solution based on an approach of adaptive object metadata (AOM) to promote the use of a fast path to access objects that are not under contention. We show that this approach is able to make the performance of an STM competitive with the best fine-grained lock-based approaches in some of the more challenging benchmarks. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Apresentação do projeto encomendado pela Câmara Municipal de Oeiras, no auditório César Batalha, a 13 de Novembro de 2008. Equipa de projeto:Helena Rato (Coord.); Belén Rando, César Madureira, Cláudia Anjos, Conceição Baptista, Luís Lapão, Madalena Antunes, Margarida Martins, Miguel Rodrigues. Consultor: Dr. Mário Pádua. Equipa CMO: Lurdes Poeira, Cristina André, Júlia Cardoso, Marta Camilo, Isabel Matias


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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Experimental optoelectronic characterization of a p-i'(a-SiC:H)-n/pi(a-Si:H)-n heterostructure with low conductivity doped layers shows the feasibility of tailoring channel bandwidth and wavelength by optical bias through back and front side illumination. Front background enhances light-to-dark sensitivity of the long and medium wavelength range, and strongly quenches the others. Back violet background enhances the magnitude in short wavelength range and reduces the others. Experiments have three distinct programmed time slots: control, hibernation and data. Throughout the control time slot steady light wavelengths illuminate either or both sides of the device, followed by the hibernation without any background illumination. The third time slot allows a programmable sequence of different wavelengths with an impulse frequency of 6000Hz to shine upon the sensor. Results show that the control time slot illumination has an influence on the data time slot which is used as a volatile memory with the set, reset logical functions. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2015.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores - Sistemas Autónomos