752 resultados para Imunização Passiva


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The employment of flexibility in the design of façades makes them adaptable to adverse weather conditions, resulting in both minimization of environmental discomfort and improvement of energy efficiency. The present study highlights the potential of flexible façades as a resource to reduce rigidity and form repetition, which are usually employed in condominiums of standardized houses; as such, the work presented herein contributes to field of study of architectural projects strategies for adapting and integrating buildings within the local climate context. Two façade options were designed using as reference the bionics and the kinetics, as well as their applications to architectural constructions. This resulted in two lightweight and dynamic structures, which cater to constraints of comfort through combinations of movements, which control the impact of solar radiation and of cooling in the environment. The efficacy and technical functionality of the façades were tested with comfort analysis and graphic computation software, as well as with physical models. Thus, the current research contributes to the improvement of architectural solutions aimed at using passive energy strategies in order to offer both better quality for the users and for the sustainability of the planet


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This master thesis introduces assessment procedures of daylighting performance in office rooms with shaded opening, recommendations for Natal-RN (Latitude 05,47' S, Longitude 35,11' W). The studies assume the need of window exterior shading in hot and humid climate buildings. The daylighting performance analyses are based on simulated results for three levels of illuminance (300,500 e 1000 lux) between 08h00 e 16h00, in rooms with 2,80 m height, 6 m large and 4 m, 6 m e 8 m depths, with a centered single opening, window wall ratio (20%, 40% e 60%), four orientations (North, East, South and West), and two types of sky (clear and partially cloudy). The sky characteristics were statistically determined based on hourly data from INPE-CRN solar and daylighting weather station. The lighting performance is resulted from dynamic computer simulation of 72 models using Troplux 3.12. The simulation results were assessed using a new parameter to quantify the use of interior daylighting, the useful percentage of daylight (PULN), which corresponds to the time fraction with satisfactory light, in accordance with the illuminance design. The passive zone depths are defined based on the PULN. Despite the failures of illuminance data from the weather station, the analyses ratified the high potential of daylighting for shaded rooms. The most influential variables on the lighting performance are the opening size and the illuminance of design, while the orientation is a little influential


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BRITO, Rosineide Santana de; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz; SOARES, Verônica Guedes. Lactação materna: a contribuição do pai. Revista Baiana de Enfermagem, Salvador, v.19/20,n.1-3, p.105-112, jan./dez. 2004,jan./dez. 2005.


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The replacement of native vegetation by other land uses is one of the main degrading ecosystem agents, being the most important component of terrestrial environments, natural or with different levels of human disturbance, besides being the main substrate used by plants to obtain conditions soil for its development. In this context, there is the need to adopt the use and sustainable management of land systems. The study aimed to evaluate what is forest restoration system more efficient degraded areas, based on the potential recovery of physical, chemical, carbon and biological activity in the soil. The work was conducted in a forest restoration area UTFPR- Campus two neighbors, whose experiment was established in October 2010. The experimental design is completely randomized, with four replications and experimental plot of 40 m wide by 54 m long ( 2160 m2) were collected and six sampling points per plot. The soil is classified as a Typic. The models evaluated are: 1 - natural or passive regeneration; 2 - Nucleation; 3 - Planting trees in the total area under lines fill and diversity (total planting); 4 - Reference area (forest). The collection of soil samples in layers of 0.0-0.05, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.20 and 0.20-0.40 m was carried out in October 2013 and evaluated physical attributes of texture, bulk density, total porosity, microporosity and soil macroporosity and stability of water in households, chemical properties, and total organic carbon (TOC) and physical particle size fractionation and soil biological activity. To find the best forest restoration model, we designed a Restoration Quality Weighted Index for each variable analyzed. Natural regeneration and total plantation showed generally better soil aggregation over 0.10 m and nucleation volume of similar porosity the forest for these layers. There were no differences between the models below 0.10 m for the variables aggregation and soil porosity. The nucleation template had the lowest bulk density, but being greater than the density in the layer forest 0.05-0.10 m, however, was similar to below 0.10 m above the ground. The models had chemical properties similar to or greater than the forest. The forest had the highest stock of COT and carbon associated with minerals (CAM), but natural regeneration was similar to the particulate organic carbon (POC) in the superficial layers of the soil (0-0.10 m), below 0, 10 m, the forest showed higher stock of COT and COP on the ground. The highest peak of C-CO2 emissions occurred in the 28-35 day range where the total plantation was similar to forest. After four years of experiments, it was found that the effect of restoration methods on physical attributes and soil carbon restricted to 0.10 m deep.


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A corrente dissertação enquadra-se na temática da corrosão das armaduras mais concretamente nas armaduras mínimas, não estruturais e construtivas. É frequente encontrarmos sinais de degradação em estruturas e elementos de betão armado, maioritariamente causado pela corrosão das armaduras. Tais armaduras por vezes não têm solicitações estruturais, desta forma estuda-se a hipótese de as mesmas terem sido dispensadas no momento de conceção da estrutura ou do elemento. Tem-se em conta todos os fatores que podem influenciar a corrosão de forma a entender o seu comportamento, assim como o seu enquadramento legislativo. São inúmeras as causas de corrosão prematura das armaduras, como a elevada porosidade do betão, a utilização dos materiais errados de acordo com o ambiente, o recobrimento insuficiente, entre outros. Contudo o processo de corrosão é provocado apenas pela carbonatação e/ou cloretos existentes no betão que destrói a pelicula passiva das armaduras. Elaborou-se análises em casos mais usuais com degradação acentuada. Assim, apenas analisou-se casos onde a corrosão era visível, uma vez que a análise se baseou apenas na observação visual, e ignorou-se os restantes casos devido á incerteza da existência de corrosão, mesmo em ambientes agressivos. Em todos os casos teve-se em conta o comportamento químico e físico, do betão e das armaduras de forma a compreender as causas da degradação e suas consequências, assim como outros parâmetros como por exemplo a temperatura. Com base nos dois parágrafos anteriores, e com recurso ao levantamento fotográfico de alguns elementos e estruturas de betão armado, analisou-se neste trabalho 8 casos não estruturais e 2 casos estruturais referente à aplicação das armaduras.


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O manual escolar tem sobrevivido ao longo dos tempos como artefacto curricular central, independentemente das diferenças políticas, culturais e de ritmos de mudança, bem como de todas as polémicas a ele associadas. Situado, muitas vezes, entre dois planos separados - por um lado, o plano “da conceção, desenho e autorização, nas mãos do perito que domina e concebe o discurso e o regula politicamente” (Bonafé, 2011, p. 89) e, por outro lado, o plano “da aplicação que fica nas mãos do professor, leigo que atua numa posição passiva de recetor dependente daquela em que o discurso o coloca” (Bonafé, 2011, p. 89) – é visto como “uma forma de saber, de circulação legítima do saber e de acesso ao saber” (Bonafé, 2011, p. 16). Considerando que, em Portugal, o processo de elaboração, adoção e utilização deste recurso didático, estabelecido pela lei n.º 47/2006, de 28 de agosto, visa, entre outros aspetos, garantir a sua conformidade com os programas e orientações curriculares, pretendemos, com este trabalho, analisar e discutir as alterações dos manuais escolares causadas pelas mudanças ao nível das orientações programáticas. Foi feita uma análise de conteúdo de onze manuais de Português do ensino básico, publicados por seis editoras diferentes, tendo em conta as seguintes categorias: estrutura global do manual escolar; descritores de desempenho que o manual escolar operacionaliza; e textos destinados a promover a educação literária incluídos no manual escolar. Os resultados da análise indicam que, apesar do ritmo acelerado de mudança da sociedade atual, as orientações programáticas, determinadas politicamente, são o principal fator que influencia as alterações nos manuais escolares de Português e que a informação sobre as práticas está pouco presente neste processo.


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Objetivo: a deformidade em supinação por paralisia obstétrica do plexo braquial (POPB) é atualmente rara e resulta de um desequilíbrio muscular entre pronadores e supinadores. A deformidade é progressiva e disfuncional e, quando a redução passiva é possível, o redireccionamento lateral do tendão distal do bíceps está indicado. Na deformidade fixa do antebraço a membrana interóssea deve ser libertada. Este estudo avalia os resultados do procedimento de Zancolli em doentes com POPB.


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Verifica quais são os desafios à concretização das transparências ativa e passiva, analisando especificamente as dificuldades do Departamento de Comissões em fornecer aos cidadãos todos os custos e detalhes de funcionamento referentes às Comissões Temporárias e Permanentes da Câmara dos Deputados.


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This text thematizes the performance of the Brazilian-American Commission of Industrial Education (CBAI) since its installation at Rio de Janeiro, on 1947, and extinction in Curitiba, on 1963. The general goal consists in identifying if are there any relation between Gramsci’s Americanism and Fordism elements and the CBAI’s performance, by means of a speech analysis from de Newsletter of CBAI and other documental sources related to the organizations performance. The specifics objectives intend to contextualize the political and economic situation that Brazil was going through before and concomitant to CBAI’s performance, emphasizing some aspects of the Cold War feature that contributed to narrow the relations between United States and other countries of Latin America, especially Brazil. On the following, it intends to present the main aspects of Gramsci’s thought and the Americanism and fordism and Passive Revolution as key categories for a better understanding of the presence of an Americanization project on Brazilian’s professional education. As so, the object of this study are the Newsletters of CBAI. Finally, the speech’s analisys of the Newsletter was the methodology used to demonstrate CBAI as an Americanism diffuser. The documental research and sources served as groundwork, especially the Newsletters, were found at Departamento de Documentação Histórica of Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (DEDHIS) and at Biblioteca de Educação of Universidade de São Paulo (FEUSP). The theoretical foundation has as a workline for the conception of the categories the studies of Gramsci about the of work (and the Newsletters itself), and the speech’s analysis of main concepts from Bakhtin, Voloshinov’s and the Circle of studies about language philosophy. At last, this paperwork concludes that the attempt to disseminate an amerizanization project in Brazil obtneined significant results on the industrialization of the country according to the fordism’s racionalization standarts, nevertheless, this research considers that such a project corroborates the comprehension about the consolidation of a Passive Revolution’s project.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Educacional


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A poluição atmosférica é um dos principais factores de degradação da qualidade de vida da população. O conjunto BTEX (benzeno, tolueno, etilbenzeno e xilenos) constitui o grupo mais importante dos compostos orgânicos voláteis (VOCs) na atmosfera uma vez que participam na química da atmosfera e constituem um perigo para a saúde, nomeadamente o benzeno, por ser altamente cancerígeno. São maioritariamente libertados pelo tráfego automóvel. Neste trabalho foi determinada a concentração dos BTEX em nove pontos da cidade de Évora no período de 21 Março a 1 de Julho de 2009 tendo-se recorrido à técnica de amostragem passiva, com amostradores Radiello™, seguida de desadsorção líquida, usando CS2, e subsequente análise por GC-MS. A concentração de benzeno no ar da cidade de Évora não excedeu o valor legislado de 5 g/m3 neste período de amostragem, sendo as concentrações obtidas para os poluentes em geral muito baixas e na sua maioria inferiores ao LOQ do método analítico. ABSTRACT; Air pollution is the major factor in the degradation of the population quality of life. BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes) is the most important group of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the atmosphere because of their role in atmospheric chemistry and the risk they posed to human health, with benzene, being a highly carcinogenic compound. BTEX are released mainly by road traffic. Concentrations of BTEX were determined at nine sampling points in the city of Évora in the period from 21 March to 1 July 2009, using passive samplers Radiello™, followed by liquid desorption with CS2, and subsequent analysis by GC-MS. During the sampling period, the concentration of benzene in the outdoor air of Évora city did not exceed 5 g/m3, the maximum value admissible by legislation. The concentrations measured of the other pollutants were, in general, very low and mostly below the LOQ of the analytical method.


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O presente trabalho, no âmbito de projeto final de curso de metrado em Engenharia da Construção, teve como objetivo o estudo do comportamento de estruturas de suporte de terras flexíveis multi-apoiadas (com diferentes tipos de apoio) para dois tipos solos homogéneos. Recorreu-se às teorias clássicas, como a de Rankine, desenvolvidas para estruturas de suporte de terras rígidas. Às teorias semi-empíricas de Terzaghi & Peck que culminaram nos diagramas de Terzaghi & Peck. Apesar de os digramas de Terzaghi & Peck serem diagramas de pressões de terras a usar em estruturas de suporte de terras flexíveis, apresentam algumas limitações importantes, como a sua aplicação apenas em solos heterogéneos, com presença ou não de níveis freáticos, e sem fornecer distribuição das pressões de terras na zona passiva (zona enterrada). Como na atualidade os modelos de elementos finitos permitem simular de modo muito mais rigoroso os problemas da engenharia. O presente trabalho esteve focado em analisar um caso prático em diferentes solos e com diferentes tipos de apoios. Será estudado mediante os métodos analíticos usando as teorias clássicas e posteriormente métodos numéricos (com diferentes programas de cálculo). Finalmente serão comparados os resultados obtidos mediante os diferentes métodos usados. As estruturas foram inicialmente pré-dimensionadas usando os métodos clássicos. Assim foram usados os diagramas de pressões de terras de Terzaghi & Peck para a zona ativa (zona em escavação) e a teoria de Rankine para conhecer as pressões de terras na zona enterrada da cortina (parede moldada) e recorrendo ao software Ftool para a obtenção dos parâmetros de dimensionamento de estruturas de suporte de terras objeto de estudo. Posteriormente utilizaram-se os programas de cálculo automático CYPE 2015 k, e o programa de cálculo de elementos finitos PLAXIS Introductory 2010. Estes programas permitem simular o faseamento construtivo do muro. Para estudar a influência de algúns parâmetros no comportamento da Resumo IV cortina o estudo foi realizado com dois solos distintos, um solo argiloso mole e um solo arenoso denso. Assim como para dois tipos de apoios distintos, ancoragens ativas e escoras passivas. Foram analisados diferentes parâmetros na estrutura de suporte; pressões horizontais das terras, deslocamentos horizontais, esforço axial, transverso e momento fletor.


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The most common method of achieve the required fire resistance is by the use of passive fire protection systems, being intumescent coatings the fire protection material frequently used. These are usually considered thin film coatings as they are applied with a dry film thickness (DFT) between 0.3-3 [mm]. The required DFT is obtained by experimental fire resistance tests performed to assess the contribution of this reactive fire protection material to the steel member fire resistance. This tests are done after dry coating and a short time period of atmospheric conditioning, at constant temperature and humidity. As the coatings formulation is mainly made from polymeric basis compounds, it is expected that the environmental factors, such temperature, humidity and UV radiation (UVA and UVB) significantly affect the intumescent coating fire protection performance and its durability. This work presents a research study about the effects of aging on the fire protection performance of intumescent coatings. A commercial water based coating is submitted to an accelerated aging cycle, using a QUV Accelerated Weathering Tester. This tests aim to simulate 10 years of the coating natural aging. The coating durability is tested comparing the fire protection of small steel samples submitted to a radiant heat flux exposure from a cone calorimeter. In total, 28 tests were performed on intumescent coating protected steel specimens, of which 14 specimens were tested before the hydrothermal aging test and other 14 after accelerated aging. The experimental tests results of the steel temperature evolution shows that increasing the intumescent dry coating film thickness, the fire resistance time increases. After the accelerated aging cycles, the coating lose their ability to expand, resulting in an increase of the steel temperature of approximately 200 [ºC], compared to the samples without aging.


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The low tenacity presented by the Portland cement pastes used in the oil wells cementation has been motivating several researches with attention focused on alternative materials. Additives have been developed to generate flexible pastes with mechanical resistance capable to support the expansions and retractions of the metallic covering of the wells that submit to the steam injection, technique very used to increase the recovery factor in oil reservoirs with high viscosity. A fresh paste with inadequate rheological behavior may commit the cementation process seriously, involving flaws that affect the performance of the paste substantially in the hardened state. This work proposes the elaboration and the rheological analysis of Portland cement pastes with addition of residues of rubber tire in several proportions, with the aim of minimizing the damages provoked in the hem cementing of these wells. By thermogravimetric analysis, the particles of eraser that go by the sieve of 0,5mm (35 mesh) opening and treated superficially with NaOH solution of 1 mol/L presented appropriate thermal resistance for wells that submit to thermal cyclic. The evaluation of the study based on the results of the rheological analysis of the pastes, complemented by the mechanical analysis, thickening, stability, tenor of free water and filtrate loss, being used as parameter a paste reference, without rubber addition. The results showed satisfactory rheology, passive of few corrections; considerable loss of mechanical resistance (traction and compression), compensated by earnings of tenacity, however with established limits for its application in oil wells; satisfactory stability, free water and thickening time


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