This paper describes a new system, dubbed Continuous Appearance-based Trajectory Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (CAT-SLAM), which augments sequential appearance-based place recognition with local metric pose filtering to improve the frequency and reliability of appearance-based loop closure. As in other approaches to appearance-based mapping, loop closure is performed without calculating global feature geometry or performing 3D map construction. Loop-closure filtering uses a probabilistic distribution of possible loop closures along the robot’s previous trajectory, which is represented by a linked list of previously visited locations linked by odometric information. Sequential appearance-based place recognition and local metric pose filtering are evaluated simultaneously using a Rao–Blackwellised particle filter, which weights particles based on appearance matching over sequential frames and the similarity of robot motion along the trajectory. The particle filter explicitly models both the likelihood of revisiting previous locations and exploring new locations. A modified resampling scheme counters particle deprivation and allows loop-closure updates to be performed in constant time for a given environment. We compare the performance of CAT-SLAM with FAB-MAP (a state-of-the-art appearance-only SLAM algorithm) using multiple real-world datasets, demonstrating an increase in the number of correct loop closures detected by CAT-SLAM.
Large margin learning approaches, such as support vector machines (SVM), have been successfully applied to numerous classification tasks, especially for automatic facial expression recognition. The risk of such approaches however, is their sensitivity to large margin losses due to the influence from noisy training examples and outliers which is a common problem in the area of affective computing (i.e., manual coding at the frame level is tedious so coarse labels are normally assigned). In this paper, we leverage the relaxation of the parallel-hyperplanes constraint and propose the use of modified correlation filters (MCF). The MCF is similar in spirit to SVMs and correlation filters, but with the key difference of optimizing only a single hyperplane. We demonstrate the superiority of MCF over current techniques on a battery of experiments.
In this paper we describe the dynamic simulation of an 18 degrees of freedom hexapod robot with the objective of developing control algorithms for smooth, efficient and robust walking in irregular terrain. This is to be achieved by using force sensors in addition to the conventional joint angle sensors as proprioceptors. The reaction forces on the feet of the robot provide the necessary information on the robots interaction with the terrain. As a first step we validate the simulator by implementing movement control by joint torques using PID controllers. As an unexpected by-product we find that it is simple to achieve robust walking behaviour on even terrain for a hexapod with the help of PID controllers and by specifying a trajectory of only a few joint configurations.
A wireless sensor network collected real-time water-quality measurements to investigate how current irrigation practices—in particular, underground water salination—affect the environment. New protocols provided high end-to-end packet delivery rates in the hostile deployment environment.
In this work we present an optimized fuzzy visual servoing system for obstacle avoidance using an unmanned aerial vehicle. The cross-entropy theory is used to optimise the gains of our controllers. The optimization process was made using the ROS-Gazebo 3D simulation with purposeful extensions developed for our experiments. Visual servoing is achieved through an image processing front-end that uses the Camshift algorithm to detect and track objects in the scene. Experimental flight trials using a small quadrotor were performed to validate the parameters estimated from simulation. The integration of cross- entropy methods is a straightforward way to estimate optimal gains achieving excellent results when tested in real flights.
This work presents two UAS See and Avoid approaches using Fuzzy Control. We compare the performance of each controller when a Cross-Entropy method is applied to optimase the parameters for one of the controllers. Each controller receive information from an image processing front-end that detect and track targets in the environment. Visual information is then used under a visual servoing approach to perform autonomous avoidance. Experimental flight trials using a small quadrotor were performed to validate and compare the behaviour of both controllers
This paper presents the flight trials of an electro-optical (EO) sense-and-avoid system onboard a Cessna host aircraft (camera aircraft). We focus on the autonomous collision avoidance capability of the sense-and-avoid system; that is, closed-loop integration with the onboard aircraft autopilot. We also discuss the system’s approach to target detection and avoidance control, as well as the methodology of the flight trials. The results demonstrate the ability of the sense-and-avoid system to automatically detect potential conflicting aircraft and engage the host Cessna autopilot to perform an avoidance manoeuvre, all without any human intervention
In a commercial environment, it is advantageous to know how long it takes customers to move between different regions, how long they spend in each region, and where they are likely to go as they move from one location to another. Presently, these measures can only be determined manually, or through the use of hardware tags (i.e. RFID). Soft biometrics are characteristics that can be used to describe, but not uniquely identify an individual. They include traits such as height, weight, gender, hair, skin and clothing colour. Unlike traditional biometrics, soft biometrics can be acquired by surveillance cameras at range without any user cooperation. While these traits cannot provide robust authentication, they can be used to provide identification at long range, and aid in object tracking and detection in disjoint camera networks. In this chapter we propose using colour, height and luggage soft biometrics to determine operational statistics relating to how people move through a space. A novel average soft biometric is used to locate people who look distinct, and these people are then detected at various locations within a disjoint camera network to gradually obtain operational statistics
Modelling activities in crowded scenes is very challenging as object tracking is not robust in complicated scenes and optical flow does not capture long range motion. We propose a novel approach to analyse activities in crowded scenes using a “bag of particle trajectories”. Particle trajectories are extracted from foreground regions within short video clips using particle video, which estimates long range motion in contrast to optical flow which is only concerned with inter-frame motion. Our applications include temporal video segmentation and anomaly detection, and we perform our evaluation on several real-world datasets containing complicated scenes. We show that our approaches achieve state-of-the-art performance for both tasks.
The ability to detect unusual events in surviellance footage as they happen is a highly desireable feature for a surveillance system. However, this problem remains challenging in crowded scenes due to occlusions and the clustering of people. In this paper, we propose using the Distributed Behavior Model (DBM), which has been widely used in computer graphics, for video event detection. Our approach does not rely on object tracking, and is robust to camera movements. We use sparse coding for classification, and test our approach on various datasets. Our proposed approach outperforms a state-of-the-art work which uses the social force model and Latent Dirichlet Allocation.
A ground-based tracking camera and co-aligned slit-less spectrograph were used to measure the spectral signature of visible radiation emitted from the Hayabusa capsule as it entered into the Earth's atmosphere in June 2010. Good quality spectra were obtained that showed the presence of radiation from the heat shield of the vehicle and the shock-heated air in front of the vehicle. An analysis of the black body nature of the radiation concluded that the peak average temperature of the surface was about (3100±100) K.
For robots to use language effectively, they need to refer to combinations of existing concepts, as well as concepts that have been directly experienced. In this paper, we introduce the term generative grounding to refer to the establishment of shared meaning for concepts referred to using relational terms. We investigated a spatial domain, which is both experienced and constructed using mobile robots with cognitive maps. The robots, called Lingodroids, established lexicons for locations, distances, and directions through structured conversations called where-are-we, how-far, what-direction, and where-is-there conversations. Distributed concept construction methods were used to create flexible concepts, based on a data structure called a distributed lexicon table. The lexicon was extended from words for locations, termed toponyms, to words for the relational terms of distances and directions. New toponyms were then learned using these relational operators. Effective grounding was tested by using the new toponyms as targets for go-to games, in which the robots independently navigated to named locations. The studies demonstrate how meanings can be extended from grounding in shared physical experiences to grounding in constructed cognitive experiences, giving the robots a language that refers to their direct experiences, and to constructed worlds that are beyond the here-and-now.
In this paper we use a sequence-based visual localization algorithm to reveal surprising answers to the question, how much visual information is actually needed to conduct effective navigation? The algorithm actively searches for the best local image matches within a sliding window of short route segments or 'sub-routes', and matches sub-routes by searching for coherent sequences of local image matches. In contract to many existing techniques, the technique requires no pre-training or camera parameter calibration. We compare the algorithm's performance to the state-of-the-art FAB-MAP 2.0 algorithm on a 70 km benchmark dataset. Performance matches or exceeds the state of the art feature-based localization technique using images as small as 4 pixels, fields of view reduced by a factor of 250, and pixel bit depths reduced to 2 bits. We present further results demonstrating the system localizing in an office environment with near 100% precision using two 7 bit Lego light sensors, as well as using 16 and 32 pixel images from a motorbike race and a mountain rally car stage. By demonstrating how little image information is required to achieve localization along a route, we hope to stimulate future 'low fidelity' approaches to visual navigation that complement probabilistic feature-based techniques.
Appearance-based localization can provide loop closure detection at vast scales regardless of accumulated metric error. However, the computation time and memory requirements of current appearance-based methods scale not only with the size of the environment but also with the operation time of the platform. Additionally, repeated visits to locations will develop multiple competing representations, which will reduce recall performance over time. These properties impose severe restrictions on long-term autonomy for mobile robots, as loop closure performance will inevitably degrade with increased operation time. In this paper we present a graphical extension to CAT-SLAM, a particle filter-based algorithm for appearance-based localization and mapping, to provide constant computation and memory requirements over time and minimal degradation of recall performance during repeated visits to locations. We demonstrate loop closure detection in a large urban environment with capped computation time and memory requirements and performance exceeding previous appearance-based methods by a factor of 2. We discuss the limitations of the algorithm with respect to environment size, appearance change over time and applications in topological planning and navigation for long-term robot operation.
Recently, Software as a Service (SaaS) in Cloud computing, has become more and more significant among software users and providers. To offer a SaaS with flexible functions at a low cost, SaaS providers have focused on the decomposition of the SaaS functionalities, or known as composite SaaS. This approach has introduced new challenges in SaaS resource management in data centres. One of the challenges is managing the resources allocated to the composite SaaS. Due to the dynamic environment of a Cloud data centre, resources that have been initially allocated to SaaS components may be overloaded or wasted. As such, reconfiguration for the components’ placement is triggered to maintain the performance of the composite SaaS. However, existing approaches often ignore the communication or dependencies between SaaS components in their implementation. In a composite SaaS, it is important to include these elements, as they will directly affect the performance of the SaaS. This paper will propose a Grouping Genetic Algorithm (GGA) for multiple composite SaaS application component clustering in Cloud computing that will address this gap. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to handle multiple composite SaaS reconfiguration placement in a dynamic Cloud environment. The experimental results demonstrate the feasibility and the scalability of the GGA.