938 resultados para Hattori chart
This paper studies the information content of the chromosomes of 24 species. In a first phase, a scheme inspired in dynamical system state space representation is developed. For each chromosome the state space dynamical evolution is shed into a two dimensional chart. The plots are then analyzed and characterized in the perspective of fractal dimension. This information is integrated in two measures of the species’ complexity addressing its average and variability. The results are in close accordance with phylogenetics pointing quantitative aspects of the species’ genomic complexity.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.
Catastrophic events, such as wars and terrorist attacks, big tornadoes and hurricanes, huge earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, and landslides, are always accompanied by a large number of casualties. The size distribution of these casualties have separately been shown to follow approximate power law (PL) distributions. In this paper, we analyze the number of victims of catastrophic phenomena, in particular, terrorism, and find double PL behavior. This means that the data set is better approximated by two PLs instead of one. We have plotted the two PL parameters corresponding to all terrorist events occurred in every year, from 1980 to 2010. We observe an interesting pattern in the chart, where the lines, that connect each pair of points defining the double PLs, are roughly aligned to each other.
A presente dissertação insere-se no âmbito da unidade curricular “ Dissertação” do 2º ano do mestrado em Engenharia Eletrotécnica – Sistemas Elétricos de Energia. Com o aumento crescente do número de consumidores de energia, é cada vez mais imperioso a adoção de medidas de racionalização e gestão dos consumos da energia elétrica. Existem diferentes tipos de dificuldades no planeamento e implementação de novas centrais produtoras de energia renovável, pelo que também por este motivo é cada vez mais importante adoção de medidas de gestão de consumos, quer ao nível dos clientes alimentados em média tensão como de baixa tensão. Desta forma será mais acessível a criação de padrões de eficiência energética elevados em toda a rede de distribuição de energia elétrica. Também a economia é afetada por uma fraca gestão dos consumos por parte dos clientes. Elevados desperdícios energéticos levam a que mais energia tenha que ser produzida, energia essa que contribui ainda mais para a elevada taxa de dependência energética em Portugal, e para o degradar da economia nacional. Coloca-se assim a necessidade de implementar planos e métodos que promovam a eficiência energética e a gestão racional de consumos de energia elétrica. Apresenta-se nesta dissertação várias propostas, algumas na forma de projetos já em execução, que visam sensibilizar o consumidor para a importância da utilização eficiente de energia e, ao mesmo tempo, disponibilizam as ferramentas tecnológicas adequadas para auxiliar a implementação dos métodos propostos. Embora os planos apresentados, sobejamente conhecidos, tenham imensa importância, a implementação nos vários consumidores de sistemas capazes de efetivamente reduzir consumos tem um papel fundamental. Equipamentos de gestão de consumos, que são apresentados nesta dissertação, permitem ao consumidor aceder diretamente ao seu consumo. Podem aceder não apenas ao consumo global da instalação mas também ao consumo específico por equipamento, permitindo perceber onde se verifica a situação mais desfavorável. Funcionalidades de programação de perfis tipo, com limitações de potência em vários períodos horários, bem como possibilidades de controlo remoto com recurso a aplicações para Smartphones permitem a redução de consumos ao nível da rede de distribuição e, desta forma, contribuir para a redução dos desperdícios e da dependência energética em Portugal. No âmbito do trabalho de dissertação é desenvolvida uma metodologia de comercialização de potência, que é apresentada nesta tese. Esta metodologia propõem que o consumidor, em função dos seus consumos, pague apenas a quantidade de potência que efetivamente necessita num certo período de tempo. Assim, o consumidor deixa de pagar uma tarifa mensal fixa associada á sua potência contratada, e passará a pagar um valor correspondente apenas à potência que efetivamente solicitou em todas as horas durante o mês. Nesta metodologia que é apresentada, o consumidor poderá também fazer uma análise do seu diagrama de cargas e simular uma alteração da sua tarifa, tarifa esta que varia entre tarifa simples, bi-horária semanal, bi-horária diária, tri-horária semanal ou tri-horária diária, de forma a perceber em qual destas pagará um menor valor pela mesma energia. De forma a que o consumidor possa perceber se haverá vantagem de uma alteração para uma potência contratada flexível, ou para uma outra tarifa associada á energia, tem ao seu dispor uma ferramenta, que em função dos seus consumos, permite retirar conclusões sobre o preço final a pagar na fatura, após cada tipo de alteração. Esta ferramenta foi validada com recurso a várias simulações, para diferentes perfis de consumidores. Desta forma, o utilizador fica a perceber que realmente pode poupar com uma potência contratada flexível, ao mesmo tempo que pode identificar-se com um perfil de simulação e, mais facilmente, perceber para que alteração tarifária pode usufruir de uma maior poupança.
RESUMO: A saúde mental é influenciada pelos comportamentos tanto como estes são influenciados pela saúde mental. Por isso é importante compreender quer a saúde mental quer os comportamentos adoptados pelo indivíduo em qualquer momento do seu ciclo vital para melhor poder actuar quando e sempre que necessário. Nos estudantes universitários, não sendo uma população de risco, a saúde mental e os comportamentos de risco afectam não só o próprio estudante e quem com ele convive mas também as próprias instituições que o acolhem. O presente estudo teve como objectivos: nos estudantes universitários 1) caracterizar a saúde mental global; 2) caracterizar os níveis de sintomatologia depressiva e ansiosa; 3) identificar os padrões de comportamentos de risco; 4) analisar a relação entre saúde mental global, depressão, ansiedade e comportamentos de risco. Para tal realizou-se um estudo quantitativo, descritivo, correlacional, transversal e exploratório com 1968 estudantes do 1º ciclo da Universidade da Beira Interior e dos Institutos Politécnicos da Guarda, Castelo Branco e Portalegre. Foram utilizados como instrumentos de investigação uma ficha de Caracterização Socio-Demográfica; o Mental Health Inventory-5; o Patient Health Questionnaire-9; Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7; e o Questionário de Comportamentos de Risco em Estudantes Universitários. Os principais resultados mostraram que 18,3% (n=360) apresentavam saúde mental negativa; 17,7% sintomatologia depressiva moderada a severa; 15,6% sintomatologia ansiosa moderada a severa; e que apenas 15% dos que apresentavam saúde mental global negativa recorreu a ajuda profissional. As mulheres, os alunos de 1ª e 4º ano, e os alunos dos cursos de Artes e Letras apresentavam níveis de saúde mental global inferiores. O Consumo de álcool foi superior nos homens, nos estudantes das áreas de Ciências e Ciências da Saúde e nos estudantes deslocados. Os estudantes com mais de 3 unidades curriculares em atraso apresentavam maior sintomatologia depressiva e ansiosa. Os resultados mostraram ainda que quanto mais positiva a saúde mental global maior o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas e menor a sintomatologia depressiva e ansiosa. As variáveis Curso e Sexo influenciam significativamente a saúde mental global, a depressão e a ansiedade. Apesar de a maioria dos estudantes inquiridos não revelar problemas de saúde mental nem apresentar comportamentos de risco, as principais conclusões apontam para a necessidade de programas de educação para a saúde assim como de programas de literacia de saúde mental para as instituições poderem identificar precocemente as situações problemáticas e ajudar os próprios estudantes a reconhecer em si o sofrimento psicológico e a necessidade de procurar apoio profissional.---------------------------------- ABSTRACT: Mental health is influenced by behaviours as much as behaviours are influenced by mental health. Thus, it is important to understand not only the mental health but also the behaviours adopted by an individual at any stage of its vital cycle in order to accurately intervene whenever and always deemed necessary. Regarding college students, despite not being deemed as a population at risk, mental health and risk behaviours affect not only the student itself and whoever interacts with him but also the institutions that host them. The main purposes of this study were regarding college students 1) characterize the overall mental health; 2) characterize the levels of depression and anxiety symptoms; 3) identify the risk behaviours patterns; and 4) analyse the relation between overall mental health, depression, anxiety and risk behaviours. With that scope a quantitative, descriptive, correlated, transversal and exploratory study has been conducted with 1968 students of the 1st cycle of the University of Beira Interior and of the Polytechnic Institutions of Guarda, Castelo Branco and Portalegre. The investigation instruments used were a chart of Socio-Demographic Characterization; the Mental Health Inventory-5; the Patient Health Questionnaire-9; the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7; and one Questionnaire of Risk Behaviours in College Students. The main results showed that 18.3% (n=360) revealed negative mental health; 17.7% moderated to severe depression symptoms; 15.6% moderated to severe anxiety symptoms; and that only 15% of those revealing negative overall mental health have seek for professional help. Females, students of the 1st and 4th years and students of the Artes and Letras courses revealed inferior levels of overall mental health. Alcohol consumption is higher in males, in the Sciences and Health Sciences’ students and on displaced students. Students with more than 3 curricular units in delay revealed higher depression and anxiety symptoms. The results also showed that the more positive overall mental health the higher alcohol consumption and the lower depression and anxiety symptoms. The Course and Sex variations significantly influence the overall mental health, the depression and the anxiety. Although the majority of the enquired students did not reveal mental health issues or present risk behaviours, the main conclusions indicate the need to implement health education and mental health literacy programmes in order to enable the institutions to prematurely identify problematic situations and help students to recognize the psychological suffering and the need to seek for professional help.
Este relatório apresenta as atividades desenvolvidas ao longo do estágio curricular na Câmara Municipal de Almeida, como componente não letiva de formação no Mestrado de Arqueologia da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. O estágio teve como principal objetivo a elaboração da carta arqueológica do território das freguesias da Amoreira, Parada e Cabreira, uma parcela do concelho de Almeida. A carta foi elaborada a partir de evidências arqueológicas identificadas em prospeções, de análises da toponímia, da topografia, cartografia, fotografias aéreas e fontes orais do território almeidense. Paralelamente, e no quadro do Museu Histórico-Militar de Almeida, realizou-se um trabalho de organização da reserva arqueológica do município, através da inventariação de todo o espólio arqueológico existente e a elaboração de uma proposta preliminar de conservação preventiva do depósito museal, criando deste modo condições para a receção de novas coleções arqueológicas.
BACKGROUND: Type 1 pseudohypoaldosteronism (PHA1) is a salt-wasting syndrome caused by mineralocorticoid resistance. Autosomal recessive and dominant hereditary forms are caused by Epithelial Na Channel and Mineralocorticoid Receptor mutation respectively, while secondary PHA1 is usually associated with urological problems. METHODS: Ten patients were studied in four French pediatric units in order to characterize PHA1 spectrum in infants. Patients were selected by chart review. Genetic, clinical and biochemistry data were collected and analyzed. RESULTS: Autosomal recessive PHA1 (n = 3) was diagnosed at 6 and 7 days of life in three patients presenting with severe hyperkalaemia and weight loss. After 8 months, 3 and 5 years on follow-up, neurological development and longitudinal growth was normal with high sodium supplementation. Autosomal dominant PHA1 (n = 4) was revealed at 15, 19, 22 and 30 days of life because of failure to thrive. At 8 months, 3 and 21 years of age, longitudinal growth was normal in three patients who were given salt supplementation; no significant catch-up growth was obtained in the last patient at 20 months of age. Secondary PHA1 (n = 3) was diagnosed at 11, 26 days and 5 months of life concomitantly with acute pyelonephritis in three children with either renal hypoplasia, urinary duplication or bilateral megaureter. The outcome was favourable and salt supplementation was discontinued after 3, 11 and 13 months. CONCLUSIONS: PHA1 should be suspected in case of severe hyperkalemia and weight loss in infants and need careful management. Pathogenesis of secondary PHA1 is still challenging and further studies are mandatory to highlight the link between infection, developing urinary tract and pseudohypoaldosteronism.
BACKGROUND: Multiple interventions were made to optimize the medication process in our intensive care unit (ICU). 1 Transcriptions from the medical order form to the administration plan were eliminated by merging both into a single document; 2 the new form was built in a logical sequence and was highly structured to promote completeness and standardization of information; 3 frequently used drug names, approved units, and fixed routes were pre-printed; 4 physicians and nurses were trained with regard to the correct use of the new form. This study was aimed at evaluating the impact of these interventions on clinically significant types of medication errors. METHODS: Eight types of medication errors were measured by a prospective chart review before and after the interventions in the ICU of a public tertiary care hospital. We used an interrupted time-series design to control the secular trends. RESULTS: Over 85 days, 9298 lines of drug prescription and/or administration to 294 patients, corresponding to 754 patient-days were collected and analysed for the three series before and three series following the intervention. Global error rate decreased from 4.95 to 2.14% (-56.8%, P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The safety of the medication process in our ICU was improved by simple and inexpensive interventions. In addition to the optimization of the prescription writing process, the documentation of intravenous preparation, and the scheduling of administration, the elimination of the transcription in combination with the training of users contributed to reducing errors and carried an interesting potential to increase safety.
BACKGROUND: Practice guidelines for examining febrile patients presenting upon returning from the tropics were developed to assist primary care physicians in decision making. Because of the low level of evidence available in this field, there was a need to validate them and assess their feasibility in the context they have been designed for. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the study were to (1) evaluate physicians' adherence to recommendations; (2) investigate reasons for non-adherence; and (3) ensure good clinical outcome of patients, the ultimate goal being to improve the quality of the guidelines, in particular to tailor them for the needs of the target audience and population. METHODS: Physicians consulting the guidelines on the Internet (www.fevertravel.ch) were invited to participate in the study. Navigation through the decision chart was automatically recorded, including diagnostic tests performed, initial and final diagnoses, and clinical outcomes. The reasons for non-adherence were investigated and qualitative feedback was collected. RESULTS: A total of 539 physician/patient pairs were included in this study. Full adherence to guidelines was observed in 29% of the cases. Figure-specific adherence rate was 54.8%. The main reasons for non-adherence were as follows: no repetition of malaria tests (111/352) and no presumptive antibiotic treatment for febrile diarrhea (64/153) or abdominal pain without leukocytosis (46/101). Overall, 20% of diversions from guidelines were considered reasonable because there was an alternative presumptive diagnosis or the symptoms were mild, which means that the corrected adherence rate per case was 40.6% and corrected adherence per figure was 61.7%. No death was recorded and all complications could be attributed to the underlying illness rather than to adherence to guidelines. CONCLUSIONS: These guidelines proved to be feasible, useful, and leading to good clinical outcomes. Almost one third of physicians strictly adhered to the guidelines. Other physicians used the guidelines not to forget specific diagnoses but finally diverged from the proposed attitudes. These diversions should be scrutinized for further refinement of the guidelines to better fit to physician and patient needs.
OBJECTIVE: To report the study of a multigenerational Swiss family with dopa-responsive dystonia (DRD). METHODS: Clinical investigation was made of available family members, including historical and chart reviews. Subject examinations were video recorded. Genetic analysis included a genome-wide linkage study with microsatellite markers (STR), GTP cyclohydrolase I (GCH1) gene sequencing, and dosage analysis. RESULTS: We evaluated 32 individuals, of whom 6 were clinically diagnosed with DRD, with childhood-onset progressive foot dystonia, later generalizing, followed by parkinsonism in the two older patients. The response to levodopa was very good. Two additional patients had late onset dopa-responsive parkinsonism. Three other subjects had DRD symptoms on historical grounds. We found suggestive linkage to the previously reported DYT14 locus, which excluded GCH1. However, further study with more stringent criteria for disease status attribution showed linkage to a larger region, which included GCH1. No mutation was found in GCH1 by gene sequencing but dosage methods identified a novel heterozygous deletion of exons 3 to 6 of GCH1. The mutation was found in seven subjects. One of the patients with dystonia represented a phenocopy. CONCLUSIONS: This study rules out the previously reported DYT14 locus as a cause of disease, as a novel multiexonic deletion was identified in GCH1. This work highlights the necessity of an accurate clinical diagnosis in linkage studies as well as the need for appropriate allele frequencies, penetrance, and phenocopy estimates. Comprehensive sequencing and dosage analysis of known genes is recommended prior to genome-wide linkage analysis.
Työn lähtökohtana on vuonna 2009 case-yksikölle luotu stage-gate-malli, jonka ymmärtäminen ja käyttö ei ole ollut toivotulla tasolla. Asenteet ja perehdytys tämän mallin käyttöön ovat aiheuttaneet sen, että osa yksikön henkilöstöstä ei tunnista mallin käyttöä omassa työssään, vaikka sitä käytetään jokaisessa tuotekehitysprojektissa. Työn tavoitteena on kuvata case-yksikön stage-gate-mallin etenemistä selkeämmin, jotta se saataisiin tehokkaammin käyttöön koko henkilöstölle, sekä tutkia ovatko eri toimintojen roolitukset mallin mukaan optimaaliset. Tavoitteena on myös tutkia kuinka tiedon tulisi kulkea toimintojen välillä, jotta se olisi mahdollisimman tehokasta. Työtä varten on kerätty kirjallisuusmateriaalia teorian pohjustamiseksi ja haastateltu 14 yksikön toimihenkilöä nykyisten ongelmakohtien kartoittamiseksi. Lisäksi työhön liittyen tehtiin benchmark-haastattelu mahdollisimman lähellä case-yksikön liiketoimintaa olevasta saman yrityksen yksiköstä. Yksikölle luodun stage-gate-mallin tuntemus oli haastattelujen perusteella suhteellisen heikolla tasolla. Vain noin puolet tunnisti sen jokapäiväisessä työskentelyssään. Ongelmakohtia mallin käyttämiseen liittyen ilmeni paljon ja niistä iso osa kohdistui myyntiin, markkinointiin sekä projektipäällikön toimintaan. Havaittujen ongelmien perusteella yksikön roolituksista tehtiin selventävä kaavio, jotta jokaisen on helpompi hahmottaa prosessia. Lisäksi henkilöstön osallistamiseen ja tiedonjakamiseen annettiin kehitysehdotuksia. Näin ollen koko henkilöstö saadaan ymmärtämään mallin vaiheet ja tärkeimpänä, ymmärtämään oman roolinsa kussakin stage-gate-mallin vaiheessa.
This research attempted to address the question of the role of explicit algorithms and episodic contexts in the acquisition of computational procedures for regrouping in subtraction. Three groups of students having difficulty learning to subtract with regrouping were taught procedures for doing so through either an explicit algorithm, an episodic content or an examples approach. It was hypothesized that the use of an explicit algorithm represented in a flow chart format would facilitate the acquisition and retention of specific procedural steps relative to the other two conditions. On the other hand, the use of paragraph stories to create episodic content was expected to facilitate the retrieval of algorithms, particularly in a mixed presentation format. The subjects were tested on similar, near, and far transfer questions over a four-day period. Near and far transfer algorithms were also introduced on Day Two. The results suggested that both explicit and episodic context facilitate performance on questions requiring subtraction with regrouping. However, the differential effects of these two approaches on near and far transfer questions were not as easy to identify. Explicit algorithms may facilitate the acquisition of specific procedural steps while at the same time inhibiting the application of such steps to transfer questions. Similarly, the value of episodic context in cuing the retrieval of an algorithm may be limited by the ability of a subject to identify and classify a new question as an exemplar of a particular episodically deflned problem type or category. The implications of these findings in relation to the procedures employed in the teaching of Mathematics to students with learning problems are discussed in detail.
This research evaluates the effect of combined care nursing on three outcomes: i) patient satisfaction; ii) staff satisfaction; and iii) quality of care. Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital was in the early planning stages of changing to combined care nursing from the traditional method of providing separate postpartum and nursery care to mothers and babies. The opportunity existed to evaluate formally the change to combined care. There were three hypotheses to be investigated. Data were collected from four sources: patient surveys, staff surveys, informal interviews, and internal hospital documents. Both quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed. The surveys were administered on three different occasions to patients and staff. Other sources of data included informal interviews with patients and staff who responded to the surveys, and chart audits.The study findings revealed that the majority of respondents had increased levels of satisfaction and perceptions of increased quality of care following implementation of combined care. These findings, related to combined care and the role of change in its implementation and evaluation, indicate that there are no right or easy answers about how to make new ideas become reality in a smooth, pleasant way.
The methodology outlined in this study for teaching exposit ory writing to advanced (five year phase) grade eleven students is based on the assumption that writing as a problem solving strategy is a high level cognitive skill . In adhering to this assumption, a cognitively based schematic organizer known as a cross-classification chart was tested for its effectiveness a t the planning stage of the writing process . Results were not significant in any of the three components that were evaluated; however , a post- hoc analysis undertaken because of recorded observed data indicated a significant difference in the mean score on the Organization component for the treatment subgroup using the cross- classification organizer . Furthermore, the treatment group's positive response from the attitude survey towards planning writing is encouraging enough that replication and extension of the application of schema theory to wri ting should be pursued in cross-section and longitud i nal studies.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was any evidence of psychosexual morbidity among men who experienced radical radiation treatment for prostate cancer. With relatively little known or available retrospective data on the psychosexual implications of radical radiation treatment in men with prostate cancer, this study posited eight research questions which provided the basis for the research. Fifty men from Southern Ontario, between the ages of 52 to 78 years, were included in the study. They had been previously randomized to a clinical trial comparing radical radiation therapy by external beam radiation, or radical radiation using a combination of a temporary iridium implant plus external beam radiation, for localized or locally advanced prostate cancer. Assessment of sexual functioning, drive, attitudes, body image, and sexual satisfaction was drawn from a multidimensional approach, since psychosexuality was viewed as having an impact on biological, psychological, and sociological domains of functioning. Medical chart reviews, semi-structured interviews, demographical profiles of each participant, and the Derogatis Sexual Functioning Inventory (DSFI) were the methods used to collect data over a four-month period. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were incorporated in the design and evaluation of the study. Frequencies, contingency analysis, Pearson's coefficient of correlation, t-tests, and ANOVA comprised the quantitative analysis. Data obtained from audio-taped interviews were analyzed qualitatively, and used for offering further insight and for facilitating the quantitative aspect of the analysis. Overall, there was sufficient evidence to suggest psychosexual morbidity among men who were treated with radiation therapy for prostate cancer. As well,there were a number of significant findings available to answer all of the posited research questions. The most significant findings were noted in post-treatment erectile ability and sexual activity. A post-treatment change in erectile ability was reported by eighty percent of men. Sixty percent of men noted a decrease in their ability to achieve an erection by reporting some morning stiffness only, penile rigidity insufficient for penetration, decreased control of erection, and loss of spontaneous erection. Other contributing factors associated with change in erectile status were: pain or altering sensation of orgasm, blood in ejaculate, pain and decreased amount of ejaculate, and penile numbness or pain. Eighty-two percent of men experienced a post-treatment change in sexual function, primarily due to the impact of decreasing erectile status. Only seven men reported that they experienced a decrease in desire mentally, whereas the vast majority did not experience any change in desire. Changes in foreplay, stress with optimal sexual positioning, and reduced spontaneity of sex, were other factors reported with the changes in sexual activity. The findings in this study broaden our understanding of what middle- to later-aged men feel and experience as they venture onward following treatment. This was the first study that evaluated available prospective data on pre-treatment erectile status and sexual activity. As well, this study was the first (with participant compliance rates of 100 percent) to have included an interview format to capture the views of such a large number of men. This study concluded with recommendations and implications for future research and practice as we move in the direction of understanding what is necessary for preserving psychosexual well being and enhancing quality of life in men treated with radiation therapy for prostate cancer.