679 resultados para Harmony


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Análisis del concierto para violín y orquesta en Do Mayor de Dimitry Kabalevsky Op.48., en el cual se ha puesto en consideración los principales aspectos analíticos dentro de la forma, armonía, estética, contexto histórico, aspectos técnicos del instrumento y sobre todo aportes personales en cuanto a la interpretación de determinados pasajes, conformando así una propuesta interpretativa de la obra. Cada uno de los parámetros antes nombrados constituyen los conocimientos fundamentales que un instrumentista requiere para la ejecución de una obra, por lo que se los ha puesto como referencia en el presente estudio.


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This work aims to investigate the relationship between the Bunraku theater and the film Dolls (2002), by the Japanese director Takeshi Kitano. To do so, it was initially done a theoretical study of this theater, detailing its key elements, and thus allowing a direct analysis of the film to be made. The main objective here was to reveal the film‟s connections with the Bunraku. The Sangyo refers to the simultaneous presence of three arts in the Bunraku theater: the narrative, the music and the manipulation of puppets. In Dolls, the director Takeshi Kitano presents a narrative through three different stories, all built with references to the Bunraku. As in the theater the three distinct arts harmonize on stage, in Dolls three separate stories will perform in harmony within the film. By confronting the Bunraku Theater with the film Dolls, the intention is to establish the connections between the scenic language of the Bunraku, the dramaturgy of Chikamatsu and also the cinema of Kitano. These connections allow to the understanding of how characteristics of a secular art, governed by strong rules and conventions, can be presented again through another language: the cinematic language and its particular set of codes and conventions


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Nuestro trabajo tiene como principal objetivo explicar los problemas detectados en el futuro profesorado en relación al desconocimiento y/o a la distorsión del movimiento feminista y los debates en torno al género, que tienen relación directa en ocasiones con la imagen proyectada de mujeres y hombres en los medios de comunicación. Para paliar estas deficiencias, así como para promover la alfabetización mediática entre el alumnado, hemos optado por incorporar a los contenidos de las distintas asignaturas del área de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, tanto de grado como máster, la lectura y la interpretación de textos audiovisuales, concretamente aquellos producidos por la industria musical hegemónica estadounidense, los vídeos musicales de las cantantes pop más seguidas actualmente como Beyoncé, Katy Perry, Meghan Trainor, Jennifer López, Alicia Keys y el grupo Fifth Harmony. De este modo, incorporamos no sólo alta cultura sino también la cultura musical pop o cultura mediática, esencial en una sociedad en la que la ciudadanía está continuamente expuesta y contaminada visualmente por dichos medios audiovisuales


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Antecedentes. Rañas es una comunidad perteneciente al cantón Nabón, provincia del Azuay, ubicado en el sur del Ecuador. Es un importante representante de la cultura ancestral que permite mirar sus tradiciones en salud relacionadas con el uso de plantas medicinales Objetivo. Identificar, conocer y profundizar el uso de plantas medicinales y su relación con la cosmovisión andina en la comunidad de Rañas cantón Nabón, 2015 Metodología. La presente es una investigación de tipo cualitativo, con enfoque narrativo que estudia la aplicación de plantas medicinales en los conocimientos de un grupo focal de sabios de la comunidad, Las técnicas utilizadas fueron entrevistas con preguntas semi estructuradas sobre las categorías principales del estudio: cosmovisión andina y plantas medicinales. La información fue registrada en medios audiovisuales que permitieron documentar la narrativa y registrar gráficamente las plantas y sus rituales. La información obtenida fue transcrita en Word, luego codificada mediante el programa Atlas.ti de acuerdo a los lineamientos definidos en el marco teórico. Resultados. Se identificaron 67 plantas medicinales junto con sus propiedades curativas utilizadas para el manejo de las patologías andinas y occidentales tratadas por los sabios. Las principales formas de preparación son mediante infusión, ungüentos, extractos y baños. Los rituales ancestrales realizados con plantas medicinales son la limpia y sobaciones. Conclusiones: se identificó la diversidad de plantas medicinales propias de la comunidad, apreciándose la asociación entre el uso de las plantas medicinales y los principios de la cosmovisión andina por la fuerte conexión entre habitantes y naturaleza.


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The leading approach to everyday aesthetics for the past few decades has departed from analytic philosophical grounds, generating some tensions or dichotomies regarding its foundational cornerstones: the ordinary vs. extraordinary character of everyday aesthetic experience, contextual familiarity vs. strangeness, object vs. processual orientation, etc. Although John Dewey has been widely acclaimed as a sort of foundational figure for this burgueoning sub-discipline of aesthetics, maybe not enough emphasis has been laid on his very different pragmatist approach. In this regard, his reliance on Hegelian cum Darwinian premises might allow for a connection with other branches of continental as well as Asian philosophies, from which also some research on everyday aesthetics has been made. It is from this wider ontological framework that the notion of rhythm could be vindicated as a pivotal aspect of the aesthetic dimension of our everyday lives. Dewey deals extensively with it in Art as Experience, conceiving it as a sort of pattern of accomplished experiences, accounting also for his naturalistic approach and art and life continuity thesis. On the other hand, neo-pragmatist exponent Richard Shusterman, among others, has posited links of connection between Pragmatist aesthetics and East-Asian philosophies. Particularly, Dewey’s resonances with Asian philosophies have been studied, with a preeminence on the notions of harmony and rhythm. This paper will depart from the analysis of the notion of rhythm in Dewey’s philosophy, trying to hint at some possible developments of its implications. Particularly, it will expand on some East Asian paralelisms to his philosophy, trying to link them with the notion of rhythm as an epitomizing ground for the conjunction of the extraordinary (art) and the ordinary (life).


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The research investigated Balinese harmony to landscape in Indigenous villages (Bali Aga) and communities through case study, on-site evaluation, observation, and interviews. The research concluded three points: influences of Majapahit Era; traditional regulation roles; and obligated to maintain and conserve of sacred, middle and impure areas in cultural landscape practices.


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In post-socialist China, gender norms are marked by rising divorce rates (Kleinman et al.), shifting attitudes towards sex (Farrer; Yan), and a growing commercialisation of sex (Zheng). These phenomena have been understood as indicative of market reforms unhinging past gender norms. In the socialist period, the radical politics of the time moulded women as gender neutral even as state policies emphasised their feminine roles in maintaining marital harmony and stability(Evans). These ideas around domesticity bear strong resemblance to pre-socialist understandings of womanhood and family that anchored Chinese society before the Communists took power in 1949. In this pre-socialist understanding, women were categorised into a hierarchy that defined their rights as wives, mothers, concubines, and servants (Ebrey and Watson; Wolf and Witke). Women who transgressed these categories were regarded as potentially dangerous and powerfulenough to break up families and shake the foundations of Chinese society (Ahern). This paper explores the extent to which understandings of Chinese femininity have been reconfigured in the context of China’s post-1979 development, particularly after the 2000s.


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Cette-recherche-action émerge d’une problématique élaborée à partir de l’observation des pratiques catéchétiques à la paroisse Saint-Joachim dans le diocèse de Montréal. L’essentiel du projet se situe en théologie pratique, menée dans le cadre de la praxéologie pastorale. Un premier chapitre situe l’historique de la catéchèse en paroisse. Le deuxième déploie l’observation de la pratique à partir des pôles structurels et des fonctions d’élaboration, mais aussi par la mise à contribution des parents qui ont accepté de répondre à un questionnaire. Le troisième pose la problématique de la mise à l’écart des parents dans l’éducation à la foi et est suivi d’une interprétation sur un changement de posture et un appel à la coéducation dans la foi tout en prenant compte des évolutions des familles à l’égard du religieux. Cela est fait à partir de référents théologiques principalement, enrichis de référents dans les domaines de l’éducation et des sciences sociales. Des pistes à envisager avec les parents et avec les catéchètes sont ensuite formulées, avec un accent mis sur la pratique du dialogue pastoral et la notion d’accompagnement, et également en faisant le lien avec les différentes dimensions de la vie chrétienne. Le dernier chapitre veut offrir une prospective dans la transmission de la foi en révélant le rôle missionnaire de la catéchèse qui s’accorde avec la nouvelle évangélisation et la pastorale des familles.


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The most natural mode of family firm succession is the intergenerational ownership transfer. Statistical evidence, however, suggests that in most cases the succession process fails. There can be several reasons as a lot of personal, emotional and structural factors can act as an inhibitor to succession. The effectiveness of the implementation of any succession strategy is strongly dependent on the efficiency of intergenerational knowledge transfer, which is related to the parties’ absorptive capacity and willingness to learn. The paper is based on the experiences learned from the INSIST project. In the framework of the project different aspects of family business succession have been investigated in three participating countries (Hungary, Poland and the United Kingdom). The aim of the paper is to identify the patterns of management, succession, knowledge transfer and learning in family businesses. Issues will be examined in detail such as the succession strategies of companies investigated and the efforts family businesses and their managers make in order to harmonize family goals (such as emotional stability, harmony, and reputation) with business- related objectives (e.g. survival, growth or profitability).


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The purpose of this thesis is to provide a historical and musical analysis that illustrates characteristic features of musical compositions from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Twentieth century styles. The structural analysis of the pieces reveal the evolution in the musical expression regarding line, texture, form, and the technical skills employed by the composers through polyphonic, homophonic, and twelve-tone procedures. The works of this recital represent four different styles: The prelude and fugue among the important forms of the Baroque style; the sonata embodying the principles of balance and unity of the Classical style; the etude and waltz as representative of the Romantic style; and the nocturne as an illustration of the transformation of the melody, harmony, and rhythm in the music of the 20thcentury.


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Cette-recherche-action émerge d’une problématique élaborée à partir de l’observation des pratiques catéchétiques à la paroisse Saint-Joachim dans le diocèse de Montréal. L’essentiel du projet se situe en théologie pratique, menée dans le cadre de la praxéologie pastorale. Un premier chapitre situe l’historique de la catéchèse en paroisse. Le deuxième déploie l’observation de la pratique à partir des pôles structurels et des fonctions d’élaboration, mais aussi par la mise à contribution des parents qui ont accepté de répondre à un questionnaire. Le troisième pose la problématique de la mise à l’écart des parents dans l’éducation à la foi et est suivi d’une interprétation sur un changement de posture et un appel à la coéducation dans la foi tout en prenant compte des évolutions des familles à l’égard du religieux. Cela est fait à partir de référents théologiques principalement, enrichis de référents dans les domaines de l’éducation et des sciences sociales. Des pistes à envisager avec les parents et avec les catéchètes sont ensuite formulées, avec un accent mis sur la pratique du dialogue pastoral et la notion d’accompagnement, et également en faisant le lien avec les différentes dimensions de la vie chrétienne. Le dernier chapitre veut offrir une prospective dans la transmission de la foi en révélant le rôle missionnaire de la catéchèse qui s’accorde avec la nouvelle évangélisation et la pastorale des familles.


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Introdução: Ao longo da última década a procura por um sorriso estético (inclui harmonia e continuidade de forma) transformou-se numa preocupação relevante na Medicina Dentária e em particular nos tratamentos periodontais. As recessões gengivais com as consequentes exposições radiculares e alteração morfológica dos tecidos periodontais, podem constituir um problema estético importante podendo trazer outros problemas associados. Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar qual a técnica cirúrgica mais vantajosa para recobrimento radicular (RRC, RRC com ETC e TUN) e saber em que situações uma poderá ser melhor escolha que a outra, sabendo que ambas são técnicas de alta fiabilidade. Materiais e métodos: Para o cumprimento do objetivo, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa entre Junho e Setembro de 2016, de artigos em português e inglês, sem limites temporais, recorrendo às bases de dados electrónicas: PUBMED e Google Académico utilizando para o efeito as seguintes “palavras-chave”: “tunnel technique”, “microsurgery”, “recession coverage”, “connective tissue graft”, “coronally advanced flap”, “coronally advanced flap vs. tunnel technique”. Foram utilizados 40 artigos científicos e duas obras literárias (Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry e Plastic-Esthetic Periodontal and Implant Surgery) para complementar o tema. Conclusão: Segundo a literatura publicada e consultada, os procedimentos mais eficazes são aqueles que utilizam enxertos de tecido conjuntivo para o aumento da espessura gengival. Sendo que comparando as duas técnicas Retalho de Reposicionamento Coronal e Técnica de Tunelização, a segunda leva vantagem em relação à primeira, uma vez que, necessitando de menos incisões trará aspetos positivos quanto à cicatrização pois permite maior aporte sanguíneo, além de haver uma preservar das papilas.


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What is religion and what is spirituality? Can you be religious and spiritual at the same time? Is religion's influence on society declining? What role does religion play in social change? Do religions foster cultures of violence or social harmony?Sociologists of religion have long grappled with these questions. While there is no agreed definition of either religion or spirituality, scholars have provided useful explanations to help us understand these terms and the changing place of religion in contemporary societies. We will examine some of these questions and frameworks in this chapter. We will also investigate how religions can contribute towards or undermine the creation of peaceful societies. These aspects of religion are of most interest to governments, non-governmental organisations and the media, particularly after the tragic events of 11 September 2001. More recently, religions have become the subject of significant public scrutiny and debate: This has occurred in parallel with a dramatic growth in the number of people declaring themselves as having 'no religion' in Western societies.


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Culture and identity in a society can be represented in the architecture and the meanings intertwined with it. In this sense, the architecture and design are the interface for transferring meaning and identity to the nation and future generations. Persian gardens have been evolved through the history of Persian Empire in regard to the culture and beliefs of the society. This paper aims to investigate the patterns of design and architecture in Persian gardens and the meanings intertwined with their patterns and significant elements such as water and trees. Persian gardens are not only about geometries and shapes; but also manifest different design elements, each representing a specific symbol and its significance among the society. This paper seeks to explore Persian gardens in terms of their geometric structure, irrigation system, network construction and pavilions alongside design qualities such as hierarchy, symmetry, centrality, rhythm and harmony. In the second stage, the paper investigates the fundamental symbols and their philosophy in the creation of Persian gardens and in relation to the architecture and design.


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En este segundo número de reflexiones pedagógicas se presenta una revisión de la denominada clase invertida (flipped classroom). Este texto presentan los componentes que caracterizan esta estrategia. Se comparan igualmente los elementos que la diferencian de la clase tradicional y se destacan los pasos para adelantar esta innovación y su forma de funcionamiento. De igual manera se muestran algunos indicadores que pueden llevar a una reflexión de la pacífica pedagógica y se concluye con estudios que muestran sus aportes e investigaciones que la soportan.