956 resultados para Flower gardening
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Anàlisi de les característiques i dels beneficis que té l’hort en els àmbits terapèutic i educatiu. Es descriuen els àmbits de l’Educació social on s’utilitza l’horticultura com a eina socioeducativa i terapèutica. En aquest sentit es defineix quin és el paper de l’educador social i s’elabora una petita guia d’ús per als professionals que tinguin la intenció de portar a la pràctica aquesta eina
La recerca sobre l'expressió escrita ha evolucionat de forma espectacular al llarg d'aquest segle. Si fins als anys 60 l'objectiu dels estudis es centrava exclusivament en les produccions escrites i en l'anàlisi del sistema de la llengua des d'una òptica essencialment gramatical, actualment l'interès dels investigadors s'orienta a analitzar els diversos aspectes comunicatius, lingüístics i socioculturals de l'acte d'escriure i a comprendre els diferents processos i operacions cognitius implicats en els processos redaccionals. En aquest sentit, doncs, per un costat, gràcies a les aportacions de diverses ciències del llenguatge (la lingüística del text, l'anàlisi del discurs, la pragmàtica filosòfica, la sociolingüística, etc.) el text escrit ja no s'analitza com una suma de frases que compleixen amb les regles i convencions gramaticals, el text escrit és vist com una unitat lingüística amb entitat pròpia que té una finalitat comunicativa concreta, es produeix en un context determinat i que s'estructura internament a través de l'ús de regles de gramàtica, però també, de cohesió i coincidència textuals. I, per l'altre costat, des de la dècada dels 70, un nombre de recerques, sobretot des de la psicologia cognitiva es preocupen per aprofundir en el coneixement dels subprocessos i operacions inherents al fet d'escriure, amb la intenció fonamental de plantejar quins són els principals problemes que l'escriptura pressuposa per als escriptors aprenents, i així contribuir a reorientar els processos d'ensenyament i aprenentatge de l'expressió escrita a les escoles. A partir d'aquí, queda definida la intenció última d'aquest treball: obtenir informació sobre l'ús dels coneixements, habilitats i estratègies implicats en un procés psicològic complex com és l'expressió escrita en els nois i noies de Cicle Superior d'EGB de Girona. La pretensió, doncs, és contribuir al coneixement de les característiques de l'expressió escrita, tant les que fan referència a les produccions escrites com el procés de composició, que presenten els nois i noies de Cicle Superior d'EGB a la ciutat de Girona. Entenem que aquest és un primer pas, un punt de partida, perquè posteriorment es pugui continuar treballant en desenvolupament de propostes tècnico-pràctiques que serveixin per fonamentar el procés d'ensenyament i aprenentatge de l'expressió escrita. Amb aquest propòsit, doncs, l'estudi s'estructura en tres parts: En la primera o Marc Teòric, es defineixen els elements teòrics que regeixen i basen la recerca. Per a l'establiment d'aquest marc conceptual, es presenta primerament la concepció de llengua, funcional i comunicativa, que, a finals del segle XX fonamenta tant els models lingüístics com les perspectives didàctiques. Es revisen, en un segon moment, diverses aportacions tècniques sobre el concepte d'expressió escrita i es formula la definició pròpia, que permet articular coherentment la investigació realitzada: L'expressió escrita és un procés psicològic complex, en el qual hi intervenen operacions cognitives de naturalesa diversa, i que implica l'ús de coneixements i d'habilitats variats. Coneixements i habilitats que tenen com a finalitat la comunicació d'idees per mitjà de símbols gràfics i que, d'una banda fan referència a la gramàtica i a la llengua que s'utilitza en els textos escrits (codi escrit) i, de l'altra, a les estratègies comunicativo-lingüístiques que s'empren per a produir-los (procés de composició). S'aborda després l'aproximació conceptual al codi escrit, ressaltant la noció moderna de text i de les propietats textuals, tasca que esdevé decisiva per al plantejament de la primera fase de la recerca. En l'apartat següent, s'aprofundeix en la comprensió teòrica del procés de composició escrita, la qual es configura com a punt de partida clau per al desplegament de la segona fase de la recerca. I, per últim, s'analitza el procés d'ensenyament/aprenentatge de l'expressió escrita, amb la voluntat de pressentir les principals perspectives i propostes teòrico-didàctiques actuals, per acabar contrastar-les amb les pràctiques escolars que avui es donen de forma habitual en l'ensenyament de l'expressió escrita. La segona part o La Recerca inclou tres capítols. En el primer o Capítol II, s'ofereix el plantejament general de la recerca és a dir, s'estableixen els objectius generals plantejats i es presenten les dues fases amb què aquesta recerca s'estructura. En el Capítol III es desenvolupa la que s'anomena primera fase de la recerca, un estudi descriptiu que es proposa com a objectiu general conèixer quin és el domini general de les habilitats i els coneixements de l'expressió escrita en llengua catalana, concretament en relació al text produït, al codi escrit, que presenten els nois i noies del cicle superior d'EGB de Girona. Amb aquesta intenció, s'especifiquen aquests coneixements i habilitats agrupant-los d'acord amb les cinc propietats textuals a priori establertes: adequació, coherència, cohesió, correcció gramatical i variació. Sota una perspectiva metodològica i un mètode descriptiu. es desenvolupen les diferents passes que se segueixen per a la consecució dels objectius marcats: 1) es selecciona la mostra d'estudi (388 nois i noies de tres escoles de Girona), 2) s'efectua el procés d'obtenció de la informació necessària, prèviament realitzant una àmplia revisió bibliogràfica sobre el tema de l'avaluació del producte escrit, la qual porta a elaborar dos instruments propis: el bàsic o Prova d'Expressió Escrita i el complementari o Full de Valoració de l'Expressió Escrita per part del Professor. i a recollir també d'altres dades informatives, a ressaltar, les qualificacions acadèmiques de l'hora de llengua, 3) s'apliquen els instruments ideats i es recull l'altra informació prevista. 4) s'analitza la informació obtinguda per mitjà d'una anàlisi estadística descriptiva i diferencial, més exhaustivament i completa en el cas de la Prova d'Expressió Escrita, en tant que instrument bàsic i específicament dissenyat per a respondre als objectius de l'estudi. i 5) s'analitzen i s'interpreten amb rigurositat totes les aportacions informatives obtingudes, per acabar definint les principals conclusions extretes de la realització d'aquesta primera fase de la recerca. En el Capítol IV, s'exposa l'anomenat Estudi de Casos o segona fase de la recerca, el qual es planteja com a objectiu general constatar si es presenten diferències clares pel que fa al procés de composició seguit en l'elaboració i construcció del text escrit, entre els nois i noies de Cicle Superior d'EGB que mostren un nivell elevat en el domini dels coneixements i habilitats del codi escrit, i els que en mostren un nivell de domini baix. Objectiu general que pressuposa l'establiment de dos subobjectius generals: 1) Conèixer quines són i com són utilitzades les estratègies pròpies del procés de composició, que segueixen en l'elaboració i construcció del text escrit d'aquells nois i noies de Cicle Superior d'EGB de Girona que, seleccionats a partir de l'estudi realitzat en la primera fase de la recerca, presenten un major domini general dels coneixements i habilitats del codi escrit, i 2) el mateix que l'anterior però centrat en aquells nois i noies que presenten un menor domini general dels coneixements i habilitats del codi escrit. Amb aquests propòsits, es defineix primerament el marc teòric que regula el desenvolupament d'aquesta segona fase de la recerca: es tracta de la proposta teòrica de referència que, en base al model cognitiu del procés de composició escrita proposat per Flower i Hayes, defineix els processos i subprocessos sota els quals s'estructura l'estudi: anàlisi de la situació comunicativa , planificació (generalització d'idees, organització i formulació d'objectius), textualització, revisió i control, alhora que també concreta les estratègies i habilitats específiques a través de les quals es vol obtenir la informació referida a cadascun d'aquests processos i subprocessos redaccionals. Seguidament, i en el marc d'una perspectiva metodològica qualitativa, definida i especificada a través d'un Estudi de Casos, es desplega el pla de treball marcat per a la consecució dels objectius preestablerts: 1) d'acord amb uns criteris rigurosament sistematitzats, i a partir de la informació principal obtinguda en la primera fase del a recerca, es seleccionen els 12 casos d'estudi agrupats en dos grups: el grup A o els 6 casos que presenten el nivell més baix en el domini dels coneixements i habilitats del producte escrit, i el grup B o els 6 casos que en mostren el nivell més alt; 2)es realitza el procés d'obtenció de la informació, a través de l'aplicació de dos instruments: l'observació i l'entrevista, per a l'elaboració a curada i rigurosa dels quals, prèviament s'efectua una revisió bibliogràfica sobre el tema de la complexitat de l'avaluació dels processos cognitius i sobre els requeriments metodològics derivats de la naturalesa essencialment qualitativa dels propis instruments; 3) s'apliquen els dos instruments en els 6 casos del grup B i els casos del grup A; 4) s'analitza la informació obtinguda a través de tècniques d'anàlisi de contingut, en primer lloc, establint unitats de registre que faciliten una primera aproximació a ala temàtica enregistrada a través de l'observació i de l'entrevista de cadascun dels 12 casos, i, en segon lloc, establint categories en el contingut de les unitats establertes, estructurant i classificant així la temàtica de les dades obtingudes; 5) s'elabora l'informe, és a dir, s'exposen quines són i com són utilitzades les estratègies pròpies del procés de composició escrita definides en la proposta teòrica de referència, especificant aquest informe per als casos del grup A, per als casos del grup B, i sobretot oferint un informe específic per a la comparació entre els casos del grup A i els del grup B; i 6) es revisa el desenvolupament dels diferents moments de l'Estudi de Casos i es reanalitza amb rigurositat la informació exposada en els tres informes, per finalitzar definint les principals conclusions que es deriven de la realització d'aquesta segona fase de la recerca. En la tercera i última part o capítol V, primer es sintetitzen les principals aportacions i conclusions de cadascun dels quatre capítols anteriors, per finalitzar exposant les implicacions més significatives que aquesta tesi permet establir de cares a la pràctica de l'ensenyament/aprenentatge i la recerca educatives en l'àmbit de l'expressió escrita.
O projeto que se apresenta tem por finalidade investigar processos de aperfeiçoamento da competência de escrita do texto argumentativo de alunos do Ensino Secundário. Considerou-se as contribuições convergentes das teorias e técnicas da psicologia cognitiva e de perspetivas sociais da linguagem. Em consequência, associou-se o modelo de revisão de Hayes e Flower (1983; 1980), e de Hayes, Flower, Schriver, Stratman e Carey (1987), ao modelo de análise do discurso de Bronckart (2004; 1996) e à proposta linguística de Adam (2006; 1992). A hipótese que sustenta a investigação é que a consciência (meta)linguística pode facilitar a revisão textual e o aperfeiçoamento da competência de escrita de textos argumentativos, em contexto de Oficina de Escrita. A investigação conjugou duas fases. Na fase intensiva do estudo de caso, os alunos do 11.º ano de Português de uma Escola do Porto progrediram, através de trabalho continuado em Oficina de Escrita. Após a experiência, mesmo alunos com dificuldades revelaram domínio de metalinguagem, mais consciência (meta)linguística na revisão e autorregulação da sua aprendizagem. Na fase extensiva, foi aplicado um inquérito por questionário a uma amostra probabilística de professores do Secundário, igualmente do Porto. Os docentes valorizaram os aspetos supracitados, bem como a leitura de textos argumentativos e o treino do conhecimento explícito da língua. Contudo, em triangulação, as respostas indiciam um ensino centrado no professor, pouco aberto a projetos de escrita, a novas tecnologias e à divulgação de textos à Escola e ao meio. Os resultados indicam que a competência de escrita de textos argumentativos é passível de aperfeiçoamento em Oficina de Escrita, através de interiorização do género textual e aprofundamento da competência (meta)linguística. No contexto do estudo, comprova-se a influência de um treino de escrita inserido em Projetos de Escola, tendo o aluno como sujeito da sua própria aprendizagem, em interação com o meio.
Children may be at higher risk than adults from pesticide exposure, due to their rapidly developing physiology, unique behavioral patterns, and interactions with the physical environment. This preliminary study conducted in Ecuador examines the association between household and environmental risk factors for pesticide exposure and neurobehavioral development. We collected data over 6 months in the rural highland region of Cayambe, Ecuador (2003–2004). Children age 24–61 months residing in 3 communities were assessed with the Ages and Stages Questionnaire and the Visual Motor Integration Test. We gathered information on maternal health and work characteristics, the home and community environment, and child characteristics. Growth measurements and a hemoglobin finger-prick blood test were obtained. Multiple linear regression analyses were conducted. Current maternal employment in the flower industry was associated with better developmental scores. Longer hours playing outdoors were associated with lower gross and fine motor and problem solving skills. Children who played with irrigation water scored lower on fine motor skills (8% decrease; 95% confidence interval 9.31 to 0.53), problem-solving skills (7% decrease; 8.40 to 0.39), and Visual Motor Integration test scores (3% decrease; 12.00 to 1.08). These results suggest that certain environmental risk factors for exposure to pesticides may affect child development, with contact with irrigation water of particular concern. However, the relationships between these risk factors and social characteristics are complex, as corporate agriculture may increase risk through pesticide exposure and environmental contamination, while indirectly promoting healthy development by providing health care, relatively higher salaries, and daycare options.
Several recent hypotheses, including sensory drive and sensory exploitation, suggest that receiver biases may drive selection of biological signals in the context of sexual selection. Here we suggest that a similar mechanism may have led to convergence of patterns in flowers, stingless bee nest entrances, and pitchers of insectivorous plants. A survey of these non-related visual stimuli shows that they share features such as stripes, dark centre, and peripheral dots. Next, we experimentally show that in stingless bees the close-up approach to a flower is guided by dark centre preference. Moreover, in the approach towards their nest entrance, they have a spontaneous preference for entrance patterns containing a dark centre and disrupted ornamentation. Together with existing empirical evidence on the honeybee's and other insects' orientation to flowers, this suggests that the signal receivers of the natural patterns we examined, mainly Hymenoptera, have spontaneous preferences for radiating stripes, dark centres, and peripheral dots. These receiver biases may have evolved in other behavioural contexts in the ancestors of Hymenoptera, but our findings suggest that they have triggered the convergent evolution of visual stimuli in floral guides, stingless bee nest entrances, and insectivorous pitchers.
Despite widespread concern about declines in pollination services, little is known about the patterns of change in most pollinator assemblages. By studying bee and hoverfly assemblages in Britain and the Netherlands, we found evidence of declines (pre- versus post-1980) in local bee diversity in both countries; however, divergent trends were observed in hoverflies. Depending on the assemblage and location, pollinator declines were most frequent in habitat and flower specialists, in univoltine species, and/or in nonmigrants. In conjunction with this evidence, outcrossing plant species that are reliant on the declining pollinators have themselves declined relative to other plant species. Taken together, these findings strongly suggest a causal connection between local extinctions of functionally linked plant and pollinator species.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi have a variety of effects on foliar-feeding insects, with the majority of these being positive, although reports of negative and null effects also exist. Virtually all previous experiments have used mobile insects confined in cages and have studied the effects of one, or at most two, species of mycorrhizae on one species of insect. The purpose of this study was to introduce a greater level of realism into insect-mycorrhizal experiments, by studying the responses of different insect feeding guilds to a variety of AM fungi. We conducted two experiments involving three species of relatively immobile insects (a leaf-mining and two seed-feeding flies) reared in natural conditions on a host (Leucanthemum vulgare). In a field study, natural levels of AM colonization were reduced, while in a phytometer trial, we experimentally colonized host plants with all possible combinations of three known mycorrhizal associates of L. vulgare. In general, AM fungi increased the stature (height and leaf number) and nitrogen content of plants. However, these effects changed through the season and were,dependent on the identity of the fungi in the root system. AM fungi increased host acceptance of all three insects and larval performance of the leaf miner, but these effects were also season- and AM species-dependent. We suggest that the mycorrhizal effect on the performance of the leaf miner is due to fungal-induced changes in host-plant nitrogen content, detected by the adult fly. However, variability in the effect was apparent, because not all AM species increased plant N content. Meanwhile, positive effects of mycorrhizae were found on flower number and flower size, and these appeared to result in enhanced infestation levels by the seed-feeding insects. The results show that AM fungi exhibit ecological specificity, in that different. species have different effects on host-plant growth and chemistry and the performance of foliar-feeding insects. Future studies need to conduct experiments that use ecologically realistic combinations of plants and fungi and allow insects to be reared in natural conditions.
White or Guinea yam (Dioscorea rotundata), grown for its underground tubers, is an important food in West Africa. Progress in yam breeding is constrained by variable flowering behaviour, making hybridization difficult. Yam clones may be dioecious, monoecious or hermaphrodite with variable sex ratios. The proportion of plants that flower and the flowering intensity also vary with season and location. The objective of the present work was to investigate whether variation in flowering behaviour was related to factors determining rate of development (photoperiod and temperature through sowing date, location and year) or growth (cumulative solar radiation and temperature). Sex ratios, the proportion of plants that had flower buds and open flowers, and the number of flowers or spikes was recorded in one male (TDr 131) and one female (TDr 99-9) clone of white yam grown in the field in Nigeria at three locations and at different sowing dates. Clone TDr 131 was uniformly male flowering, while clone TDr 99-9 exhibited a number of sex types with gynoecious, monoecious and trimonoecious plants observed. The proportion of flowering plants was low in both clones, averaging 0.34 in clone TDr 131 and 0.13 in clone TDr 99-9. Day of vine emergence had a significant and contrasting effect on the proportion of flowering plants and on flowering intensity in the two clones. In clone TDr 131, the proportion of flowering plants and flowering intensity declined with later vine emergence at all locations (r=0.43-0.53, P<0.05), whereas in clone TDr 99-9 the proportion of flowering plants increased with later emergence (r=0.46, P<0.01). In clone TDr 131, this response was strongly associated with warmer temperatures (r=0.49-0.50; P<0.05) and greater cumulative radiation (r=0.85-0.93; P<0.001) between vine emergence and flowering, rather than photoperiod at vine emergence. This suggests that flowering behaviour in the male clone TDr 131 is strongly influenced by factors that affect growth rather than development. Clone TDr 99-9, on the other hand, exhibited no clear relations between flowering and growth or developmental factors, though the proportion of flowering plants and flowering intensity was greatest at planting dates close to the longest day and at temperatures of 25-26 degrees C. This might suggest that flowering behaviour in clone TDr 99-9 is controlled by photothermal responses.
Mediterranean landscapes comprise a complex mosaic of different habitats that vary in the diversity of their floral communities, pollinator communities and pollination services. Using the Greek Island of Lesvos as a model system, we assess the biodiversity value of six common habitats and measure ecosystemic 'health' using pollen grain deposition in three core flowering plants as a measure of pollination services. Three fire-driven habitats were assessed: freshly burnt areas, fully regenerated pine forests and intermediate age scrub; in addition we examined oak woodlands, actively managed olive groves and groves that had been abandoned from agriculture. Oak woodlands, pine forests and managed olive groves had the highest diversity of bees. The habitat characteristics responsible for structuring bee communities were: floral diversity, floral abundance, nectar energy availability and the variety of nectar resources present. Pollination services in two of our plant species, which were pollinated by a limited sub-set of the pollinator community, indicated that pollination levels were highest in the burnt and mature pine habitats. The third species, which was open to all flower visitors, indicated that oak woodlands had the highest levels of pollination from generalist species. Pollination was always more effective in managed olive groves than in abandoned groves. However, the two most common species of bee, the honeybee and a bumblebee, were not the primary pollinators within these habitats. We conclude that the three habitats of greatest overall value for plant-pollinator communities and provision of the healthiest pollination services are pine forests, oak woodland and managed olive groves. We indicate how the highest value habitats may be maintained in a complex landscape to safeguard and enhance pollination function within these habitats and potentially in adjoining agricultural areas. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Globally, plant-pollinator communities are subject to a diverse array of perturbations and in many temperate and semi-arid systems fire is a dominant structuring force. We present a novel and highly integrated approach, which quantifies, in parallel, the response to fire of pollinator communities, floral communities and floral reward structure. Mt Carmel, Israel is a recognised bee-flower biodiversity hotspot, and using a chronosequence of habitats with differing post-fire ages, we follow the changes in plant-pollinator community organisation from immediately following a burn until full regeneration of vegetation. Initially, fire has a catastrophic effect on these communities, however, recovery is rapid with a peak in diversity of both flowers and bees in the first 2 years post-fire, followed by a steady decline over the next 50 years. The regeneration of floral communities is closely matched by that of their principal pollinators. At the community level we quantify, per unit area of habitat, key parameters of nectar and pollen forage known to be of importance in structuring pollinator communities. Nectar Volume, nectar water content, nectar concentration and the diversity of nectar foraging niches are all greatest immediately following fire with a steady decrease as regeneration proceeds. Temporal changes in energy availability for nectar, pollen, total energy (nectar + pollen) and relative importance of pollen to nectar energy show a similar general decline with site age, however, the pattern is less clear owing to the highly patchy distribution of floral resources. Changes in floral reward structure reflect the general shift from annuals (generally low-reward open access flowers) to perennials (mostly high-reward and restricted access flowers) as post-fire regeneration ensues. The impact of fire on floral communities and their associated rewards have clear implications for pollinator community structure and we discuss this and the role of other disturbance factors on these systems.
Increased agricultural intensification has led to well-documented declines in the fauna and flora associated with intensive grasslands in the UK. We aimed to quantify the effectiveness of different field margin management strategies for putting bumblebee and butterfly biodiversity back into intensive grasslands. Using four intensive livestock farms in south-west England, we manipulated conventional management practices (addition of inorganic fertilizer, cutting frequency and height, and aftermath grazing) to generate seven grass-based treatments along a gradient of decreasing management intensity. We also tested two more interventionist treatments which introduced sown components into the sward: (i) a cereal, grass and legume mix, and (ii) a diverse conservation mix with kale, mixed cereals, linseed and legumes. These crop mixtures were intended to provide forage and structural resources for pollinators but were not intended to have agronomic value as livestock feed. Using a replicated block design, we monitored bumblebee and butterfly responses in 27 plots (10 x 50 m) in each farm from 2003 to 2006. Bumblebees were most abundant, species-rich and diverse in the sown treatments and virtually absent from the grass-based treatments. The diverse conservation mix treatment supported larger and more diverse bumblebee assemblages than the cereal, grass and legume mix treatment. The sown treatments, and the most extensively managed grass-based treatments, had the highest abundance, species richness and diversity of adult butterflies, whereas butterfly larvae were only found in the grass-based treatments. Bumblebee and butterfly assemblage structure was driven by floral abundance, floral richness, the availability of nectar resources, and sward structure. Only vegetation cover was correlated with butterfly larval abundance. Synthesis and applications. This study has identified management options in the margins of intensive grasslands which can enhance bumblebee and butterfly biodiversity. Extensification of conventional grass management by stopping fertilization, reducing cutting frequency and not grazing, benefits butterflies. However, to enhance bumblebees requires a more interventionist approach in the form of sowing flower-rich habitat. Both approaches are potentially suitable for adoption in agri-environment schemes in the UK and Europe.
The diversity of social bees was assessed at 15 sites across five locations of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, Western Ghats, India, from January to December 2007. We also conducted floristic analyses of local vegetation in each site using one-hectare sample plots. All woody species with a dbh (diameter at breast height) : 30 cm were recorded within the plots. A total area of 9.72 ha was assessed for floristic composition. Similarity of floristic composition between sites was determined using the Jaccard's distance measure and a dendrogram constructed based on the hierarchical clustering of floristic dissimilarities between sites. A Bee Importance Index (BII) was developed to give a measure of the bee diversity at each site. This index was a sum of the species richness of bee species in a site and their visitation frequencies to flowers, calculated as mean flower visits hour 1 within 2 focal patches within one hectare plots. The visits of bee species to flowers were also recorded. The Jaccard distance measure indicated that the montane sites were quite dissimilar to the low elevation sites in floristic diversity. The BII was 7-9 for the wet forest sites and ranged from 4-6 for drier forest sites. Seventy three plant species were identified as social bee plants and of them 45% were visited by one species of bee, 37% by two bee species and 18% by more than two bee species, indicating a certain degree of floral specialization among bees.
The main aims of this study were to assess grazing impacts on bee communities in fragmented mediterranean shrubland (phrygana) and woodland habitats that also experience frequent wildfires, and to explain the mechanisms by which these impacts occur. Fieldwork was carried out in 1999 and 2000 on Mount Carmel, in northern Israel, a known hot-spot for bee diversity. Habitats with a range of post-burn ages and varying intensities of cattle grazing were surveyed by transect recording, grazing levels, and the diversity and abundance of both flowers and bees were measured. The species richness of both bees and flowers were highest at moderate to high grazing intensities, and path-analysis indicated that the effects of both grazing and fire on bee diversity were mediated mainly through changes in flower diversity, herb flowers being more important than shrubs. The abundance of bees increased with intensified grazing pressure even at the highest levels surveyed. Surprisingly though, changes in bee abundance at high grazing levels were not caused directly by changes in flower cover. The variation in bee abundance may have been due to higher numbers of solitary bees from the family Halictidae in grazed sites, where compacted ground (nesting resource) and composites (forage resource) were abundant. The effects of grazing on plants were clearest in the intermediate-aged sites, where cattle inhibited the growth of some of the dominant shrubs, creating or maintaining more open patches where light-demanding herbs could grow, thus allowing a diverse flora to develop. Overall, bee communities benefit from a relatively high level of grazing in phrygana. Although bee and flower diversity may decrease under very heavy grazing, the present levels of grazing on Mount Carmel appear to have only beneficial effects on the bee community.
Declining biodiversity in agro-ecosystems, caused by intensification of production or expansion of monocultures, is associated with the emergence of agricultural pests. Understanding how land-use and management control crop-associated biodiversity is, therefore, one of the key steps towards the prediction and maintenance of natural pest-control. Here we report on relationships between land-use variables and arthropod community attributes (for example, species diversity, abundance and guild structure) across a diversification gradient in a rice-dominated landscape in the Mekong delta, Vietnam. We show that rice habitats contained the most diverse arthropod communities, compared with other uncultivated and cultivated land-use types. In addition, arthropod species density and Simpson's diversity in flower, vegetable and fruit habitats was positively related to rice cover in the local landscape. However, across the landscape as a whole, reduction in heterogeneity and the amount of uncultivated cover was associated, generally, with a loss of diversity. Furthermore, arthropod species density in tillering and flowering stages of rice was positively related to crop and vegetation richness, respectively, in the local landscape. Differential effects on feeding guilds were also observed in rice-associated communities with the proportional abundance of predators increasing and the proportional abundance of detritivores decreasing with increased landscape rice cover. Thus, we identify a range of rather complex, sometimes contradictory patterns concerning the impact of rice cover and landscape heterogeneity on arthropod community attributes. Importantly, we conclude that that land-use change associated with expansion of monoculture rice need not automatically impact diversity and functioning of the arthropod community.