1000 resultados para Cornel potential


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Neural activity across the brain shows both spatial and temporal correlations at multiple scales, and understanding these correlations is a key step toward understanding cortical processing. Correlation in the local field potential (LFP) recorded from two brain areas is often characterized by computing the coherence, which is generally taken to reflect the degree of phase consistency across trials between two sites. Coherence, however, depends on two factors-phase consistency as well as amplitude covariation across trials-but the spatial structure of amplitude correlations across sites and its contribution to coherence are not well characterized. We recorded LFP from an array of microelectrodes chronically implanted in the primary visual cortex of monkeys and studied correlations in amplitude across electrodes as a function of interelectrode distance. We found that amplitude correlations showed a similar trend as coherence as a function of frequency and interelectrode distance. Importantly, even when phases were completely randomized between two electrodes, amplitude correlations introduced significant coherence. To quantify the contributions of phase consistency and amplitude correlations to coherence, we simulated pairs of sinusoids with varying phase consistency and amplitude correlations. These simulations confirmed that amplitude correlations can significantly bias coherence measurements, resulting in either over-or underestimation of true phase coherence. Our results highlight the importance of accounting for the correlations in amplitude while using coherence to study phase relationships across sites and frequencies.


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Nanomaterials with enzyme-like properties has attracted significant interest, although limited information is available on their biological activities in cells. Here we show that V2O5 nanowires (Vn) functionally mimic the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase by using cellular glutathione. Although bulk V2O5 is known to be toxic to the cells, the property is altered when converted into a nanomaterial form. The Vn nanozymes readily internalize into mammalian cells of multiple origin (kidney, neuronal, prostate, cervical) and exhibit robust enzyme-like activity by scavenging the reactive oxygen species when challenged against intrinsic and extrinsic oxidative stress. The Vn nanozymes fully restore the redox balance without perturbing the cellular antioxidant defense, thus providing an important cytoprotection for biomolecules against harmful oxidative damage. Based on our findings, we envision that biocompatible Vn nanowires can provide future therapeutic potential to prevent ageing, cardiac disorders and several neurological conditions, including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.


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This work investigates the potential of graphene oxide-cobalt ferrite nanoparticle (GO-CoFe2O4) composite as image contrast enhancing material in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). In the preset work, GO-CoFe2O4 composites were produced by a two-step synthesis process. In the first step, graphene oxide (GO) was synthesized, and in the second step CoFe2O4 nanoparticles were synthesized in a reaction mixture containing GO to yield graphene GO-CoFe2O4 composite. Proton relaxivity value obtained from the composite was 361 mM(-1)s(-1). This value of proton relaxivity is higher than a majority of reported relaxivity values obtained using several ferrite based contrast agents.


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While considered as sustainable and low-cost agricultural amendments, the impacts of organic fertilizers on downstream aquatic microbial communities remain poorly documented. We investigated the quantity and quality of the dissolved organic matter leaching from agricultural soil amended with compost, vermicompost or biochar and assessed their effects on lake microbial communities, in terms of viral and bacterial abundances, community structure and metabolic potential. The addition of compost and vermicompost significantly increased the amount of dissolved organic carbon in the leachate compared with soil alone. Leachates from these additions, either with or without biochar, were highly bioavailable to aquatic microbial communities, although reducing the metabolic potential of the community and harbouring more specific communities. Although not affecting bacterial richness or taxonomic distributions, the specific addition of biochar affected the original lake bacterial communities, resulting in a strongly different community. This could be partly explained by viral burst and converging bacterial abundances throughout the samples. These results underline the necessity to include off-site impacts of agricultural amendments when considering their cascading effect on downstream aquatic ecosystems.


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An increase in the hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channel conductance reduces input resistance, whereas the consequent increase in the inward h current depolarizes the membrane. This results in a delicate and unique conductance-current balance triggered by the expression of HCN channels. In this study, we employ experimentally constrained, morphologically realistic, conductance-based models of hippocampal neurons to explore certain aspects of this conductance-current balance. First, we found that the inclusion of an experimentally determined gradient in A-type K+ conductance, but not in M-type K+ conductance, tilts the HCN conductance-current balance heavily in favor of conductance, thereby exerting an overall restorative influence on neural excitability. Next, motivated by the well-established modulation of neuronal excitability by synaptically driven high-conductance states observed under in vivo conditions, we inserted thousands of excitatory and inhibitory synapses with different somatodendritic distributions. We measured the efficacy of HCN channels, independently and in conjunction with other channels, in altering resting membrane potential (RMP) and input resistance (R-in) when the neuron received randomized or rhythmic synaptic bombardments through variable numbers of synaptic inputs. We found that the impact of HCN channels on average RMP, R in, firing frequency, and peak-to-peak voltage response was severely weakened under high-conductance states, with the impinging synaptic drive playing a dominant role in regulating these measurements. Our results suggest that the debate on the role of HCN channels in altering excitability should encompass physiological and pathophysiological neuronal states under in vivo conditions and the spatiotemporal interactions of HCN channels with other channels.


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Redox signaling plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1). The majority of HIV redox research relies on measuring redox stress using invasive technologies, which are unreliable and do not provide information about the contributions of subcellular compartments. A major technological leap emerges from the development of genetically encoded redox-sensitive green fluorescent proteins (roGFPs), which provide sensitive and compartment-specific insights into redox homeostasis. Here, we exploited a roGFP-based specific bioprobe of glutathione redox potential (E-GSH; Grx1-roGFP2) and measured subcellular changes in E-GSH during various phases of HIV-1 infection using U1 monocytic cells (latently infected U937 cells with HIV-1). We show that although U937 and U1 cells demonstrate significantly reduced cytosolic and mitochondrial E-GSH (approximately -310 mV), active viral replication induces substantial oxidative stress (E-GSH more than -240 mV). Furthermore, exposure to a physiologically relevant oxidant, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), induces significant deviations in subcellular E-GSH between U937 and U1, which distinctly modulates susceptibility to apoptosis. Using Grx1-roGFP2, we demonstrate that a marginal increase of about similar to 25 mV in E-GSH is sufficient to switch HIV-1 from latency to reactivation, raising the possibility of purging HIV-1 by redox modulators without triggering detrimental changes in cellular physiology. Importantly, we show that bioactive lipids synthesized by clinical drug-resistant isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis reactivate HIV-1 through modulation of intracellular E-GSH. Finally, the expression analysis of U1 and patient peripheral blood mononuclear cells demonstrated a major recalibration of cellular redox homeostatic pathways during persistence and active replication of HIV.


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We report on the first chemical syntheses and structureactivity analyses of the cyclic lipopeptide battacin which revealed that conjugation of a shorter fatty acid, 4-methyl-hexanoic acid, and linearization of the peptide sequence improves antibacterial activity and reduces hemolysis of mouse blood cells. This surprising finding of higher potency in linear lipopeptides than their cyclic counterparts is economically beneficial. This novel lipopeptide was membrane lytic and exhibited antibiofilm activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and, for the first time, Pseudomonas syringe pv. actinidiae. The peptide was unstructured in aqueous buffer and dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine-polymerized diacetylene vesicles, with 12% helicity induced in 50% v/v of trifluoroethanol. Our results indicate that a well-defined secondary structure is not essential for the observed antibacterial activity of this novel lipopeptide. A truncated pentapeptide conjugated to 4-methyl hexanoic acid, having similar potency against Gram negative and Gram positive pathogens was identified through alanine scanning.


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An iterative image reconstruction technique employing B-Spline potential function in a Bayesian framework is proposed for fluorescence microscopy images. B-splines are piecewise polynomials with smooth transition, compact support and are the shortest polynomial splines. Incorporation of the B-spline potential function in the maximum-a-posteriori reconstruction technique resulted in improved contrast, enhanced resolution and substantial background reduction. The proposed technique is validated on simulated data as well as on the images acquired from fluorescence microscopes (widefield, confocal laser scanning fluorescence and super-resolution 4Pi microscopy). A comparative study of the proposed technique with the state-of-art maximum likelihood (ML) and maximum-a-posteriori (MAP) with quadratic potential function shows its superiority over the others. B-Spline MAP technique can find applications in several imaging modalities of fluorescence microscopy like selective plane illumination microscopy, localization microscopy and STED. (C) 2015 Author(s).


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Nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) inside cells can be selectively inhibited by 5,6-bis-(benzylideneamino)-2-mercaptopyrimidin-4-ol (SCR7) which possesses anticancer properties. The hydrophobicity of SCR7 decreases its bioavailability which is a major setback in the utilization of this compound as a therapeutic agent. In order to circumvent the drawback of SCR7, we prepared a polymer encapsulated form of SCR7. The physical interaction of SCR7 and Pluronic (R) copolymer is evident from different analytical techniques. The in vitro cytotoxicity of the drug formulations is established using the MTT assay.


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Boswellia papyrifera and Boswellia carterii released from smoke contaminate indoor environment and consequently adversely affect humans as evidenced by respiratory disturbances. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of these plants on pathological and biochemical changes in vas deferens of albino rats. Animals were administered 4g/kg body weight B. papyrifera and B. carterii daily for 120days along with controls. Significant changes were observed in epithelial cell types and some cells showed signs of degeneration. The ultrastructural studies revealed marked changes in cytoplasmic organelles. Microvilli were missing and lysosomes were found in the cytoplasm. In addition, all treated groups plasma fructose and other biochemical parameters were decreased indicating reduced energy necessary for motility and contractility of spermatozoa. Many spermatozoa were disorganized and agglomerated. Data suggest that smoke from these plants adversely affects vas deferens.


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New N'-2-oxo-1,2-dihydro-3H-indol-3-ylidene]benzohydrazide derivatives were synthesized and evaluated for their cytotoxic properties against murine leukemia, L1210, human leukemia, REH and K562, human T-cell leukemia, CEM and human cervix carcinoma, HeLa cells. Among the tested compounds, the 3,4,5-trimethoxy-N'-5-methyl-2-oxo-1,2-dihydro-3H-indol-3-ylidene]ben zohydrazide derivative (5t) emerged as the most potent inhibitor against all the tumor cell lines evaluated. To investigate the mechanism of action, 5t was further studied by cell cycle analysis, mitochondrial membrane potential analysis, DNA fragmentation and Annexin V-FITC flow cytometric analysis, which suggested that 5t was able to induce apoptosis at submicromolar range.


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We use Floquet theory to study the maximum value of the stroboscopic group velocity in a one-dimensional tight-binding model subjected to an on-site staggered potential varying sinusoidally in time. The results obtained by numerically diagonalizing the Floquet operator are analyzed using a variety of analytical schemes. In the low-frequency limit we use adiabatic theory, while in the high-frequency limit the Magnus expansion of the Floquet Hamiltonian turns out to be appropriate. When the magnitude of the staggered potential is much greater or much less than the hopping, we use degenerate Floquet perturbation theory; we find that dynamical localization occurs in the former case when the maximum group velocity vanishes. Finally, starting from an ``engineered'' initial state where the particles (taken to be hard-core bosons) are localized in one part of the chain, we demonstrate that the existence of a maximum stroboscopic group velocity manifests in a light-cone-like spreading of the particles in real space.


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A critical unmet need for treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) is to find novel therapies that are efficacious, safe, and shorten the duration of treatment. Drug discovery approaches for TB primarily target essential genes of the pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) but novel strategies such as host-directed therapies and nonmicrobicidal targets are necessary to bring about a paradigm shift in treatment. Drugs targeting the host pathways and nonmicrobicidal proteins can be used only in conjunction with existing drugs as adjunct therapies. Significantly, host-directed adjunct therapies have the potential to decrease duration of treatment, as they are less prone to drug resistance, target the immune responses, and act via novel mechanism of action. Recent advances in targeting host-pathogen interactions have implicated pathways such as eicosanoid regulation and angiogenesis. Furthermore, several approved drugs such as metformin and verapamil have been identified that appear suitable for repurposing for the treatment of TB. These findings and the challenges in the area of host- and/or pathogen-directed adjunct therapies and their implications for TB therapy are discussed.


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In this paper we derive an approach for the effective utilization of thermodynamic data in phase-field simulations. While the most widely used methodology for multi-component alloys is following the work by Eiken et al. (2006), wherein, an extrapolative scheme is utilized in conjunction with the TQ interface for deriving the driving force for phase transformation, a corresponding simplistic method based on the formulation of a parabolic free-energy model incorporating all the thermodynamics has been laid out for binary alloys in the work by Folch and Plapp (2005). In the following, we extend this latter approach for multi-component alloys in the framework of the grand-potential formalism. The coupling is applied for the case of the binary eutectic solidification in the Cr-Ni alloy and two-phase solidification in the ternary eutectic alloy (Al-Cr-Ni). A thermodynamic justification entails the basis of the formulation and places it in context of the bigger picture of Integrated Computational Materials Engineering. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.