813 resultados para Anthropic disturbance
Ce mémoire porte sur la représentation de la fureur dans la tragédie en musique "Roland" de Philippe Quinault et Jean-Baptiste Lully, créée en 1685. Il cherche à préciser, dans une perspective historique et rhétorique, les moyens littéraires, musicaux et scéniques par lesquels sont rendus les excès du personnage furieux sur la scène classique du second XVIIe siècle. Le premier chapitre vise à rassembler les figures mythiques de la fureur dans une perspective d’ordre historique, des origines antiques aux diverses reprises dramatiques du répertoire français, en passant par la célèbre épopée de l’Orlando furioso, rappelant ainsi les bases de la topique de la fureur. Il s’intéresse également au développement d’une esthétique de la fureur propre au genre dramatique, ainsi qu’à son rapport au sublime, idéal d’expression classique. Guidé par la question de la représentation et de ses effets sur le spectateur, le second chapitre propose une analyse rhétorique de la scène de fureur dans Roland. L’étude de cette scène en fonction des différentes parties de la rhétorique – inventio, dispositio, elocutio et actio – démontre qu’une dynamique de contraste et d’alternance entre force et douceur se situe au cœur de la rhétorique du dérèglement qui conduit les représentations de la fureur.
Réalisé en cotutelle avec le laboratoire M2S de Rennes 2
Problématique : La littérature scientifique ne contient actuellement aucune étude épidémiologique portant sur la relation entre l’exposition à une infestation de punaises de lit (Cimex lectularis) et la santé mentale. L’objectif de cette étude est d’explorer la relation entre le statut d’exposition aux punaises de lit et des mesures de dépression, anxiété et perturbation du sommeil. Méthodes : Cette recherche est une étude transversale basée sur une analyse secondaire des données provenant de N=91 adultes locataires de logements insalubres qui ont répondu à un questionnaire de santé au moment d’interventions médico-environnementales menées par la direction de santé publique de Montréal entre janvier et juin 2010. Le questionnaire de santé inclut le « Questionnaire de santé du patient (QSP-9) », qui est un outil mesurant les symptômes associés à la dépression, l’outil de dépistage d’anxiété généralisée (GAD-7) et les items 1-18 de l’indice de la qualité du sommeil de Pittsburgh (PSQI). L’association entre une exposition autorapportée à une infestation de punaises de lit et le niveau de perturbation du sommeil selon la sous-échelle correspondante du PSQI, les symptômes dépressifs selon le QSP-9 et les symptômes anxieux selon le GAD-7, a été évaluée en utilisant une analyse de régression linéaire multivariée. Des données descriptives relatives aux troubles de sommeil autodéclarés et à des comportements reliés à un isolement social, dus à une exposition aux punaises de lit, sont aussi présentées. Résultats : L’échantillon comprenait 38 hommes et 53 femmes. Parmi les 91 participants, 49 adultes ont signalé une exposition aux punaises de lit et de ce nombre, 53,06% (26/49) ont déclaré des troubles de sommeil et 46,94% (23/49) des comportements d’isolement social, en raison de l’exposition. Les adultes exposés à des punaises de lit ont obtenu des résultats significativement plus élevés sur le QSP-9 (p=0,025), le GAD-7 (p=0,026) et sur la sous-échelle mesurant la perturbation du sommeil (p=0,003) comparativement à ceux qui n’étaient pas exposés. Conclusions : Cette première étude exploratoire met en évidence une association significative entre l’état d’exposition aux punaises de lit et des troubles de sommeil, ainsi que des symptômes anxieux et dépressifs, indiquant que ceux qui sont exposés aux punaises de lit représentent un groupe possiblement à risque de développer des problèmes de santé mentale. Ces résultats viennent en appui aux initiatives des décideurs pour organiser des efforts coordonnés d’éradication au niveau des villes et des provinces.
Réalisé en cotutelle avec L'École des hautes études en sciences sociales de Paris
Ce mémoire visait à comprendre la dynamique temporelle et les patrons floristiques actuels de deux tourbières du sud-ouest du Québec (Small et Large Tea Field) et à identifier les facteurs anthropiques, environnementaux et spatiaux sous-jacents. Pour répondre aux objectifs, des inventaires floristiques anciens (1985) ont d’abord été comparés à des inventaires récents (2012) puis les patrons actuels et les facteurs sous-jacents ont été identifiés à l’aide d’analyses multi-variables. Mes résultats montrent d’abord qu’un boisement important s’est produit au cours des 30 dernières années dans les tourbières à l’étude, probablement en lien avec le drainage des terres agricoles avoisinantes, diminuant la hauteur de la nappe phréatique. Simultanément, les sphaignes ont proliférées dans le centre des sites s’expliquant par une recolonisation des secteurs ayant brûlés en 1983. D’autre part, mes analyses ont montré que les patrons floristiques actuels étaient surtout liés aux variables environnementales (pH et conductivité de l’eau, épaisseur des dépôts), bien que la variance associée aux activités humaines était aussi significative, notamment dans la tourbière Large (18.6%). Les patrons floristiques ainsi que les variables environnementales et anthropiques explicatives étaient aussi fortement structurés dans l’espace, notamment selon un gradient bordure-centre. Enfin, la diversité béta actuelle était surtout liée à la présence d’espèces non-tourbicoles ou exotiques. Globalement, cette étude a montré que les perturbations humaines passées et actuelles avaient un impact important sur la dynamique et la distribution de la végétation des tourbières Small et Large Tea Field.
Problématique : L’édentement et les troubles du sommeil sont des affections chroniques fréquentes chez les personnes âgées et qui peuvent avoir des conséquences défavorables sur le bien-être de ces personnes, ainsi que sur leur qualité de vie. L’édentement pourrait perturber le sommeil par la modification de la structure crânio-faciale et des tissus mous environnants. Cependant, cette relation n'est pas suffisamment documenté. Objectifs : Le but de cette étude pilote était de préparer la mise en œuvre d’une étude clinique randomisée contrôlée concernant l’effet du port nocturne des prothèses complètes sur la qualité du sommeil. Méthodologie : Treize aînés édentés ont participé à cette étude clinique randomisée contrôlée de type croisé. L’intervention consistait à dormir avec ou sans les prothèses durant la nuit. Les participants à l'étude ont été assignés à porter et ne pas porter leurs prothèses dans des ordres alternatifs pour des périodes de 30 jours. La qualité du sommeil a été évaluée par la polysomnographie portable et le questionnaire Pittburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Les données supplémentaires incluent la somnolence diurne, évaluée par le questionnaire Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), et la qualité de vie liée à la santé buccodentaire, évaluée par le questionnaire Oral Health Impact Profile 20 (OHIP-20). De plus, à travers les examens cliniques et radiologiques, les données des caractéristiques sociodémographiques, de la morphologie oropharyngée, des caractéristiques buccodentaires et des prothèses ont été recueillies. Les modèles de régression linéaire pour les mesures répétées ont été utilisés pour analyser les résultats. Résultats : L’étude de faisabilité a atteint un taux de recrutement à l’étude de 59,1% et un taux de suivi de 100%. Le port nocturne des prothèses dentaires augmentait l’index d'apnée-hypopnée (IAH) et le score PSQI par rapport au non port nocturne des prothèses : (IAH : Médiane = 20,9 (1,3 - 84,7) versus 11,2 (1,9 - 69,6), p = 0,237; le score PSQI : Médiane = 6,0 (3,0 - 11,0) versus 5,0 (1,0 - 11,0), p = 0,248). Cependant, ces différences n'étaient pas statistiquement significatives, sauf que pour le temps moyen d’apnée (plus long avec des prothèses) (p < 0,005) et le temps de ronflement relatif (moins élevé avec des prothèses) (p < 0,05). La somnolence diurne excessive et la qualité de vie liée à la santé buccodentaire étaient semblables pour les deux interventions (le score ESS : Médiane = 4,0 (3,0-10,0) versus 5,0 (2,0-10,0), p = 0,746; le score OHIP-20: Médiane = 31,0 (20,0-64,0) versus 27,0 (20,0-49,0), p = 0,670). L’impact néfaste du port nocturne des prothèses complètes sur le sommeil a été statistiquement significatif chez les personnes souffrant de l’apnée-hypopnée moyenne à sévère (p < 0,005). Conclusion : L’essai clinique pilote a montré que le port nocturne des prothèses complètes a un impact négatif sur la qualité du sommeil des gens âgés édentés, surtout chez les personnes avec l’apnée obstructive du sommeil modérée à sévère. Les résultats doivent être confirmés par l’étude clinique randomisée contrôlée de phase II.
The brain stems (13S) of streptozotocin (STZ)-diabetic rats were studied lo see the changes in neurotransmitter content and their receptor regulation. The norepinephrine (NE) content determined in the diabetic brain stems did ^ control. an E showed la while PI turnover hri content increased significantly compared N^r eNveFa o the recep significant increase. The alpha2 adrenergic receptor IneP utisoulinntreat d ratsetheNE contentt dec^ sled was significantly reduced during diabetes. in versedcto reanorm sed ulcrea e tK reatment the state. while EPI content remained increased as in die diabetic B,, for a]pha2 adrenergic receptors slw^nificantly while Unlabelled clonidine inhibited [31-I]NE binding in BS of control, diabetic and insulin treated ulations bindi diabetic rats showed that alpha2 adrenergicre^ punks cojnidiabetic animal the ligand bound sites with Hill slopes significantly away from unity. weaker to the low affinity site than in controls. Insulin treatment reversed[ this allumbmn to control levels. The displacement analysis using (-)-epinephrine age in control and diabetic animals revealed two populations of receptor affinidtyo=tat ss. In control animals, when GTP analogue added with epinephrine, the curve nagnlde caofnfitnroit yS model; but in the diabetic BS this effect `not aobserved. In bintact oth the diabetic data thus showlthat the effects of monovalent cations on affinity alphaz adrenergic receptors have a reduced affinity v due in stem ialtered Itscppeomson(5- regulation. The serotonin (5-HT) coat hydroxy) tryptophan (5-HTP) showed an increase and its breakdown metabolite (5-hydroxy) indoleacetic acid (5-I{IAA) showed a significant decrease. This showed that in serotonergic which l nerves there is a disturbance in both synthetic and breankduomwnbers pretma'med ana increased 5-HT. The high affinity serotonin receptor um ese serotonerg decrease in the receptor affinity. The insulin ^treatmentsturtiy showsha decreased serotonergic receptor kinetic parameters to control level. receptor function. These changes in adrenergic and serotonergic receptor function were suggested to be important in insulin function during STZ diabetes.
Kinetic parameters of brain glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) were compared in the brain stem, cerebellum and cerebral cortex of three weeks and one year old streptozotocin (STZ) induced four day diabetic rats with respective controls. A single intrafemoral dose of STZ (60mg/Kg body weight) was administered to induce diabetes in both age groups. After four days the blood glucose levels showed a significant increase in the diabetic animals of both age groups compared with the respective controls. The increase in blood glucose was significant in one year old compared to the three weeks old diabetic rats. The Vmm of the enzyme was decreased in all the brain regions studied, of the three weeks old diabetic rats without any significant change in the Km. In the adult the Vmax of GDH was increased in cerebellum and brain stem but was unchanged in the cerebral cortex. The K. was unchanged in cerebellum and cerebral cortex but was increased in the brain stem. These results suggest there may be an important regulatory role of the glutamate pathway in brain neural network disturbances and neuronal degeneration in diabetes as a function of age.
The aim of the present study is to understand the characteristics and properties of different wave modes and the vertical circulation pattern in the troposphere and lower stratosphere over Indian region using data obtained from the Indian Mesosphere-Stratosphere Troposphere (MST) radar, National Center for Environmental Prediction/National Centres of Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysed data and radiosonde observations.Studies on the vertical motion in monsoon Hadley circulation are carried out and the results are discussed . From the analysis of MST radar data, an overall picture of vertical motion of air over Indian region is explained and noted that there exists sinking motion both during winter and summer. Besides, the study shows that there is an anomalous northerly wind in the troposphere over the southern peninsular region during southwest monsoon season.The outcome of the study on intrusion of mid-latitude upper tropospheric trough and associated synoptic-scale vertical velocity over the tropical Indian latitudes are reported and discussed . It shows that there is interaction between north Indian latitudes and tropical easterly region, when there is an eastward movement of Western Disturbance across the country. It explains the strengthening of westerlies and a change of winter westerlies into easterlies in the tropical troposphere and lower stratosphere. The divergence field computed over the MST radar station shows intensification in the downward motion in association with the synoptic systems of the northwest Indian region.
Bottom trawling is one among the most destructive human induced physical disturbances inflicted to seabed and its living communities. The bottom trawls are designed to tow along the sea floor, which on its operation indiscriminately smashes everything on their way crushing, killing, burying and exposing to predators the benthic fauna. Bottom trawling causes physical and biological damages that are irreversible, extensive and long lasting. The commercial trawling fleet of India consists of 29,241 small and medium-fishing boats. The northwest coast of India has the largest fishing fleet consisting of 23,618 mechanized vessels, especially the bottom trawlers. However, attempts were not made to study the impact of bottom trawling along Northwest coast of India. The estimated optimum fleet size of Gujarat is 1,473 mechanised trawlers while 7402 commercial trawlers are operated from the coast of Gujarat. Veraval port was designed initially for 1,200 fishing trawlers but 2793 trawlers are being operated from this port making it the largest trawler port of Gujarat. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of bottom trawling on the substratum and the associated benthic communities of commercial trawling grounds of Veraval coast. The study compared the differences between the samples collected before and after experimental trawling to detect the impacts of bottom trawling. Attempts were made to assess the possible impact of bottom trawling on:(i) the sediment characteristics (ii)the sediment heavy metals (iii) epifauna (iv) macrobenthos and (v) meiobenthos. This study is expected to generate information on trawling impacts of the studied area that will help in better management of the biological diversity and integrity of the benthic fauna off Veraval coast. An exhaustive review on the studies conducted around the world and in India on impact of bottom trawling on the benthic fauna is also detailed.In the present study, the bottom trawling induced variations on sediment organic matter, epifauna, macrobenthos and meiobenthos were evident. It was also observed that the seasonal/ natural variations were more prominent masking the trawling effect on sediment texture and heavy metals. Enforcement of control of excess bottom trawlers and popularization of semi pelagic trawls designed to operate a little distance above the sea bottom for off bottom resources will minimize disturbance on the sea bottom. Training and creating awareness in responsible fishing should be made mandatory requirements, to the coastal communities. They should be made wardens to protect the valuable resources for the benefit of sustainability. To protect the biodiversity and ecosystem health, the imminent need is to survey and make catalogue, identification of sensitive areas or hot spots and to adopt management strategies for the conservation and biodiversity protection of benthic fauna. The present study is a pioneering work carried out along Veraval coast. This thesis will provide a major fillip to the studies on impact of bottom trawling on the benthic fauna along the coast of India.
The present study aims at surveying the coral lagoons of four islands viz. Kavarathi, Kalpeni, Kadmat and Agathi, which include quantitative survey of the major benthic forms using Line Intercept Transect (LIT) technique and hydrographical study of these lagoon waters The distribution of PHC in the lagoons has also been followed to understand, the effects of introduction of flat bottomed ferry boats to the islands.From a biological monitoring stand point for the assessment of manmade disturbance of the coral reefs, it IS highly essential to identify faunal assemblages which will contain 'flag-stones' specIes as indicators of such disturbances. Among the known faunal assemblages In coral reefs the most diverse groups of sensitive species belongs to bryozoan assemblage. Therefore, the most common species of bryozoans distributed along the atolls and reef flats were collected and described in this work Along with this, bryozoans associated with coral from other parts of Indian ocean have also been added so as to provide a comprehensive picture of the distribution of bryozoans in the coral reefs.
Tsunamis are water waves generated by a sudden vertical displacement of the water surface. They are waves generated in the ocean by the disturbance associated with seismic activity, under sea volcanic eruptions, submarine landslides, nuclear explosion or meteorite impacts with the ocean. These waves are generated in the ocean and travel into coastal bays, gulfs, estuaries and rivers. These waves travel as gravity waves with a velocity dependent on water depth. The term tsunami is Japanese and means harbour (tsu) and wave (nami). It has been named so because such waves often develop resonant phenomena in harbours after offshore earthquakes.
The base concept from which the entire research problem emerged is as follows: Lack of spatial planning and effective development management system lead to urban sprawl with non-optimal density of population to support urban infrastructure on the one side causing a lesser quality of life in urban areas. On the other side it causes loss of productivity of natural ecosystems and agricultural areas due to disturbance to the ecosystems. Planned compact high density development with compatible mixed land use can go a long way in achieving environmental efficiency of development management system.
There are a large number of agronomic-ecological interactions that occur in a world with increasing levels of CO2, higher temperatures and a more variable climate. Climate change and the associated severe problems will alter soil microbial populations and diversity. Soils supply many atmospheric green house gases by performing as sources or sinks. The most important of these gases include CH4, CO2 and N2O. Most of the green house gases production and consumption processes in soil are probably due to microorganisms. There is strong inquisitiveness to store carbon (C) in soils to balance global climate change. Microorganisms are vital to C sequestration by mediating putrefaction and controlling the paneling of plant residue-C between CO2 respiration losses or storage in semi-permanent soil-C pools. Microbial population groups and utility can be manipulated or distorted in the course of disturbance and C inputs to either support or edge the retention of C. Fungi play a significant role in decomposition and appear to produce organic matter that is more recalcitrant and favor long-term C storage and thus are key functional group to focus on in developing C sequestration systems. Plant residue chemistry can influence microbial communities and C loss or flow into soil C pools. Therefore, as research takings to maximize C sequestration for agricultural and forest ecosystems - moreover plant biomass production, similar studies should be conducted on microbial communities that considers the environmental situations
For the theoretical investigation of local phenomena (adsorption at surfaces, defects or impurities within a crystal, etc.) one can assume that the effects caused by the local disturbance are only limited to the neighbouring particles. With this model, that is well-known as cluster-approximation, an infinite system can be simulated by a much smaller segment of the surface (Cluster). The size of this segment varies strongly for different systems. Calculations to the convergence of bond distance and binding energy of an adsorbed aluminum atom on an Al(100)-surface showed that more than 100 atoms are necessary to get a sufficient description of surface properties. However with a full-quantummechanical approach these system sizes cannot be calculated because of the effort in computer memory and processor speed. Therefore we developed an embedding procedure for the simulation of surfaces and solids, where the whole system is partitioned in several parts which itsself are treated differently: the internal part (cluster), which is located near the place of the adsorbate, is calculated completely self-consistently and is embedded into an environment, whereas the influence of the environment on the cluster enters as an additional, external potential to the relativistic Kohn-Sham-equations. The basis of the procedure represents the density functional theory. However this means that the choice of the electronic density of the environment constitutes the quality of the embedding procedure. The environment density was modelled in three different ways: atomic densities; of a large prepended calculation without embedding transferred densities; bulk-densities (copied). The embedding procedure was tested on the atomic adsorptions of 'Al on Al(100) and Cu on Cu(100). The result was that if the environment is choices appropriately for the Al-system one needs only 9 embedded atoms to reproduce the results of exact slab-calculations. For the Cu-system first calculations without embedding procedures were accomplished, with the result that already 60 atoms are sufficient as a surface-cluster. Using the embedding procedure the same values with only 25 atoms were obtained. This means a substantial improvement if one takes into consideration that the calculation time increased cubically with the number of atoms. With the embedding method Infinite systems can be treated by molecular methods. Additionally the program code was extended by the possibility to make molecular-dynamic simulations. Now it is possible apart from the past calculations of fixed cores to investigate also structures of small clusters and surfaces. A first application we made with the adsorption of Cu on Cu(100). We calculated the relaxed positions of the atoms that were located close to the adsorption site and afterwards made the full-quantummechanical calculation of this system. We did that procedure for different distances to the surface. Thus a realistic adsorption process could be examined for the first time. It should be remarked that when doing the Cu reference-calculations (without embedding) we begun to parallelize the entire program code. Only because of this aspect the investigations for the 100 atomic Cu surface-clusters were possible. Due to the good efficiency of both the parallelization and the developed embedding procedure we will be able to apply the combination in future. This will help to work on more these areas it will be possible to bring in results of full-relativistic molecular calculations, what will be very interesting especially for the regime of heavy systems.