942 resultados para Anestesia por condução


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The Multilateral Trading System has evolved and presented new international mandatory rules to States. Along with the World Trade Organization constitutive treaty, Brazil has incorporated the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (ASCM) in the national legal system. That treaty limits de scope of subsidies concession by governments since this practice can constitute a mechanism of commercial disloyalty, affecting national industrial development in the importing country. At the same time, the multilateral agreement grants defense legitimate instruments to States, among them the possibility of domestically and unilaterally imposing countervailing measures to subsidized products that enter the national territory. Since the issue concerns both international and domestic level in complementary grounds, this research, besides investigating the treaty related obligation, aims at studying the national legal fundaments to ASCM s application by the Brazilian State. Therefore, the essential point resides in the State s conduction of its international trading and also in its available and constitutionally established mechanisms of economic intervention. State s regulating power reveals itself as a fundamental prerogative to succeed in the internalization of international agreement s requirements in the domestic legal system, which represents a basic prerequisite to the implementation of countervailing measures. Once the whole normative outlines are apprehended, this study shall scan the administrative process of trading defense main elements, along with the means of controlling public administration acts. The action taken by the public organs that directly intervene in foreign trade shall be analyzed as well, so as to enable reasoning if the unilateral application of countervailing duties by the Brazilian State is happening on legitimacy grounds


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Avaliou-se o uso da acepromazina como pré-tratamento à associação de tiletamina/zolazepam. Para tanto, utilizaram-se 20 animais da espécie canina, machos e fêmeas, adultos, hígidos, divididos em 2 grupos de igual número. O grupo 1 (controle) foi pré-tratado com 0,1 ml/kg de solução salina a 0,9 % e o grupo 2 com 0,2 mg/kg de acepromazina, ambos por via intravenosa. Decorridos 20 minutos, todos os animais receberam, pela mesma via, 10 mg/kg da associação tiletamina/zolazepam. Imediatamente antes da medicação pré-anestésica (M1), antes da aplicação da associação (M2) e aos 15, 30, 45 e 60 minutos após a administração da tiletamina/zolazepam, realizou-se mensuração de: freqüência cardíaca (FC); pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), diastólica (PAD) e média (PAM); débito (DC) e índice cardíaco (IC); volume sistólico (VS); eletrocardiograma (ECG); freqüência respiratória (FR); CO2 ao final da expiração (ETCO2); saturação da oxiemoglobina (SpO2); e temperatura retal (T0). Observou-se estabilidade cardiovascular, miorrelaxamento e aumento do período hábil anestésico com o uso da acepromazina na medicação pré-anestésica. O tratamento estatístco dos valores numéricos pela análise de perfil mostrou que a acepromazina diminuiu a FR; entretanto, a SpO2 e ETCO2 não sofreram alterações estatisticamente significativas, permitindo concluir que o emprego da fenotiazina apresenta vantagens sobre o uso isolado da associação tiletamina/zolazepam, em cães.


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Em eqüinos, as enterotomias no cólon descendente são necessárias para remover enterólitos, corpos estranhos e material alimentar compactado que não podem ser removidos por técnicas conservativas. Este segmento intestinal possui um suprimento sangüíneo pobre, além de predisposição a complicações pós-operatórias relacionadas à contaminação bacteriana. Assim, este estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de efetuar avaliações clínicas e anatomopatológicas do emprego de adesivo tecidual à base de cianoacrilato no cólon descendente de eqüinos, comparando-o a uma técnica de sutura aposicional convencional. A intervenção cirúrgica foi realizada em 15 animais posicionados em decúbito lateral direito, através de laparotomia pelo flanco esquerdo, sob anestesia geral inalatória. Após a exteriorização do cólon descendente, foram realizadas duas enterotomias de cinco centímetros de extensão cada, distanciadas 20cm uma da outra. Os animais foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em cinco tempos de observação de três animais cada e sacrificados aos três, sete, 14, 35 e 70 dias de pós-operatório. O adesivo butil-2-cianoacrilato e o fio de poliglactina 910 mostraram-se igualmente apropriados para uso em enterorrafias desse órgão, sendo que o fio de poliglactina 910 provocou inflamação inicial mais intensa que o cianoacrilato e, mais tardiamente, ambos causaram inflamação granulomatosa do tipo corpo estranho observada, primeiramente, junto ao fio de poliglactina 910 (7º dia) e, a partir do 35º dia, ao redor do cianoacrilato.


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In complex federal systems as that found in Brazil, which provides simultaneous attributions to of the Union, States and Cities in many aspects, the definition of performance limits of each of these entities, in procedural or material aspect, generates many (positive and/or negative) competence conflicts, bringing insecurity to general administered. Environmental licensing is one of the most important instruments of environmental management, seeking the realization of the fundamental right to an ecologically balanced and sustainable development. Despite its importance, the environmental licensing has not been more effective due the conflict related to the authority to regulate regardind environmental law. This essay will analyze the structure of competence distribution for conducting the environmental licensing processes, the conflict between laws, the performance of the municipal environmental agencies, the cooperation between the licensing agencies and the future about the additional regulatory law of article 23 of Federal Constitution


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Com este estudo objetivou-se avaliar, comparativamente, os efeitos de três anestésicos inalatórios sobre variáveis respiratórias e hemogasométricas em cães. Para tal, utilizaram-se 30 cães sadios, adultos, machos e fêmeas evitando-se aquelas em estro ou em gestação. Os animais foram separados e protocolados em três grupos de 10 cães cada (G1, G2 e G3). Induziu-se a anestesia geral com administração intravenosa de propofol, na dose de 10±1,3 mg/kg. em seguida procedeu-se à intubação orotraqueal e anestesia geral inalatória pelo desfluorano (G1), sevofluorano (G2) e isofluorano (G3), diluídos em oxigênio a 100,00%, por meio de circuito anestésico tipo semi-fechado, dotado de vaporizadores calibrados para cada agente anestésico. As variáveis estudadas foram Freqüência Respiratória, CO2 ao Final da Expiração, Saturação de Oxihemoglobina, Volume Corrente, Volume Minuto, Pressão Parcial Arterial de O2, Pressão Parcial Arterial de CO2, Excesso de Bases e pH. A avaliação estatística destas variáveis foi realizada pela Análise de Perfil, sendo considerado o nível de significância de 5,00%. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que o desfluorano deprime o sistema respiratório aumentando a pressão parcial arterial de CO2 e o CO2 ao final da expiração; e diminuindo a pressão parcial arterial de O2 e o volume minuto, quando comparado com os outros anestésicos em teste.


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The period post-war promoted several changes in relations economic, political and social world. Since then, a new division international of labor has delineated, with the great growth of Asian countries. In the field of international relations, the world still appears to transition is not completed because the old institutions were not replaced by new ones and the power of the United States as a major capitalist country remains unshaken, even with the emergence and strengthening of new economic global blocs. With globalization, Brazil emerges with more intensity in the face of new issues global, although its share in transactions trade global hasn‟t changed accordingly. In this sense, the objective of this dissertation is to examine, in a descriptive and critical the development of international relations and trade of Brazil and Rio Grande do Norte with the main blocs in the world from 1999 to 2008. As a secondary objective: to identify the assumptions theoretical that underpinned the decisions governments of the FHC and Lula, in particular, the interference of these terms in international relations and foreign trade. Adopted as the procedure methodological the literature review of the subject, as well as collection and processing of the data of foreign trade. During the Cardoso government has undergone the substantial growth in imports, as part of the economic policy of anti-inflationary, generating large deficits trade. From the first to the second term, with the inflection of exchange rate policy the country has resumed surpluses trade. The choice of government of the autonomy participation increased the relative share of the traditional blocks in total foreign trade and reduced the share of MERCOSUL. In the Lula government, there is the maintenance of some elements of the economic policy of the previous government and the partial shift in the conduct of foreign policy, with the option of autonomy through diversification, raising its stake on the blocks and other emerging countries in total foreign trade Brazilian and reducing the contribution of the traditional blocks such as NAFTA and the European Union. A trend observed in the previous government and deepened in the Lula government was the growth in commodity exports and the decline of manufactured products, confirming the model of conservative insertion of Brazilian exports. The Rio Grande do Norte followed the trend Brazilian in the growth of foreign trade, including in participating conservative, given that the products exported by the state are basically coming from horticulture irrigated and agribusiness. However, in the aspect of destination export, the state followed trajectory distinct from that in the Lula government, with the deepening of trade relations with traditional blocks, especially with the European Union and NAFTA


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The plot myth-techno-logic, contemporary, was developed starting from the dualism myth-reason. In this study, we deepened the alluded dualism taking as reference the historical contexts of the Renaissance and of the Enlightenment, emphasizing the discussion of the economical rationalization as conductive thread of the western development, in which we identified the game of the rational and of the irrational, for assure the superiority of the reason. In the context of that game, we analyzed the implications of the modernization, for the education, in function of the instrumental rationality, responsible for the environment of adaptation of the technological instruments to the scenery of the contemporary modernization. The new context is constituted by points of union and of ruptures among the technique, the science and the myth. Through our analysis, we noticed that the basic needs for the contemporary society were linked to the changes in the production means, for which the machine determine the rhythm of the work and the quality of the product. However, the changes in the productive processes promoted the appearance of the commercial marks that, as we see it, they represented the synthesis of the perfect harmony of the myth, of the technique, of the science and of the technology, in the conduction of the economical rationalization to the contemporary modernization. Thus, the contemporary modernization it arrives us for the economical rationalization, developed with the support of the technician-scientific knowledge and communicated by the articulations of the myth-techno-logical


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Foram conduzidos doi experimentos na UNESP/Jaboticabal, em casa-de-vegetação, com o objetivo de avaliar-se a toxicidade de diferentes herbicidas, aplicados em pós-emergênica, às plantas de alfafa. No primeiro, utilizou-se de um delineamento experimental com parcelas inteiramente casualizadas para avaliar-se os efeitos fitotóxicos dos seguintes herbicidas: MSMA, clethodim + óleo mineral, lactofen, fluazifop-pbutil, fomesafen + óleo mineral haloxyfop-methyl + óleo mineral, fenoxaprop-ethyl, chlorimuronethyl, halosulfuron + óleo mineral, nicosulfuron, acifluorfen, imazethapyr, bentazon + óleo mineral e cyanazine + simazine, todos em só dose. Foram feitas avaliações da fitotoxicidade por meio de notas, atribuídas visualmente, em função dos sintomas constatados nas plantas. A altura das plantas e o peso da matéria seca da parte área foram avaliadas no período de desenvolvimento inicial e após a primeira rebrota. No segundo experimento foi seguido mesmo esquema de instalação e condução do anterior, após escolherse os herbicidas e doses, sendo eles, o MSMA, chlorimuron-ethyl, imazethapyr, bentazon + óleo mineral, clethodim, clethodim + óleo mineral e bentazon + MSMA. Os herbicidas mais seletivos às plantas de alfafa foram haloxyfop-methyl, fluazifop-p-butil, fenoxaprop-ethyl, MSMA, imazethapyr, bentazon e clethodim isolado e adicionado de óleo mineral).


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Célestin Freinet was one of the most memorable educators of the twentieth century. He presented some educational alternatives that had the objective of stimulating the construction of pedagogic actions to promote the social development of the student based upon a work centered on the free expression as the way to self-structure the knowledge. With a permanent proposal of research based on the enquiry-based learning, Freinet set human capacity (cognitive, social-affective, psychometrical) taking cooperation in consideration on the processes of knowledge construction. Based on this referential, this present work has the objective to show Freinet s pedagogy in a continuous teaching action from 2nd to 5th grade focusing the teacher s discourse and also the educative practice of the students of a city public school in Natal. The observed work revealed the teacher s discourse and educative experience and delineated the students development while immersed into Freinet s educational practice. By virtue of the nature and specificity of the theme that guided our research, we chose a qualitative approach to it, as a way of conducting ourselves during our investigative process. We observed and analyzed the method that was used to conduct the activities in the classroom, as well as the ways of expression that the children used through drawings, words (oral text), or through writing. We highlight, among the written texts, the individual and collective texts, and also letters and notes, which during some moments served as a base to express a diversity of languages. The results, after a analyzing the research data, point towards a teaching practice that favors the construction of a significant learning process through the grasping of the school environment, on which all these factors are based: society, knowledge acquisition, abilities, attitudes and values. This learning process also strengthens human solidarity bonds and mutual tolerance, on which the student s social life is seated.


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Avaliou-se o efeito dos inseticidas endossulfam e deltametrina sobre a formiga predadora Azteca chartifex spiriti For., em cultivo do cacaueiro no Sudeste da Bahia, conforme padronização da International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control (IOBC), West Palaearctic Regional Section (WPRS), com algumas modificações. Os testes foram: a) contato; b) pulverização direta; c) persistência. Nos testes de contato, operárias foram expostas a um filme fresco e seco dos inseticidas, aplicado sobre cristalizadores. Nos testes de aspersão, as formigas foram diretamente pulverizadas com os agroquímicos às concentrações recomendadas para o controle de tripes e percevejos. Os insetos foram mantidos a 25±2°C, 65±10% UR e fotofase de 12h. A sobrevivência foi avaliada após 24h e a intervalos variáveis de tempo. Nos testes de persistência, as operárias foram confinadas em cristalizadores e expostas ao contato com folhas de cacaueiro tratadas previamente no campo, sob as mesmas condições controladas. Desenvolveram-se experimentos a um, três, seis, 10, 18 e 32 dias após a aplicação (DAA). Deltametrina foi considerado seletivo nos testes de contato e pulverização direta, não sendo necessária a condução dos testes de persistência em folhas para este inseticida. Endossulfam foi altamente tóxico nos testes de contato e pulverização direta, entretanto, apresentou-se levemente persistente no terceiro teste. A análise conjunta dos três tipos de testes sugere que ambos os inseticidas são seletivos para a espécie benéfica, podendo ser recomendadosem Programas de MIP em agroecossistema cacaueiro. A metodologia proposta pela IOBC/WPRS possibilita estabilidade dos resultados, permitindo sua adaptação e utilização para o fim proposto.


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Estudos relacionados com tabelas de vida são fundamentais para o entendimento da dinâmica populacional de insetos. Neste trabalho, a espécie Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) foi estudada durante a primavera, verão, outono e inverno por meio de tabelas de vida de fertilidade, visando-se avaliar a influência da temperatura sobre sua dinâmica populacional. Para a condução dos experimentos, os pulgões foram mantidos em pequenas gaiolas fixadas em folhas de couve, Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC. Os parâmetros das tabelas de vida, estimados na escala de tempo em graus-dia, evidenciaram que B. brassicae apresentou maior sobrevivência nas condiç ões térmicas de outono e inverno, o mesmo ocorrendo com sua fecundidade quando as fêmeas foram submetidas às temperaturas da primavera. As elevadas temperaturas registradas no verão influenciaram adversamente a dinâmica populacional de B. brassicae, pois afetaram negativamente seu desenvolvimento, sobrevivência, longevidade e reprodução.


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Foi atendida, no Hospital Veterinário Governador Laudo Natel da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinária - UNESP - Campus de Jaboticabal, uma onça (Panthera onca) apresentando quadro de piometrite com cérvix fechada, confirmado através de radiografia abdominal. O animal foi submetido a ovarioisterectomia por celiotomia na linha mediana, sob anestesia dissociativa com manutenção através de anestesia geral inalatória. O pós-operatório foi baseado em curativos locais e antibioticoterapia, sendo a recuperação rápida, em torno de 10 dias.


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As a result of the prediction of irreversible changes on necessary conditions to maintain life, including human, on the planet, environmental education got the spotlight in the political scenario, due to social pressure for the development of individual and collective values, knowledge, skills, attitudes and competences towards environmental preservation. In Brazil, only in 1999 the right for environmental education was officially granted to people, having the status of essential and permanent component in the country s education. Since then, it has been Government s duty, in each federal branch, to plan actions to make it happen, in an articulate way in all levels and modalities of the education process, both formally and informally. This work of research has environmental education in the school as subject matter, and aims on analyzing social and political mediations established between this National Environmental Education policy and the contexts associated to the legislative production process, the political nature of the conceptions about environmental education that underlie Law 9.795/99 (Brazil, 2009c) and also Rio Grande do Norte Government s actions and omissions related to the imperative nature of the insertion of environmental education in the schools ran by the state, during the ten years this law has been in force. The investigation of the subject matter was led by a social and historical understanding of the social and environmental phenomena, as well as of the education system as a whole, considering that only through a dialectical view we can see the real world, by destroying the pseudo-concreteness that surrounds the topic. While analyzing, we assumed that in face of the dominance of a social organization in which market regulations rule on environmental ones, by developing individual and collective critical conscience, environmental education can become a threat to dominant economical interests in exploiting natural resources. The results of this research suggest that as an educational practice to be developed in an integrated, continuous and permanent fashion in all levels and modalities of formal education, environmental education has not yet come to pass in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, due to the neglect and disrespect of the government when facing the need of promoting the necessary and legally appointed measures to make it present in the basic education provided by the state. The legislators silence when it comes to approving a regulation on environmental education essential to define policies, rules and criteria to teaching the subject in the state and the omission from the public administration regarding critical actions in order to integrate in public schools the activities related to the National Environmental Education Policy, represent a political decision for not doing anything, despite the legal demand for an active position. This neglecting attitude for the actualizing of strategically concrete actions, urgent and properly planned for the implementation of environmental education in schools in a multidisciplinary way, exposes the lack of interest the predominant classes have in such kind of education being made available, as it could be developed based on a critic political view, becoming a political and educational action against dominance. When analyzing the basic principles and fundamental goals in Law 9.795/99 (Brazil, 2009c) the development of a critic environmental education is really possible and concurs with the National Environmental Education Policy, reflecting the social and political mediations established between this public policy and the contexts associated to its legislative production process, which are responsible for approving a regulation which also represents the mind of the people about environmental protection above anything else


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Foram avaliados os efeitos do propofol associado ao sufentanil sobre o balanço das atividades simpática e parassimpática do coração, investigando-se um possível efeito dose dependente do opióide. Analisou-se a variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca (VFC) de 12 cães adultos pré-medicados com maleato de acepromazina e anestesiados com propofol e três doses diferentes de sufentanil, que variou de 0,025 a 0,1µg/kg/min. Registrou-se o eletrocardiograma 15 minutos após a medicação pré-anestésica e 15, 30, 60, 90 e 120 minutos após a indução anestésica. A VFC foi calculada no domínio da freqüência, mediante análise de 10 intervalos RR consecutivos. Houve redução acentuada da freqüência cardíaca, mas a VFC permaneceu relativamente inalterada.


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Este estudio tiene por objeto investigar la política de democratización de la administración educativa de la consideración de los procesos socio-históricos que participaron en el programa de modernización de los paradigmas de administración, por la forma en que la política de descuentos y que se entiende por los sujetos dentro de la escuela. Se considera que la democracia defendida por la política de democratización de la educación por el neoliberalismo / gerencialismo, siendo el resultado de un acuerdo que aspira a dirigir la sociedad hegemónica, portador del gen, las diferentes concepciones de la democracia, por lo tanto, en su en el interior se colocan en posición, los elementos conceptuales de los diferentes proyectos de la sociedad. Por lo tanto, vamos a ver cómo, en el Estado Dom Escuela Nivaldo Monte, esta política se (re) significado y transformado por los sujetos, incluyendo las diferentes formas que se delinean en la dimensión de la democracia, autonomía, participación y representación. Aborda el tema de estudio en vista del materialismo histórico y dialéctico, por lo que consideramos que es posible examinar el objeto en sus fronteras, pero no de manera fragmentada o enajenados o la mediación de la determinación del capital económico, político, cultural y simbólica de la sociabilidad la globalización, para superar los matices asignado a estructuralista metodología de diseño teórico adoptado, usado, en el entendimiento de que considera que la macro y micro estructuras están formadas por una relación de complementariedad entre los procesos micro y macro. Entre nuestras conclusiones parciales, que argumentan que la gestión democrática y la gestión de la administración son diferentes formas de administración, antagónicos, aunque este efecto fue una especie de coincidencia, le distinguen: en primer lugar, si queremos apoyar la calidad de las escuelas públicas, y en segundo lugar que la organización de gestión crea las condiciones para la gestión democrática legal y legítimo, mientras que se establecen las condiciones que tanto impracticable y difícil como imposible y muy difícil de llevar a cabo la gestión de la administración que conduce a la conclusión de que, finalmente, la gestión democrática es imposible de llevarse a cabo por medio de la gerencia pública y la gerencia pública es imposible de llevarse a cabo por medio de la democracia. Sin embargo, la participación institucionalizada de la gerencia pública puede promover la extensión del control social sobre el estado y contribuir a la transformación social, que parece que está un reto difícil, pero no improbable, y es probable que se siga investigando.