774 resultados para Algorithmic art, privacy,sound art, social media, facebook
There are many possible ways to introduce social media or academic technologies such as Blackboard, Collaborate, ePortfolio (Digication), blogs, wikis, tests, quizzes, Chalktalk, podcasting, etc. and those are just the ones we use at BCC! What is the best way to introduce these into the classroom and into the distance learning environment? Good question, and discussing it in fifteen minutes will be a GREAT starting point!.
Sexism och könsdiskriminering är ämnen som idag exponeras mycket i media. De tar stor plats och bäddar för diskussion både i sociala medier och i verkligheten. Beträffande könsdiskriminering i reklam är det oftast fall där kvinnor är utsatta för stereotypisk porträttering och objektifiering som leder till en offentlig debatt, men de senaste åren har visat på att liknande fall för män ökar. Denna kvalitativa studie har som syfte att undersöka och kartlägga utförandet av könsdiskriminering i svenska annonser i en visuell innehållsanalys, för att sedan jämföra vad som särskiljer friade och fällda fall. Reklamombudsmannens kriterier för könsdiskriminerande reklam ligger till grund för bedömande av material, samt definiering av analysens kategorier. I både friade och fällda fall visade sig bildens utformning och de porträtterade personerna vara av högsta relevans och motiv för att anmäla eller döma en annons för könsdiskriminering. Resultatet visade på att förekomsten av objektifierande reklam uppmärksammas och fälls mer än schabloniserande reklam, samt att annonser som visade större exponering av hud inte nödvändigtvis var den som fälldes mest då flera av fallen visade en tydlig koppling till den marknadsförda produkten.
The virtual body: the self and the body in Swedish diary blogs There are no bodies on the internet and yet, there are bodies on the internet. This article deals with representations of the ‘virtually physical’ in personal weblogs. To examine the data drawn from 14 weblogs, a qualitative content analysis is made. The results show that the virtual body is widely present in these particular internet settings and that it is most commonly described as female. Moreover, the virtual body is to a large extent a fragmented body that one either takes control over or is controlled by.
Le travail actuel a été rédigé dans le but d’éclaircir en quoi consiste le rôle de l’image comme outil didactique aux cours de français aux collèges et aux lycées suédois. Nous avons abordé notre thème sous des perspectives différentes : d’un côté, nous avons analysé les images dans deux livres, puisque les manuels font souvent partie de chaque leçon de français ; de l’autre côté, nous avons fait un questionnaire que nous avons distribué aux professeurs à travers les médias sociaux et par email. Nous avons également étudié les données récoltées aux cours des entretiens avec trois professeurs de français au lycée suédois, pour savoir comment les professeurs intègrent des images dans la pratique. Selon les résultats de notre étude, il nous a été possible d’affirmer que l’image est un outil qui n’est pas omniprésent, mais qui est parfois utilisé afin de rendre les leçons plus variées. La photographie est le type d’image le plus répandu dans la pratique des professeurs et dans les manuels ; le format numérique est le plus fréquent en tenant en compte de la révolution technologique et de l’habitude des jeunes à travailler avec les ordinateurs. Cependant, l’image n’est pas un outil indépendant. Elle est très souvent complétée par d’autres outils didactiques et sert principalement à accompagner la lecture, à développer l’expression orale et le vocabulaire et aussi à illustrer des phénomènes culturels. En conclusion, il ressort de notre mémoire, qu’il est important que le professeur accompagne le travail avec des images avec des instructions et des commentaires, afin de rendre l’apprentissage plus efficace.
HydroShare is an online, collaborative system being developed for open sharing of hydrologic data and models. The goal of HydroShare is to enable scientists to easily discover and access hydrologic data and models, retrieve them to their desktop or perform analyses in a distributed computing environment that may include grid, cloud or high performance computing model instances as necessary. Scientists may also publish outcomes (data, results or models) into HydroShare, using the system as a collaboration platform for sharing data, models and analyses. HydroShare is expanding the data sharing capability of the CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System by broadening the classes of data accommodated, creating new capability to share models and model components, and taking advantage of emerging social media functionality to enhance information about and collaboration around hydrologic data and models. One of the fundamental concepts in HydroShare is that of a Resource. All content is represented using a Resource Data Model that separates system and science metadata and has elements common to all resources as well as elements specific to the types of resources HydroShare will support. These will include different data types used in the hydrology community and models and workflows that require metadata on execution functionality. The HydroShare web interface and social media functions are being developed using the Drupal content management system. A geospatial visualization and analysis component enables searching, visualizing, and analyzing geographic datasets. The integrated Rule-Oriented Data System (iRODS) is being used to manage federated data content and perform rule-based background actions on data and model resources, including parsing to generate metadata catalog information and the execution of models and workflows. This presentation will introduce the HydroShare functionality developed to date, describe key elements of the Resource Data Model and outline the roadmap for future development.
While greed isn't good, read is. But reading is taking a beating in this digital age. Can reading survive? If it can't, is there any hope for libraries?
In his February 18, 2015 interview with Michelle Dubert-Bellrichard, Gabriel Paxton shares the story of founding the grassroots organization Rock Hill for Equality. Included are his experiences as an ally in the Southeast and the partnerships he made to support Rock Hill for Equality. Paxton provides insight on this civil rights movement and speculates why the South is slow to change. This interview was conducted for inclusion into the Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections Oral History Program.
O jornal “O Globo” destacou, em editorial publicado na última terça-feira (27), os resultados da pesquisa “Mobilidade Urbana e Cidadania”, realizada pela FGV/DAPP e publicada na edição de domingo do periódico. Segundo “O Globo”, a insatisfação com serviços públicos revelada pelo estudo está na origem do sentimento de mudança na sociedade brasileira que tem sido detectada em uma série de pesquisas.
Em preparação para a Copa do Mundo, a Diretoria de Análise de Políticas Públicas da Fundação Getulio Vargas, em parceria com a Brandwatch, empresa líder em inteligência social, criou uma visualização especial para o torneio mais esperado com dados em tempo real e insights sobre vários tópicos. A ferramenta especial Mundial na Rede monitora tuítes em inglês e português oferecendo um grande panorama mundial do Twitter na Copa
Na estreia, quinta (12), a disputa entre Brasil e Croácia primeiramente dividiu atenções com os protestos que precederam a partida, realizada em São Paulo, mas após o início do jogo foi a Seleção Brasileira e o seu camisa 10 que passaram a concentrar as menções no Twitter. O resumo da primeira rodada da Copa do Mundo é o resultado do monitoramento realizado pelo Mundial na Rede, uma ferramenta de análise de rede lançada pela Diretoria de Análise de Políticas Públicas da Fundação Getulio Vargas em parceria com a empresa Brandwatch. O Mundial na Rede disponibilizará por um mês, 24 horas por dia, dados e insights atualizados em tempo real sobre o que se fala no Twitter sobre a Copa.
A primeira fase da Copa do Mundo no Brasil encerrou-se na última quinta-feira (26), tendo atraído grande atenção internacional. Até ontem, foram registradas cerca de 17 milhões de menções relacionadas ao torneio no Twitter no mundo inteiro, com média de mais de 1 milhão de "tuítes" por dia. Os principais destaques até o momento foram Neymar, astro da Seleção Brasileira e um dos artilheiros do Mundial com quatro gols, e Luis Suárez, artilheiro uruguaio que praticamente monopolizou as redes desde a terça-feira (25), após morder o italiano Giorgio Chiellini em partida válida pela terceira rodada da primeira fase.
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Retirado do Jornal O Globo. Cobertura feita pelo GloboNews.
A Diretoria de Análise de Políticas Públicas (FGV/DAPP) inaugurou dia 21 de agosto uma parceria com o canal GloboNews para o monitoramento de redes sociais sobre diversos temas de interesse público.
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