951 resultados para Administração municipal - Brasil
This study aims to understand how can the Ombudsman Office in the Central Bank of Brazil - the national monetary policy authority - contribute towards its interaction with society, especially regarding its customer service center. Social control over the government appears to be vital to the governments be responsive and pursue the public interest. The Ombudsman Office can be one instrument of social control. This research is a case study. The study presents the term ombudsman in the world and also its equivalent in Brazil - "ouvidor". Next, concepts related to public administration and accountability are approached. It was verified that the Ombudsman office can be effective in helping the social control of Central Bank of Brazil. Moreover, the Ombudsman Office brings a lot of valuable knowledge to this organization, mainly regarding its social role and its internal processes.
Since some years ago, the penitentiany systen of Rio de Janeiro is going through the nuest sendus administrative crisis,leading more and more to chaotic situations, over imagined before by homan being. Nowadays all the factors and components of the existing models are still medievaIs, and even distant fron the human needs. The daily life ofthe condemned is a sway betuen lack of hygiene, disrespect to homan rigts, lack of modem corrective practices and also, lack of psychological support. How, then can me demand from the state ( Govemment) the rehabilitation of the imprisoned and their preparation to face society if they are treated manny times as victins of this same society? This society impose a life style enjoyed only by a privileged social class which forget about then when sent to the darkness. Many of then, join the penitentary systen because of minor crimes, and when they serve their tem, um for funately they go back to prison accused for move violent crimes. The penitentian models haven't developed the same way the society where they worked at has. There, the present brazilian penitentiary model has showed obsolete and inefficient alone its principal mission ofrehabilitation and re - education ofthe imprisoned. Our main objetive will be the construction and analysis of the penitential administrative model, as being able to fullfill the necesity of the penitentiary administrator (Manager). Analy zing on a specific reasoning which focus showld not be that of the theories and isolated projects of the topic, we will develop a progran far form religions, judiciary on political technics by building na administrtive penitentiary model strictly professional where we coul a have a deep analysis of the topic. We will try to approach the aspects of organization existing to day inorder to understand them and criate, a model wich will adjust betten to the necesitives of this thesis.
Public Management has been faced with a challenge in improving quality of its services to atendent a citizen each day more concerned and self-conscient of his rights. One of major tools used abroad is strategic planning, although its has been designed for a private sector where the focus is profit its been used in the public sector for improving efficiency. Our focus was the Brazilian Navy, especially the Service-Deliver Military Organization (OMPS),who has been using strategic planning searching for continous improving of internal practices. Strategic planning, originated in Military field, has improved its use in the private sector, especially in United States, after the Second World War when it reached 85% of all american private industry. Some of the concepts and models of strategic planning are reviewed, including some criticism and questioning of its aplicability in the public sector, who, by the way, have serious limitations, like: 1) legal matters (separation of powers); 2) citizen dependency - actions are taken in a vote-profits bases; and 3) burocratic culture, including resistency for changes. Our primary target was to investigated the validity of the strategic planning tool in the Brazilian Navy, searching for define the profile and the comittment of all actors involved in the process, comparing teory and practice. The survey used in the search was individual and anonimous using Likert scale of four options, where each respondent shown his percepetion of the strategic planning used in each of the two investigated organizations All data are shown in the appendices and the results pointed for a non-coerency of the speech and pratice of strategic planning and its models in the analised organizations.
This study aimed to verify the type of Personnel Management adopted during the period between January 2005 and December 2008 at the Municipal General Attorney¿s Office (PGM-RJ) is compatible with the challenges of society and management people in the twenty-first century and why. To enable this conclusion, the means used were the research literature, documentary and field, through a process of self-ethnography. The literature review presented the evolutionary process and culture of public administration in Brazil, the new challenges of society and people management in the twenty-first century, the evolutionary process of managing people and its main approaches and models. The field research provided data wich related to them with the literature review, allowed to identify the predominant features of public administration and culture of PGM-RJ and the people management approaches identified. In addition, the study highlights that despite the effort in making changes and advances in the use of many different ideas of functionalist approach, the human resource practices adopted in the PGM-RJ during the period between January 2005 and December 2008 were not fully compatible with the challenges of society and people management in the twenty-first century.
For the last 20 years, the State - and consequently the services it provides - is being redefined from its objectives to its validity as a guiding instance of the citizens' destinies. This redefinition is pushed by a strong and generalized tendency that discuss its role and power in the new worldwide scenario, making the State to suggest the introduction of a methodology to update the public management and the revision of the State properties forms. In this context, stands out the necessity of the public services adaptation to the worldwide tendencies of global information and the reduction of the distance between citizens, governments and information. According to this conjecture, the Brazilian Public Administration, is now trying to establish a base of support in the modern information technology in order to develop the public policy and, consequently, provide services for the society. Based on this intention, IBGE introduced a project for electronic spread of data and information produced in the ambit of the Institution. The purpose of the presented dissertation is to answer the following central question: Does the IBGE project for electronic spread of information meet expectations of the students in the FGV/RJ (2002) Administration and Economy graduation courses, properly accomplishing the provision of a public service?
This thesis analyzes the governance in public institutions management, taking the Niteroi's Cityzenship Council as the reasearch object. In order to accomplish this goal, this thesis has been split into two parts. The first one introduces the discussion about management, manager's action and administration, differentiating the private approach from the public one. The characteristics of the public service and its models were defined, as they were incorporated in the last decades in parallel with the institutionalism and governance theories. In the second part a description is presented on the Brazilian's politician space construction, with emphasis in the cities and in the functioning of the public institutions according to the reality of the Brazilian's partisan system. The concept of accountability and the relation between repuplican powers were also discussed, followed by a case study. The analyses show the reality of the governance at the chamber of the councilmen of Niteroi in accordance with the methodology chosen to accomplishment the research. The conclusion points out the findings that were obtained during the research.
The theme of this dissertation is the quality in assistance and services rendered: a study on the satisfaction of the students from the Social Studies school. In a school, leader are supposed to always believe that the best form of attaining success derives from their performance in decentralizing activities, do away with barriers and help in the front line. This is the participative management. Students satisfaction is the goal. When the whole school community feels emotionally involved, success is assured, since all the educational segments are supposed to get together for achieving school success. When investment is made in the continued education of the school staff, such as the establishing a teaching of quality is sedimented. To have a school of quality in assistance and services rendered and, thereafter, to obtain favorable results, it is necessary for everyone to be aware of their roles, which is only possible through a cooperative effort on the part of the people forming the institution, with a commitment of the whole team: teaching, technical and administrative staff, as well as its external and internal clients, with values of excellence and relevance, which ought to be present in the whole of the educational effort. The four fundamental dimensions for a program of quality are: Planning to change; organizing to act; Acting to transform; Assessing to improve. In planning the institution establishes its objectives. In organizing it defines the structure for a more flexible action. In acting what has been established is implemented. In assessing it constantly improves the program of quality. To look for the students quality and satisfaction is the virtue of persistence is the doing right from the word go. To have a zeal and care in everything one does e for whom it is intended to, since to achieve the maximum in result with the least effort, reaching goal, objectives and finalities are everything the target population wishes.
A descentralização da Secretaria Municipal de Educação é um marco no Sistema Municipal de Educação da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Aproveitando sua experiência como participante do processo de descentralização, o autor disserta sobre as mudanças que foram implementadas, analisando se houve avanços em relação a participação do diretor de escola no processo decisório e também se houve aumento do seu poder discricionário. Foram realizadas entrevistas com professores e diretores de escola do Sistema Municipal de Ensino da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, para que, através de abordagem crítica, fosse possível estabelecer se existiram alterações significativas que proporcionassem a melhoria da qualidade de ensino.
The present work has as its basic purpose observing the principal administrative changes originated from the implementation of the Social Organization Project, inserted in the recent administrative reforms in Brazil, proposed from the Director Plan of the State Reform and approved by the National Congress in November of 1995. In the course of the text will be presented the main factors of the transformation from a bureaucratic public administration to a managerial public administration, specifically focusing the change from a Government Organization to a Social Organization. To reach the proposed objective, a case study of the Brazilian Association of Light Sincrotron Technology - ABTLuS, that represented the first Social Organization installed in Brazil, responsible for the management of the National Laboratory of Light Sincrotron - LNLS, under form of administration contract signed with Nationl Research Council - CNPq and Science and Technology Ministry - MCT. Initially, was developed the theoretical framework, based on the existent literature. Proceeding, field researches were realized in the cities of Campinas - SP, in Brasília - DF and in Rio de Janeiro - RJ. As a consequence of the accomplished work, it was possible to observe that the implementation of the SO administrative model brought more administrative flexibility for the qualified institution. This fact induced to gains of agility and efficiency, with more responsibilities, for the leaders as well as for the employees of ABTLuS. As for the other two important items consisted in the Director Plan, related with the cultural change (from bureaucratic to managerial) and with the social control (larger interaction in the relationship State-society), it is important to stand out the need of a larger time for evaluation, considering that the LNLS presents peculiar characteristics (subject approached in the work). The Social Organization ABTLuS counts with a little more than two years of administration contract, therefore the process is still in course.
O trabalho analisa a viabilidade de implementação de uma política pública na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro que leve em conta a descentralização municipal na área de Cultura O Brasil entra no Terceiro Milênio realizando a Reforma do Estado com reflexões de ações que estão sendo veiculadas no mundo inteiro. O fortalecimento do poder local apresenta-se como facilitador para a implementação de políticas públicas. A dinamização de uma política na área de Cultura baseada na descentralização municipal, visando à geração de maior emprego e renda nos bairros cariocas contribuirá, significativamente, para a redução de problemas sociais no Rio de Janeiro. No que tange à área Cultural, são propostas iniciativas inovadores que contemplem a realidade brasileira, valorizem talentos, reduzam custos supérfluos, proporcionem o incremento contínuo de público e platéia, disseminem cultura e o acesso popular à mesma. Devem ser modelos que contemplem as demandas das categorias profissionais afetadas às áreas de Arte e Cultura porém, o direcionamento de recursos públicos deve visar ao aumento do nível das comunidades da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O desenvolvimento de novos talentos ¿ de cunho popular ou erudito ¿ conjugado com a valorização de produtos culturais do folclore brasileiro e da arte popular devem ser permanentes estratégias da Política Cultural na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro.
A origem do comportamento orientado para a conquista de cargos públicos no Brasil remonta à formação dos primeiros povoados e vilas durante o período colonial. O nepotismo e o clientelismo político perpassam toda a história do País. Tendo como fio condutor o princípio republicano, buscou-se verificar até que ponto são os cargos em comissão utilizados no âmbito dos Municípios do Estado do Rio de Janeiro como estratégia para manter e atualizar práticas clientelísticas como o empreguismo e o nepotismo. A utilização de métodos e técnicas de análise documental e de conteúdo, em dispositivos legais produzidos pelos municípios estudados e em Relatórios de Inspeções Ordinárias neles realizadas pelo Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, permitiu não só o proceder de uma análise qualitativa como o uso de técnicas quantitativas e representações gráficas dos achados, possibilitando uma leitura mais amena àqueles que têm pouco contato com a matéria. Essa complementaridade de métodos permitiu depreender que as ações empreendidas pelos gestores públicos, no que tange à utilização da livre nomeação, encontram-se na contramão da prática da cidadania, do igualitarismo, do respeito ao servir público. A pesquisa atestou que a quase totalidade dos municípios estudados se utiliza dos cargos em comissão de forma totalmente avessa à prevista constitucionalmente, servindo tais cargos, na verdade, para dar ingresso no serviço público a pessoas das relações do administrador, não para assessorá-lo, mas para aumentar renda familiar, cumprir compromissos de campanha e, até mesmo, para, em troca de votos, exercerem funções que por suas características deveriam ser oferecidas em concurso a toda sociedade. O estudo sugere, ao fim, um conjunto de medidas, baseadas em critérios fundamentados em princípios científicos de gestão, visando à valorização do servidor público, à redução do grau de politização da direção da administração pública e da apropriação patrimonialista dos postos de trabalho, à aceleração da profissionalização das funções públicas e a restringir o livre provimento de cargos em comissão, bem como a impingir sanções, por improbidade administrativa, aos que as desrespeitarem. Em que pese à importância de medidas preventivas, orientadas para o desenvolvimento de uma postura no sentido de um autêntico servir público, a tendência à permissividade precisa ser urgentemente afastada.
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo el conocimiento a través de un estudio comparado de la política de desarrollo y valoración de los recursos humanos que han sido definidas desde la década de los treinta ( 30), en los gobiemos de Brasil y Colombia, determinando acciones que vienen siendo adoptadas en la actualidad, en su público-alvo, los funcionarios públicos civiles a nivel federal y nacional respectivamente, en la administración directa. Las organizaciones en general, particulares y gubemamentales, tienen la responsabilidad en fomentar el desarrollo de los recursos humanos. Existirá siempre la necesidad de esfuerzos creativos para que la profesionalización en todos los niveles, alcance las metas necesarias para su sólida afirmación, contribuyendo de ésta manera a acelerar el proceso de desarrollo, fundamental en la globalización que en la actualidad enfrentan todos éstos países. Para lograr éste objetivo, hemos hecho una descripción de las experiencias de reformas que éstos dos países vienen atravezando, con el objetivo de modernizar la administración pública, utilizando como instrumento para el respectivo análisis, una metodología cualitativa de identificación y cuestionamiento de las informaciones.
In the last years, there has been a strong tendency of transferring typical business management concepts and practices to the public administration, such as: efficiency, efficacy, effectiveness, economy, operational excellence, results and transparency. The limited offer of resources, as well as the growing demand for accountability, justifies that movement. In order to put the aforementioned concepts into operation, the public administration uses some mechanisms, among them cost management. This dissertation focuses on the use of cost management systems, based on an activity-based costing (ABC) method, by Brazilian public entities. The present analysis is conducted from the ABC system implemented in the Brazilian Central Bank (BACEN) - an indirect public administration autarchy - the main goal of this study is to examine its outcomes since the implementation of the system. The investigation went through three main questions: if the system is being used, if it is fulfilling the objectives sought and, finally, if it is providing the expected benefits. Semi-structured interviews were made with members of the institution; and, according to the assumptions and tools tailored for this study, the collected data were analysed qualitatively. Evidences indicate that information, when not manipulated in a systematic way, hinder not only the incorporation of the cost system to the routine, but also the achievement of the goals and benefits aimed with such implementation.
This is a master's degree dissertation that has for main objective analyzes the relationship among the areas of the knowledge, tourism and administration, under the optics of contributions in different instances, establishing analogies and reflections, tends as empiric field, the case of the municipal district of São Luís, in Maranhão State. It approaches the epistemology analysis of the tourist phenomenon discussing the employed speeches, faiths, myths, dependence, virtues and sins in the interpretation of the study. It points subjects related to the context of higher education in tourism, establishing connections with the management in a theoretical atmosphere, demonstrating the roads of evolution of the study, as well as, it permeates on analogies and reflections with tourism. It questions on the current scenery of degree courses in tourism, making connections with beginnings management studies. The proposed study, characterized as descriptive-explanatory of object, it bases on model Tourism Education Quality (TEDQUAL) near from objectives, to involve researches - documental and a field - accomplished in the years of 2005 and 2006. As sample for quotas, accomplished four universities, to presents results the expectations of analyzed subjects (students, profesionals, employers and educators) on the group of hypotheses. That spectrum of results makes possible reflections and proposed based in analysis on perspectives in superior tourism education. The research was limited the studied area and chosen sample it intends to be a tool to show the reality found in those courses, could address academic researches and practical actions developed by the education managers.
O objetivo da dissertação é investigar se o perfil dos gerentes do Banco Central apresenta características que possibilitem uma atuação condizente com os conceitos contemporâneos de gestão: maior flexibilização, descentralização das decisões, delegação, participação, críatividade, inovação, suscetibilidade a mudanças, racionalidade administrativa, investimento na valorízação do corpo funcional, compartilhando uma gerência mais dialógica/comunicativa; ou se ainda perduram os conceitos de uma gestão tradicionalista, weberíana, tais como: centralização, controle e apego ao tecnicismo, autoridade hierárquica, verticalização, impessoalidade, padronização de métodos e procedimentos. Para tanto foram realizadas pesqUIsas bibliográfica e documental de forma a embasar conceitualmente as relações entre a teoria e a prática gerencial no Banco Central. As características do perfil dos gerentes foram levantadas, via entrevistas, com o Presidente e Diretores, e por intermédio de questionários com os próprios gerentes e seus subordinados, o que nos levou a perceber a gestão do Banco sob três enfoques: Alta Administração, grupo gerencial e grupo operacional. Os resultados do estudo demonstram que apesar de os gerentes do Banco Central apresentarem uma tendência ao tradicionalismo, na visão dos subordinados, eles se percebem num momento de transição, coerente com a mudança de paradigma, absorvendo os novos conceitos da gestão contemporânea, posição avalizada pela Superior Administração.